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Realistic or Modern .:The Typicality of Anime Schools:.

Should We Have Dorms?

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Leaf Fi] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17998-corgi/ said:
@Corgi[/URL] is it bad I read the principals speech just as him going "You know what... FUCK THIS. ALL YOUR SHIT IS UNDER YOUR CHAIRS, I'M OUTTIE!" *backflips out door*

*comforts the poor corgi*

and thank you -sniffle and huggle-

I am stopping the roleplay for tonight. We can continue in the morning once more are awake <3

I'm also retiring ot my room.. sooooo >>
Corgi said:
and thank you -sniffle and huggle-

I am stopping the roleplay for tonight. We can continue in the morning once more are awake <3

I'm also retiring ot my room.. sooooo >>

Okie~ I'm half asleep anyways xD Night y'all! Sweet dreams, and I love you all soooooooo much! *huggles from me and Yumi for all~*
hey guys

idk if im gonna rp tonight because i have things

but i may

if i don't im probably gonna be gone till monday cause no internet where im going this weekend

but i look super forward to reading you guys' posts

peace out maybe, have a tune


Good morning everybody! Happy Friday if it's Friday for you!

Zero is feeling a whole lot better this morning, and I'm in the mood to roleplay!

I also just found out that my mom bought lots of good junk food for me to snack on, and that has also put me in a good mood!

[QUOTE="Zero Gravity]Good morning everybody! Happy Friday if it's Friday for you!
Zero is feeling a whole lot better this morning, and I'm in the mood to roleplay!

I also just found out that my mom bought lots of good junk food for me to snack on, and that has also put me in a good mood!



That's awesome <3

I want junk foooodddd >~<

Also, it would be appreciated if, when you guys get on, make sure you message in the OOC chat so that I can see how many we have put ^^

What Koichi thinks of everyone

Uchida Mikan


The two of them have a lot in common and it's very likely that they will become best buddies rather quickly. I can already imagine them fooling around together.Koichi's hard-working nature will contrast nicely with Mikan's laziness. Briefly, they will be bffs

Hayasaki Natsumi


Koichi will be very friendly towards the girl, and will often try to strike up conversations with her, in his point of view, she looks like a completely trustworthy and responsible young lady. Probably they will get along nicely, since he will be completely inoffensive in relation to her objectives.

Noriko Maki

@Zero Gravity

Koichi will be super kind towards him and won't even imagine that he's actually a boy. He won't be too shocked if he ends up discovering though. The red-head will always try to put a smile on his face and comfort him when he is worried

Tanaka Ryuzaki

@Suzumaki Arakai

Koichi won't be too bothered by Ryuzaki's attitude most of the times, and will try to be nice to him like he does to everyone. Ryuzaki may trigger Koichi's moodiness sometimes, but after 15 minutes or so he won't remember why he were mad. Koichi sees that Ryuzaki is more than just a douchebag.

Takeshi Kitao


Koichi will try hard to bring Kitao out of his comfort zone, but won't want to bother him too much. The two might have a troubled relationship due to the Red-head's bubbliness and such, but there's a slim chance that Ichikawa will succeed and bring Takeshi out of his box

Takahashi Tomio

@Leaf Fi

The red-head will be fast friends with Tomio. Both of them are very energetic and love to perform, and this will make the two really close probably. Koichi won't mind Tomio's flirting and stuff and will probably reply jokingly

Also, I'm going to say:

If anyone wants to make their homeroom teacher, I'd be cool with that. But please know, that he/she won't be a main character. (Also, if anyone dooeessss, please make them pretty chill xD If they aren't, then we won't be having to much fun during class >~<)

Anyways, if you do, then just PM me and I'll make a character sheet for a teacher.
I dunno c:

I'm going to a friends house today until Friday :c I'll miss you guys.

Lol who am I kiddin'?

Imma be on my phone, partaking in all of the awe-inspiring RP!!!
[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]I dunno c:
I'm going to a friends house today until Friday :c I'll miss you guys.

Lol who am I kiddin'?

Imma be on my phone, partaking in all of the awe-inspiring RP!!!


We have 5/10 people on currently, so I think starting when we have 6 would be okay? What do you guys think?
I'm ready to roleplay~!

Just Maki being Maki, I'm going to post sometime soon, Maki's probably in the auditorium stil, so...

If anybody wants to roleplay, fire away! :-)
Oh! Guys! What do you think about in the school year they go on trips? (Just to spice some things up)

One is the beach another is the mountains or something like that?

Or maybe the teacher's just super rich and nice and takes them on sporadic trips?
OHH. We totally talked about Maki in a bathing suit omygosh. The beach would be absolutely hilarious aghhh.

Maki in a bathing suit kills me. Bikini with ruffles, oh my god.
I can just see other NPCs in the RP just crowded with each other, "Look at Maki-chan! She's so cute right now! Who cares about having a small chest if you look that adorable!"
[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]I can just see other NPCs in the RP just crowded with each other, "Look at Maki-chan! She's so cute right now! Who cares about having a small chest if you look that adorable!"

And Maki's just like: "Jesus, if anyone found out about me, that would be a total nightmare."
[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]I can just see other NPCs in the RP just crowded with each other, "Look at Maki-chan! She's so cute right now! Who cares about having a small chest if you look that adorable!"

Anyone can use NPC's :D

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