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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

"We can never let our kids be like us."

"Sweet Maker above, no. That'd be like what would happen the day that I finally agree to help Devus destroy Midgard like he's been trying t' convince me t' do f'r the past several months." As he spoke, he gestured back to the demon with his thumb.

Now it's a thing. XD )
"Sweet Maker above, no. That'd be like what would happen the day that I finally agree to help Devus destroy Midgard like he's been trying t' convince me t' do f'r the past several months." As he spoke, he gestured back to the demon with his thumb.

Now it's a thing. XD )

Devus put his finger to his lip, "shhh!" Masaru turned to Devus, squinting. "I mean, hey Mashiro!"
Masaru sighed, "I can't trust you with each other."

Dei-Loki inhaled. "Whaaaat? It's not like I agreed. BESIDES, if ya stop us from hanging out who am I gonna torment squirrels with when my dad's busy!?"
Dei-Loki inhaled. "Whaaaat? It's not like I agreed. BESIDES, if ya stop us from hanging out who am I gonna torment squirrels with when my dad's busy!?"
"Just. . . don't ever agree!"

"Or do." He smiled before pouting when he got smack at the back of the head.
"Just. . . don't ever agree!"

"Or do." He smiled before pouting when he got smack at the back of the head.

"Relaaax, I won't. As tempting as the offer is." Dei-Loki looked off at the thought of a burning landscape with a grin before sighing as he dropped back to reality.
"Relaaax, I won't. As tempting as the offer is." Dei-Loki looked off at the thought of a burning landscape with a grin before sighing as he dropped back to reality.
Devus pouted, "you two are no fun. But i guess that's what happens when you have poison children."

Masaru snickered, "yup."
Masaru quirked a brow "really? "

Dei-Loki nodded. "If I became a God, I'd loose myself. It would be okay if I didn't have people that I cared for, but I've got all of you guys so I gotta stay myself... Wow, if my teenage self heard me say that, he'd probably slap me across the face." He blinked.
Dei-Loki nodded. "If I became a God, I'd loose myself. It would be okay if I didn't have people that I cared for, but I've got all of you guys so I gotta stay myself... Wow, if my teenage self heard me say that, he'd probably slap me across the face." He blinked.
Masaru smirked, "you're too cute. "

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