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Fandom The U.A Disaster: Hero High School Scandal OOC

The prodigal daughter returns! I got to say you're really living up to your username, I wanna knooooow. She's so enigmatic and she hasn't even spoken yet! And I'm all for Liz deciding that helping her former friend find justice is more important than following da rules.
Hinata can't really say much really, different friend groups despite same classes, a group of friends that... well.. are not ehre atm.

So hes kinda lonely, a pirate captain without a crew.
Thank you, Thank you! I cant wait to reveal more.

Hinata, Magenta is the type of person who would say hello to him every morning, even invite him to sit with her at lunch or hang out after school, go to the movies or arcade. She was just that type of person. Never letting others feel bad or down or lonely.
Btw, I'm gonna be a otakon this weekend, so my posting will be slow thuraday- Sunday but I'll try to post nightly
its cool, take yer time.

They do seem like similar personalities, just a matter of the fact they likely haven't truly come together yet, folks likely often why they aren't the best buds ever or such. he's only lonely now cause of.. well.. what happened.
i await with baited breath.
Ahh i just got home~
I went to a lake today and walked the trail.



I’ll get started on reading and responding now! :D
Hahaha, my original plan was for the story to start from her pov, but I thought this way would be more fun.
Oh boy, Hinata must look like a good villain it seems.
I want to see more with what's happening with Maggie and Elizabeth, but I have to focus on Ugu, nooooo.

Lol, now I have to figure out how he'll get out of this situation. I want to show off how tactical and smart he is.
I love how into this you all are. To think this story started as a dream after binge watching season 2 & 3 over the course of a weekend lol
Dude, you have some awesome dreams! xD How can I not get into this though. My character just stumbled into the middle of a horrible villainous conspiracy! I'm liking the Liz and Maggie bromance brewing here too.

Plus this is my first group RP lol.
All fair points! Alot of my rps actually come from dreams. My deathnote rp dream came about because I dreamed there was a new Killing imperfect people
Turns out trying to explain how Ugu uses his quirk is actually pretty challenging, considering I'm actually pretty bad at explaining stuff.
Sounds kinda cyberpunk, surfing on hardlight surfboards or something.

I shall do a Hinata post after work.
Hinata psot in, says goodbye to snappy ladies and goes on his OWn treasure hunt causes he needs no prissy queen bees ruining HIS pirate adventure.

And by the end, he finds two new treasures!

heres hopign the second stays alive.

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