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Fantasy The Zodiac Curse

In an instant, Callie's heart rate slowed, she hopped off Enya's lap, and transformed back into a human. She put her clothes on, and got ready to go with Enya to her home.
Enya stood and led the way back to the ruins. "Hope you like big cats because I have a bunch of them hanging out around home," Enya said with a fond smile on her face. "When I left there was Leo, Saber and a puma named Dire who were sleeping with me." @PokemonGirl
"Yeah, I like cats. It's just when I first ran away it was because I was way smaller than them."
"Makes sense but you'll grow bigger as you age. Dragons can live for hundreds of years," Enya said. She went slow for Callie's benefit through the forest. "My mother and I lived in an ancient ruined city. I never go outside of my forest if I can help it." After a while they reached the ruins that could be seen as they climbed a hill. "This is my home," Enya said as she stopped. The ruins sprawled for ten yards at the bottom of the hill. Forest lay all around the ruined city and there was movement of some felines patrolling the paths and some of the rooftops of the buildings. @PokemonGirl
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"Woah." Callie gasped as she stood in front of the moss covered ruins of an ancient city. "It's beautiful! Well, I know they're ruins, but they're still beautiful."
Enya smiled. "Thank you," she said sincerely. She led the way down the hill. "Mother and my bed is a bunch of fur hides and moss. Makes quite a comfortable bed to sleep on. We used bear skins in the winter to cover us up and keep us warm." @PokemonGirl
"That sounds nice and definetly warm." She followed Enya down the hill. "Do you think we should go back to check on Karie?"
Enya was silent as she thought it over. "Perhaps we should. Maybe we should destroy that bracelet if it is keeping her from accepting what she is," Enya said thoughtfully before whistling. A cheetah sprinted towards Enya and bowed. "Sun I'll be gone for a while. Have everyone get inside before it gets dark alright?" she asked the cheetah. The cat flicked his tail before running back down the hill. "Okay we can go now," Enya said and led the way back the way they had come from. @PokemonGirl
Kiyo walked besides Guther, a bounce in her step as he asked to shorten her name. "Yes, that's what everyone calls me anyways." Hopefully they were actually looking for a real girl and not taking her to some dark warehouse so he could kidnap her, either or, she had methods of escaping if it ever came to that.
"I think the bracelet was smashed when i slipped it off her wrist." Callie said as she walked down the hill. I feel so bad now... I should have listened to Karie...
"I.. would think so..?" Eyeing the Guther with a strange look, Another strange question from him.. "Are you thinking of getting a cat?" Coming up a conclusion, her expression lightened up.
Karie sat down by the river // "I..I..love you..b..because...your my...daughter.." // 'you say that...but it's all a lie..' // "I..I..don't care what..you look like...was someone mean to ..you?...d..don't worry...at least...I'll...love you..." // 'your words...their all lies!...y..your scared of me!...no matter what you said!...y..you checked my bracelet dozens of times a day...j..just to make sure it hadn't fallen off!..." // "..how horrible...she died so soon?..." "it's because her daughter carried the curse of the cat.." "Horrid thing..." "It's not my fault!..It's not!" // "IT'S NOT MY FAULT!" her inhuman screeches could be heard throughout the entire forrest as she slammed her hand down onto the ground before tightly grasping her head "..it...it's not.." the words only came out as rough grunts. @eclipsehowls @Defective Kitten @Zamice @Lyxias @PokemonGirl
Enya hissed at the loud inhuman scream that sounded through the forest but at least she had a direction now. "What is that horrible screaming?" she asked herself before quickening her pace through the forest in the direction of the river. @PokemonGirl
Karie felt Enya's presence coming closer, she glanced around in a panic, once again screeching inhumanly "I..IT'S NOT MY FAULT!" she said through grunts, her red eyes glowing through the branches of the trees as it started to rain, pouring down against the ground turning the sky grey, as she once again held her head, squeezing it as if in an attempt to get the reality going on around her out of her mind // "your a disgrace!" "wh..what are you?.." "your not like us. your not like anyone! your all alone...and that's all you'll ever be!" "It smells like death. and rotting. you monster." //. @eclipsehowls @PokemonGirl @Zamice @Defective Kitten @Lyxias
Enya frowned as she caught the scent of rot and curled her lips back over her teeth in disgust but kept walking until she reached the river. Sniffing the air, she followed the scent to a line of trees on the riverbank and spotted the two red eyes staring back at her. "Why don't you come out and we'll see if you're scary looking?" Enya asked though the smell was horrifying and turned her stomach. @TheHappyPikachu @PokemonGirl
Karie turned her head sharply hearing the girls voice, grunting as her eyes shifted backwards and forwards "G...GO AWAY!!" she tried to scream at her but it only came out in another terrifying screech, she held her body, 'm..maybe..If...she saw me..she would...understand?..' she asked herself weakly in her head, closing her eyes tight together // "no one will accept you! especially if you can't even accept yourself!...not like it matters...you scare everyone who sees you to the point where we have to erase their memories! you killed your own mother by the stress put on her!....and just your smell alone makes me feel sick..." // 'I..I just wanted...her to see me...for who I truly was...not for...this horrible form I am cursed to take..' She slowly gets up, moving closer by inches towards the girl, growling in a deep tone as she approached 'it will be better this way...for her to know...and just be able to forget...about this whole ordeal...' she appeared slowly through the branches, moving into the open area the girl stood at, hesitant and ready to run at any given moment. @eclipsehowls @PokemonGirl

(Her current

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/i_am_a_monster_by_block_mind.jpg.6b98c450b233c0e4f54036fa43b4ad09.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60632" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/i_am_a_monster_by_block_mind.jpg.6b98c450b233c0e4f54036fa43b4ad09.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/kyotrueform.jpg.48c061164d711aa700c6cea3071eac4e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60633" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/kyotrueform.jpg.48c061164d711aa700c6cea3071eac4e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/save_me_by_nick_ian-d3eqvcg.jpg.c4df36cdb9adca8a7286fa905c5ddbe0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60634" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/save_me_by_nick_ian-d3eqvcg.jpg.c4df36cdb9adca8a7286fa905c5ddbe0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(couldn't choose just one!...sorry!!('
:) ))



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"Woah..." Callie froze as the smell of death filled her nose and she saw Karie. Callie collapsed onto the ground, and started crying. "I-I'm so sorry! I sh-should-dve l-listened... I und-derstand if y-you want to k-kill me..."
Enya ran her tongue over her lips like the cat she was and then looked at Callie who had dropped to the ground and was crying. "You need to come to terms with what you are," Enya said to Karie. "It's much better this way." The tiger daughter didn't run or back away, part of her personality the Zodiac Tiger's daughter was being fearless. "In this form you can easily snap up the Rat when he or she has transformed." @TheHappyPikachu

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