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Realistic or Modern This is high school? {Always Accepting}


Stanley chewed his gum happily whenever a voice interrupted his thoughts and a small angry teenage girl came rushing over to him. ''Hey, I'm Stanley. Nice to meet you. ''He said, grinning widely at her with his famous grin, completely ignoring what she just said. Stanley did tend to act like an asshole sometimes but he quite good company once you got to know him. ''Well you do look very trashy so..'' Stanley challenged, his grin turning into cocky smirk. ''But you know, I'm sure you're a lovely person. '' @AmRosey

Ashley showed a soft smile towards Nolan, ''Nothing much. I've been in here all day trying to study but I somehow constantly get distracted!''She gave out in frustration. The thought of school work frustrated her. ''Enough about me. Yourself? How have you been?'' She questioned. @Tsiwentiio

He nodded his head. "You would be correct on that statement, I just say you wanna bet cause it sounds better than you wanna see or hear." Shrugging his shoulder, Dom started writing the notes when the teacher started writing on the board. @WhisperOnTheWind



"Okay" he said quickly as she left, he turned and went towards study hall, he wasn't really looking forward too it, at least he may be able to get a little more sleep in​




"Ohh same old same old" Nolan replied leaning back in the chair, "What do you have to study for" he said looking at her, Nolan was pretty good in most subjects. The two of them were friends so he had no problems helping her if she needed it​

Luiza slowly stands up, as she starts to walk towards one of the bookshelfs, looking for anything worth reading. She starts to hum.

Kayla was starting to get bored so she got up and started dancing in the hallway, she probably was gonna get in trouble she didn't care at this point. Next thing you know she was dancing around the school during students learning time and etc. @Anyone
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/img-thing.jpeg.9597978bae551f57c1829d7a5fd00321.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106300" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/img-thing.jpeg.9597978bae551f57c1829d7a5fd00321.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Naomi finished untangling the the earbuds and looked back up at Danny. She childishly grinned and counted on her fingers, "1... 2... 3... 4..." She bursted out in giggles, "Forever." Naomi ran her fingers through her hair, "I'm more of the school ghost I suppose." @iChaotic

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_mkvrj4Drpc1rq6ms3o1_400_large.gif.6d7709fdba1f29e5b756c995bafbe569.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106302" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_mkvrj4Drpc1rq6ms3o1_400_large.gif.6d7709fdba1f29e5b756c995bafbe569.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Austin raised his eyebrows and chuckled, "Yeah... I think I would know that." He said with a small grin on his face, "So, Elizabeth, what made you all of a sudden want to talk to me?"

He turned around around quickly and nodded his head at the brunette girl... Think her name is Angie. Anyway. He had a small smile on his face and then turned back around the to conversation he was having with Elizabeth. @Mariam @irl000

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_inline_mltmsecvWb1qz4rgp.png.5f4c8c4408731561f9be081afac034f4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106303" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_inline_mltmsecvWb1qz4rgp.png.5f4c8c4408731561f9be081afac034f4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Marabella headed to her English class.

Once she was in her English class she walked to her seat and poked Angie, "Hey Angie..." She leaned in and whispered in her ear. She grinned and then laughed, "Whats wrong? Jealous again?" @Mariam



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Luiza slowly decides to exit the library, as she heads to where she left her bag. She picks it up, and shyly looking around, exits it. She hears someone dancing, as she curiously approaches the noise.


Elizabeth brushed off the embarrassment as she usually does, seeing as he didn't seem to mind that much. ''I talk to everyone'' She tells him. Well, Elizabeth tries to talk to everyone which people tend to rub off as annoying which she doesn't mean to. Elizabeth noticed some brown haired girl staring over, so she glanced over and gave off a small smile. She didn't think much of it. She turned her attention back to Austin. ''Not saying you aren't special or anything, just I see you about a lot just'' @QueenOfDisaster
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"You literally just described the traits of a librarian." Ryan let his gaze drift over to Jada's eyes. Her lengthy eyelashes were fluttering open in a cute mannerism before staying uncovered for a couple more seconds.
Ryan, you're watching this girl blink... Get a hold of yourself!

As the two approached Jada's locker - which was identical to the others sitting beside it - Ryan dropped his arm from her shoulder. He could suddenly feel at a loss of heat and contact. He scratched the nape of his neck before listening to what the easily attractive girl had to say. "Go to history... Hmm." Ryan tapped his chin in thought as if it really was a debatable question to the mind. "The teacher's probably marked me in as "not here" already. There really isn't any point."

@Dylans Wife


Sasha raised her eyebrows in disbelief as she heard Stanley's snappy comeback. She ignored the boy's greeting as to him ignoring her's. "Did you just...?" But before the girl could finish off her sentence, her blood was boiling and her hand was already shooting out toward the collar of the boy's shirt. She pushed him back into the lockers so she was now standing in front of him. The musky smell of mint combined with smoke was hot in her nostrils and she honestly felt like punching the boy right there and then. But the fact that he was somewhat good-looking wasn't helping her temptation. "Trust me when I tell you that, calling a girl trashy is basically asking for a punch to the nose." The girl said this in a hushed tone so that only Stanley - and Stanley alone - could hear this.

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Stanley could sense the rage from her. He loved it. He did get some entertainment from pissing people off specially those who don't see it coming. ''Did I just wh-'' He was about to question whenever he felt his back hit against the locker. ''Feisty. I like it'' He chuckled, ignoring her threat. ''Darling, I've heard worst threats from more scarier people, nothing phases me'' Stanley honestly told her. She liked her attitude though. She stood up for herself instead of getting her jock boyfriend to come after me. ''Punch in the nose?'' He questioned, arching his brow as his smirk grew wider. ''A girl who is four foot nothing shouldn't say such threats'' He placed his hands over hers that were holding the collars of his shirt, pushing them off lightly before brushing his hands down his shirt as he fixed himself. @AmRosey

Jada Ivory


The dark haired girl turned her heels to face Ryan with a soft smile, damn is what all she thought. "The teacher's probably marked me in as "not here" already. There really isn't any point." He said dropping his hand from his chin. "Well, if class started then I'm not going anyways... There's no point. My father won't care anyways."

Jada spoke softly playing with a strand of hair before lifting the strand with her finger tucking it behind her ear. She leaned back up against the lockers with her small hands stretched to the straps. "Lets go, so we don't get caught by the a stupid teacher." She suggested grabbing his arm pulling him along the long hallway. There was a smile plastered along the pretty girls face while they walked down the hall. "Know any good restaurants?" She laughed, Jada just wanted to get out of here and hang with Ryan.


Angie could not believe what just happened she smiled and covered her face when marabella whispered in her ear. She removed her hands and turned to marabella "No, I'm Good" Angie lied but her relief was kinda gone when Austin had smiled at her, they made her day. @QueenOfDisaster

Kayla notice a girl she waves and smiles at her. As a crowd slowly began to grew Kayla was having fun


"Ooh, I can do the dance. Ready? Can You Guys See This? Get Footage Of It" Kayla explains before killing dab on em dance.




Laughing slightly at her outburst he turned to face the front. "It seems you're not familiar with me either, and honestly, I'm rather surprised. Being the partying type I thought you would know someone like me. Quite a lot of students know me at this school." Danny replied, with a hint of cockiness. He was overly confident and believed himself to be one of those most well known students simply because he was wealthy and very attractive in his opinion. @QueenOfDisaster
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Kayla Stopped dancing and walked to Luiza she smiled at her "Hey, Girl i'm Kayla" She greeted hugging her. Kayla is a friendly girl. @JJKab

Smirking, the was surprised that Jada was breaking the rules just for him. It'd showed that he had changed the girl from shy to a daredevil. He was a pretty bad influence, anyways. Following after the girl, Ryan could feel his fingers become entwined with her's. "I think there's a pizza place somewhere down the road. It'd be perfect for our first date." The boy teased.

@Dylans Wife


Her grip tightened on the boy as he referred to her as being "
feisty". The word was in fact, just disgusting if it was coming out of his mouth. However, it shortly loosened as Stanley brushed her grasp off of his shirt. "Didn't your mother ever tell you to not judge a person by their height?" Sasha crossed her arms over her chest before giving Stanley a hard-to-avoid glare. "And that was an inaccurate calculation."

''Is it not judge a book by its' cover?'' He questioned her quote. Stanley crossed his arms as he continued to listen to Sasha. ''Either way, threatening boys who are much too big for you isn't going to make you anymore attractive'' He told him. A small grin appearing on his face as he flirted side began to show, ''Not that you can't get anymore attractive'' He spoke softly, staring down at her with his hazel eyes. ''Hey, what's your name?''He questioned, realizing he was unaware of who she actually was. He never seen her around before, not that he is ever in school much. @AmRosey


Britt smiles as the man walks up to her, "I don't mind, honest, I get it a lot, it's my eyes. I'd much rather have you staring at me then anything else, and it didn't seem like you were undressing me with your eyes, so. Sit, chill, keep drawing, whatever makes you comfortable with my oddness. She smiles softly, warmly, even though her black eyes seem to stare into anyone's soul, she welcomes him to her little group of one.

"The names Brittany." She sets her phone down and picks up a piece of fruit with her long, black fingernails, "it's nice to meet you... uhh?"

Brittany stares at the man, her heart flutters as he gets closer to her, she keeps her cool.

(Mentiomed: @iChaotic )​
Tawny giggles quietly before frowning slightly. "Pockies?" She mumbles to herself before looking through her bag. "Didn't I win some off Pice?" She mutters before successfully finding the packet. "My brothers are kind of competitive and I give them bets they will most certain lose," she states with a small smirk, she shows him the packet in her left hand. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

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