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Fantasy The Winged Kingdom (OOC Chat)

I'm just going to draw them right now, but no. That man's shirt and the dress in general is too modern. You don't have to stress out about the clothes right now, I'm going to design them. I feel like we're a little bit at a standstill at the RP for now, and that's fine! I know everyone's busy, but it's making me want to jump into action and go further into detail with the worldbuilding while I wait.
We’re currently roleplaying in a cycle; wildkittyheart is next, then blackrose7. You can reply after Blackrose, and can join by being asleep in the lower deck and appearing on deck when the ship docks along with the next roleplayer, if they still wish to join and have made a CS by then.
ZackStop ZackStop
Here is some additional info concerning the mockingbird kingdom! If you’re still interested in your character originating from there (I’m definitely not complaining as I was actually hoping there would be), feel free to PM me if you have any questions! I’ll also address your character sheet and point out a few things in a minute.

How common is magic?
So far, nonexistent-- at least to the knowledge of the Winged Kingdoms. There is plenty of myths and legends that are regarded as children's stories, but there is evidence that at least some of it is real. This won't be addressed until later in the story.

What are the relations between the kingdoms like?
Tolerant. The Peacock Kingdom and The Swan Kingdom had the rockiest relationship between them all, so the current rulers betrothed their heirs to unite this shaky relationship. Unfortunately, there is still hostility between both kingdoms, as will be seen between Jiro and Gabby.
All Kingdoms claim tolerance and impartiality, but each kingdom hold their own biases.
The Butterfly Kingdom, as a nation, tend to lean on pacifism and neutrality, and are likely to be reluctant to join hands in a war even if they are obligated to by the alliance. As such, they are looked down on by the others. They are also not seen as "true" since their integration into the kingdoms is fairly 'recent', and have already had a past with two other Alliances already.
The Puffin Kingdom is the poorest, and thus are seen as 'hicks' in comparison to the others. It doesn't help that most of the inhabitants are uneducated and are virtually stuck in a cycle of menial jobs passed down family after family. The King and Queen are content with this and refuse to see change, and the people, due to their state, are unable to even rebel.
The Swan Kingdom tends to be the most aggressive in terms of cultural personality. They are the biggest nation among them all. They are the 'loudest and the proudest', and are seen as sickeningly patriotic.
The Peacock Kingdom is all high class. They're seen as stuck up snobs that refuse to provide generosity to their fellow nations.
The Parrot Kingdom are not taken seriously at all. They're seen as the "party animals" of the nations and are considered "uncultured". In reality they are an abundance of public affection, physical displays of affection (hugs, kisses on the cheek), and most of the celebrations are viewed as too gaudy and undignified. They are also seen as the most ununited, given their split between the districts.
The Mockingbird Kingdom is a dark speck in their history and it's almost as if all kingdoms have tried erasing their existence.
Chickens are not taken seriously.

What kind of religions are there?
...I haven't put much thought into this, truthfully. I may need to spend more time developing this, since Daiki is canonically very religious and I wouldn't put it past his nation to think on a similar vein.

What is the law like in the Winged Kingdoms? Is there anything that is legal that should be illegal?
Yes. The national bird of each nation must not be slaughtered or killed, and must be given a proper burial. This does not count for the butterfly kingdom.
Swan Men are allowed to kidnap their brides and force them into marriage. Women are generally viewed as property. Gabby loathes this law and wants it abolished.
The Butterfly Kingdom may be a cult (????)
Mockingbirds are instantly put to death. Anyone accused of being a Mockingbird will face torturous interrogations and will be thrown into the dungeon unless indefinite evidence was shown that there is no relation to the Mockingbird Kingdom.
What sort of criminals are there?
Anyone declaring their previous citizenship as a Mockingbird is immediately shown as a criminal.
There are groups wishing to revive the Mockingbird Kingdom but again... this isn't addressed until later.

The Chickens are crazy but nobody takes them seriously.
Oh, well yes I read up on everything. I was under the impression it would be fine so long as no one knows. Would that work?
Yeah! It’s 100% fine. but again, I wanted to ask, how “spilling oil on Spear’s trousers” got him invited to the program? Because that’s literally just going to make him mad, considering how important clothing is to him.
Oh yeah I've been editing everything you mentioned throughout the day and I'm about to edit that part. I took things too literal and wrote how they met. If it still needs some tweeking just lmk
Yeah! It’s 100% fine. but again, I wanted to ask, how “spilling oil on Spear’s trousers” got him invited to the program? Because that’s literally just going to make him mad, considering how important clothing is to him.
Okay I believe I met all the criteria you asked for. I'm happy to change anything if needed.
ZackStop ZackStop Aww, perfect!! Thank you for that. It looks great, I'm more than happy to welcome him aboard!

Just like I told Pan, we're waiting for this "final round" with Blackrose7. After she posts her response, I'm going to dock the ship, and your character and Pan’s character can respond as though they were asleep (or just faffing about in the lower deck) when they heard that the ship was about to reach land.

Then, we can finally introduce all the royals to all the students :closed eyes open smile:

Super excited, guys!!!
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Yeah lol he does. I really wanted to give some kind of visual representation and that's all I could come up with. Might draw up a bust of him though, I'm kinda decent.
Yeah lol he does. I really wanted to give some kind of visual representation and that's all I could come up with. Might draw up a bust of him though, I'm kinda decent.
I'm good at finding images, what theme are you going for visually?

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