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Fantasy They don't know us


sad bisexual owl
Agana POV
I kicked off my boots and walked inside my small apartment. I threw the mail on the kitchen table before walking over to the fridge. I opened it and was welcomed with an almost empty fridge. The two pizza slices and apple juice was today’s meal I guess. I took it out and put it on the table before sitting down by the table myself. I put one of the slices in my mouth as I grabbed todays mail and started looking through it. As usual it was bills, but the last one caught my attention.
The white envelope was all clean except the one word that was standing on the middle. I balled one of my fists. The word was my real name, Agana. After I splitted from Claire and Lucas I had gone under a false name, Caitlyn Bander. The only ones knowing my real name was the military, Claire and Lucas. Which meant this had to be someone from the military. Fuck, how did they find me so fast?
I took a huge bite of the slice as I opened the envelope.
Dear Agana.
We know who you really are. If you come to this address: xxxx at 23:00 pm the 12 August, we will reveal to you where Claire and Lucas are.

My eyes widened and I stood up in shock and surprise. Someone who knew the location of Claire and Lucas? I looked over at the clock which showed 9:32 pm. This address was almost at the other side of the town for fuck sake! I ate both slices and drank up the apple juice before heading for my room. I couldn’t show up with my work clothes either. I quickly stripped and stopped for a second to look at myself in the mirror. I slowly traced my dragon shells with my finger and felt my scar ache. I made a low tch sound and walked over to my ‘closet’ which basically was all my clothes in a big pile. I dragged out a black tight sweater without a hood and a matching pair of black pants. I put up my long hair into a ponytail and walked out of my room.
I put the letter in my back pocket before putting my boots back on. I grabbed my key and walked outside of the apartment and locked the door behind me. I slipped the key inside my sports bra and walked down the stairs and out of the building.
I started jogging. I hated summers, because everything got so much lighter all around. I usually could hide in a dark alley, use my wings to get up on a roof and travel fast across the city. But right now, I couldn’t because, well because summer was shit light.
I always cursed this body of mine. From the moment I was born to this day it has only given me suffering and pain. Of course, it was some good sides with it, like how I right now could run at a fast pace and I wasn’t even close to exhausted. I guess that’s what you get when you have the stamina of a dragon.
Even so, if I ran at top speed it would gain attention. That’s why I had to keep it down by making it look like I was jogging. I probably used about 30 minutes, I didn’t own a cell phone or even a wrist watch, so I usually guessed and looked around. I stopped to look at the dock warehouse which was where the address was. The front door was wide open, but I wasn’t stupid either. I walked up to the side of the building and looked inside the window. Inside it was all empty, just a box of three with a paper sheet and a clock on. I kicked open the window and jumped inside, looking around me.
I walked over to the box and checked the clock who showed 10:17. “45 minutes?” I said surprised and sighed. I guess I had used way too much time after all. “Who are you?” A voice said behind me making me turn around quickly in shock. How come I didn’t hear her? Hear... I stopped confused. Him? Anyway, it didn’t matter. I should’ve been able to hear them.
Skye POV
“Goodnight mom.” I mumbled and kissed her forehead. Lately she was always going to bed early. I sighed and walked over to sit in the chair while grabbing the mail on my way. I started looking through them and lifted my brow surprised at the envelope addressed to me.
“What can this be?” I mumbled to myself and opened the envelope. I pulled out the letter inside and read over it. I gasped loudly before putting a hand over my mouth and looking over to mom. She was still sleeping.
Dear Skye.
We know who you really are. If you come to this address: xxxx at 23:00 pm the 12 August, we will give you the medicine to save your mother’s life.

I looked over to mom who was sleeping carefree. Sleep was the only times she could be without pain. I stood up and suddenly felt determined. I walked to the kitchen and wrote a note for so too put all the medicine she would need if she woke up while I wasn’t here. I carried the tray to the Livingroom and put it on the table beside her bed.
“I’ll be back soon, I promise.” I mumbled to my mom before walking out to the kitchen again. I opened a portal on the size of a human head by crossing my fingers with putting my ring finger over my pinky, and put some knives inside. I was never really worried for me being found out, but to be on the safe side my mom had been worried so she had me go to material arts class from the age of seven.
I walked out of the kitchen and towards the stairs down to the bakery. I walked down the stairs and to the backroom. I put on my jacket and shoes for so to put my cell phone in my jacket pocket. I looked once more at the stairs before balling my fist and walking outside the backdoor. The address wasn’t that far away either. I took up my phone as I looked at the time. 10:06 pm.
I started walking after putting my phone back in my pocket. While I was walking I made a discreet portal big enough to put two of my fingers in. I pulled out a hair tie and closed the portal. I put up my hair into a low hanging ponytail as I was walking. I had been thinking about cutting my hair lately, but it was good to have it this long too sometimes.
I usually had days when I wanted to be a girl, and some days I wanted to be a boy. This hair length was good for both. It took me 10 minutes to walk to the dock, just in time to watch another person in front of the building.
The person had long red hair, it was beautiful. She looked at the entrance before jogging to the side of the building. I used all my skills from material arts to cover up my sound to follow her. I watched as she kicked down the window and slipping inside. I sneaked over to the entrance door and looked inside as she walked over to the box. So, I guess I could assume she wasn’t the one who sent the letter...
“45 minutes?” I heard her saying and I stood up and walked inside. “Who are you?” I asked loudly and watched her throw herself around to face me. My eyes widened together with hers as I looked surprised back at her. Her yellow eyes felt like they pierced me right through, but I was looking at her big scar going across her eye. “Who are you?” She asked back and was immediately on the defensive.
“I’m Skye…” I said slowly and walked towards her, first to mostly see her reaction. She didn’t comment and only watched me closely. “Did you also get the letter?” I asked and pulled it out of my pocket. I could’ve putted it inside my space but like now, I didn’t want to use my ability. If she recognized the letter though, I would know she was a mutant too.
She let down her defence as she slowly pulled a similar letter from her back pocket. “I’m Agana.” She replied, but I could see her hesitation. Well I knew she probably wasn’t an enemy, but she couldn’t know if I was faking it or not.
“What does the letter say?” I asked and stopped a few steps away from her so I didn’t frighten her while pointing at the letter on the box.
Agana looked at the letter and picked it up before reading out loud. “Welcome Ethan, Skye, James, Michael, Agana and Angelica.” She stopped and furrowed her brows. “There’s more?” She added and looked back at me, who just shrugged. She looked back down on the letter and kept on reading.
“We all got what you’re wanting. You’ll get it as soon as everyone has arrived.” She ended and looked back up at me. “What did they offer you?” I asked as I was quick to read the situation. I also started realizing this probably was a trap.
She furrowed her brows, probably thinking the same as me. “Information.” She replied and lifted her brow asking back at me. “Medicine.” I replied back.
I`m done sweeping the floor and counting the money, so I guess I can go home now. I look out the window where Alex is waiting; I smile at him while I take on my light green jacket. I walk out the door and lock it; Alex takes my bag and start walking. “Hey, you know I can take it by myself” I say while laughing, he looks back at me, “let me do this for my sister” He says with a smile. We keep talking as we walk to our house; I give him the house key and walk to the mailbox. I open it and take out all the letters; I look through them, all bills. A letter falls down at the ground; I pick it up and look at my name. It`s rare that I get letters, I open it and look at what is written.
Dear Angelica. We know who you really are. If you come to this address: xxxx at 23:00 pm the 12 August, we will give you the money you need for your family.
I take the letter close to my chest, is this true..? It probably isn’t.. I put the letter in the pocket of my jacked and walk to the house, I`m about to take of my brown boots as Alex walk out in the hall with a worrisome look on his face. “Dad gambled again..” He says low. I stare at him for a bit.. Where could he have gotten money for gambling, I was sure I hid it.. all… I run into the house and flip over a painting I had in my room, it`s gone.. All the money I saved for his school fees.. I had worked months on getting that much.. It`s not long until the day where we have to pay it, how am I going to get it now? I take out the letter, I guess it won`t hurt to try going there. I stand up and walk to take on my boots again. “Alex, the food is in the fridge, heat it up and eat it.” I say and open the door. “Where are you going?” He asks me with a concerned voice. I give him a smile, “I`m just going to go to the store” I say and walk out. I look at the clock at my wrist, I think it will take me some time walking there so I`m going to take the bike. It took a bit of time getting to this Place but I am still early. It just looks darker and darker, I really should`t have come here. I look at the warehouse, and then at the piece of paper. It says it is the right place.. But even if I should`t have come here, I still have nothing to lose, and I really need the money. I step of my bicycle and walk to the door silently opening it. I walk in and look at two girls? or a girl and a boy standing there. After a second of staring, I turn around and walk to the door again.
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James POV
“Skidoo, come here you.” I yelled after our dog who was running wild inside the fence to the cows. Lucky for me he was obedient as he stopped running and headed for me instead. When he arrived in front of me he stopped and looked up at me with his happy dog smile while waving his tail.
“Yeah yeah you’re a good boy.” I said and patted his head. “Let’s get inside and get some food.” I giggled and walked over to our entrance door. Skidoo happily ran inside past my feet almost tripping me in the process. “You impatient dog.” I said with a sight, but also with a smile on my lips.
I walked inside and slipped off my boots. I walked inside the living room where my mom was sitting while reading through the mail. “I gave the cows water and fed the horses.” I told her as I walked towards the kitchen. “Ah, James! There’s a letter for you.” Mom interrupted and picked up an envelope that was laying by itself on the table. She held it out to me making me walk over to look at it.
“I didn’t read it but is it from a friend? Since it only has your name on it.” She asked and was looking curiously at me with her dark brown eyes.
I didn’t reply to the fact that I didn’t have any friends as I opened the envelope. I pulled out the letter and read over it, feeling my pulse slowly rising for every word.
Dear James.
We know who you really are. If you come to this address: xxxx at 23:00 pm the 12 August, we will spare your family’s life and not tell your secret.

It wasn’t signed by anyone. “What does it say?” My mom’s voice brought me out of the daze making me look up at her. “It’s a long letter from one of my friends. I’ll read it later.” I replied carefree and put on a fake smile while putting the letter in my hoodie’s pocket. “But it reminded me that I’m supposed to meet him tonight.” I said and walked towards the door.
“What? You’re going outside now??” Mom asked surprised and stood up from the sofa. “Yeah. I don’t know when I’ll be back so don’t sit up and wait for me.” I replied and waved as I put on my shoes and jacket together with my wallet. It was probably better to take a taxi.
I walked outside from the house while checking the clock on my wrist. It was currently 21:58. I had to hurry up. I started jogging as I headed to the big road while dialing the taxi number.
Luckily there was a taxi close by and it took him only five minutes to arrive. I got into the car and picked up the letter again. “Please drive to XXXX.” I said to him and looked out of the window.
It took 50 minutes to find the right address. I scolded the driver but paid up anyways. I walked out of the car and looked at the building. I then shifted my gaze to the entrance door. I walked over to it and walked inside, making me almost crash into a girl who was walking outside.
“Oh, I’m so sorry.” I apologized to her and took a step back. I looked up at the other two people in the room. “Seems like we’re just missing two.” A red-haired girl said and looked at a paper in front of her. “You’re Angelica, right?” She asked and looked at the girl. “And… “She shifted her gaze to me making me getting chills running down my spine. “You’re Michael?” She asked and waved with the paper.
I looked confused back at her. “I’m James. What is this place?” I asked and looked around me. “We don’t know either.” The girl continued and looked at the other… person. “We just arrived right before you guys did.” The other person said and looked at me. “I’m Skye.”
I lay in my bed looking up at the roof, this is really boring. My brothers haven`t been back since yesterday, I wonder if something have happened with them. I have tried to call them but they haven`t picked up the phone. I jump up from my bed and walk to the mirror, this is not like them. I sight and take up my phone again, as I`m about to call Taiga my father come into the room. He`s holding up a piece of paper in his hands. “Is this some stupid joke?” He says with a serious look on his face. I look at him and put down my phone. “What do you mean?” I ask as he hands me the paper
Dear Michael. We know who you really are. If you come to this address: xxxx at 23:00 pm the 12 August, we will give you back your lovely brothers.
I stare at it, and then I look at my father with a smile. “This is no more than a bad joke” I say and put the letter in my back pocket. He looks at me angry, “What have I told you about those friends of yours.” He says with a strong tone in his voice. I nod and walk past him grabbing a black backpack. “I know, I`m going to go and lecture them right now. As soon as I turn around the smile disappears, they are going to pay whoever they are. I slide down the stair and run as fast as I can to the entrance, “Michael! Where are u going?!” my mother shouts, I turn around and face her, “I`m going to buy some stuff” I say as I run out, I climb up a three and jump to a roof. Those who dare to mess with me and my brothers surely do not know that I will beat them all up, I don`t care about the consequences. I jump down from the roof after 10 minutes of solid running. I look at the building; I take out my claws and feel the anger catching up to me. I slam the door open, right on time. I look at them for a second, “Where the hell have you hid them?” I ask in an angry voice. They look confused at me; I give out a bit of an ironic laugh. “Guess I`ll just have to force it out of you” I say as I start to walk forward against them. They try to calm me down which is useless for them, The boy is so stupid that he walked to me to try and calm me down, I hit him hard with my elbow. He falls down at the floor, and I go for one of the girls, but the other girl jump at my side so we both fall on the ground.
I look over at the clock at the wall. I guess I can take a small break to eat. I stand up and stretch out my arms, it`s really tiring to sit by the computer for such a long time. I walk to the fridge and open it, just to find it empty. I totally forgot that that person was here and made me waste all my food. I stare annoyed at the emptiness. I sight and look around me for a bit. “I guess there is no point in being mad at useless creatures,” I say in a low voice. I walk toward my computer but shift course when I hear the doorbell. I haven`t expected anyone.. But then again, when do I ever expect someone? I look through the hole in the door, but no one is there. I stand there for a minute and rub my feet to the back of the other; there really is pointless walking out in the cold air just to see no one. I slowly unlock the door; but then again, there could be some stuff I ordered from online.. I open the door and look out, as expected there is no one there. As I`m about to close the door I notice a letter at the floor, I stare at it. It says my name and everything; I pick it up and look at the back. There is no sender, I sight and open it. It`s a white paper with black writing,
Dear Ethan. We know who you really are. If you come to this address: xxxx at 23:00 pm the 12 August, we will not expose your powers and you can go back to your quiet life
I sight, I guess I should`ve been more careful with using my powers in public. I look at the clock on the wall, it`s just an hour before the time on the paper. I guess I`ll just have to do this, I walk to the cabinet and take out some clothes in a dark blue colour, then I take on some black shoes. I take on a black jacked with a hood and walk out of the door.
I stop as I see the location at the letter, it`s a dock warehouse. I stare at it for a long time not wanting to go in, I look a bit around me and see the water. I guess if needed I can use that, I look back at the warehouse and notice some people inside. I walk inside with my hood on and look at one of the guys laying on the ground, then I look over at the others.
Agana POV
After Skye came everything went fast. I didn’t even get to finish my conversation with Skye before a girl came in. She stopped, looked at us and turned around to walk away. She was stopped in the door by a guy though. He looked like an albino.
“Oh, I’m so sorry.” He apologized to her and took a step back. “Seems like we’re just missing two.” I said and looked at the paper. “You’re Angelica, right?” I asked and looked at the girl. “And… “I shifted my gaze to the guy. “You’re Michael?” I asked and waved with the paper.
He looked confused back at her. “I’m James. What is this place?” He asked and looked around him. “We don’t know either.” I replied and looked at Skye. “We just arrived right before you guys did.” Skye added and looked at me before looking at him. “I’m Skye.”
I guess it was after this everything went fast. There came another guy before I got the chance to introduce myself. He slammed the door open making us all look over at him. “Where the hell have you hid them?” He asks us all, clearly angry. No one of us replies, I guess no one of us knew by the silence.
He laughs with irony, “Guess I’ll just have to force it out of you.” He sneers and walk towards us. “Calm down dude, we’re all in the same boat.” Skye said and James started walking towards him. “Let’s all calm down and just try to understand what’s going on.” James said and lifted his hands to stop the guy. I saw how he lifted his elbow and I instantly felt the shivers run down my spine.
I didn’t react before James hit the floor. The guy goes after Angelica and I felt how my body reacted in an instant as I fastly threw myself forwards into his side, tackling him into the ground. My arm transformed into a full dragon arm and I pinned him down. I panted slightly as I tried keeping calm and I felt dragon shells go over half my face and one of my horns coming out.
“Let’s all just calm the fuck down.” I said hoarsely as I was breathing heavily. “Skye how is James?” I asked as I looked towards James who was lying on the ground, which is when I noticed the last guy had arrived.
“Welcome!” A voice was heard over the room making me freeze. I looked around me for the source and noticed the speakers in the top of each corner inside the room. The voice sounded like a male.
“You are all probably expecting the things you came for. Information, identity, siblings, medicine and money. That’s all a lie.” I felt how the boy under me calmed down, making me release the grip on him. I felt my anger boil as I stood up, not pulling my arm in. “You assholes. You said their names so you have to know something!” I yelled.
“…” The sound of the speaker was on but nothing came out. “We do. But you won’t be alive to hear it.” My eyes widened as I realized just in time of the speakers exploding and the building starting to fall.
Skye POV
I guessed that the guy who had hit down James probably was Michael. I don’t know he just looked like one. I didn’t even have time to react all I saw was a flash of red and in a second Michael was on the ground. I looked shocked at Agana as she was breathing heavily. The arm was maybe three times her size, almost reaching up to the roof of the building.
Her breathing made my brows furrow. I guess it took a toll on her to keep this form… “Skye how is James?” Agana’s voice brought me out of my thoughts. I walked over to James, around Agana’s arm, and turned him around. “He’s just unconscious.” I said and looked up at Angelica who also had come over. I heard a sound right behind me and I turned around to look at the newcomer. Now everyone was here.
Welcome!” A voice was heard over the room making me try to locate the sound. I quickly noticed the speakers and I furrowed my brows.
“You are all probably expecting the things you came for. Information, identity, siblings, medicine and money. That’s all a lie.” I saw that Agana release the grip on Michael and stand up. “You assholes. You said their names so you have to know something!” She yelled. I looked at the others. They probably were all mutants huh… Were they all getting pressed?
The speaker sparked slightly and I studied Agana. She was clearly pissed. “We do. But you won’t be alive to hear it.” I gasp and looked up at the speakers as they exploded. I instantly reacted by opening a portal right over us and tried to extend my limit, and I felt the blood starting to run out through my ears making me wince in pain. I realized the portal wasn’t big enough when suddenly a big shadow covered us making me gasp. Over me stood an enormous red dragon, with the colour of blood.
She covered us with her body as the rubble fell on her. “Agana!” I yelled worried and she kept her head down with her eyes closed. She opened an eye and looked at me to signal that she was okay.
The building had fallen apart in less than ten seconds. I looked at the others when I froze by the sound of the sirens. “Fuck...” I mumbled and noticed Agana started to shrink. It took another thirty seconds until she had fully shrinked back to her human form and she was shaking slightly and breathing heavily.
“For now, let’s all get out of here. We can discuss this later.” I said and looked at the others. “We’re all in this now so let’s help each other out. Agana nodded with me.
What in the world is going on? The building collapsed, on of the others turned into a big dragon. On of them is injured. I look down at my hands, I wanna help.. “For now, let’s all get out of here. We can discuss this later.” I don’t get what is going on, why did this happen? “We’re all in this now so let’s help each other out”. This is going to fast for me, I feel the panic rise inside me. One of the guys stands up. “Yes, let’s get out of here before something else happens” the scary guy says and look at me, I breath in deeply and put my hands in my jackets pockets. Even if I want to help, I don’t trust these guys. It can all still be a set up. For now, I’ll follow these guys. But I will not show my power, not yet

I must admit, I may had acted to hastily back there. I should really calm down, try to analyze the situation a bit. From what I can get all who are gathered here have some kind of power. Only two so far have showed their power, and one who is unconscious. “Yes, let’s get out of here before something else happens” I say and look over at the last girl, wonder what kinda power she has. I shake my head, this is no time to be wondering about that. “I suggest that we move into the city, based on where they set this up there are no people. So my guess is that they are trying to get less attention, or don’t want to attack others” I say and point at the town, and then I look down at the guy laying to the ground. I guess it’s kinda my fault that he is lying there unconscious, guess I have to carry him.
Well, didn’t this go well? Apparently the roof just collapsed, and someone turned into a dragon. I’m starting to see that the promise they made about my quiet life in front of my computer is no longer in sight for now. I’m starting I feel sick to, I unfortunately looked at the girls in surprise. I close my eyes and block out the sounds. Okey, I’m gonna wake up now and everything is just a dream. I suddenly feel a pressure on my left upper arm, I open my eyes and look straight at one of the girls. Without a warning I push her away and throw up. Okey, this is not gonna work, I can’t stay with them longer than necessary. I look at the boy, avoiding the others, “I can get you out of here” I say annoyed and look at the ocean and do a hand posture. The ocean rises and I look at them dragging the water with me. “Just a warning, you are gonna be wet after this” I say with an annoyed smile and take them with me. I then hear a scream and look at the boy, his has ears and tail and look traumatized. I stare at him, to bad for him, he just gonna bear with it. I bring them over the river to an abounded Ware house, where I let them go. I stand there for a second looking at them, they kinda lay on the ground all wet. The cat looks dead
Agana POV
I wasn’t sure what the hell just happened. The water was over us before we even could process what Ethan was saying. I heard Michael scream in terror and I couldn’t exactly blame him. It wasn’t that I hated water, but I wasn’t really a big fan either.
I closed my eyes in panic as the water surrounded us and dragged us into it. We were probably ten seconds under before he threw us up on land. I coughed as I had swallowed a lot of water.
“What the fuck.” I gasped and coughed some more as I threw up some more water. I was wet from head to toe and my hair stuck annoyingly to my face. I looked over at the others. Skye was sitting and staring at the ground, processing what just happened.
James was coming too as he was trying to sit up. Angelica was also sitting confused on the ground. As for Michael? Is he alive?
I looked up at Ethan, who was standing there dry and all. “What the fuck?” I asked him directly. Like he could’ve at least given us a warning. I shakingly stood up while catching my breath. I looked across the river to the fallen burning building and saw that some police cars had arrived already. If he had taken his time to respect us before going we would’ve been in trouble right about now.
I looked back at the abandoned warehouse. “Let’s hide there for now.” I said as I could hear the helicopters coming. I walked over to Michael and grabbed his arm as I dragged him towards the building. I saw Skye help James stand and the others follow inside.
After we all got inside I walked over to the office of the building. Everyone followed me as I threw Michael in the sofa. I sat down on the empty desk inside there. “So…” I looked at Skye who helped James to sit down in the sofa. Ethan stood in the back of the room, as far away from me as he could. Weird guy.
Angelica also stood in the room, looking a bit uncomfortable. “Let’s just wait here until the police calm down. Meanwhile we can talk some about what the hell is going on.”
Skye POV
I looked in shock as Ethan threw up. Well it wasn’t surprising though. As he said he could get us out of here I looked at him in confusion, then everything went fast. I gasped, resulting in me swallowing a lot of water, then it felt like my stomach was ripped out as we were dragged down into the water.
Then we hit the ground and I coughed to remove the water from my lungs. I then gasped for air as I sat up on the ground. I think I was the first one to get thrown on land because two seconds later Agana and Angelica came up, then lastly James and a screaming Michael.
I sat up and shook slightly as I stared at the ground, trying to process what just happened. I heard Agana mumble something before throwing up water. I looked at James who was coming too and sitting up. I stood up shakingly and walked towards him as I heard Agana curse at Ethan.
“Are you okay?” I asked him and reached my hand towards him. He looked surprised up at me and shrugged confused as he took my hand. I pulled him up from the ground and looked at Agana as she spoke up. I nodded in agreement as I helped James inside.
As we got inside the office I helped James sit comfortable down in the sofa. I sat down beside him as Agana spoke up once more. “Well I think we all can say with confidence that everyone here is gathered for their own special reason, and because we’re all mutants.” I said and saw some of them grow uncomfortable.
“I can say that…” I said and stopped Agana who looked like she wanted to say something. “I can say that by putting the pieces together. We were all there at the same time. We all probably got the letter.” I said and pulled out the letter that was all wet, who I let go of and let it fall to the ground.
“We all reacted, or almost all, reacted to what the voice said we needed.” I said and hinted to that everyone had reacted by what the voice had listed up, except James. “So right now, we need to find out who did this. Because there is someone out there who know who we are.” I said calmly.
“I know who they are.” Agana said before immediately going quiet, making me look at her in surprise. “You do? Who are they?” James asked as he was sending Michael suspicious looks.
“I can’t say.” Agana said and looked away with pain in her face. “What? Then why did you bring it up! We’re all in this aren’t w- ““She don’t trust us enough.” I interrupted making Agana stiffen and James look at me in disbelief. “Seriously?” James said and looked back at Agana. “Well I just met you guys. And, if I say it’s involved with the military and government how do you feel?” She looked up back at us.
I felt the shivers run down my spine. Military? Isn’t that bad?
James POV
It hurts.
I was trying to calm the new guy down and in the next moment he was elbowing me in the head, making me pass out.
It felt like I was in an empty black void for such a long time. When I finally came too I was laying on the ground, dripping wet. I looked at the sky, sirens filling my ears. What the hell happened? I sat up confused.
I looked across the river and saw the ruins of the building we were in. What happened? I looked up at Skye as they walked over to me. “Are you okay?” They asked me and reached out their hand to me. I felt surprised and then I shrugged, confused by everything. I grabbed their hand and got pulled up.
I barely heard what Agana said, but I understood it was something about going inside. Skye helped me inside to the office and to sit down in the sofa. My head was clearing up as I heard Skye starting to talk. I shifted my weigh uncomfortable as she mentioned the mutant stuff.
I looked at the letter she pulled out, who was identic to mine. I followed it with my eyes as it fell to the ground, listening to what she said. I didn’t know about that voice he talked about though, it was probably when I was unconscious.
I looked up as Agana said she knew them. “You do? Who are they?” I asked and suspiciously eyed Michael. Didn’t like him already even as he was passed out on the sofa. I also looked at the other guy who was standing in the back of the room. Who was he?
“I can’t say.” Agana said and looked. “What? Then why did you bring it up! We’re all in this aren’t w- ““She don’t trust us enough.” Skye interrupted making Agana stiffen and I look at Skye in disbelief. “Seriously?” I asked and looked back at Agana. “Well I just met you guys. And, if I say it’s involved with the military and government how do you feel?” She looked up back at us.
I looked shocked at her. Military? “Wait the military is involved in this? My sister’s life is at stake here!” I snapped and saw Agana look at the ground. “I suggest you should tell us. We’re all involved with each other no matter what now, what do you have left to lose? And if you suspect us to be one of them, then won’t that mean we already know?” Skye asked and it looked like Agana got something to think on.
I stand in the corner of the room, as far away from them as possible. “Are we done now? Can I leave?” I ask impatiently. “I don`t really care about all of this, we can just go and live our normal life like nothing has happened” I say and start walking to the entrance again. “Stop and at least listen to what they have to say!” One of the girls shouts out, I look down at the ground beside her. “Why? All you are going to suggest is going to be social, and I don`t do that” I can feel her stare at me, she defiantly don`t like me, but that is fine for me.

The water boy starts to walk toward the entrance, I feel that I`m getting annoyed “Stop and at least listen to what they have to say!” I shout out. It may be fine with him but this is not about him, it`s about all of us. It`s true that I don`t trust them yet, but at least I don`t leave like a jerk. He looks at the ground beside me, trying to avoid me as much as possible I think. “Why? All you are going to suggest is going to be social, and I don`t do that” I look at the others and then back at him, “Do you think we are here of free will? I don`t eider want to be here, but we are all in the same situation, why do you have to make it such a big deal? Can`t you just sit down?” I say annoyed. He looks at the ground for a while, then he sits right down at the ground. “I`ll leave when it has been half an hour” He says and put his hands in his pocket of his hood.
Agana POV
I looked at them all. This got so fucking complicated. I sighed and scratched my neck. “My name, as I said to Skye before, is Agana. It’s the name the scientists gave me.” I started and I noticed James eye widen in shock, and Skye’s soften.
“I’m a lab rat I guess. Born and grew up at a laboratory, mom dead and father probably dead too.” I stopped for a bit thinking over Skye’s words. Maybe I should just spill after all? Right now, there was nothing to lose anyway. I grab the bottom of my sweater and lift my arms, dragging it over my head.
The cold air felt chilly against my bare wet skin. I spread out my arms to show them all the sticks from the needles and scars from the operations. I guess if a random person saw me right now they would just guess I was a drug addict.
“I knew nothing, I was just a scared little girl… No not even that. I was more like a puppet. I could barely talk and don’t even think about me writing. But there was this other girl.” I bite my bottom lip softly. Claire… My eyes locked with Skye who nodded, wanting me to continue.
“One day I lost control.” I looked at James, who didn’t have a clue what the hell was going on since he was unconscious. “I’m a dragon mutant, half dragon or whatever. I can transform into several types of dragons but right now I can just control my dragon and drake form. But one day at the lab.” My finger traces the big needle whole by my navel, right by where the scales start.
“The scientists wanted me to change into a hydra.” I stop and clench my fist. “Of course, that made me lose control since… Well to say it shortly as a hydra have several heads my brain got … splitted? I can’t remember what happened just that it was so much pain.” I take a deep breath.
“I completely wrecked the lab and killed almost every scientist. Almost.” I added the last word bitterly. “I passed out, and Claire saved me. We ran away and met Lucas who helped teach me how to write and live in this world. Then last year we were found by the military.” I breath out and look at the ground. “They took them.” I mumbled low.
“That’s why.” I snarled and looked straight at Ethan. “This is high class scientist with backup from the fucking military. If they know where I am, and even dragged you guys into this? Forget your old lives.” I said and gave him a glare. Was he stupid? ‘Hey, we almost got killed! Let’s just go back to our lives.’ Stupid.
I avoid looking at her, but I can clearly tell that she’s glaring at me. I feel annoyed and stand up, “don’t fucking glare at me, I feel sick just on the thought” I say and look toward the door, but the other girl is standing before it. I walk to the window and look out of it, the metal bars are are rusty. I just have to wait a bit longer, and then I can leave. I will not stay here to listen to their bull-shit, they always lie anyway. I will go back to my old life no matter what, I will not accept this. I don’t really bother to listen to what she has to say, I drag out the ear plugs out of the pocket of my hood and put them in my ears. The music flows into my ears
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James POV
There was a lot to take in. I mean this all took such a dark twisted turn I still wasn’t catching up. I knew there were these bigger problems with the mutants but as I had a pretty peaceful life, except for my powers, so I never actually got how big they were.
Looking at Agana’s scars made me realize how dark the feud was between the mutants and humans and I felt myself getting sick to the bone. As she finished her speech the room was silent and she glared at the guy and I could feel the tension rise in the air.
I guessed that he was the water boy and my eyes followed him as he walked up to the window and as he stuck his earplugs in his ears I stood up. I walked over to him and gently touched his shoulder, turning him towards me.
I unconsciously caressed his cheek as I let my hand slide across it to gently pull out the earplug. “I’m sorry, but could you please listen? I don’t want to be here either but my sister’s life is at stake. And I really don’t think there is any turning back for us.” I scratched my nape uncomfortable and studied him.
He was shorter than me, maybe around 10 cm shorter than me. His hair was a soothing blonde colour and as our eyes locked I noticed his ice blue eyes were surprisingly close to my own. I felt a calm soothe over me before our eyes break and he pulls away.
"Ethan was it?" Skye tried carefully but didn't move from the couch. "I understand where you're coming from. I think we all feel the same. But right now, even if you want to go back do you really from the bottom of your heart, feel it's safe to go home? Didn't you get your letter delivered home to you too?" They asked and held up the hand towards Agana, who looked like she wanted to add something. I guess everyone in the room could feel his hostile actions towards females.
I look out the window again, all red in my face. The hood that fell of when he touched my cheek and pulled out my ear plug, I take it on again, dragging it down in my face. I give a little nod for confirmation for my name, I`m still uncomfortable talking with that person, I can`t decide if the person is a woman or man. I give a glance back at the tall man, he has snow white hair and ice blue eyes. I look down toward the direction where the Agana girl was standing. "I guess I can listen for a bit" I say in a really low voice, so that I`m pretty sure only the man could hear it.
Skye’s POV

I looked at Ethan who mumbled something, which by the relief in James face I could guess was that he was staying. “Okay so let’s first go through with the names so everyone is on the same foot. I’m Skye, and as I noticed your stares towards me all I can say is neither. I’m just Skye. Since Agana,” I wifted my hand towards her to pin the name at a person,” Since she told her about her I feel like we should have a little sharing round for ourselves.” As I saw the most of them grow uncomfortable I lifted my hands in defence for the words.

“I’m not saying that you should tell your whole life story, just some is okay. Let me start.” I lifted my hand and did the same hand gesture as before, my ring finger over my pinkie on my left hand, making a purple portal at the size of a football open. I stick my hand into it and pull out the letter from the warehouse, I had grabbed it in the chaos.

“I’m one of the ability mutant type. I call it dimensional spaces and well it’s like.” I stop and think a bit. “Have you seen Dora the explorer? Or harry potter? Because both Dora’s backpack and Hermione’s purse is the same concept. I can store unlimited with well anything really.” I close my fist which closes the portal. “My limit is around 70 cm wide and long. I can go over it but I’ll start bleed from my nose and ears and my head will really hurt. I’m still training on making it bigger of course. Also, I’m in this mess because my mom is sick and I was promised medicine for coming here, and no I can’t just buy the medicine because me and mom only own a small bakery and we can’t afford it.” I breath out like I had hold my breath. Agana look at me emotionless and I felt a bit uncomfortable by her eyes. Really, she was like a reptile.

James lift his hand. He was still standing by Ethan, but not to close as he probably respected the personal space. “I’m also the ability mutant type myself. Ah my name is James by the way.” He said and looked at Ethan before looking at me again. “I’m well a pyrokinesis man basically?” He gets interrupted by Agana who cough in shock. “Fire? I mean if we’re talking about elemental stuff I could’ve guessed ice or snow for sure but fire? I mean you look like an ice prince.”

James glares at her. “Thank you for a summary of my life.” He answers sarcastically. “I could’ve showed you but…” He gets a frown on his face and he sights. “I got my ability late. Like really late for a mutant. My abilities came when I was 8 and I had absolutely no control over them.” He clenched his fist and looked at the ground. “I still don’t have a really good control. I can barely hold it in check.” He breathed out and looked up again. “Well short summary. I almost burned down my school, my parents moved out of town, I gained some control and now I’m here because my little sister is getting controlled.” He looked back at me and I nodded.

“I guess you’re Angelica, right?” I asked the girl who stood close to me by the door. “Which leave him to be Michael.” I said and looked at him in the sofa. No movement. James walked over to him and shook him lightly, trying to wake him up.
I open my eyes and look straight at a roof, I feel the cold water is still on my skin, but it is within the amount where I can handle it. I look over at James I believe, even though I was in a bit of a shock, I can still remember a bit of what they said. I blink sometimes then I sit up in the sofa. I sight and brush my hand over my neck. I look up at the other guys, “I’m Micheal as you said, I’m a body mutant. As you might have figured I’m a leopard, I would’ve loved to show you guys my full form, but there are girls in this room. When I transform, My clothes fall off” I say and look at the Ethan guy. “And since I’m a cat, I hate water, so you keep your distance From me” I say and point at him. I move my gaze toward the others again, “but yea, I’m here cause they said they had kidnaped my little brothers”. I say with an annoyed voice. I look over at the girl that is looking down at her hands, her eyes meet mine and she gets nervous. “Umm.. I’m Angelica.. I haven’t used my powers or whatever you said it was called, but I can heal others. I never knew that there were others that had things like this curse, so I never really wanted to use it. My family is really poor, so I couldn’t risk getting caught.” She says with a low voice. She looks around at the others, and then down at her hands again. I look over at the water boy, who doesn’t seem to enjoy this round we are doing. He frowns his eyebrows and shake his head, “I am not gonna introduce myself, there is no need for that. You don’t need to know anything about me at all.” He says annoyed and look out the window again. Well, he was rude, don’t think I like him. I look back at Sky again Incase she was gonna say something more.
James POV

As Michael looked over at Skye I lifted my fist, letting it collide with his jaw sending him into the sofa. I hiss in pain and shake my hand to cool of my knuckles who starts getting red. Skye gasps and stand up. “James!” They come closer and I hold up my hand. “Sorry I’m okay. I just needed to give him some payback.” I gave him a glare and rubs my jaw where a bump was starting to form and I back up, standing up by Ethan again. I saw how Agana was smirking, clearly amused.

I look down at him with my brow raised. “Ethan, right?” I ask to try the name on my tongue. “Well at least we know your name is Ethan and you got something to do with water, you’re not forced to tell us your life story.” I shrugged and looked back at Skye, who was shooting me glares.

“I have a plan.” Skye spoke up after finishing their glare. “Everyone’s worried, right? For their home.” They stopped when Agana looked at them in disbelief. “Okay almost everyone. But we shouldn’t go home alone right now. So, my plan is: We split up in pairs of two, check the situation at our home and meet up at the central park to try to find a way to fix this.” Skye said and crossed their fingers once more to open the dimensional space. They stuck their hand in and dragged out a phone for so to close the portal again. “Please give your numbers to me at least so we can stay in touch.”

“My suggestion for the pairs are that I go with Angelica if that’s okay.” They started and looked over at her but didn’t wait for a response as they continued. “Agana you can go with Michael which leaves James to go with Ethan.” I looked back down at Ethan, in agreement with the decision. After all I didn’t want to be with Michael. Skye walked over to the window by Ethan and looked out.

“The police are still here, but it’s getting less of them since the fire have stopped. I suggest we wait another half hour and then we split up.” They stopped and turned to Ethan. “I can see how you don’t want to be here, and I understand that. But could you at least cooperate with us for a few days maybe so we can make sure we’re safe?” They asked carefully and gave their phone to him to have him input his own number.
I look at the phone that has been given to me. I look up at James, then down at it again. Well this is going to be a problem.. I’ve never done this before.. I have never needed to put in my own number to people. “ Hey it’s okay.” James said and took the phone out of my hand. “It’s okay if I put my number in instead right? Since we’re going together.” He said and put in the number and gave Skye the phone back. I look surprised up at him, why is he like this toward me? I look at Micheal who still looks shocked at James, then he looks at me. I look away down at the floor, why is he so kind? He doesn’t know me at all.
Skye look surprised at me before nodding. «Well i mean yeah it’s okay. I’ll send you a message so you get my number too.» They said before they walked over to Agana to get their number.

Skip 30 minutes

The first one’s allowed to leave was me and Ethan. It was raining outside, but i didn’t pull off my hood. I was quite fond of the rain, always have.

We had snuck out the backdoor and jogged out to the main road, and was now walking along the road.

«Do you mind going to my place first? I mean it’s out town and if you live in town it’s easier to go by there before meeting at the park.» I asked, but didn’t wait for an answer as I waved to a cab to get it over to us.
I stop and watch the cab as it drive toward us, “sure” I say low and start walking toward him again. I take off my hood feeling the rain drops fall down into my hair on downwards on my face, it’s a refreshing feeling. I open the cab door on the left side and sit down in the seat, I look over at James who’s telling the man where he was gonna drive us. “Are you gonna speak to me during this trip?” I ask while taking my seat belt on. If he’s not gonna talk to me, I’m just gonna listen to my music while watching the scenery and raindrops at the window.
I look at him with a lifted brow as the cab starts driving. «Well I mean I probably am? Or are you going to shut me out?» I asked and thought to his earplugs. Couldn’t he just put one in? Then he could talk and listen to the music at the same time.
I look at him for a long time, then I sight. I guess I’m not gonna listen to my music then, can’t concentrate at both things together. When I’m listening to music, my brain just float into a world of its own. I look out the window with a bored look, “so, what do you wanna talk about?” I say as I lean my head on my hand. I look into his ice blue eyes, fire he said, would love to see that one time.
I blink surprised for a second, so he’s not gonna listen to music. « Well I though we....» I scratch my nape uncomfortable and bite the inside of my cheek, a bit at loss for words. What did I want to talk about anyway? It was clear he didn’t want to talk about himself... And talking about mutants and things while in a cab wasn’t the safest choice either.

«Never mind, you can listen to your music» I mumbled a bit disappointed snd looked out the window. I sucked at social interaction as I never really talked with anyone except my neighbors and family.
I look at him, he obviously wants to talk. I roll my eyes and look out the window again, “your little sister, how is she?”. I don’t really know why I’m not just listening to him and listen to my music instead, but I guess it can be nice talking sometimes.
James POV
I looked surprised at him before a small smirk appeared on my face. So he wasn’t a 100% introvert.

“She should be fine. The letter said as long as i showed up everything was going to be fine. But i really need to check after all.” I replied and kept a track on the driver, who was yelling at the traffic.
James POV
« The same as me?» I asked curious. «What would the same as me be?» I added and looked at him.

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