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Fantasy The World that Never Was. (High-Casual)


I think we got the same sickness. D: I just woke up today feeling terrible.


But I am still trying my best to continue to work on the RP and various things. I am also currently looking for another person to help me with set pieces for the city. If any of you are interested, please let me know! There is a lot of refining I need to do before I'm finally satisfied with this, concepts that may need tweaking and ideas that need more detail...
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RyuShura said:
I think we got the same sickness. D: I just woke up today feeling terrible.


But I am still trying my best to continue to work on the RP and various things. I am also currently looking for another person to help me with set pieces for the city. If any of you are interested, please let me know! There is a lot of refining I need to do before I'm finally satisfied with this, concepts that may need tweaking and ideas that need more detail...
Well, I'd be willing to throw in a helping hand. Since I'm out of school I at least don't have homework in the evenings and whatnot. Just let me know what I can do!
Tronethiel7 said:
Well, I'd be willing to throw in a helping hand. Since I'm out of school I at least don't have homework in the evenings and whatnot. Just let me know what I can do!
Thank you! :D

I'm just working on the city and places of interest, so if you have any ideas, please just throw me a PM or something.

And another topic of discussion for everyone here who wants to add input. I'm also considering changing, not the tone and purpose of the RP, but the roles of an Exorcist and Spirit. They are both enlisted as servants to a 'God', who resigns over an area and watches the inhabitants. A spirit might be changed to a purely benevolent being, who help to preserve the 'Cycle of Rebirth'. They are the ones who actually cleanse 'Tormented Souls', but are not so combat inclined, thus need the protection of Exorcists.

Is that a good idea or no?
RyuShura said:
Thank you! :D
I'm just working on the city and places of interest, so if you have any ideas, please just throw me a PM or something.

And another topic of discussion for everyone here who wants to add input. I'm also considering changing, not the tone and purpose of the RP, but the roles of an Exorcist and Spirit. They are both enlisted as servants to a 'God', who resigns over an area and watches the inhabitants. A spirit might be changed to a purely benevolent being, who help to preserve the 'Cycle of Rebirth'. They are the ones who actually cleanse 'Tormented Souls', but are not so combat inclined, thus need the protection of Exorcists.

Is that a good idea or no?
I probably like what we've got just fine. I think the lack of a deity to be a powerful support for the exorcists makes the whole thing more gritty. Just man against the evil he has wrought sort of deal. That being said, I don't know what the scare quotes around God indicate.

Secondly, what technology level/time period is this society approximate to? Do you want these places of interest to be of a magical/secret nature (naturally occurring phenomena, opposing organizations, ancient ruins, etc.) or just run of the mill land marks?
Yeah, it's set in modern day, the special fantastical places being located in the Divide itself. Just toss around some interesting places in both. If you have human/spirit factions, then that would be cool too.

Hmm... you're right. I like the gritty tone of the Exorcists. I still must continue pondering the concepts. I will return with definitive ideas.
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What if I tweak the idea of Spirits a little( a lot)? While the 'Gods' themselves are extremely powerful spirits, they are purely ethereal, so their powers cannot extend beyond the Spiritual Divide. This goes as a rule for spirits in general, with few exceptions. They are not so much interested in the affairs of humans themselves so much as it is the destruction and prevention of demons, who seek to consume both humans and spirits in an endless fury that will destroy both worlds. That is why they seek out agents who can travel between both worlds in order to accomplish this task, Exorcists, who serve as their mediators.

Does that sound better?
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What? What's happening? Also, I'm here to save the day (not really) with a wonderful post. Expect it in a few.
Just refining concepts of the RP. I sort of made all this up one day, so there is a lot of work to be done. Don't worry too much. Most of the characters will remain relatively the same, though if these changes are actually made, some changes will be need across a few.

In the end, this RP will revolve around kicking the asses of Demons and character growth. As the Gm, I just feel the need to create a proper environment that allows such things.That means concise ideas and everyone being on the same page about things. (Though I feel I may be making this all more complicated than it has to be...)

If there are major changes, I will inform everyone.
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RyuShura said:
What if I tweak the idea of Spirits a little( a lot)? While the 'Gods' themselves are extremely powerful spirits, they are purely ethereal, so their powers cannot extend beyond the Spiritual Divide. This goes as a rule for spirits in general, with few exceptions. They are not so much interested in the affairs of humans themselves so much as it is the destruction and prevention of demons, who seek to consume both humans and spirits in an endless fury that will destroy both worlds. That is why they seek out agents who can travel between both worlds in order to accomplish this task, Exorcists, who serve as their mediators.
Does that sound better?
That's sounds alright. Might be cool if these spirits were not inherently good though, primarily just brutal forces of self preservation. Fits the tone.

I'll try to shoot you some concepts a little later if not tomorrow. Already had plans the evening.
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Tronethiel7 said:
That's sounds alright. Might be cool if these spirits were not inherently good though, primarily just brutal forces of self preservation. Fits the tone.
I'll try to shoot you some concepts a little later if not tomorrow. Already had plans the evening.
That's a pretty good thought actually. I like the idea that Spirits are just embodiment of nature and emotion in the afterlife, neutral. As such, they cannot enter the realm of the living. (Maybe souls of things other than human) I still want to keep the stronger ones to be called 'Gods'. This would be a good reason as they are helping us though, since doing so would be beneficial to both them and us, as Demons consume any and all life-force they can find. (Though have a particular taste for the helpless mortals.)

Anyway, go and have fun. Don't mind me. I am thankful for your help enough. :D
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RyuShura said:
That's a pretty good thought actually. I like the idea that Spirits are just embodiment of nature and emotion in the afterlife, neutral. As such, they cannot enter the realm of the living. (Maybe souls of things other than human) I still want to keep the stronger ones to be called 'Gods'. This would be a good reason as they are helping us though, since doing so would be beneficial to both them and us, as Demons consume any and all life-force they can find. (Though have a particular taste for the helpless mortals.)
Anyway, go and have fun. Don't mind me. I am thankful for your help enough. :D
If I had a seal of approval on my phone...

After heavily modifying of ideas and much consideration, I have removed Spirits from availability of play. They still exist around in the Divide, but PCs can no longer be spirits. Sorry about this inconvenience. This is so I can more focus this RP revolving around the things it was meant to be revolving around. I felt that the old versions of spirits did not make too much sense in this particular universe, as it drew away from the importance of the Kindled themselves.

If there are any questions about this, I will answer them.
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Hey folks, sorry I was poofed out all day, busy busy me. Also I heard about this subway thing but I'm on really shitty internet and didn't wanna risk losing connection investigating it so I assumed it was on the other side of the rift and....yeah. I'll edit anything that needs anything easy peasy. @RyuShura I really like this black/white birdy dynamic we got goin haha. Also I'd be more than happy to help with any building as my creative juices spew evermore!! Still in it to win it gang.

An image from my upcoming character..
RyuShura said:
After heavily modifying of ideas and much consideration, I have removed Spirits from availability of play. They still exist around in the Divide, but PCs can no longer be spirits. Sorry about this inconvenience. This is so I can more focus this RP revolving around the things it was meant to be revolving around. I felt that the old versions of spirits did not make too much sense in this particular universe, as it drew away from the importance of the Kindled themselves.

If there are any questions about this, I will answer them.
What does this mean for the currently existing spirit-folk?
TheLoneRook said:
What does this mean for the currently existing spirit-folk?
I'm glad to hear that you are still alive. I'm sorry to do this like after we started, but it's still not that far in. I haven't FUBARed this RP yet.

So here's the gist with the birdies. They can still be spirits, but that means they cannot be around mortals, which is a pretty big deal in the RP. In light of this, I have brought attention to the 'Blessing' discipline. I left it vague, but I will say that this discipline can also be used for those Kindled who are capable of shape-shifting. It will definitely change things, but at least they are still 'birds'.
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Because the rules were so neatly adapted (and not because I sedated ryu to be more compliant) use of magic in conjunction with being kindled will allow you to look like the spirit you are, while being kindled.
Avoid mortals, blessing shapeshifts. Seems pretty straightforward. So for all intensive purposes the two could birdify? Magpie's entire premise was someone who was more animal than human, but I guess I'll just have to make due.
I know you said two characters was the limit, could I still throw another in there? I won't be offended if you say no, and I don't know if would even use it, but tomorrow looks pretty free so I thought I might cast a more serious one into the mix.
For all intense and purposes, none of the exorcists are technically human, but purified almost-demons, but yeah... it could be a side affect of him transforming a lot or something. We can work that, right?

Tronethiel7 said:
I know you said two characters was the limit, could I still throw another in there? I won't be offended if you say no, and I don't know if would even use it, but tomorrow looks pretty free so I thought I might cast a more serious one into the mix.
Welcome back! And I didn't really put a limit. I just said that don't make more than you can handle, but if you want to make a char then go ahead. If you don't use him/her/it, I'll use them as an NPC or something.
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I fear for the future already...

BTW, are you going to change your post, or leave it the same? Cuz... I'm thinking I might restart the whole thing. After testing the waters, I feel like I messed up and didn't make sure everyone was on the right page before we started. It depresses me greatly... ):
I feel like we'd waste time nitpicking at everyone approaches the start. If there's some confusion, that's all fine. I think it's better that we just get everyone there for now, and worry about getting it right when the stuff actually gets moving yknow? Still your call though, if you want I can try Magpie's again, though I think Rook's should be alright.
TheLoneRook said:
I feel like we'd waste time nitpicking at everyone approaches the start. If there's some confusion, that's all fine. I think it's better that we just get everyone there for now, and worry about getting it right when the stuff actually gets moving yknow? Still your call though, if you want I can try Magpie's again, though I think Rook's should be alright.
I agree. Keeping the momentum is what's important. A reboot might take the wind out of some sails. Your call. I'll follow you either way.

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