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Fandom The U.A Disaster: Hero High School Scandal OOC

The comedy is needed or we wouldn't be rping a anime~! That said, Hinata still feels grief, hell even guilt over a classmate going a.w.o.l and crazy...
Hmmm, A few yes.

totodile, Over a dozen Charmander, Wooper, Misdreavus, Wailmer, numel & shuppet were all good captures today!
Work kinda killed my pikemon hunting ,,>.<

But I got a shiney omanite and medicham
Hinata is now on the villain side, time to run about like a chicken with it's head cut off looking for his partners in crime, when it's my turn to psot that is


And play nice okay~!
Haha the drama bout to hit the fan tho. Hinata has me laughing though. I love all the different writing styles so far.
Thats my goal, comic relief to balance the pain.
Not bad not bad! I’m really diggin Nitropalm’s personality. It’s gonna be fun to bounce back and forth with a cheerful personality. ?
Soon, soon hinata's rise to villainous power shall come!

Tbh I end up making that pun a lot unintentionally. xD Sharp is just such an easy descriptor!

I saw what you did there btw, mentioning needing a strong sense of smell. xD
So my boss is kind of a jerk. Yesterday I gotvery unhappy emails very early in the morning. He was rather unpleasant.

Today he came in the office and said "you did said thing right. It just wasn't how I wanted it. My mistake." And that's as close to an apology as I will ever get from this guy. I'm counting today as a pretty good day lol.

Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford of how are you feeling today friend!
Hey no problem hun and if you find you want to make a return you are welcome to! I cant work on more than two at a tjme. I got an invitation to a harry potter themed one and haven't accepted since I have a deathnote one on the side with a friend and a sci-fi one with my boyfriend lol
Wow. That's a lot. I'm currently working on a reboot of a Game of Thrones RP that was run by someone else a while back. It's basically that, but unrestrained by the previous RPs timeline, so everyone can do whatever they want.
I completed a 1000 piece puzzle today, although because I have 2 cats it was actually a 999 piece puzzle. T.T


  • 20180803_224650.jpg
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Ooooh... that hurts

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