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Fantasy The Villains' Downfall

Mizuki froze when she saw the detective approach and she immediately became invisible when she saw his eyes searching the surrounding area and roofs. Her rifle followed suit in becoming invisible since Mizuki was touching it, though she couldn't hide its glare from the bright sun. Watching the detective enter the building, Mizuki relaxed again and once again became visible. Perhaps the detective would help get the chief to exit the building. Problem was, she needed the chief alone and it would hinder her if the detective was with him.
Jakob rolled his eyes, once more the incompetence of his employees was shown. He opened the file and began reading it, it was quite a mess. He could tell it was cause by a few people with powers.

"If you think you can take on The scarlet Roses then you'll soon see how wrong you are" he thought to himself.
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Wilhelm walked into the bar, and saw a football game was on. He made an attempt to blend in among the drunks and hard core sports fans. "Give me the strongest stuff you have." He told the bartender, who simply gives him a mug of the strongest the had. He drank it all in one sitting. "That will do." He muttered as the bartender tended to the other patrons.
"Nobody? As in, no one? You're kidding...", Jake said with an increduled smirk but the lack of a punchline made him retract his statement. "Uh, okay then.... I'm sorry, Mr. Nobody.", he said, still unsure whether the boy was playing a trick on him or if that was the truth. A simple request to see the boy's driver's license would clear the air but that would also show his distrust towards the boy and he couldn't have that. He needs the boy to trust him and only then will the boy give him what he needed, information. Deciding that the best way to tackle the delicate situation was to lead by example, he simply went with the name.

"So, for the record, what's your full name?", he asked with an inquisitive look. It was a face he wears rather often albeit not really intending to.

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"Max, Max Nobody." He said as he adjusted his computer bag. "And no I'm not kidding, that's what I go by, if you need more proof I can show you my license." He said completely used to this, since having the last name Nobody is uncommon and unbelievable to say the least.
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Lilly followed Seraphin and Aldin up. The roof had a few windows on it and the building was rather tall as well.Without saying a word,Lilly's body shifted into a red form. It looked as if she was an alien and she just shedded her mask. Lilly went through the window and she pushed it open from the inside. The young woman's body shifted to its normal form and she softly fell on a random grunt,"Let's go!"She whispered

@CocoBeans @kira blackthorn
Mizuki continued to watch the police station, waiting for the chief to make his appearance. She wanted to get this done and dealt with as soon as possible. Inside the police station, the chief finalized some more paperwork before letting out a tired sigh. It had been a long and tiring day of mostly just paperwork for him. Standing up from his desk, he pocketed his car keys before exiting his office. Along the way to the door, the chief paused by Detective Jake's office. Opening the door slightly, the chief saw that Jake was busy, but still continued to say, "Hey, I still need that report by the end of the day, Detective. Also, I'm heading out for my lunch break. You know my phone number in case anything happens while I'm out."
Wilhelm felt no effect from the strong drink. "This is weak." He muttered. "I have drank ales stronger than this." He said. "Well sir, if you do not like it, then leave." The bartender said as he gets up and walked out of the bar. "I need to find a map of this place..... I need to know where I am." He thought as he accidentally bumped into another person.
(This is what I get for falling alsleep. Wakeing up, going to school and living)

Zoyechka squealed in glee as he began to tickle her. She laughed and tried to push him away. She nearly fell over from laughter, when Jakob came in. When Jakob called them six year old she would have pouted, but her cheeks were stuckfrom the sour candy and laughing. She is ten almost eleven, if he had forgotten that what else had he forgotten? Not my birthday present! I will not be presentless because Jakob's all-time-ers kicked in! She put her hands on her face and rubbed her cheeks around trying to get back to her normal face. She was relieved when Erik spoke for her, she wasn't in a position to talk.

Rubbing her cheeks around and around she finally got back to her face. Zoyechka skipped over to Jakob and hugged him. "Don't be mad at Erik, Jakob! I wanted to see you, but you were gone. Erik as so nice to play with me. So don't be angry okay?" She let go and took a few steps back, "you know, If you want I can find those people for you. I can get samples and bring them to you! I'm good at operation now! I won't kill them! I can do it! Oh please, let me! I wanna do it!" She began to hop up and down with excitement. She could get Hiro, Maximus and Rocky to help find them! "Pllllleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaasssssssseeeeeeeee! I can do a good job!"

Jakob thought it over for a moment, perhaps having her do the hunt could prove useful. If the people were "hero's" then they most likely wouldn't suspect or hurt a child. Jakob rubbed his chin ponderously, "Fine" he said, still peeved at her and Erik. He threw the folder at her on to the cargo crate, "If you find them, collect their DNA and kill them, I want them dead" he said with a defiant thud to the ground with his cane.

@The Suspicious Eye
Hiro Masaki

Hiro makes a call to one of his friends in japan, requesting two kinsects the same species as maximus, but one is black and the other is purple. "You sure she will want these?" The man over the phone asked "She did say she wanted one with black and purple, but none of those are in existence. so i thought, why not both?" Hiro replied, with maximus flying around, finding and eating any spiders he could find. "Alright, the kinsects should arrive the day before her birthday." Hiro's friend said as hiro smiled. "Thanks, talk to you later." He said as he hung up the phone.


Wilhelm found an arcade as he made his way around LA in search of city hall. "Eh, why not? It would certainly relieve the rage within." He said as data from earth's internet network was downloaded into his systems, giving him access to what ever he needed, maps, information, encyclopedias, you name it. "Wow, this planet has a lot of data, but Hera has a lot more advanced tech than this planet does." He muttered to himself as he entered the arcade, and started to play House of the Dead 4 in the establishment. He was being watched as he played, being too focused to care about his peers. "Holy crap, this guy is good. I was never able to get that far without getting hit!" One of the jealous patrons said as the others looked on with interest.
Zoyechka smiled and hopped around "yaaaaay!" She was so very excited to hunt again. She couldn't even remember the last time she hunted. She remembered blood and some bone hair, or maybe that was a dog? Either way it was time to try again. She looked up at Jakob and smiled "who am I going to kill?"
"Whoever it is that caused those attacks" he replied, pointing at the folder he had given her. Jakob crossed his arms, he was glad that she was enthusiastic about the mission, he feared though that she may lose focus because of it. "Just make sure they die, and if they have powers collect their DNA. I trust you can handle that" he barked. He hoped his simple orders would be executed successfully by the malicious girl, though his doubt's were present still in his mind

@The Suspicious Eye
"Zoyechka here has opted to take over your mission, but I'd still like for you to oversee it. Make sure it gets completed correctly" Jakob told Erik. He questioned that decision immediately, both of them working together almost guaranteed horse play, but he needed them to mature and a mission was exactly the kind of thing that could accomplish that.
Erik kept a straight face and nodded. "Got it, and have some faith. I know what you are thinking." Erik said with a sigh. "Do we just kill them or do you want something else?"
"That won't be nessessary.", Jake replied with a smile. 'Max Nobody...huh? Might be worth looking into', he made a mental note before starting with his questioning session. The next few minutes went by like an interrogation, though tamer than any he had so far with an actual suspect. By that point, he had most of his questions answered and had just asked the last question he had on his slate. "So, who is the little girl the 'assassin' was after ?", He asked to the boy but they were interrupted by the chief of police just before the boy could answer.

"I'm just finishing up, I'll have an email of the report sent over. I've also attached eye-witness accounts on both the Middleton murder as well as Randy's report on those four Scarlet Rose deaths.", he said. The chief nodded and was just to leave when Jake called to him again. "Actually chief, I have some things I wanted to discuss with you. Can we go over it at lunch ?", he said in which the chief reluctantly said yes. Jake was able to pick up the chief's subtle reluctance and was contemplating whether or not to do it another time but decided that the matter he wanted to discuss was rather urgent.
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"Yes, I need them dead and I need as much of their DNA as possible if they have powers. Besides that you can do whatever you want to them" Jakob said. Jakob waved them away, as if to tell them to go and get started. "If they fail I'll be extremely pissed off" he thought to himself

@The Suspicious Eye @Peaceswore
Max Nobody

"Her name is Zoyechka I just met her that day." Max mumbled from the corner as he let out a yawn. 'Guess that dancing game took a lot out of me." He thought as he waited for the next question, completely ignoring the chief.

Erik Scared

"Got it." Erik said as he fixed his shoulder bag and looked at Zoyechka. "Let's go slaughter some idiots." He said with a smirk as he waited for her.
Hiro Masaki

With the order placed, and the delivery date rolling closer, Hiro decides to clean rocky, along with brushing his mouth off with a bucket of toothpaste. When the bathing started in the backyard, Rocky grew reluctant, but with much convincing, he let hiro bathe him. But with that, brushing the mouth was the hard part, due to the unbearable smell. "Buddy, you really need to lay off the trash!" he said to rocky, who patiently kept his mouth open as it was being cleaned.


With the many minutes of game play done, he exits the arcade, and places an internet ad for a mercenary for hire. He had high hopes another bad guy would hire him, so he could kill some things with out any consequences. "We will see who the luck person is." Wilhelm muttered as he walked around town. (@Awesomeking13 Could we have our villains meet? I am just asking, since I want wilhelm to work for jakob on certain jobs he needs done.)
Zoyechka looked at the foldee, she like the die part the most. She closed the folder and looked up at the Erik and smiled "Yayyyyyy we're working together!" She looked up army him warmly, "but don't get in my way! I wanna kill them on my own. Besides I'm almost eleven I don't need a babysitter." She giggled excited to hunt people with powers. Killing normal people wasn't fun anymore they never put up a fight.
Erik looked at Zoyechka and nodded. "Sure, if it's too much for you to handle I'll jump in." He said with a smirk. "Should we look over where they killed our men or do you want to start somewhere else?" He asked Zoyechka @The Suspicious Eye
Jakob sighed, her eagerness to kill was both a curse and a joy. Jakob shook his head and exited the warehouse without saying anything more to the two, thinking they had in handled somewhat. He strolled over to his red corvette which he had been driving all day, once inside he started the vehicle and began driving to "Gun-Ho", one of the businesses he used as a front quite frequently.
Seraphina is a bit surprised to see Lilly's powers in person, since none of them actually used or have told specifically of what their powers were. They merely mentioned that they all had powers, besides what it was and what they could do, was not their greatest concern. As long as they stuck and fought together and stayed as teammates, it would all work out. Seraphina follows down the window with Aldin right behind her. Seraphina sticks to the walls for cover and follows Lilly's lead. They were walking down a hallway when they approached the security room. In there were three guards and Seraphina jumps to the opposite wall. She nods her head to the guards, Seraphina could easily knock them out silently but didn't want to give full credit to just herself. @Jailbird @kira blackthorn
Wilhelm found a gun store by the name of "Gun-Ho", which peaked his interest. "Maybe I could buy some bullets for my Meat Grinder, or shotgun shells." He thought to himself as he walked toward the shop, and checked his storage device, to see how much ammo he has for both his shotgun and smg. "Running a little low on my shottie, maybe I should by some shells then." He thought as he makes his way to the register. At the register, he waited for the clerk, but found a red car that looked as if it were just out of the show room. "Damn, that is one fine vehicle. Too bad it ain't no Bandit car though." He muttered to himself. @Awesomeking13

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