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Realistic or Modern the year //winter// lasted forever


  • yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • no, it seems boring/dumb

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • no, it's not my type

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

z e p h y r

professional thrower of shade

It was summer when we met in Malibu. We were all from LA, but we didn’t know that at the time. Our conversations were never supposed to leave the beaches, leave the safety of our time-shared summer homes high on hills looking over the pale abyss. Nothing had to happen; nothing was supposed to happen. We weren’t friends, we were just there to keep each other company while our parents lounged in Tommy Bahama lounge chairs and sipped white wine and ate expensive cheese to their hearts’ desire. We weren’t friends; not yet. We didn’t even realize that we were friends until we had to leave, and we cried our eyes out. Then we vowed to speak again before the next summer came rolling in.

It was autumn when we became inseparable. Los Angeles is a big city, but that didn’t stop us. We got together at least once a week, if not more. We were so close, no one could stop that. We told each other everything and we never dreamed of having it any other way. We were happy. Content. Overjoyed. We fit like puzzle pieces. We were in love, but not romantically, as far as anyone could tell. We loved each other like brothers and sisters love each other. No, stronger—we loved each other the way best friends do.

Something happened in winter. Everything changed. We never grew apart. It wasn’t gradual, it was a snap. We just snapped. Our puzzle fell apart, we came apart. We broke. Everything broke. One day we were holding hands, reading each other’s minds, being kids, and doing it all together. But the next day, nothing was the same. Everything just ended, like nothing had begun in the first place. Most of us didn’t live close enough to run into each other, so it wasn’t awkward. Just quiet. Everything was quieter than it had been for the past sixth months—with every winter breeze, it felt like we were blowing away with the wind. We were nothing without each other—and spring was the same. We weren’t the people we were together. And now, it feels like we're still in winter. In fact, it feels like winter never left.

Now it’s summer again. We have new friends, new clothes, new lives. But on the beach, everything is the same as it was—except for us. Except for our friendship. Except for everything.

☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼

I have very high expectations for this roleplay. I'm probably not going to have many roles up for grabs, the reason being that I plan on making the character sheet very intricate. It will be very specific, and only people really dedicated to joining will be willing to complete all of the form. It's a great opportunity for character development as well, since the characters in this roleplay will be exposed to many different situations and problems.

Outside of character development, the writing style in this will be very detailed. I expect even more than your average detailed roleplay, so I guess you could call it a high detailed rp. I'll most likely expect 4+ paragraphs, each paragraph being at least 150 words (give or take a few). With this rp I really want to explore my skills in writing, and that's the main goal of this, so I hope everyone that joins gets the opportunity to open their minds to different situations in the world of writing.

A unique part of this roleplay will be that there will be two character sheets, in a way. There will be one traditional one, where you can use bbcode to your heart's extent, and then after I accept the roles there will be another. It will be in the format of a social media site, where characters will express themselves "online" like they would in real life. It will give characteres the opportunity to post images, textposts, and media, as well as see, like, and comment on other characters' profiles and talk to them via the social networking site. It's something I've been thinking of for a while, just as something fun, and let me know if it's a stupid idea or if you'd be interested--be honest. (I have an example, if you ask I'll show it to you)

☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼

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Sign me up for when this comes to life - and the social network idea sounds great for character development!
hey ~

so im on vacay w my homies till some time next week and im tryna put this shit together but idk when itll be done, hopefully before then. already got the lure, roles, rules, etc done but still some things i need to do. hope u understand :) )
z e p h y r] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/7522-keira-winston/ said:
@Keira Winston[/URL] @karmaa yeah give me a few minutes, i didn't actually finish it (ya ok wow z is lazy i know) but i will not (i have like 3 more things to add)
take your time babe.
so here's a few things:

- everything in brackets is customizable (i forgot to put some things in brackets so just change what u think should be changed)

- don't change anything, except feel free to add some things about ur character to the sidebar on the right, and change the color of the sidebar to your character's favorite color

- u can have more or less than 3 posts, those were just the 3 examples, and u don't have to use all 3 types of posts

- for the usernames on the comments just make up random shit i really don't care (for example, my character is really into volleyball, so on hers i put usernames like @volleyball_lover because those r the kinds of ppl she's friends with) but it really doesn't matter what u use

[centerblock=75][border=3px solid black][row][column=span5][border=1px solid black][imagefloat=left][heightrestrict=200][[img=http://i.imgur.com/HQ3YU7n.gif]][/heightrestrict][/imagefloat][size=7][[b]REAL NAME[/b]][/size]
[i]"[/i][[i]Most recent status update blah blah blah[/i]][i]"[/i]
[# of] FOLLOWING[/size]
[/border][border=1px solid black][/border]

[border=1px solid black][img=https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/enhanced/terminal01/2011/3/31/11/enhanced-buzz-5526-1301585265-6.jpg]
[This is an example of a photo post. It includes a photo, an optional caption, and the option for likes and comments.]
[b][# OF] LIKES
[size=3][[b]Username[/b]]: [[i]Comment[/i]]
[[b]Username[/b]]: [[i]Comment[/i]][/size]

[border=1px solid black][b][This is an example of a textpost. It is like a photo post, but there are only words, no pictures. There is no place for a caption because it's only text. It also allows likes and comments. Textpost. Textpost, textpost. Wow, guacamole is great!][/b]

[b][# OF] LIKES
[size=3][[b]Username[/b]]: [[i]Comment[/i]]
[[b]Username[/b]]: [[i]Comment[/i]][/size]

[border=1px solid black][media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCOb6Fykxz0[/media]
[This is an example of a media post. It can contain media from YouTube, SoundCloud, etc. It also contains a caption and allows likes and comments.]
[b][# OF] LIKES
[size=3][[b]Username[/b]]: [[i]Comment[/i]]
[[b]Username[/b]]: [[i]Comment[/i]][/size]

[column=span3][border=1px solid black][bg=#d3d3d3][b]REAL NAME
[# of] [/b]followers
[b][# of] [/b]following
[b]Top 3 Best Friends[/b]
1. [This is where their most frequently contacted user goes. Remember to include the username instead of the real name, and hyperlink to the post (profile) of the user.]
2. [This is where their second most frequently contacted user goes.]
3. [This is where their third most frequently contacted user goes.]
[b]Bio [/b][This is where your character can write a few things about themselves. It should be in the first person, and it doesn't have to be long, maybe a few sentences or so--remember to stay in character when writing it.]

[b]Birthday [/b][user's birthday]

[b]Relationship Status [/b][single, in a relationship, engaged, married]

[b]School/Job [/b][include the school the attend, and their occupation if they have one]

[b]Hobbies [/b][Write about a few things that your character enjoys doing.]

[b]Favorite Movie or Show [/b][self explanatory]

[b]Favorite Food [/b][self explanatory]

[b]Favorite Song or Band [/b][self explanatory]



"[Most recent status update blah blah blah]"




[This is an example of a photo post. It includes a photo, an optional caption, and the option for likes and comments.]



[Username]: [Comment]

Username]: [Comment]

[This is an example of a textpost. It is like a photo post, but there are only words, no pictures. There is no place for a caption because it's only text. It also allows likes and comments. Textpost. Textpost, textpost. Wow, guacamole is great!]



[Username]: [Comment]

Username]: [Comment]


[This is an example of a media post. It can contain media from YouTube, SoundCloud, etc. It also contains a caption and allows likes and comments.]



[Username]: [Comment]

Username]: [Comment]


[# of]

[# of] following

Top 3 Best Friends

1. [This is where their most frequently contacted user goes. Remember to include the username instead of the real name, and hyperlink to the post (profile) of the user.]

2. [This is where their second most frequently contacted user goes.]

3. [This is where their third most frequently contacted user goes.]


Bio [This is where your character can write a few things about themselves. It should be in the first person, and it doesn't have to be long, maybe a few sentences or so--remember to stay in character when writing it.]

Birthday [user's birthday]

Relationship Status [single, in a relationship, engaged, married]

School/Job [include the school the attend, and their occupation if they have one]

Hobbies [Write about a few things that your character enjoys doing.]

Favorite Movie or Show [self explanatory]

Favorite Food [self explanatory]

Favorite Song or Band [self explanatory]


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