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Fantasy They don't know us

Skye’s POV
I stare angirly at her and walk over to stand between her and mom. My thoughts were like a wirvelwind inside as i though back. What if she was a spy from the group attacking us? Maybe that’s why she was living close to me? Spying on me? I grabbed her collar and pulled her close. «Are you with us or not?» I sneered and tightened my grip.
“With who? All I did was to try healing her, she looks like she’s in pain” I say a bit annoyed. I know it may look wrong, but to be this mad
Skyes POV
«Heal her?» I asked carefully and took up the letter i had in my other hand. I look back at Angelica. Did they mean her? «So you’re not with the other group?» I asked in a low tone. I probably seemed crazy but i was suspicious on everyone right now.
“No, I’m not with the other group” I say and look them in the eyes. “I didn’t even know that there were someone who apparently knew about my powers” I say a bit frighten, there is no way to know, I have only healed one person in my life, and it was a long time ago.
Skye’s POV
I look into her eyes for a long time before releasing her. «Can you heal her?» I asked uncertain
I look at her for a little moment. “I can try” I say and walk over to her, I’ve already started to get a headache, and I am hungry. But I guess one can’t back down now. I take out my hands and place them a bit above her head, and then I focus on getting the power to my hands I guess. I feel a bit happy when I see the green light flow out from my hands.
Skye’s POV
I stepped away quietly as i watched her. If she really could heal her.. I clenched my fist in worry
The green light starts to come less out of my hands, and she looks a bit better. I look toward sky with a smile. “Think I did it”I say and look back at her with a smile. “I’m just gonna go out to get some air” I say and walk toward Skye and the entrance. “Will you come down after?”
Skyes POV
I look at her as she walks past me. “ Yeah...” I replied and waited until she left before i hurried over to mom. I shook lightly on her shoulder as she stirred in her sleep, slowly opening her eyes.
“Skye?” She mumbled and lifted her hand to rub her eyes. “ Hey...” I mumbled and stroke away a hair from her face. “How are you feeling?” I asked and she looked at me in a daze before her eyes widened and she sat up in surprise.
“ I feel fine? Like completely fine?” She whispered and touched her stomach carefully then her head. She looks over at me and squint her eyes. “ What did you do?” she asked in suspicion. “ I found a healer. He just left.” I didn’t lie one hundred percent... I said that Angelica was a ‘he’, mostly to throw the suspicion on to males. Also I didn’t want her to worry.. She sighed and caressed my cheek. “You didn’t get involved in something dangerous ,did you?” She asked concerned and i shook my head. “No. But are you sure you’re fine?” I asked and took her hand, to which she nodded. “ I am. Thank you Skye.” She said and pulled me into a thight embrace which i returned.
“I love you mom.” I whispered and she chuckled sweetly. “i love you too love.” She said and pushed me away. “Now i want to sleep some more.” She looked surprised at the clock. “You need to get some sleep too!” She huffed and laid down.
“ I will. Goodnight mom.” I said and stood up and turned off the lights. I walked over to the door and looked over at her before walking out of the living room and down the stairs.
I wipe away a tear before walking outside, where Angelica is standing waiting.
As Skye walk out I get a bit of a concerned look, “is she doing well?” I ask a bit worried in case it didn’t work. I place my hand on my head to try to cool my head from the headache
Skye’s POV
I walked out towards Angelica and ran a hand trough my hair. « Yeah she’s doing great. I’m sorry by how I reacted.» I apologized to her, feeling really bad by how i overreacted. I noticed she held her hand to her head and i furrowed my brows in worry. «Are you okay?» I asked her and stepped closer to her in worry
I nod “yes, I’m fine. Just a bit of a headache.” I say as I furrow my eyebrows, I should probably take some headache tablets if it doesn’t go away by itself soon. “It’s God’s that she’s doing okey.” I say smiling. “Should we probably meet up with the others?” I ask while looking around me, to see if anyone is looking at us.
Skye's POV
I nodded uncertainly. I checked my phone quickly, but no new messages had appeared. I bit the inside of my cheek, a habit I had when I was nervous. It didn't take us long to arrive at the park, sitting down in silence at one of the benches. Shortly after both James and Ethan arrived and I felt relieved that they seemed unharmed. " Did you find anything? Also is your families okay?" I asked both questions rapidly, making James hold up his hands to slow me down. When I stopped talking he just dragged out a white note and gave it over to me, and I felt surprised as I noticed it was the same as mine, just different text some places.

"Any word from Agana and Michael?" James asked, and I noticed he was standing close to Ethan, almost protectively. I shook my head as I once more checked my phone. "Nothing, but there is still 5 minutes until meet up," I said, which he nodded back to and the silence fell once more.

Agana's POV
I'm not sure if we waited even 10 minutes, but shortly after Angelica and Skye left so did me and Michael. " Let's go to your place first," I said as we walked down the streets, it was uncomfortable crowded so late at night. Maybe people had gotten attracted by the exploding building.

I look at her red hair, then down at the ground nodding. “Sure” I say as I reach out my hand, I look up at the road, “taxi!” I shout out. I don’t really feel like walking the whole way, it took me 10 minutes running in my leopard form, so it’s almost 20 km from here. The taxi drives toward us and I turn toward her, I’m about to say stuff, but I think I’m gonna wait a bit. I sit in and tell the driver the address of my home. I sit back in the car as he starts to drive, and I close my eyes. It’s been an insane day, I hope my brothers are doing well.. I open my eyes a bit and look out the window, then I sight and look at her again. “I’m sorry for how I acted today.” I say and lay my hands on the back of my nape. “And I just gotta warn you about some stuff, my parents.. aren’t the best you can get. We’ll probably get yelled at at once we step in the house. Just, try not to mind them.” I say and give her a little smile, I then proceeded to look out the window again, watching as my house gets closer. Time just flies by lately, it feels like it’s been 5 minutes or less. The house gets bigger the closer we gets, I take out my credit card and pay the taxi driver. As he stops the car I grab my black bag and walk out, the door is a bit open and I hear scathing sounds inside.. My hearth drops in my chest, I’m so relived. I walk inside and watch the yellow eyes lock on me, they then run toward me giving me a big leopard hug. They turn human and my brothers laughs a lot. “Where the hell you guys been? I’ve been looking for you” I say with a smile while ruffing their hair. “Yea, we heard. Apparently dad is really mad about the fake note you got, and mom.” Taiga says laughing, “She’s gonna kill you for not telling her probably where you were going” Leo finish. I get a blank ‘terrified’ face, they laugh more. “Hey, there’s nothing to laugh about my death, is there?” I say smiling, then I remember the girl behind me. I turn toward her and point at my little twin brothers, “these are Taiga and Leo, the whole reason I acted the way I did.” I say with an apologizing smile, I then turn toward them. “Has there been any suspicious stuff going on here?”
Agana's POV
To be honest I didn't really care why he did it. I just listened to his explanation in the car while nodding at him. I didn't comment on his warning about his parents. I looked away, holding back a comment that he was lucky for even having parents.
As I looked out the window I noticed the house we were approaching. This and the credit card he used both told me that his family probably were wealthy. I exited the car with him and follow him close, looking curious around me. As soon as I enter behind Michael into the house, he's run down by two leopards and I furrow my brows. I listened to the conversation when Michael turns to introduce me. I nod slightly at them before looking at Michael again.
He asks them another question which this time, I decide to interrupt. "Michael I know you're happy to see them but we should hurry." I furrow my brows more and look at the boys. I had to ask Michael later about the rules are in this house, even if it probably wasn't my position to interfere. But even because it's late at night right now they shouldn't have been transforming like that when there were other people here. What if I had been a cop? Or a scientist? It didn't really shock me that someone knew. A suspicion person could easily look through the window.

I look at her and nod, “yes, you are right”. I look around in the big hall, I should look around the house. I look back at my brothers, “can you guys please keep it a secret that I’m here? I gotta leave soon” I say and start walking around in the house, trying to look if there’s anything suspicious here. I walk to the office where my dad is typing on his computer, then I walk to the room where my mother is designing clothes, they both seem fine. They haven’t noticed me yet, and that’s good. I walk up the stairs and into my room, where I notice a papa let on my bed, same paper as the one I received early today. I walk conscious to the bed and pick up the note.

Dear Micheal

Congratulations on surviving our meet. You are more than qualified. As promised you got your brothers back. You’ll hear from us soon.

My eyes twitches a bit, from what I understood is that they were never taken, so they must’ve known that they would be out right when they were. I take the note in my pocket and walk down. I look at her, “I got a note” I say and walk past her. “Leo, Taiga, watch out” I say and walk out the door. “Let’s take one of our cars to drive to your place.”
Agana's POV
As he walked further into the house I didn't make any attempt to follow him, deciding for myself that it was better if I just stayed in the hallway. He used around five minutes before he came back. I didn't ask further about the note yet, I could ask him when we got outside.

"Sure," I replied and quickly glanced at the kids before I followed him outside. I followed him to multiple cars and looked at the beautiful red sports car he walked over to. "So I guess you're a rich child huh," I said, more as a statement than a question. Well anyone could tell from the big house.

I unlock the car and the doors goes up, I look at her. “Well, I guess.” I say and shrug my shoulders a bit, some people may find this to be rich, but I don’t really think that way. Sure I can buy the things I want when I want to, but I still have my whole life planed ahead of me.. while others can basically do what they want to with their life, well, I guess I should complain. My life is pretty good, I have everything I need. I sit down into the car and put the key in, the car makes a refreshing sound as it lights up. She sits in beside me and tells me the address of her apartment, we start to drive. It’s all silent in the car until we arrive at the location, “Umm, do you want me to join you? Or should I just wait here?” I say and let go of the steering wheel and put my hands on my lap.
Agana's POV
The car ride was quiet and comfortable. As we arrived at my apartment I could tell that someone had been there. I sighed in frustration and looked over at Michael. "Stay here. If I'm not out in five minutes you go without me." I said, in a tone that told him that it wasn't up to discussion.
I exited the car and walked over to the door. I hurried up to the third floor, which my apartment was on. I put my hand inside my sports bra and pulled out the key before I opened the door. I opened the door slowly and peeked inside. The room was quiet and I hurried inside. I checked all the rooms, but nothing. I was standing in my bedroom when I noticed a sudden drop in the temperature. This... I ran outside into the living room and ended up face to face with Jude. Their eyes were a bottomless brown as they stared at me. My fingers immediately were covered in scales and my claws came out.
Jude was about 1.70 cm tall and he had brown curly hair and his face was covered in freckles. In any other situation, I would've embraced him and cried, but not now. The way he stared at me gave me the confirmation that he was under control for Peyton.
What most people didn't know, is that not all mutants were taken in by the government. Some of the mutants worked for those fuckers.
Ever heard about Simon says? That was basically Peyton. She had been one of the few government scientists on the facility I was in, and she was the reason they kept the mutants under check for so long. She could control people like dolls if they were under her influence. I and Claire had worked for many years to find out how she got people under her control, but it was a well-kept secret. Some that had been under her control said that it felt like she slipped inside your body so that she could see, hear and do things without actually being there.
" Agana. Please come home." Jude said in a monotone voice, and I knew it was Peyton talking. "You tried exploding a building on me and now you want me to come home? How sweet." I said sarcastically."Stop shitting around and tell me where Claire and Lucas is." Jude's eyebrows furrowed in confusion and it honestly left me surprised. "A building? I have no idea what you're talking about." It felt like shit that it sounded like Jude but I knew it wasn't him. Next, to Claire, he had been one of my best friends at the lab.
"What..." It started clicking for me. A third party? Seriously? But everything made sense. I was Peyton's favourite project. She wouldn't allow me to be killed. My eyes land on a white letter on the kitchen table. One of Peytons abilities was to also control the powers, if controlling, of a mutant. Jude had the powers to control the electricity. Electrokinesis. I guess that's why she exactly chose Jude to get me. He could zap me and leave me unconscious. I looked over at the clock and saw that it was close to five minutes since I got inside. I really hoped Michael would leave.
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I look at the clock in car, it has almost been 5 minutes, just some second left. I turn the key and start the engineer, I tap my fingers at the steering wheel. I sight and lay my head back, I know she told me to leave after 5 minutes.. But, I just can’t. I open the door after fixing my cap, I then proceeded to walk up the stairs. from my nose, it seems like she’s at 4th floor. I’m just gonna look if she’s okey, then go back to the car. I step inside the door after hear her talk to someone, I see a man standing there. “I’m, excuse me, are you busy with your.. boyfriend?” I say and look at her after watching him a bit more.
Agana’s POV
If I had listned after him, I would’ve probably heard him coming up, but I was so focused on Jude that I didn’t hear him before he spoke up. Both me and Jude turned to face him, fear painting my face.
« Micha-» I didn’t even get to finish before Jude lifted his hand towards him. I threw myself towards Jude, tackling him into the ground. The shock he had preapared to send trough Michael now went trough me, making me scream in pain.
Jude, or Peyton, got a surprised look on their face as they stopped the electrics. I shook as I lifted my fist, before hitting Jude in the jaw to make him pass out.
He sunk down into the ground and I looked angirly at Michael. «Why the FUCK did you come up here?» I sneered and tried standing up, only to fall back on my knees. Fuck.

I stare at her for a bit, so he was an enemy. “Well, I couldn’t just leave you here.” I say and look at the man, “are you okey?” And furrow my eye brows. Electric shock or some kind of power. I have never seen so many have powers in just one day. I look at her again, “should I help you? Seems like the electricity hit you pretty hard.”
Agana's POV
"I'm okay." I snap at him. "I told you to go. I can't believe you." I managed to get up and support myself by leaning on the wall. I took a moment to calm down as my hands went back to normal. I walked on wobbly feet over to my bedroom. I grabbed my bag and started stuffing my clothes inside it. I then proceeded to the box I had under my bed, where I stored all my money. I put into the bag too before walking to the bathroom. I took all my stuff from there and put it in the bag before walking out into the living room again.
I walked over to the kitchen table and grabbed the letter before ripping it open. I dragged out a picture where on the backside it was written something.

Dear Agana

Congratulations on surviving our meet. You are more than qualified. As we promised here is a picture of Claire and Lucas, they are at a military facility at xxxx. You'll from us soon.

I turned the picture around to look at it and I bit my bottom lip. In the picture Claire was chained to a wall, her silver hair hanging down in front of her face. Lucas was chained upright by her and I could see the wounds covering both their bodies. I balled my fist and exhaled before putting the picture in my bag too.
" Let's go," I told Michael before walking towards the door. When he had gotten outside I locked the door, but I left the key in the lock. I couldn't live here anymore anyway.
I walked downstairs and got into the car. Right before he started it I turned over to him. "Okay here's the deal. Never do anything like that again. If I tell you to leave then do so. If I wanted your help I would've said it." I sneered at him in a serious tone. I didn't want any more people to die because of me.

I turn the key around, she sure is nagging. She should just accept the help she can get when she gets it, what if she died there, and I just drove my car away, not even knowing. Technically, it would’ve been me that would’ve been responsible for that. Cause I decided to listen, like every other person. I turn toward her, “okey listen, I’m not the kind of person that would leave you behind, it was eider going up there, or starting to shout after you. I don’t know what you would’ve preferred, but that is how it is. You just have to accept it.” I say and start driving
Agana's POV
My eyes widened as I could feel the blood boiling under my skin. "What I would've prefered," I said each word slowly but even a deaf person would've been able to pick up the toxic tone in my voice. " Is if you haven't been fucking underestimating me, thinking I'm some damsel in distress for your saving." I continued with a sneer, but I wasn't done yet. " I won't accept it at all because I expected you to fucking trust me." I snapped, my voice getting a bit softer. " I'm a fugitive from the fucking government, which by the way you just showed your fucking idiot face to one of the biggest military faction in this goddamn country. You told me your family was wealthy well, congratulations. They know your face now and they won't hesitate to bring you in if they think you're connected to mutants in any way. If you thought your brothers were in trouble before, you don't know what dangers you just put them into." I sneered before inhaling sharply and looking away.

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