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Fandom The U.A Disaster: Hero High School Scandal OOC

as he silently will hope after nobody heard him call Liz cute, which she is.
You know what? What the hell, I'm not opposed to the idea. xD If Hinata can win her over, that is.

Speaking of which, I actually commissioned some art for her, so I switched out her face claim for that on the character page. Hope that's okay!
Meh, if things happen they happen.

Otherwise I ain't gonna push it, Hinata is what he is, and he'll go where he pleases.
Thanks! I appreciate it.

I feel bad for poor Hinata though, since Liz is probably going to threaten to bite his face off again.
I shall be busy for the next couple days so feel free to place me in the background! I shall rejoin once I have read up on everything later on in the week!
This is so much drama, and I think I have an idea of what I want to do with it now! May I just say though, I didn't even realize ChicLady was short for chicken. Made me laugh in an otherwise very emotional response. xD Love it though! Magenta is great. =D

I just wanted to give a heads up though--I think you accidentally posted same reply twice in your post.
I could only imagine what type of power chicken body could give...

You could also say towards Magenta she was abit of a... Mother hen. >vv>
Its eager then moi, can't wait, I have the perfect description for when my boy gets pounced/grabbed.
oh god, mixed with the water and the trash and the -Hyurk.

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