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Fantasy The Zodiac Curse

Karie looked up suddenly, tears in her eyes "Don't call me that!" she shouted cutting the air with her hand in a knife like motion out of rage at the tiger girl, ignorant of the pink haired girl standing close by, the bracelet bouncing up and down slightly as she did so, 'dammit! why is everything...reminding me!' she thought, closing her eyes tight together, suddenly she had a flashback of the past // "you weirdo!" "freak!" "your not even a zodiac!" "your a monster!" "...what...have I done..." // Karie stared down at her hands shaking as her vision blurred from the tears "I'm not some monster!" she yelled out randomly at herself, snapping out of the past. @eclipsehowls @PokemonGirl
Callie threw on her clothes. "Oh my god! What the hell are you doing?" she screamed at Karie.
"I was the tiger. What you saw were two of my felines; Saber the African Leopard and Leo the lion," Enya said. "Unless you were in the forest when mother was still alive and I just don't remember," she said thoughtfully. "But I'm not going to eat you or hurt you and neither will my feline companions unless I order them to do so." What do these children get taught anyway? How does she not know the difference between the big cats of the world? @PokemonGirl

Enya turned her head back to Karie. "I never called you a monster," Enya said. Things certainly were easier when she didn't know the other Zodiac Animals. "You can't deny what you are. Accept that you are the daughter of the Zodiac Cat and your life will be better." @TheHappyPikachu
Karie looked up at the tiger girl, her eyes flashing red for a moment "I...I can never accept what I am!...I'm not like you zodiacs!..." she said once again staring at the beads on her wrist "While all the animals...enjoyed the feast...the cat slept happily...dreaming of the party never to come.." she said sorrowfully "The curse...on me...the punishment for not attending the feast!... the curse of the descendant of the cat..." she started trembling, "I can never accept myself..." she said staring straight into the girls eyes. @eclipsehowls @PokemonGirl
"You really think it's a curse to be the daughter or son of a Zodiac Animal?" Enya asked, disbelief in her voice as she looked at Karie. "What about you? Who are you the daughter of and what's your name? Do you also being a daughter is a curse?" she asked Callie. @Pikachugirl @TheHappyPikachu
"Oh, uh, I'm Callie. Daughter of the Zodiac Dragon. I don't really think I represent the dragon well though."
Karie stared at the girl "..if..these beads were ever to be taken off my wrist...you would..understand..." she replied coldly, a sadness and ferocity in her voice as she spoke, "..I don't care about the cat! I care about its curse! the curse all descendants of the cat zodiac receive!.." she bit her lip as she stopped awaiting the girls reaction through her fury. @eclipsehowls @PokemonGirl
"Ah I see. You ran away from Leo," Enya said. "He mentioned something about the Zodiac Dragon daughter being in the forest. If you need help flying....you should pay attention to the birds. I'm Enya Zamora. Daughter of the Zodiac Tiger." She then turned her gaze back upon Karie. "You think you are cursed because the Zodiac Cat was tricked by the Rat? If anyone is to blame for the Cat missing out on the feast it is the Rat. Not the Cat," she said. @PokemonGirl @TheHappyPikachu
"you don't understand! no one ever does!" she said collapsing to the ground on her knees "I know it's that damn rats fault! and I swear I'm gonna kill him after what he's done to me!" she starts crying "but...that's not the problem...if..if only I could show you..bu..but you would fear me...you would never accept me just like I can't accept myself!" she shouts gesturing to the bracelet once again "It is sickening...my real self..." she said still holding her arm with the beads up. @eclipsehowls @PokemonGirl
"I'm a tiger," Enya said. "I doubt I'll be afraid of whatever you turn into when your bracelet is off and you shouldn't think on what pathetic humans say anyway. They fear anything that is different from them, even their own children." @TheHappyPikachu
"I'm sure that you're perfectly fine just the way you are! I'm still a little bit uncomfortable with my dragon form anyways. You don't even have to talk about it if you don't want to."
Karie's eyes widened "..you think..I don't know that?...it wasn't humans..that feared me...it was the other zodiacs..." she looked up her eyes now glowing red "even you would fear me!" she held herself "my own mother...was driven insane..by what I was..." she looked down smiling demonically "she lied to me...for so long...hurting herself so much..I had to watch her suffer...all alone...I've always been alone...the rest of you can find comfort in each other..or your animals..but me?...I'm always going to be by myself.." she then looked back up "everyone...who ever discovered what I was...had their memories wiped...so that they wouldn't be driven crazy like my mother.." she dug into her arms to the point where she bruised herself. @eclipsehowls @PokemonGirl
"I'll stay with you... no matter what happens. We Zodiacs have to stick together." Callie hugged Karie to show that she was sincerely concerned.
// "no one will ever accept you... not even us..." // the voice echoed in her mind as she remembered his words... she didn't know how to react to the girls hug "b..but I'm not like you...I can't.." her words trailed off as she stared at the girl, ignorant of the bracelet slipping off her wrist. @eclipsehowls @PokemonGirl
"I only have comfort in my felines," Enya said. "My human mother couldn't take care of me and abandoned me at a few days old in the middle of the forest. It wasn't until I was six that I found out my father is the Zodiac Tiger. I think deep down my mother was afraid of what I was and that may also be why she abandoned me as a child. I was raised by a female Siberian tigress all my life and had nothing to do with humans. I haven't met any Zodiac Animal sons and daughters until today. Why this is happening now after twelve years I don't know. What I do know is that Callie...is right. The humans will either kill us or keep us in cages and worship us, thinking we're Gods that can grant their wishes and dreams." @PokemonGirl @TheHappyPikachu
Callie saw the bracelet slipping off of Karie's wrist, and finished tugging it off, somewhat afraid of the results.
Karie looked down in terror as the girl pulled the bracelet off her wrist, it fell to the ground, smashing. "Wha...WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" She yelled as she stood up and backed away quickly, the voice was rough and deep as it spoke, she bent over, feeling her body re-shaping itself, she screamed in pain that only came out in monstrous growls and grunts, after a while shaded by the trees so as not to see what she looked like, she had stopped transforming, the first thing anyone would realise us the smell, it smelt like death, enough to make anyone be sick. Moments later she sprinted off, faster than imaginable, making it impossible for them to get a glimpse at her body, she went to a nearby lake and sat there, her horribly disfigured body that looked somewhat like some strange lizard-cat-human crossbreed reflected in the water, she slashed at it, turning away from the sight as she felt the remainder of the torn clothing start to fall of her. @eclipsehowls @PokemonGirl

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"I could've either put the bracelet back on her, or force her to be who she is." Callie sighed. "I know she probably wants to kill me right now, but she needs to accept herself. I couldn't stand her beating herself up."
Enya stared after the fleeing creature that was the Zodiac Cat Daughter, sadness in her eyes. "Being ashamed of how she looks isn't going to do her any favors in life. Should we wait for her or go after her?" Enya asked. She was certainly talking a lot today, more than she usually did. @PokemonGirl
"We should... Just... Wait, Ok?" Callie sat down to calm her nerves, because she feared that she would transform, but as soon as she heard Karie's screaming, she felt her body shrink, and her wings sprout from her back. With a quick puff of smoke, she was a tiny, pink, panicked dragon.
"No, I just get stressed easily." Callie said quietly as she climbed into Enya's lap. "I-I don't think I'm good enough to be a dragon."
Enya hummed to herself. "You were good enough to scare Leo," she said with a snicker. "He told me he was afraid you'd set him on fire and that's why he stayed away from your mouth and didn't go after you when you ran away." @PokemonGirl
"Ha, I don't know about that..." Callie tried to breathe a bit of fire, but all that came out was a small, yellow spark. "See?"
"Sorry, Karie, we were swamped with orders and- huh?" Lycia went to the spot where she last saw Karie and looked around "She's gone. Just as fickle as the cat a while ago." She chuckled and went back to work.

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