• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom The Veil To Spurn: A Digimon Survivor Tale(Closed Currently))


Azurian Dream

Hello To Nowhere
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Reminder Notes:

Well, today has turned its head over for you. For whatever bad luck you have built your entire luck has come to cash in. During the launch of the Digimon Card tournament that you have either taken place in, are watching online, are watching in person, or just listening in on your phone has caused you to black out after what can only be described as a wave of static overtaking you. When your senses attempt to return to you all you can see is an open sky as you feel the air rush all around you.

From high in the sky, you are crash coursing down right plummeting to your death. Below you stands a vast land mass filled with unnatural habitat biomes all mixed against one another. Your panic starts to careen your projection as your phone starts going haywire breaking down and morphing into a new device:

(Design by Basesbytally from Deviant Art) (Design by NelaNequin from Deviant Art)

On the screen, your personal information starts to flood the phone's screen before accumulating into an egg-shaped image on the screen. Though more than likely your eyes return quickly to the more prominently concerning ground only seconds away from... you halt mid-air right above a strange shrine at the oceanfront. You levitate for a moment as your phone rings promptly confirming: "Digital Data scan complete Bio-Data collecting now." Without warning your phone jabs you with a needle taking a sample of your blood as the once detailess egg starts taking on a prominent design that somehow you feel matches your personality. Notably around the egg are two empty slots, but before you can gauge that gravity returns as you land flat on the shrine grounds.

A voice chuckles out in the distance as you see a woman fishing casually her clothes made up of materials you have never seen before as she simply greets you with a twisted smile: "Well look at that right on annual time this year's victims.... oh don't worry I'll give you the tour of hell once you are all done falling in." Her words are at first confusing yet as you look up many others are falling from the sky right behind your landing. As the woman laughs again something powerful stirs the waves of the ocean before eclipsing a silhouette bashing out from the depths. A powerful creature made of metal looks at you with menacing eyes something you recognize all too well... a Digimon... a real-life Digimon.


"Welcome to your best and worst nightmare," the woman laughs echoing out into the brand-new world you officially find yourself trapped in.


The general idea is to usher your character who is from a world similar to ours very much aware of the Digimon concept to be thrown straight into it with a scale of very knowledgable down to minor knowledge. Survivability is a battlefield, your digi-partner is your lifeline, and your allies are your tethers to strength. How you act is how they and the world transform.

The world you find yourself in is a continent mixed with other humans who like you were dragged right out of your world and thrown into the wilds of the digital island known only as: Kako No Hanketsu E. Once every year on the dote more humans are snatched to its ocean shrine added to the victims or survivors of its land. Human settlements exist just as much as Digimon settlements the nature of the beast keeps the two both in peaceful and weary times depending on the groups present.

Your options on goals are simple find a way to escape or adjust to your new life. Both have clear and present dangers to them as both humans and Digimon alike are just as likely to be your friend or foe.


Character Application and Digimon Tooling

Sky Fallers(0/10 slots)
At the beginning, everyone who plays as a Sky Faller(Term for new arriving human or human with less than a year of living here) will have one Digimon out the door each starting partner Digimon will be allowed access to three different tree lines of evolution. This also accounts for crest evolution lines or Digi-Egg lines. You won't have access to digivolving to an ultimate or mega, but access to a champion will be earned quickly storyline-wise, and for those wanting Eggs or Crest lines I'll make sure the opportunity to gain the items to do such pop-up.

As you notice I said starting partner during the path of the story if there is an NPC digimon or story villain/Ally not bonded that you feel your character or show your character bonding to you can download them to your two storage spaces as permanent party members these Digimon, however, can not revert in evolution and can go only forward in one evolution tree. If you gain them as a champion you do not have access to their rookie data but any evolution forward you will have access to swap between where you got them to where they can go forward.

Destined(These will be primarily run by me, and co gms however if you can make a strong case I'll allow you one)
The term destined is given to humans who have survived the island for more than a year most either belong to human settlements, a faction of sorts, or are powerful drifters that most done mess with. These folks most likely have access up to ultimate evolutions(and in the case of key NPCs/villains) Megas. The longer they have survived the more sway, and effect their presence holds in the biodome continent.



As the story goes along these groups of humans, Digimon, or both will make their presence to the cast known. They will range from various methods of survival, and degrees of morality to being cautious whom to trust.

At best, your characters included the human population is around 121. Future information will make this number horrifying. Human "settlements" (and I do air quote that Doctor Evil style) only have at best around 10-15 humans and are filled with helpful Digimon. There are technically five settlements at this time and they are spread pretty far from each other and only two get along. The biggest settlement has 21 people.



Natural Evolution
So after we get past the initial landing and first quest which is meant to give a you scale of what your characters have entered evolution into champions will be immediately opened to Sky Fallers in a range of emotional cases, scenario fight or flight cases, or however you want to go about triggering it even if on accident. Ultimate, and Mega evolutions will be handed out on story sequence and how your character handles the challenge at hand if I see someone pushing their character well into the scenario I will message you "It's time to take it up a notch access to Ultimate/Mega gained" for you to put into your post from your phone Digivice XD. Also, you can ask to use the GMing/COgming party for specific scenarios to get you there as well, and we will work with ya on that.

Minor Amendum: I will allow one unnatural occurrence of evolution/non-cannon per evolution line that is it though.

Digi Eggs/Armor Evolution
Are one digi-evolution/ evolution lines as in they only have one entry in an evolution tree. However, these are champion-level digimon that can give the hell up to Ultimate level Digimon. After everyone has gained at least one natural champion evolution these eggs will be obtainable once Ultimates level enemies start entering the fray. All you gotta do to put down for one is have it mentioned in your character sheet form there I will create scenarios for you to gain one. To the one person I know who will bring it up yes the Golden Egg of Miracles is up for grabs, unlike the rest though it will not be available until the first mega evolution in the main cast. Multiple people can have the same egg that is all.

Crest Evolution
So these I am going to treat in a certain way basically if a player chooses a crest line like Aguemon-Wargreymon or Palamon-Rosemon the evolution will be treated as normal. Yet upon gaining a Crest matching the line you will have access to warp evolution sending your mon straight to their mega like a cheat code for a fight(I'll explain this further down.)

Bio Merge Evolution
So I will consider a specialty upgrade scenario basically what it means is if you merge with a rookie to kick-start them to their mega they will gain access to their variant forms like Gallantmon Crimson, or Wargreymon Antibody mode. Burst modes, Variants, Shining, Antibody, and Mega Mode change all fall under this category of recruitment These won't be available till Mega's are unlocked and we are nearing endgame villains, but I thought it was fair to let people know that Variants are accessible via the Bio Merge mentality.

MInor Amendum: ONE BIOMERGE PER HUMAN. As in you can only Bio-Merge with one of your potentially three Digimon.

DNA Evolution
Someone somewhere is reading this and going OH SNAP. I will allow DNA evolution as long as the evolution doesn't bypass the current evolution ceiling of the cast, and that two full-body Digimon are being used to create it. DNA will not be a permanent body though as after the fight is over the DNA will revert to the two original Digimon. Players can fuse their Digimon or fuse with another player's Digimon.

I will allow but only as your first Partner these are not out in the wild to gain.


Expectations of Combat Flow

The only special rule to point out here is you can only Digivolve/Degenerate once per post. Technically My rule on combat flow is four actions I think we can all pretty well trust this to normal combat rules so unless it's clear I need to hammer a sequence of rules I will trust the cast for now to behave lol.

Though remember the four Attributes of Digimon that give advantages and disadvantages

Data, Vaccine, Virus, Free

Data Beats Vaccine

Vaccine Beats Virus

Virus Beats Data

And Free doesn't have time for anyone's business XD



For now, I think we can use normal rules unless future events prove differently

No Godmodding/Power playing

Be respectful to fellow rpers

At least two paragraphs per post, At least once a week if you're waiting on someone or giving advance notice of absence being the exception.

Try to include everyone in scenarios made

Anime/Manga face claims only. All characters must be 17 and up in age.

If you have a side arc or plot idea for your character or in general please PM me


Closing Interest Statement:

If I see enough interested bodies I will get a Character Sheet up in about a week with an official start to follow it once we get enough characters up and running. Please ask any questions that come to mind.

I do have a main plot already formulated, and some lead villains. I am always up to players who want to play additional bad guys or goodie-good NPC's.

P.S.: As an added comment no fake Digimon.

P.S.S: wikimon.net (If you need a refresher on evolutions or all existing Digimon)


Alright now that, that is all collected nice, and tidy let's discuss the application process. My max goal of Sky Fallers is not included mine is about 10 realistically if I get to that number I will probably constantly break the party up via plot or natural disaster shifting. I will bend the earth to make you all interact with bizarre group pairings once I see the dynamics play out a bit.

Yet I digress and need to return to the topic at hand. If for any insane reason, this blows up with more than 10 applicants which I doubt I will at the start of this rp need to choose from the best quality of content from the sheet, and from what I can see of content from the creator. I highly doubt I will need to go this far but if I do I will factor in everything to make sure I am choosing people who are a good fit for this idea.

Yet again I stress this the likelihood of that being necessary is in my opinion zero... ONTO THE CS PIT OF DOOM


(I am making this pretty simple if you want to go code god on it by all means blow me out of the water if not awesome I need my legs to swim anyway. Also if you want to add categories of details by all means go for it.)

(Self Explanatory... I hope...)

(17 and up please. Makes it hard for my willingness to beat you up if you're younger CAUSE THAT SOUNDS SUS)

(Anime/Artish Images Only or well-detailed explanations)

(What hellish, hell haveth you brought upon our door...)

(Okay hundred percent honest you don't need to go nuts hear you can be normal or insane lol. Also, you can be lazy or lax on it if you would rather build upon it as the RP goes. However whatever you put here you better stand by it... I'll be paying attention.)

(Whatever you would like to add can go here for your human.)


Bio-data Digimon Partner
(This is the Digimon cooking in the Egg on your phone upon your arrival)

Rookie State:
(All Eggs will hatch straight into their Rookie state)

(Remember they are built on your DNA, and Personal Data. They will have similarities to your human personality that they may or may not show)


First Route Evolution:

Champion/(Place Digi Egg/Antibody Core/ Or any item if needed for the evolution here if needed)

Ultimate/(Place Digi Egg/Antibody Core/ Or any item if needed for the evolution here if needed)

Mega/(Place Digi Egg/Antibody Core/Bio-Merge Or any item if needed for the evolution here if needed)

Variant Shining/Burst/Alternate Mode(If applicable only one PER SHEET)


Second Route Evolution

Champion/(Place Digi Egg/Antibody Core/ Or any item if needed for the evolution here if needed)

Ultimate/(Place Digi Egg/Antibody Core/ Or any item if needed for the evolution here if needed)

Mega/(Place Digi Egg/Antibody Core/Crest/Bio-Merge Or any item if needed for the evolution here if needed. Crest items only warp Digimon from Rookie straight to Mega only one per sheet)

Variant Shining/Burst/Alternate Mode(If applicable only one PER SHEET)


Third Route Evolution

Champion/(Place Digi Egg/Antibody Core/ Or any item if needed for the evolution here if needed)

Ultimate/(Place Digi Egg/Antibody Core/ Or any item if needed for the evolution here if needed)

Mega/(Place Digi Egg/Antibody Core/Bio-Merge Or any item if needed for the evolution here if needed)

Variant Shining/Burst/Alternate Mode(If applicable only one PER SHEET)

Attainable Second Digimon
(Reminder you don't have to bond with Wild Digimon. Also, remember how you meet them is where they start on their digivolving line so depending on how high level they are to begin with story-wise it might take some time for you to legit bond with them. However, I will work with you to have them pop up in the story here, and there to help out to build that bond.)

Evolution Route
(Bonded Digimon only get one route and can go back to the stage you bonded with them at ergo you get an ultimate they can only go between Ultimate-Mega Stages. If you don't have a biomerge or crest item on your primary you can use it for this one.)


Attainable Third Digimon
(Reminder you don't have to bond with Wild Digimon. Also, remember how you meet them is where they start on their digivolving line so depending on how high level they are to begin with story-wise it might take some time for you to legit bond with them. However, I will work with you to have them pop up in the story here, and there to help out to build that bond.)

Evolution Route
(Bonded Digimon only get one route and can go back to the stage you bonded with them at ergo you get an ultimate they can only go between Ultimate-Mega Stages. If you don't have a biomerge or crest item on your primary you can use it for this one.)




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Sky Fallers

Raven Clow - Wormmon

Hikaru Kazanata - Hackmon
Temporarily on Hiatus, but still in game.

Ruth Valentine - Impmon

Ariiasq Raa - ???

Alex "Ace" Tanoue - Cutemon

Kimi 'Cool Girl' Yaga - Tentomon

Mei Moore - Black Gabumon


Róisín Queally - Lopmon

Leonard "Leo" Giovanni - Dracmon





Chel Calciph - Betamon

Gabriel Caninburg - Palmon


Those Lost...
Danny Jackson - Elecmon
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Raven Clow



Relaxed, and observant. Raven is more so a go-with-the-flow type of person never looking for conflict, or trouble yet willing to help as she can when it comes to looking for her. She can take action, but she likes to get the bigger picture first which can drive others insane with it coming off indecisive rather than collecting what should be known before making a choice. However, in a panic, she knows the risks may need to be worth the false chance of the decision being right. She likes to talk about the bigger scope of things and is a bit of a stargazer.

Not much of an amazing life just an average student with a brother hooked onto Digimon so much so that he made it into the Digimon world tournament's card game division going on this month. She's been building up for a future in Astronomy getting odd jobs in her home town building up with the help of her parents a tuition to get into the college of her choice. Her 19-year-old brother is currently paying her to be his guide through the chaos of the convention as he is a bit airheaded.

(Whatever you would like to add can go here for your human.)


Bio-data Digimon Partner

Rookie State:

Wormmon(Free Type)

A bit of a worry wart, and one who overthinks a bit she has Raven's more repressed thoughts showcasing a concern, and hurried nature to take quick action in the belief she will take too much time, and cost someone their life. Yet once she's certain of her actions, or can be calmed down to the matters at hand she goes all in.

First Route Evolution

Champion/Normal Evolution

Witchmon(Data Type)

Ultimate/Normal Evolution
Mistymon(Virus Type)

Alternate Form Mega/AntiBody Core-BioMerge(From Rookie Only)
LordKnightmon(Virus Type)
Second Route Evolution

Champion/Digi Egg of Courage

FlaWizarmon(Virus Type)

Third Route Evolution


Waspmon(Virus Type)

Ultimate/Normal Evolution
Cannonbeemon(Virus Type)

Mega/Normale Evolution
Tiger Vespamon(Virus Type)

Attainable Second Digimon


Old, and Worn something of a lost cause he has lost the will to push with life only reacting in a sort of autoplane mode fighting if something starts a fight with him directly or avoiding everything when possible. Interestingly if someone expresses wanting to learn something he finally seems to have some inkling of life. Whatever he has seen or experienced in the past still haunts him to this day. When in this state a stalwart shield of an entity is made known a tactical protective giant is awoken in this state.

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Ariiasq Raa

17; 18 in a few months.

Stands at 5'9" looks like they were made out of toothpicks
Digimon Arii.png

Ariiasq, often shortened to Arii for their name can be a pain to pronounce next to things like "don't do that" and "that's a bad idea" is, a somewhat chaotic creature. Though they do not deign to fill awkward silences or answer straightforward questions, they're a chatterbox the moment they open their mouth. Nearly every word they say is backhanded or barbed, and their tongue is as sharp as silver when they want it to be. They portray themself, seemingly on purpose, as the worst creature to ever grace the Earth, ensuring that even someone who knows nothing about them at least knows they are an absolute bastard.

Beyond their demeanor, though, Arii seems to be completely incapable of doing something truly meanspirited. Every insult and curse known to mankind and a few they made up on the spot are wont to spill from their lips, but they seemingly cannot bring themself to kick someone who's already down, often chosing instead to either remove themself from what they identify as possibly the most uncomfortable situation in the world, or... help in their own... Arii-ish way. They can, and will, be an incredibly abrasive pressence to those who are not used to them, or do not communicate that they don't like something in a direct manner, but they have their moments of less-assholishness. Even, sometimes, if they're uncomfortable enough, genuine assistance.

Note: Arii cannot mentally deal with not being able to see or hear things.

If this had happened to an Arii that was seven years younger, they would have rocked the digimon world, at least, that's what they said. See, Ariiasq used to be a very big digimon fan, obsessed with the world and biology of the creatures described in the cards and games. They had nearly everything they read memorized. Then this funny little thing called "Real life" happened and they forgot most of it. Sure, they still listened to strategy meets and read news about the franchise, but they didn't really have the time or interest to deal with it, anymore.

So, they fell out of the fandom and moved onto other pursuits such as highschool, skipping their seinor year, and then college. They were doing well, too; a high gpa, not enough stress to make their hair fall out yet, only having nightmares about missing a test every week instead of every day...

Things were okay for them. Sure, not as okay as when they were smaller and running about in the woods, pretending to be stranded on a deserted island or helping the family break down whatever deer they'd got that winter, but nothing could stay the same forever. They were okay, and digimon stuff still helped them calm down a little before a big exam or having to deal with public transport, or the concept of the oncoming club tournament.

It was a lot, but it was okay.

-Expanding on the backstory a bit, Arii is very outdoors-y. Rather, they were and then life hit, so they stopped. They know how to hunt and field dress, and mostly know what marks something as good to eat (eg: sparse fruit due to birds).

-They still know a good amount about the digital world's flora/fauna due to the food described in cards/games.

-They are built like a wet noodle. No muscle to be found.

-They are an excellent swimmer, and a beter freediver.

Attainable second first digimon:

Pteranomon (X-antibody)
Pteranomon Jet.png

A creature of primarily silent observation, Pteranomon, most often called by the nickname Jet due to the coloration of his steel, is remarkable for a digimon of his strength only because he seemingly doesn't like fighting very much at all. Though he enjoys friendly spars that appear more for play than anything else, it is rare that he participates in true fights, and rarer still that he picks them himself. For a digimon of his size, he is fairly quiet, though he spends little of his time alone, often preferring the idle chatter of smaller digimon to the silence of high altitude. As a result, he has become somewhat of a guardian for weaker digimon villages, often frightening away would-be threats with his visage alone.

Even quiet, Jet is an affectionate sort, and gets attached to people easily. Love is his lifeblood, even if the grief can make to destroy him. Often, he will follow travelers around until they grow tired of his constant, somewhat overbearing, protective nature only to find the next group and do the same. Open as he is, Jet is a hypocrite. Jet is aware that he is a hypocrite and doesn't particularly care all that much about it, as, for all of his intelligence, nine times out of ten, his emotions win out.

Note: Jet cannot swim. Jet cannot even think about swimming. If you put Jet in the water, he will die because he, and I cannot stress this enough, is too stupid and flighty to swim.

More images coming soon.
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Name: Hikaru Kazanata
Age: 17
Gender: Transgender Female
Pronouns: They/Them
OIG3 (1).jpg

Note: They wear Khaki pants and Red and black slacks, Bing Messed it up, So Sorry. :C
Hikaru is strict and hardworking, as a member of the student council and the president, they tend to enforce the school rules and make it their duty for everyone to be happy as well as everyone to complete work in school as well as do their job. Hikaru tends to scold others for their mistakes and usually forgives the said person for that mistake often giving some advice in the end as they only want the person to achieve that dream and they do agree on the saying "Hard work pays off". They're extremely polite in words and tend to help without a second thought, friends and strangers alike. They can be quite informative in their ways and often are polite and speak to others with the respect that Hikaru also would give to others.


Hikaru was born the only child in the, Kazanata Familly as Transgender Female, who was originally raised as a boy, and they knew they was a girl and told their parents about it but due to them wanting a boy, decided to not heed to their daughter's wish to be a girl as they was instilled to be a male and the heir to the family's future company, Which was a big time movie producing studio and their daughter was going to become the new CEO of that company.

Since then Hikaru's has been peer pressured by their parents into becoming hard workers as Eventually, it was to the point if hikaru messed up even once, they would think they've failed them. But Hikaru is a fan of the digimon games and plays the card games and collects the cards ever since they was younger.

Hikaru is from Yokohama, Japan.


Bio-data Digimon Partner

Rookie State:
Hackmon (Virus)

Hackmon shares some of Hikaru's stoic personality, often favoring getting the job done and is more blunt out of the two and prefers to speak in short sentences as he thinks its a pain to communicate to others. He does share his partner's hidden anger and is prone to go off on a whim whenever angered or ticked off as he makes the least rational thoughts when that happens. But really, He does care about the person he likes including his partner, and will tell themon their physical help and tell them to take a break if they're pushing themselve's so hard.


First Route Evolution:

Raidramon (Virus/Appmon)
Ultimate/ Crest of Reliablity:
Revivemon (Virus)
Chaosdramon (Virus)

Second Route Evolution

Ultimate/ Dark Digivolution:
Mega/ Dark Digivolution:


Attainable Second Digimon

Runnermon personality is characterized by his Manly and tough nature, always eager to interact with others and brighten up the atmosphere with his lively presence. He is known for his loud and gregarious demeanor, often drawing attention wherever he goes. One prominent aspect of Runnermon's personality is his courage, bordering on recklessness or possibly surpassing it, But who knows? His fearless approach to challenges often leads him to take risks that others might hesitate to undertake.

This bravery stems from his kind-hearted but a hidden daring nature, as he can't stand by when witnessing injustice and is willing to put a stop to it or just do it for fun to keep himself entertained. Ryuusei loves to make light-hearted jokes to cheer one up and would occasionally use terrible puns to anyone who dares hear them. In his downtime, Ryuusei enjoys interacting with others, Whether he's Lazing around or running with his passengers on his back and transporting them.
Evolution Route
Runnermon- Tempomon- Achillemon
NPC Character/???

Chel Calciph

Appears 21 (Is 33)


An odd sort seems to be rather accumulated to the island better than most. Seeks adventure with hazardous intent with a smile. She is obsessed with exploration and combat. Seems to be well accepting of the bizarre nature, and for it is extremely adaptable if not dangerously unpredictable how she will handle the next turn of the page in the story or the light shined by the next discovery.

Before being pulled into the island Biome 12 years ago she was temping as a Digimon Tournament Event Coordinator saving up for a life of traveling the world into an Archeologist degree. Humorously the one time she was to do this job she never appeared sending the 2012 Tournament into a last-second chaos that many Digimon fans (Only brought to the Island) remember. She was very well educated along with a natural athlete/survivalist. Thus with the arrival of the digital world, she oddly clicked better than anyone before her. In the Biome Island, she is well known as a force of nature and is one of the few solo Digi Destined survivors that everyone avoids, recognized as one of her fellow labeled peers as "One of Nine" a group of the nine most dangerous Humans alive on the island

The container on her back is the literal container of her whole life on the island aka her survival kit.


Bio-data Digimon Partner

Rookie State:

Betamon(Virus Type)


In a constant state of "Why Chel why." He bemoans his partner's ruthless, not ruthless approach back, and forth scale mentality. He seems to take from the part of her most that understands the morality of things without her acceptance that her life has become a constant battlefield. He believes things should be kept to a one-track mind, and not so easily left field due to a concept like fun or reward.


First Route Evolution:

Champion/Normal Evolution

Seadramon(Data Type)

Ultimate/Normal Evolution
MegaSeadramon(Data Type)

Mega/Normal Evolution-Crest of Knowledge Warp Evolution
GigaSeadramon(Data/Virus Type)


Second Route Evolution

Champion/Normal Evolution


Ultimate/Normal Evolution
Aero V-Dramon

Mega/Bio-Merge Evolution

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  • Ruth Valentine



    Ruth is a bubbly girl who’s always putting others above herself. Her acts of servitude is a mask that oppresses her self-worth. Inside harbors a fed up, angry girl, wanting to burst through the seams, but her fear of letting others down keeps her from herself so she’s always saying “yes” to anything. Another trait is Ruth is superstitious. She believes in positive, and negative energy, and the supernatural. If something bad happens, she believes it’s bad luck, a curse or the gods trying to punish someone. She often whines if she feels cursed or other. This usually restricts her from moving forward as she is more preoccupied with finding a solution to cleanse herself of bad energy. However, if her friend or someone is in need, she will push through and ignore her habit as best as she can to save a life.


    Ruth grew up to be independent with her parents constantly at work managing a gaming company. She is self-sufficient in her daily life, but her parent’s absence does leave a void. Ruth would always find ways to bury her emotions for the sake of her parents' status. She would fill her life with school, after school activities and hobbies, but it still hasn't been enough until she began to collect Digimon trading cards. Her desire to have a Digimon of her own allowed her to meet like-minded people. She would learn the cards are more than a collection, and can be used to battle. For hours, Ruth would focus her spare time on strategizing for her next battle, and eventually entering tournaments.


    • Ruth carries a purple crystal with her that helps her calm herself, and cleanse all negative effects. It also means she comes prepared for the future such as snacks, medicine, etc. Currently, she has a messenger bag filled with chips, soda, water, her crystal, Band-Aids, a cloth, a sketchbook with poems written in a collumn.
    • She also dislikes virus/ dark type Digimon which is ironic considering she has one.
    • She’s fond of angelic or cute digimon
    • Ruth has a sweet tooth and a love for rock music

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Gabriel Caninburg

18 (Actual age is ???)


(What hellish, hell haveth you brought upon our door...)

Gabriel is the son of a noble lineage who had just been visiting the States from London to see the inner workings of the family business. On a particularly rough night of the venture Gabriel had requested to go to the hotel early on the ride, he had turned on the radio catching some talk about a card game before suddenly losing consciousness. When he awoke he was falling from the sky into what would be years of hell surviving, and building one of the five human factions standing on the biome island. He has done his best to keep to a mentality of morality over luxury or advancement earning him loyal followers, but the weight-work to make it so is depleting the resources he has built up. Though he is not a "One of Nine" he is still respected as a threat level above many to that which a Faction leader should hold. Before he had made the Forest Walker Faction he had been someone apart of a expedition labeled horribly in fear as the "Escape Mines". A party who thought they had found a way out back to the real world back than Palmon was a normal Palmon when he came back as one of only three survivors of the expedition she had returned morphed into her X-Antibody Variant with Gabrial covered in mental, and physical scars from what he had seen... he never spoke of it to anyone else. Yet as far as many are concerned if you were to point to someone with the most knowledge of the island's secrets he would be the first brought up.

He is the Faction leader of the Forest Walker Faction known as the most peaceful of the factions.

He is one of three survivors of the "Escape The Mines" Expedition


Bio-data Digimon Partner

Rookie State:
Palmon (X-Antibody Variant)

Palmon is rather logical making calculations at all times as to what the Forest Walker Faction needs to do to remain neutral with the rest of the factions from both human and Digimon. Whether it be from trying to avoid conflict with them, to trading, to peaceful negotiations. She is extremely well suited for a leadership role given no room for error, but also completely has a brutal misconcept of emotion on the matter believing anything can be sacrificed if it means keeping peace a little longer. She holds to Gabriel's darker more calculated thoughts knowing full well that he can't keep this peace going forever without officially having to step over the morality line. To where Gabriel holds his own emotions of feelings over fact in such scenarios she gives Gabriel's opinion more weight than the logical truth showing her strong bond with him.


First Route Evolution:

Champion/Normal Evolution
Kiwimon(Data Type)

Ultimate/(X-Antibody Core Reaction)
Lilimon (X-AntiBody Variant)(Data Type)

Mega/Normal Evolution-Warp Crest of Sincerity


Second Route Evolution

Champion/Normal Evolution

Ultimate-Champion/ Antibody Reaction
Gatomon(X-Antibody Variant)(Vaccine Type)

Mega/Antibody Reaction
Angewomon(X-Antibody Variant)

Sky Faller

Danny Jackson



Danny isn't exactly lazy but he can be unmotivated. On the other hand if he is doing something that is important to him, or helping a friend with something that means a lot to them he will give it his all and refuse to get discouraged, always holding out hope things will work out. Usually he prefers to go with the flow, optimistic that things will end up for the best. While he may be a bit naive and willing to give most others second chances he isn't stupid and knows that some people are irremediable

Since his mother had to raise Danny alone, they never had a lot of money. Still he couldn't complain too much, his mom made as much time for him as possible without neglecting herself and he never went hungry. Of course some kids did make fun of him for wearing clothes from thrift stores, but he had enough friends that school wasn't awful. Danny had always liked watching Digimon and once he got his hands on some bootleg cards often played the cardgame with his friends. He wasn't too interested in following the big tournaments but sometimes had one playing in the background while doing his homework.

(Whatever you would like to add can go here for your human.)


Bio-data Digimon Partner
Elecmon is a lot more energetic and raring to go than his partner. Like Danny though he is always willing to help his friends and doesn't get discouraged easily. He is pretty easily tricked or distracted, but does his best to pay attention to others.

Rookie State:
Elecmon (Data)



First Route Evolution:
Leomon (Vaccine)

Ultimate GrapLeomon (Vaccine)

Mega HeavyLeomon (Vaccine) Crest of Hope

Second Route Evolution
Champion With digi-egg of hope Pegasusmon (vaccine)

Hippogriffomon (Data)

GryphonMon (Data)
Attainable Second Digimon

Evolution Route
Champion Monochromon (Data)

Ultimate Vermilimon (Data)

Attainable Third Digimon

Evolution Route
Champion Ogremon (Virus)

Ultimate Digitamamon (Data)

Mega Devitamamon (Data)
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Alex "Ace" Tanoue



Ace is a calm and level-headed individual, always able to keep his cool even in the most challenging situations. Although he can come off as distant and reserved, he is kind-hearted and empathetic, always looking out for those around him.

Alex "Ace" Tanoue was a promising young athlete on the verge of a professional career in athletics. One of his friends was participating in the Digital Card Battle so he was listening to it on his phone when he suddenly found himself stranded in the Digital World. Despite the shock and confusion of being transported to a new world, Ace remains determined to find a way back home.

Ace injured his back on arrival, landing wrong as he fell out of the sky. His mobility is limited and he is now heavily reliant on others to get around. Cutemon has been doing his best to alleviate/heal his condition.

Bio-data Digimon Partner

Rookie State:

Cutemon (Vaccine Type)

Despite its small size, Cutemon is brave and fiercely loyal to Ace, always ready to protect him in battle.

First Route Digivolution:

Unimon (Vaccine Type)

Rapidmon (Vaccine Type)

Sleipmon (Vaccine Type)

Second Route Digivolution
Mega/(With or Without) Digi-Egg of Fate

Rapidmon (Armour) (Vaccine Type)
Kimi 'Cool Girl' Yaga



Devoted and loyal, Kimi Yaga holds her grandmother in high regard, seeing her as the catalyst for her journey into the Digimon card game. Determined and ambitious, she strives for success in the competitive scene, driven by a desire to honor her grandmother's well-meaning gesture. With a strategic mindset and a curious nature, she is always seeking to improve her skills and hone her strategies. Optimistic and resilient, Kimi Yaga draws strength from her grandmother's unwavering support and the memories of her thoughtful gift to adapt to anything that comes her way

A dedicated Digimon enthusiast whose passion for the game was sparked by a gift from her grandmother, Rose. As a young child, Kimi received a gift from her grandmother, containing a Wargreymon card, which would change her life. Captivated by the power and presence of the shiny Wargreymon, Kimi was inspired to delve deeper into the world of Digimon. Eagerly listening to Kimi's stories of tribulations and successes, whenever she visits, Grandmother Rose remained a constant source of encouragement and support throughout her gaming life. Winning her latest tournament Kimi enters the official world tournament as a wildcard, determined to showcase her skills on the global stage and honor her Grandmother Rose.

Bio-data Digimon Partner

Rookie State:

Tentomon (Vaccine Type)

Excitable and energetic, Tentomon acts like Kimi's little sister, eagerly following her example and doing her best to help.

First Route Digivolution:

Tortomon (Vaccine Type)


Piximon (Vaccine Type)


Babamon (Vaccine Type)


Attainable Second Digimon


Evolution Route

Bio-Merge (Mega)



Attainable Third Digimon


Evolution Route

DNA Digivolution (Ultimate)

(With Tortamon)

Mei Moore



Written description
Coming in at 6 '4 without heels, Mei is a pale tall board of a woman. She has black shoulder length hair with her bangs swept to one side. Normally she wears her hair in a ponytail with another ponytail wig clipped onto it making it shoulder blade length. If someone had to describe her looks in one word it would be generic so it's a good thing she can make up for them with money.

Her outfit is a high neck black dress with a slit in the side accessorized with a belt, long black opera gloves, and her heels with the purple bottoms. Mei typically wears a pair of designer sunglasses and an expensive earring of some sort normally in the shape of a currency. Mei has a stole based on what she thought kudamon looked like.

Mei is as rich in personality as she is in wealth. Clad in a self-centered typical old school villainess persona she comes off as obnoxious to those around her. A deep desire to please her parents and her upbringing left Mei adaptable and strategic since just getting through situations wouldn’t be enough to please them she had to be able to gain the upper hand.

Lacking in self-worth it's hard for Mei to find good points about herself outside of the persona she created but if you get past it, you’ll find a stalwart and gutsy individual. Graced with the sensitive nature only found in fairytale princesses it doesn’t take much for her to pick on things or problems others may overlook.

Mei was born and raised by her family to carry on the Moore lineage. A family known for coming from old money and if you ask the people on the darker side of life their shady dealings . As a try hard and dutiful daughter Mei tried her best to live up to the expectations that came with the family lineage but fell short of the unrealistic expectations set for her. During her struggles Mei found an old toy digivice which became a big focus point for her daydreaming and creative projects…well and tanukis…and fairytales.

Armed with her source of comfort it was only when Mei’s family chose her fiancé to further the family's power, she decided to take a chance and break away from them to have a bit of personal freedom before she traded one family for another; A chance to make a precious memory to get her through the rest of her days. In her fly by night plan to escape, Mei convinced her fiancé to attend a Digimon card tournament as the first step...

  • Feel free to bully her since she most likely will do something to deserve it. She is pretty resilient mentally so it takes a lot to get her to break.
  • Really good at cluedo and card games of skill. Mei won’t be good at card games like Digimon though since she would rather play with her favorites than win.
  • Mei’s knowledge of Digimon is more outdated and sporadic than others in the hobby due to her starting as a fan later in her life and lack of access to information. She really enjoys making up her own rules and cards for the card game version of it.
  • She knows enough sign language to get by in a typical conversation
  • Mei runs the (tax write off) paper magazine digidigi monthly: the monthly magazine for Digimon monthly. It's filled with her fanfics and fake Digimon designs. Since it went straight from her hands to the trash can it's hard to know if it was any good.


Bio-data Digimon Partner
Rookie State
Black Gabumon (virus type)
A sly little fellow that enjoys acting like an old person. With their perceptive nature they guide situations they are a part of to either something they desire or something they think would be funny to see. They treat Mei as if she were a dear friend and provides a stalwart presence while she fumbles through life. It only took a glance between the two to not only know that they would die for each other but kill for each other as well.

First Route Evolution:

Tailmon (Free)
Lady devimon (Virus)
Megamon (vaccine)(DNA evolution with Angewoman)

Second Route Evolution
Opossummon (free) (with or without the digimetal of kindness)

Third Route Evolution

Hudiemon (Free)
Lilimon (data)
Rafflesimon (data)


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Azurian Dream Azurian Dream I hope this is okay! I'll plan to add more to it soon (Extra digi-lines, Secondary Partners, etc) but to start this is the finished character.

Sky Faller

Róisín Queally (Row-Sheen Kwee-lee)



download (1).jpeg

Spending the last few years trying to overcome her self loathing and other people's putdowns about her short, 5'6, height, Róisín's now nimble reflexes and quicker fists are thanks to her lean and athletic build. Her vibrant red hair hangs loose and wild for the most part, but is known to get tied up into a high ponytail with a bunny rabbit braid, something she normally wears on her wrist, whenever she gets focused.


Quiet and focused, when Róisín sets herself a goal she single mindedly aims her entire being into reaching it. Her silent determination can become inspiring for some, but quickly cause those same people to stay away and even avoid her in fear, mostly due to her unwavering headstrong approach and sudden aggressive bouts. Anyone you knew her back in the Real World know she was never always like this, once the embodiment of a bubbly young woman all through her teenage years, that woman is now, perhaps, long gone and buried.


Róisín doesn't really care for the whole Digimon scene, at least not for want of trying. It was childish games for childish kids. From the insistent yapping of the card game, shows, computer games she always saw around 'her' room, the lists of endless creatures...bring up Digimon six years ago to her and she'd probably laugh and/or roll her eyes, in either order. And then 'she' wasn't there anymore, and there was no more excited talking of whatever card 'she' just got, or game 'she' restarted for the tenth time. There was nothing. And no matter how many years passed, no matter how much boxing she learned, or cons she went to, or games she tried to play, or tournaments she watched, nothing seemed to fill that empty space. But...maybe this'll be different, maybe she'll get something this time.


Róisín has little patience for those who drag their feet or remain uncommitted on decisions.

This same patience can also quickly run thin if pushed enough.


Bio-data Digimon Partner

Rookie State:




Lopmon is bubbly incarnate, much to Róisín's internal horror. They have no concept of personal space and will just as easily try to make friends and small talk with the most harmless to vicious of Digimon. Though this is a personality Róisín loathes to see of herself reflected, Lopmon is not all giggles and sunshine. They've also inherited Róisín's temperament, rushing headlong at a moment's notice when pushed to their, short, limit.














Filmon is a protective den-mother to a colony of Herissmon, warding off any dangers that may come looking for the more skitterish Rookie Digimon. Though she is more inclined to do the talking with her sharp quills and claws when provoked, she can become calm and complacent especially with her young in safety.

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Leonard "Leo" Giovanni



Leonard can be best described as an adventure kid, Often always on the go often searching for the adventure that makes one feel alive, Often it ends up with him in deep trouble but he does learn from his mistakes... Eventually, He's a well-meaning young man. No matter the circumstances, he cares a lot about the safety and well-being of other people, regardless of whether they're fighting with or against him. He is quite a chatterbox and often talks all day and night on Digimon Card Games and Generally his favorite deck types.

Born to a family of Cafe Owners, Leonard spent his childhood in the coastal town of Naples, Italy. Growing up, He was regarded as the troublemaker and often pulled pranks on others for the laughs and to make one smile, He did get into trouble often due to it but didn't care. He got into Digimon after a couple of friends recommended him a card game, called Digimon TCG and boy was Leonard invested in this, He was interested especially with the awesome looking Digimon out there, and participated in some friendly matches including the regionals tournament, which he was a runner up in.

Leone was the runner-up in the regional tournament a year ago.


Bio-data Digimon Partner

Rookie State:



He's More Or less the Careless and Mischivious side of Leo, he's more prone on doing fun things and pulling pranks and tricks just for the laughs like his partner, But he has Leo's hidden Ego and is quite an arrogant guy unlike his tamer but he means well... sometimes.... with his attitude he has.


First Route Evolution:

Champion/ Sanguloupmon


Ultimate/ Vamdemon X-Antibody


Mega/ DarkKnightmon X-Antibody (Crest of Friendship)


Second Route Evolution

Champion/Gargoylemon (Digi-Egg of Frienship)


Ultimate/ Manticoremon


Mega/ Anubismon


Attainable Second Digimon​


Personality: Mikemon is regarded as the Cat who knows when and what goes on, and will give you info for a price, She's often a little chatty and quite someone who warms up to people immediately. But has a short temper and will throw one if crossed which results in some property damage.
Evolution Route


Attainable Third Digimon


Personality: The more Blunt guy of the three, He's silent and often doesn't speak much but when he does he usually a chill guy and prefers thee small talk over the long conversations, he likes to cook as well and is regarded a the babysitter due to how he has to keep an eye on a human and two other digimon that'll cause trouble.

Evolution Route
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Name - Nan Ji-Su (South Korean)
Age - 22

Ji-Su is often a bit aloof and strangely for a Military Officer, rather lax on discipline, she seemed to be partially motivated by patriotism in her career choice as well as a wish to slack off and not having to deal with corporate bullshit as she terms it in the civilian sector. With an interest in video games, electrical devices and computers, she ended up in the South Korean Army as something of a Tech Expert primarily working with computers, guidance systems, information processing and general maintenance for such systems. Often pulling long service hours she tends to crave sweet things and energy drinks, though the latter did not cross over with her to the Island.

Comfortable with systems she knows, or what few bits of Technology she's stumbled across, Ji-Su is currently trying to make sense of the world and appreciative of her partner in this digital world. Remarkably calm about the whole situation, though she's known to be a slacker with things not to her liking, however, she tends to find the simplest way to do a given task or to automate it and thinks in a very tactically efficient manner and has an interest in exploring the Island in an attempt to escape. Known to pull all-nighters if she has enough caffeine and sugar, or what amounts to it on the island.

Ji-Su was your average student and upbringing minus her father being a worker for Samsung in its R&D Division that brought work home, which seems to be how Ji-Su became so skilled in the fields of Computer Science and Eletronic System Maintenace, and a knack for taking apart and repairing electrical and mechanical devices. While having a promising future after a stint in college, she instead entered the Army of the Republic of Korea. Lazing about and "acquiring" and old desktop PC, she would busy herself with what work she had to do and sneaking in games to play in her office in Seoul at the Defense Ministry. Becoming interested in Digimon, she would be watching a feed of the Digimon World Tournament, and pushed her luck a bit too far by hacking into Camera's that were part of the system but not currently airing. Suddenly she found herself in the Digital World and was fortunate enough to be near one of the human settlements and a Human with a Digimon that were interested in helping her, as well as the strange phone like device with an egg, and soon a Digimon to deploy of her own.

Bored out of her mind, but has quickly learned a few skills to survive on the island, can complain at times and seems to at times wonder if this is all a dream, or rather a nightmare. She has the markings of a 2nd Lieutenant equivalent of the ROK Ground Forces on her uniform.


Bio-data Digimon Partner

Rookie State: Commandramon (Type Cyborg - Attribute Virus)

Rather intuitive and inventive for a basic infantry type, this Commandramon is known to be rather cunning with how it battles and behaves, seemingly more of a soldier than Ji-Su, her partner is an able and willing assistant that also prefers to do things with as few movements as possible, and is always willing to lift a hand for Ji-Su, the two seem to get along well, though Commandramon is suspicious of new encounters and has been known to use its stealth to spy on others with its partner nearby.


First Route Evolution:
Champion/ Sealsdramon (Type Cyborg - Attribute Virus)

Ultimate/ Fumamon (Type Cyborg - Attribute - Data - Virus)

Mega/ Mirage Dianamon (Type Godman - Attribute - Data)

Second Route Evolution
Champion/ Hi-Commandramon (Type Cyborg - Attribute Virus)

Ultimate/ Tankdramon (Type Machine - Attribute Virus)

Mega/ Dukemon (Type Holy Knight - Attribute Data)

Attainable Second Digimon

Evolution Route


Attainable Third Digimon

Evolution Route

Eliam Arlo Nyxshade



Eliam is normally quiet, thinking more than he talked; he was known for not expressing his opinions too much. But when caught in a rough position, he was not a pushover. Eliam thinks before speaking and stays out of situations he knows he will lose. Although he can be passive, he is not a coward, he minds his own business until the situation progresses to the point of bleeding into his life. He has no interest in being a hero, getting compliments, or being outspoken. He rather bleed into the background until it is time for him to play his part before fading away again.

Eliam was raised with a wealthy background, taking extra lessons in business, combat, and weapons, per his father's requirements. But recently, he has been rebelling, skilling classes, and even missing some classes from school to the point that his father has threatened to cut him off in favor of his younger sister.

Eliam has been walking the streets learning about life outside of his family and even goes by the name Arlo, his middle name when he talks to anyone. He has little skill in fighting, weapons are not something he is good with and business is more about dealing with others to him than anything else. Other skills he has picked up, are learning to read people better and trying to talk more with people about what is on his mind.


Bio-data Digimon Partner

Rookie State:

Salamon is outspoken but is a good listener too. She likes to get to know people and is often happy to hear or learn a new skill. She doesn't like seeing situations get bad and sometimes can't help but get in the middle of things.


First Route Evolution:





Second Route Evolution



Third Route Evolution

Ultimate/Lady Devimon



Attainable Second Digimon
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Evolution Route

Gatomon plus Aquilmon


Attainable Third Digimon

Evolution Route
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