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Fantasy The World that Never Was. (High-Casual)

I'm so tired and my head hurts from what happened today. D:

I'll probably check out early. Hopefully the people who haven't posted do, if not, I'll just shuffle everyone to the Chapel and then maybe people will find an easier time.
Wouldn't matter. Magpie doesn't see normally, hence funky eyes *plot intensifies* will explain when time is right. Plus I thought most everyone can sense individual kindled's power sources?

TheLoneRook said:
Wouldn't matter. Magpie doesn't see normally, hence funky eyes *plot intensifies* will explain when time is right. Plus I thought most everyone can sense individual kindled's power sources?
Haha, not necessarily trying to get away sneakily. Mostly looking at it as a dramatic exit tool. Probably not the best if we get into a three way on the ship. Grimm's more the type to push the envelop right to the end then bail. Unless he's extremely convicted about the matter. Here it's just theatre.

He's also not a complete idiot, just a bit impulsive. Battling a wind mage/bird spirit on the deck of an airship would be a terrible idea.
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Yeah using banishment like that should be fine, assuming you know exactly where the end location is. As long as it's within eyesight, at your level, it shouldn't be a problem.
Yeah @Tronethiel7 I had no plans on actually fighting, I just assumed Grimm would be smart enough to know when the environment put him at a disadvantage, which he clearly does. I was just tryna keep everyone on the ship from killing each other xD . Also why I cleansed the two, so Lava wouldn't go ballistic anyhow.
lol Lava's a spirit, lol to be exact a familiar. He doesn't know nor care much of the kindled , lol wouldn't mind killing off a few either.
TheLoneRook said:
Yeah @Tronethiel7 I had no plans on actually fighting, I just assumed Grimm would be smart enough to know when the environment put him at a disadvantage, which he clearly does. I was just tryna keep everyone on the ship from killing each other xD . Also why I cleansed the two, so Lava wouldn't go ballistic anyhow.
Haha, was kind of looking forward to that. For another time then.

SniperBus said:
Yeah using banishment like that should be fine, assuming you know exactly where the end location is. As long as it's within eyesight, at your level, it shouldn't be a problem.
Well, I was kind of thinking so that I could go below deck. Or in this case, if we are within close proximity to the cathedral. I would just teleport directly to the landing area.

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I mean, you guys are going to die within a few minutes (in rp time) of landing.

Doesn't matter what you do.

Hope you have new characters ready for when you all die and we restart again with new recruits~
SniperBus said:
I mean, you guys are going to die within a few minutes (in rp time) of landing.
Doesn't matter what you do.

Hope you have new characters ready for when you all die and we restart again with new recruits~
.......If we all die as soon as we land I'm sending Creativity to slaughter you all with little more than a cute stare.
If you kill us in minutes, before I even fix my pocket, I'm going to set this piece of paper (which holds the brainstorming I did for a character) on fire. That will get the fireplace warming the place up, then I'll stroll outside and throw myself onto the bonfire. You don't want that to happen. Don't try homemade death pyres people- it isn't pretty and it actually smelled uncomfortably good when my family tried it with poor old Unnamed chicken #2. Yes, I wrote a speech for that chicken's funeral. No, I don't want to talk about it.
You know, I'm with Rook- I don't think Ryu or Sniper Bus are going to have a chance to sweep the rug out from under us or kill our characters. Judging from how our social interactions are going so far, Lanni will skewer Rook, Grimm will kick off a tussle on the airship with Magpie, everyone will join Magpie, the balloon will set on fire in the process, killing the bystanders on board as it impacts with the Cathedral in a shower of flames. The Cardinals and Bishops and such will take Lanni down, and potentially Magpie if he escapes the airship kerfuffle, leaving lonely ol' Varrin, watching with crossed arms, crying "Again!? Every god damn time!"

New recruits are (albeit understandably) trigger-happy anti-social lean mean fighting machines. If this is like the movies, half of you are going to end up making out by the end of this, because that's how angry movie characters work.

Oh, sorry: Spoiler Alert
Sorry. I meant to post but then exams got in the way. I'm working on it right now as we speak since today is a bit of a free day for me. (More exams tomorrow and its messy.)
Varrin stares grittily at the piles of bodies and burning ships. "Now I can finally be at peace" Pulls out a magazine and a nail file, spends the rest of his life happy.
Meanwhile, seems like everyone who meets Rook wants to threaten his life and then walk away.

"I'm gonna flippin kill you.....tomorrow...."
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