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"These stinking rich people..."

Akihiro was just staring at the machine for a while deciding what to get for himself. He didn't really listen to anything they were saying and responded to Keme, "Okay. I'll just get something for myself then." He slowly put in the money making sure it was straight and he clicked on the strawberry milk. Ever since he was younger he always drank strawberry milk.

"An arrogant ASS?! I am not!! I just do not need to remember this guy. He gets on my nerves anyways," Kazuki stated as he crossed his arms and looked away from Keme. Kazuki recalled last night after Keme got out of work. Fujioka wore a smug smile that night. That guy pushed his hair and smiled like he was the cool guy. He really gets on my nerves... Kazuki felt some pain because of the night Keme flipped him over. Ahh.. Man... And my back still kid of hurts from last night.
Jade nodded to Fujioka and rolled her eyes at Matsumoto. "Thinking you're more important than someone else, or that other people are not worthy of your time makes you, need I repeat, an arrogant ass." She waited for Fujioka then chuckled a little. "Man, I haven't had strawberry milk for a long time, I used to love it as a kid."
Akihiro smiled in return to Keme. "My older brother use to buy strawberry milk for me when I felt down," Akihiro said as he fondly reminisced the memories of his brother. "It always made me feel better." Akihiro then bought another strawberry milk. He bent down and pulled out his strawberry milk. He threw the other at Matsumoto. "Maybe you should drink this. It will make you feel better," Akihiro said with a smirk.

"What? I do not need your stupid drink," Kazuki responded as he kind of fumbled to catch the strawberry milk. "I mean who drinks this stuff still as a high schooler?" Kazuki accidentally dropped the milk and he picked it up. Kazuki still poked the straw into the milk.
Jade smiled a little and nodded to Fujioka. "That was really sweet of your brother." She then rolled her eyes at Matsumoto trying to act cool and once again began to make her way to class.
Akihiro clenched his fist as he continued to recall his memories of his older brother. He glared at Matsumoto and looked at Keme again. He gave a sad smile and started to drink his strawberry milk. "Oh yeah, we should go to class. Maybe I will see you later? Where is your class?" He then glanced at Matsumoto.

Kazuki ran towards Keme. He tried to get in between them. "Hey, where are you going, Keme?"
Jade turned to look at Fujioka then frowned a little as Matsumoto got in between them. "I'm going to class." She replied to Matsumoto then peered around at Fujioka. "Which is in Hajioka Sensei's classroom in the science wing." She then turned and started to walk away. "See ya later Fujioka." She called back, waving.
Akihiro finished his strawberry milk and threw it in the nearest trash can. Then Akihiro waved back to Keme. "Keme, do you want to meet after school? Or we can just walk together after school. Whatever is comfortable for you."

Kazuki followed Keme toward her class and he grabbed her by the arm and in the other hand he still held onto the strawberry milk. He quickly let go to keep her from getting mad again. Kazuki tried to get Keme to talk to him and ignore Fujioka by standing in front of her. "I think we have a misunderstanding. You believe I'm an 'ass' which is wrong. I think we should clear that up. How about I take you out? I'll take you somewhere worth your time."
Jade frowned at Matsumoto's persistence and she called back to Fujioka. "Sure, meet you out front after school." She tried to push her way around Matsumoto.
Akihiro smiled after Keme answered. He then waved bye. Before Akihiro left he said, "You really should give her some space, Matsumoto." Then he walked off to class.

Kazuki didn't like how Keme ignored him, so out of impulse he grabbed Keme's arm. Not only did she ignore, but she responded to Fujioka instead. Then there was Fujioka telling him what to do. Kazuki felt infuriated by Keme and Fujioka's actions. Kazuki started to think about leaving, but he didn't want to give up yet. He tried to stay calm and said, "Why are you ignoring me? Are you purposely trying to irritate me or something? I want another chance. Will you give me another chance? I'll try not to get mad at Fujioka and I will try to remember his name. Just please," Kazuki pleaded to Keme.

A girl with long hair in a ponytail saw Keme. It was one of Keme's classmates saw Keme and waved over at her. The girl was holding a bunch of papers and she was having a hard time keeping it all together. "Your name is Jade Keme, right? Keme, come over here! Can you help me out? Or I am interrupting something? I'm sorry if I am." Suddenly she tripped over her own foot and fell down. The papers flew everywhere and the girl tried to quickly gather them. Some of them were next to Keme's feet.

Jade shot Matsumoto a glare when he grabbed her and she sighed tiredly as he begged for another chance. "Fine, fine, you can 'take me out' but not today, today I have plans with Fujioka, tomorrow I have work but I'm free the day after that." She then turned as the girl tripped and dropped the papers, she quickly bent down to help her pick them up. "Easy, you should have set them down on a table until someone could help you, a small girl like you can't handle so much." She said as she began to gather the papers and set them on the table to re-organize them. Once they were all back in a neat pile she picked them up, leaving a small portion for the girl, since it was her task to do. "Here, where are they going?" She asked.
Kazuki blinked his eyes a few time. "Really?" Kazuki didn't really notice the girl who dropped her papers.

"The teacher's office. Thank you for the help. I'm kind of clumsy. I'm Hikaru Koizumi. If you don't know who I am." The girl grabbed more papers from Keme's pile and said, "I'll carry more since I'm suppose to be doing this." She picked up the pile of papers and started walking toward the teacher's office.
Jade nodded to Matsumoto then nodded. "It's no problem." She said to the girl then nodded. "Well, you already know my name it seems. But it's nice to meet you."
Hikaru nodded. "I mean everyone kind of already knows you because of Matsumoto..." Hikaru said as she looked around to check for people. She noticed that Matsumoto was nearby, but he was in his own world. She then moved closer to Keme and whispered, "I have been also hearing people call you a slut. I don't believe it though." Hikaru then moves back. "It was nice to meet you too."

Matsumoto was grinning really huge and he waved to Keme. "Well, I'll see you later!" He started walking off to his own class.
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Jade nodded, a little surprised that 'everyone already knew her' because of Matsumoto. She rolled her eyes as she said that people were calling her a slut. "They can say what they want. I know I couldn't care less if that guy showed interest in me or not." She whispered back as they walked to the teacher's office.
"So, you don't like Matsumoto?" Hikaru asked. She then looked around again and no one was around, but the teacher's office was really close by. "It's okay, I think you can tell me. Well, then again better to be safe and tell me later," Hikaru said before Keme even said an answer.
Jade blinked in surprise at the girl's caution and shrugged. "I think I would dislike him less if he wasn't so full of himself. Just his attitude about thinking he's better than everyone really pisses me off." She said as they made it to the teacher's office, making sure to whisper the swear word so the faculty didn't hear and she set her stack next to where Koizumi put her's.
Hikaru giggled a little, but she tried to cover it up because they were in the teacher's office. "You know, I like you already. I think you are better than all these stuck up people in this school. I mean just because they are rich doesn't make them better...." Then she looked at the clock in the teacher's office and noticed that they should really go back to class. "Thank you so much for the help. We should go to class now."

Meanwhile, Kazuki was in class bored. At the same time, He was excited to hang out with Keme again. Maybe this time will be better. I mean, I'm amazing what could go wrong? He grinned to himself and barely gave the teacher his attention.
Jade was surprised, this girl was acting like they could actually be friends, which she wasn't used to. But at the same time, she was curious about the way she talked about them not being better because they were rich. Was she not rich? As far as Jade had known she was the only student who'd gotten in this school through academics alone... She shrugged and nodded. "No problem. I guess I'll see you around." She said as she headed off to class. She took notes diligently like always then headed off to gym.
Yukino Ayanami has gym at the same time as Keme and she was changing into her gym clothes. Her friends were with her and some of them were changing as well.

"Yukino, I saw Koizumi talking to the new girl... what should we do with her?" asked one of Yukino's followers.

Yukino finished changing and didn't respond for a bit. She was looking at the mirror and putting on lipstick. Yukino looked at her face for a little bit to make sure she looked perfect.

"Yukino?" asked the follower.

"First, you do not get to call me Yukino. You just became a member. Only people close to me can. You can start by addressing me as Ms.Ayanami," responded Yukino as she put her pointer finger in front of the girl's mouth to keep quiet. "And you don't interrupt me when I put on make up. Why don't you find that poor girl and just watch her for me. Pretend you want to be her friend." Then Yukino motioned for the girl to go. "Now go. Stop wasting my time..." 
Jade went in one of the bathrooms, she didn't change in the changing rooms with the other girls because she already knew that was a bad idea and would only cause trouble. She walked out in her shorts and t-shirt and went to the gym for warm-ups.
"I have to find that girl. Otherwise, I'll get kicked out," said the follower as she looked around for Keme. "But, what if she isn't here?" The girl continued to talk to herself out loud and felt really nervous. "What if Ms. Ayanami already hates me? Maybe I should have stayed quiet... And luckily the guys don't do gym with the girl otherwise my crush will think I'm weird for hanging out with a poor person." The girl recently moved to Japan two years ago and she was use to girls and boys doing things together.

"What are you talking about?" asked Hikaru who just came out of the changing room and noticed a girl talking to herself. She found it really strange that the girl was shivering and randomly saying stuff. "Are you cold or something?" Then she saw Keme. "Hey, Keme!" shouted Hikaru and she started waving her hands around to get Keme's attention. Then she ran towards her. "Keme, can I call you Jade? And you left so suddenly... And after class you were gone pretty fast too."

"E-ek!! Koizumi heard me talking!" said the girl earlier. "She is going to tell that poor girl! I just wanted to fit in with the pretty girls is that so wrong?" the follower asked out loud to herself. The girl was use to getting bullied in her old school because she wears glasses and she isn't very pretty either.
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Jade blinked and looked up as she heard her name being called and nodded to Hikaru in greeting. She then blinked in surprise and nodded. "I don't see why not, in that case should I call you Koizumi?" She asked as they walked into the gym and started stretching.
Hikaru smiled and jumped a little. "I'm so glad!" Then she grabbed Keme's hands. "I'm excited to hang out with someone who isn't stuck up. I have always been stuck at these boring, stuck up, rich people schools because my parents." Then Hikaru noticed she grabbed Keme's hand a little too tightly out of her excitement. "Oh, sorry. I got too excited.. Anyways, call me Hikaru. Koizumi is just too formal," said Hikaru as she tilted her head and smiled. 

Meanwhile Akihiro and Kazuki where in the same gym class. The guys where playing tennis and Akihiro was really good at it. Kazuki wasn't that good and he couldn't help feel irritated by Fujioka.

"I want a rematch!" shouted Kazuki.

"Matsumoto, this was already the 20th rematch...." said the referee.
Jade gave a soft smile to Hikaru when she apologized for her hand. "It's fine." She replied then nodded. "Alright... Hikaru." She said as they headed out to play Volleyball.
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Hikaru followed behind Keme. She put her arms around Keme and smiled to her. "Is it okay if I do this? If it makes you uncomfortable... Let me know."

Since the guys were in the gym, Akihiro could see Keme. He waved to Keme for attention.

The strange girl followed behind Keme. She didn't want to seem to obvious so she didn't follow too closely. "I forgot that even though we don't play together.... The guys are still in the same gym. The guys might see me... They might think I am a stalker. And that I like girls...." the follower muttered to herself.

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