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Fantasy The World that Never Was. (High-Casual)

ALRIGHT. I'll make a body count for people who will sill stay for the reboot.

So far I have 5.

I probably should have messaged everyone personally, as to avoid confusion from the beginning, huh? I normally do that, but I had tried to do some experimental stuff for this RP. This has left some things that happen in the RP that cannot be fixed. I am also unhappy at my delivery. So far, this has been a confusing and shaky start, that left many of the players doing things they were not supposed to and being at places they were not supposed to. This is my fault entirely, and I apologize profusely. I will post an announcement to what will happen to the IC once I have assessed input regarding this matter. As always, all questions anyone has will be answered.
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I'm excited to continue regardless. I'm also still willing to help with any logistic or brainstorming stuff so hit me up in a pm or on here of you need it. Also, I know my character was a bit off from the RPs dark tone so I can rework anything if you'd prefer. I am at your disposal.



I'll be ready for the reboot if that's what everyone decided on. I admit I'm a bit confused but nothing I can't work around so a reboot isn't necessary for me but I'm following whatever you, the GMs, want. :)
Well, Ryu's asleep...

as usual


So now decisions are being made until the lazy bum wakes up, lol.
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No worries. No characters need to be changed. I just felt this was a very sloppy start. Not any player's fault, but my own. I did not give out clear information, and again, I'm terribly sorry. I don't like to start things off on a bad note. I'm not asking for a total reboot, like new thread and stuff. We'll just wipe the slate, pretend the first posts never happened.

I'll just lay the groundwork precisely this time so there is no confusion. Once this has been resolved, this RP will move along just dandy... hopefully. xD

With dear Namie, it makes 6 still here for the RP.

And yes, I appreciate your help as always, Tronethiel. I will implore your creative talents when we restart shortly. :D
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I'm glad to still have you! Hopefully this time we can get right into the meat of things and not resorting to meander around the city.
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"Glorious Leader, doubt not the power of yourself, but incite the power of your people to sway the lights of Fate to their proper places. We follow your lead as singularities bound to a common goal, we shall not abandon you."

-The Wise Old Porcupine

@RyuShura ;)
I will have the porcupine of creativity as the recurring resident spirit. IT WILL BE DONE.

Regarding the restart, I will give until tonight before I actually commence with it, so as to let everyone who wants to post their input and such. Just hang in there gang! I'm itching to RP, as well. <o/
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I'm down for the restart

I like Lava though, so I have a question about him. Can I change Lava from a spirit to a weapon? Couldn't the kindled have some sort of faimilars, or a helper. For instance I'm not sure if you;ve watched the anime D gray man. Cross has the grave of Marai, it's sort of like a spirit but its a living weapon. Since My character has weak spots when fighting, Lava could be her defense. Her abilities uses to much concentration , leaving her open more to death. Lava could become her weapon instead of a spirit so he'd still be in the play, just not as a spirit. He is also open for romance! But good luck with that.

Of course Lava can stay. And there is already a system for that. Exorcists able to use 'Invocation' are able to basically summon familiars, basic at first, but once they have graduated learn to imbue them with personalities and have them act on their own.

That's 7, looking good so far.
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RyuShura said:
Of course Lava can stay. And there is already a system for that. Exorcists able to use 'Invocation' are able to basically summon familiars, basic at first, but once they have graduated learn to imbue them with personalities and have them act on their own.

That's 7, looking good so far.
I have a friend who just joined the sight and has some legitimate writing chops. Would you be terribly opposed if I invite her to the rp?
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"Still accepting" is literally in the roleplay name. (It should be always accepting *cough* @Tronethiel7 , invite her in
Yes, we welcome all who can tolerate our madness. :D

Currently working the the revised intro. inb4 I die from my sickness.
Right now I'm kind of struggling with Grimm. Part of me feels that his empathic ability seems tacked on, even though it fits his dramatic personality (which says the opposite), but also doesn't. I also kind of want to involve his use of the arts to primarily revolve around manipulating Wraith's (which is amorphous) forms to create more complex constructs. Maybe I could move the empathy into a different character. I don't know....hmph.

Not really expecting anyone to tell me what I should do. I was just shouting at the air.
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Since there were major changes to the RP lore that ruined a few characters, I think people can change their sheets until we officially do the restart. Just notify me so I can take a look.
Don't shout at the air, dovahkiin. Shout with it.

Like this. @Tronethiel7

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Thanks for the invite! Sounds like a really excellent concept. I'm currently picking through the OOC and reading over the character profiles but hope to have at least a WIP sheet up tonight at some point.
SayGoodKnight said:
Thanks for the invite! Sounds like a really excellent concept. I'm currently picking through the OOC and reading over the character profiles but hope to have at least a WIP sheet up tonight at some point.
@RyuShura is there anything specific we need to know about the changes your making that will affect the way we should build our characters?

Just don't make it a spirit.

Other than that, nothing impacts the way you should make your character.

Ryu is afk for a while, so just tag me instead of the great gm until the return of ryu.
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