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Fantasy The Villains' Downfall

(Ignore this post, was thinking this was a different role-play. Just don't mind me....)
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Max Nobody

"I have no plans on dancing, so that's all right." He said as he went up to his door. He unlocked it and stepped inside. "You guys can stay here as long as you like." He said with a grin. (Just imagine everything you would expect a teenage guy who loves tech to have in his house)

Erik Scared

Erik watched as she killed one of his workers, he sighed and kneel down so he was eye level. "Believe me Zoyechka, I would love to play with you, but my mean boss is making me work." He said giving her a pouty face. He then laughed a bit and ruffled her hair. "Wait here a second." He said to her before he put on his goggles. Zoyecha felt a breeze and Erik was gone after six minutes he returned with a huge bag of candy and a few toys (also the workers corpse was gone). "Since I have to stay here a bit how about you stay with me? We can play a few games and get sick on candy." He said with a grin. @The Suspicious Eye
The twins both grinned and entered Max's home after him. Lea smile at him and said, "Thank you," in Italian, not even realizing it this time. She then blinked as she took in all of the technology around her. She had no idea what any of it really did. Neither did Manjano for that matter. They both were clueless with the tech. Lea then glanced back at Max and asked him, "Where are the bedrooms?"
"Down the hall second door on your left." He said as he walked in not bothering to take his shoes off. 'This is irritating! What am I forgetting!?' "Hey do you two know if I was suppose to do something this afternoon?" He asked as he placed his hand onto his chin.
Manjano silently wandered down the hall, instantly finding the bedroom. He grinned to himself when he saw the two twin beds, the nightstand between them with a lamp, the two identical closets, and then the small shared bathroom complete with even a shower. Manjano sat down on one of the beds and let out a small sigh. What a day it had been. He then summoned his ice owl companion and quietly chuckled as it sat on his lap and hooted at him.

Lea was about to follow her brother when Max asked them the question. Already knowing that Manjano wouldn't respond, Lea stopped in her tracks and then turned around. She paused to think about it for a moment and then her eyes widened as she exclaimed, "The meeting! You were going to meet up with that detective so he could ask you some questions about what happened last night." She grinned at Max, pleased that she'd finally remembered. She then also remembered that she was extremely curious as to what happened last night. Why was a detective hunting Max down to ask him questions?
Max facedpalmed when she reminded him. "Right, that's why I wanted to do that there." He muttered. With a sigh he walked to the door. "Ok, help your selves to the fridge, really do whatever, just don't burn down the house, no parties and be in bed by 11." He joked before heading out. Once he was alone he raised his hood and took out a disposable phone. He then hide behind a tree and jumped into the phone and jumped out of a light that was near the station. He made sure no one saw him as he made his way to the station.

He walked up to the front desk. "Hey, I'm looking for detective...um...... Detective Jallen?" He said/asked. He scratched the side of his head as he tried to remember. "I know it started with a J." He muttered as he pulled on his hood that was covering his eyes. @maxacec
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Lea rolled her eyes at Max and then followed the route her brother had taken, quickly finding him in their new room. Lea closed the door behind her and smiled broadly as she said softly, now speaking in fluent Italian since the siblings were alone, "It's unbelievable to imagine we already have more than we had in Italy. And we haven't paid a euro to earn it. The best kind of reward." Manjano grinned at Lea and replied, "I agree, sister." Lea then spotted Manjano's owl sitting in his lap. Grinning at the sight, Lea summoned her fire lion, which was instantly at her side. Since the twins were both teens, their companions depicted the same ages, but in animal years accordingly. Thus, Lea's lion was a bit smaller than a fully-grown lion would be. Also, because Lea has full control over her companion, she can control the flames and set them to a 'safe mode' in a sense, where they will not harm anything or anyone unless told otherwise by Lea.
Peaceswore said:
Max Nobody
"I have no plans on dancing, so that's all right." He said as he went up to his door. He unlocked it and stepped inside. "You guys can stay here as long as you like." He said with a grin. (Just imagine everything you would expect a teenage guy who loves tech to have in his house)

Erik Scared

Erik watched as she killed one of his workers, he sighed and kneel down so he was eye level. "Believe me Zoyechka, I would love to play with you, but my mean boss is making me work." He said giving her a pouty face. He then laughed a bit and ruffled her hair. "Wait here a second." He said to her before he put on his goggles. Zoyecha felt a breeze and Erik was gone after six minutes he returned with a huge bag of candy and a few toys (also the workers corpse was gone). "Since I have to stay here a bit how about you stay with me? We can play a few games and get sick on candy." He said with a grin. @The Suspicious Eye
Zoyechka saw the candy and lit up! "Candy!" She hopped up an down excited and smiled. "Yeah! I want candy and to play!" She hugged Erik, he was so much fun! She loved playing with him, plus he always cleaned up her messes. She let go of him and looked at the workers, they were boring and disposable. A curious thought popped into her mind and she asked "why do you work when you don't wanna? I just leave when I don't wanna do my job. Why don't you leave too?" She reached for the bag of candy and snatched a lollipop and put it in her mouth.
"*sigh* Sadly these idiots lost an important shipment so I have to make sure to get it back. We can't lose face with our customers, once the shipment arrives I have to go and find some people that started a one side slaughter." He said as he popped some candy into his mouth. "What game do you want to play? I'm taking a break so whatever game you want to play I don't mind doing." He said happily before shooting a glare at the workers who were snickering. "Unless you guys want to end up like that corpse I suggest you shut it and get moving." He said in a threatening tone.

@The Suspicious Eye
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Hiro Masaki

Back at the mansion, Hiro made some tea in a tea kettle with the herbs he had made. After tea, he planned on brushing out Rocky's mouth, since it stinks more than a garbage can. "Maximus..... have you every grown so close to someone, that you worry about them?" he asked his insectile companion, who simply lapped up the nectar on his plate. Maximus screeched and nodded in agreement. "I knew you would agree." Hiro replied. Rocky was swimming in the pool in the backyard, also taking in the sun light, feeling warmer than before.


Hours earlier, Wilhelm, Aka Mechanus, had landed on earth to make an emergency landing, and attempted to repair the engines, but the engines were permanently broken. "Son of a...!" He muttered as he made his way to the city of LA. he looked at the heavy traffic and many people walking the streets. And he had caught a few pairs of eyes staring at him. "Cosplayers, so immature." He heard a woman say as he walked past her. He then thought of sending his drones out, but he realized that would draw attention. "Dammit, I need to stop somewhere with more people so i can ask what this place is, and where i can get a job." He muttered to himself as he caught sight of bar and walked toward it.
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Peaceswore said:
"*sigh* Sadly these idiots lost an important shipment so I have to make sure to get it back. We can't lose face with our customers, once the shipment arrives I have to go and find some people that started a one side slaughter." He said as he pooped some candy into his mouth. "What game do you want to play? I'm taking a break so whatever game you want to play I don't mind doing." He said happily before shooting a glare at the workers who were snickering. "Unless you guys want to end up like that corpse I suggest you shut it and get moving." He said in a threatening tone.
@The Suspicious Eye
Zoyechka furrowed her brow deep in thought. She didn't understand why they couldn't just buy a new shipment. She wriggled the candy in her mouth and let the thought drift away. She looked at him and smiled. "Can I play outlast? Jakob taught me it when he had bad people over and he needed answers. It's a lot like operation, because you have to keep them alive. I like the screams they are the funnest part. You get points based on how loud they scream." She paused for a minute remembering the fun she had. Then she looked up at Erik "or we could play eye spy." She looked around the warehouse and smiled at all the stuff she could find. Plus all the eyes she could she could take.
"Let's play outlast later. I love that game, but it takes a bit of time." He said with a grin. "For now let's play eye spy. Do you want to start it off princess or shall I?" Erik asked as he took a piece of sour candy. He made a funny face when he bit it since he expected it to be sweet. "Whoa! *cough* *cough* That was sour.... I want another." He then searched through the bag till he found the same candy. @The Suspicious Eye
Peaceswore said:
"Let's play outlast later. I love that game, but it takes a bit of time." He said with a grin. "For now let's play eye spy. Do you want to start it off princess or shall I?" Erik asked as he took a piece of sour candy. He made a funny face when he bit it since he expected it to be sweet. "Whoa! *cough* *cough* That was sour.... I want another." He then searched through the bag till he found the same candy. @The Suspicious Eye
Zoyechka giggled as his face scrunched up. She looked at him and nodded extending her hand for the candy. "You go first." She took the candy and popped it into her mouth. She rolled it around for a while and looked up at Erik. "You're wimpy. This isn't sour at all." She bit into it and the sour powder flowed out of the candy's shell. She hopped around and held her chin up high. Her eyes began to water but she tried her hardest to not scrunch up her face. "Nope....... not sour..... not...... sour... at all...."
Erik burst out laughing. "Hahaha Don't lie it's written all over your face Hahahaha." He said before popping two into his mouth instantly regretting the decision. He kept a straight face as he turned his back and began to look around. "Hmmm I spy something...red." He said with a grin as he did his best not to scrunch up his face. (red flowers near the entrance). @The Suspicious Eye
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The sour taste finally went away and Zoyechka brushed off her tongue, the little it did. She looked around the room and couldn't see anything. "Can I make it red?" She looked at some of the workers, her eyes still held a little bloodlust. She followed one worker who was he added toward the entrance and noticed the flowers. "Ooo! The flowers! Right? I'm right, right?" She smiled giddily hoping she was right.
Erik smirked and nodded. "Correct! And your reward for finding it is...... You get to meet the tickle monster!" He then pounced on her and began tickling her. He used his super speed and found her most ticklish spots in second. (He only went slightly faster than a normal human he didn't go full speed) @The Suspicious Eye
Jakob arrived at his ware house in his car. He had since change to his normal form since he had left the research facility, he had received word of a shipment problem. He knew that Erik would be at the warehouse cleaning up the mess, but he needed to check in on things anyways. Parking his car Jakob began walking towards the warehouse entrance, he felt as if someone was watching him, he stopped and looked around, not seeing anyone he strolled into the warehouse. He observed the surrounding, it was clear that the shipping problem had been fixed and things were back in order, he heard a loud commotion near some cargo boxes, he walked over and saw Erik tickling Zoyechka. "What the Hell?" He thought angrily, he hated that some of his most trusted allies were children, mentally unstable and horribly evil children, but children none the less. He tapped his cane on the ground as he approached the two, "May I ask why you two are sitting around acting like six year olds when we are excuting phase two of the plan in three days?!" Jakob said spitefully, glaring angrily at his two conspirators as he leaned slyly on his cane.

@Peaceswore @The Suspicious Eye
Erik froze and facepalmed. "Busted." He muttered as he stood up. He let out an irritated sigh and scratched the back of his head. "Give me a moment to think up an excuse." He mumbled as he rubbed his forehead. Once again there was a breeze and Erik was gone (along with the candy), he then reappeared near one of the workers obviously pissed. "So which one of you dumbasses called him? First you bother me and then you guys think I'm too incompetent to handle this myself?" He asked, he let out a sigh as he did his best not to kill the men. @Awesomeking13
Jakob put his head in his hands and rubbed his eyes. "Be quiet Erik, I came here to check in on my business. When I have immature people like you fixing serious problems, I have to make sure things get done right".
Erik glanced at Jakob and sighed. "Whatever, I mess up one time six years ago and you never let it go." He muttered as he turned away from the men. "I fixed the shipment and it should be arriving soon." He said as he inspected his goggles for any cracks or bugs. @Awesomeking13
Erik let his goggles dangle around his neck, before he turned around and went to the office. He grabbed a few files and headed back to Jakob. "She was looking for you, wanted to know what you would give her for her birthday." He muttered so Jakob could hear as he looked over the files. "Throats were slight and ear drums ruptured. Whoever did this likely has powers." He muttered to himself as he looked over the scene to see how much information he could get out of it. "I'm going to need ear plugs. If they are attacking us, then matters how much they know. If they have access to good info then... Do you have a weird feeling?" He asked Jakob as he scanned the area. @Awesomeking13
Jakob turned back towards Erik, "I always have a weird feeling" he said. Jakob still felt like there were some extra souls around. "Please do a perimeter check" he said quietly, not wanting to draw attention from the gang members.
Pulling into an empty parking lot, Jake turned off the engine and slowly got out of his car. The rust bucket was running unusually quiet today and though he was glad, he couldn't help but wonder about it. Deciding to ignore the matter, he started to head into the station only to see the chief's car was already in its reserved space. "Shit, the report.", he muttered as his eyes widened at the realization. He immediately started into a half jog towards the entrance. Right as he was on his way however, a sudden glint reflected off of his eyes, causing him to stop and look for the source. He squinted a little as he focused his eyes towards the government building sitting opposite the precinct. 'Scope...was that a...... ?', he wondered but aside from the initial glare, he couldn't seem to find the source of the glare no matter how hard he looked. 'Nah, can't be.', he shrugged it off. Deciding that he was late enough as it is, he continued into the precinct. His eyes still moves to the source of what he thinks he saw from time to time.

As he entered the station, he saw a familiar hooded figure at the front desk. "Hey, you......over here.", he called out and motioned the boy towards his office. Placing a fresh cup of coffee on the front side of his desk, he moved back and sat on behind the desk. "Please have a seat, Mr. Novaudy.", he said signalling for Max to take a seat.
Max Nobody

Max followed the detective to his office the entire time he kept his head down and kept fiddling with his bag. 'Good job you aren't looking suspicious at all.' He thought with a sigh. 'I didn't even do anything wrong, so calm down. He is just going to ask a few things and then I'm gone.' He thought calmly. When he was offered the chair he shook his head. "I prefer to stand, also it's Nobody, not Novaudy." He corrected as he leaned against the wall, his hood still covering his eyes.

Erik Scared

Erik nodded and handed the files to Jakob. He decided not to use his speed right now, so incase someone was here they wouldn't know his power. "Shadow! We need your help with something!" One of the men called out. Erik rolled his eyes and walked to the men. "What now? Why can't useless muscle do a damn thing on their own?" "It's about the shipment, they have been delayed." One man said as they handed Erik the phone.
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