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Realistic or Modern .:The Typicality of Anime Schools:.

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It's not really about how good I am, it's kind of just me in general. I just, I don't really know anymore??


I just really want one of those famous Rachel hugs. Like where you cuddle me. I miss those. ;-;


Thanks. :-)

@Leaf Fi

Thank you little leaf. You guys are totally gonna make me cry, you're all so super nice.

@Suzumaki Arakai

I mean, I'm still probably going to roleplay, because I'm stuck at my house and have nothing else to do, and I have to watch my brother. We can still do that, this little star is just in a bit of a funk.
Zero Gravity] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18336-nickonthereg/ said:
It's not really about how good I am, it's kind of just me in general. I just, I don't really know anymore??


I just really want one of those famous Rachel hugs. Like where you cuddle me. I miss those. ;-;


Thanks. :-)

@Leaf Fi

Thank you little leaf. You guys are totally gonna make me cry, you're all so super nice.

@Suzumaki Arakai

I mean, I'm still probably going to roleplay, because I'm stuck at my house and have nothing else to do, and I have to watch my brother. We can still do that, this little star is just in a bit of a funk.
When school starts again :D
crawls into room sobbing

i'm so fucking sorry guys i'm gonna just drop my freight ton of feels here but it has nothing to do with you so please don't feel bad or anything

i think i'll be taking one hella hiatus because i've been feeling like shit lately and you guys deserve literally nothing but the best and not me not even half-assing posts and stuff. i love you guys a ton, so if you wanna talk to me about anything just message me and i'll give you some places where you can reach me.

i'll be deleting all my characters and stuff, though, so i'm really sorry if you wanted to interact with him, but i can barely drag myself outta bed when i get up anymore and i can't sleep and, hell, i'm shaking writing this. i'm sorry if this broke your happy mood, and feel free to cuss me out and curse my name and tear me down, because really, i deserve it for getting any hopes up. love you all, and i'm hoping i'll feel alive again real soon, 'cause i've never met a group of people i've felt so good around.

lots of love and many apologies,

your little shit lord,

mikko said:
crawls into room sobbing
i'm so fucking sorry guys i'm gonna just drop my freight ton of feels here but it has nothing to do with you so please don't feel bad or anything

i think i'll be taking one hella hiatus because i've been feeling like shit lately and you guys deserve literally nothing but the best and not me not even half-assing posts and stuff. i love you guys a ton, so if you wanna talk to me about anything just message me and i'll give you some places where you can reach me.

i'll be deleting all my characters and stuff, though, so i'm really sorry if you wanted to interact with him, but i can barely drag myself outta bed when i get up anymore and i can't sleep and, hell, i'm shaking writing this. i'm sorry if this broke your happy mood, and feel free to cuss me out and curse my name and tear me down, because really, i deserve it for getting any hopes up. love you all, and i'm hoping i'll feel alive again real soon, 'cause i've never met a group of people i've felt so good around.

lots of love and many apologies,

your little shit lord,

Are you alright, my child p~p? Im a bit worried.
mikko said:
crawls into room sobbing
i'm so fucking sorry guys i'm gonna just drop my freight ton of feels here but it has nothing to do with you so please don't feel bad or anything

i think i'll be taking one hella hiatus because i've been feeling like shit lately and you guys deserve literally nothing but the best and not me not even half-assing posts and stuff. i love you guys a ton, so if you wanna talk to me about anything just message me and i'll give you some places where you can reach me.

i'll be deleting all my characters and stuff, though, so i'm really sorry if you wanted to interact with him, but i can barely drag myself outta bed when i get up anymore and i can't sleep and, hell, i'm shaking writing this. i'm sorry if this broke your happy mood, and feel free to cuss me out and curse my name and tear me down, because really, i deserve it for getting any hopes up. love you all, and i'm hoping i'll feel alive again real soon, 'cause i've never met a group of people i've felt so good around.

lots of love and many apologies,

your little shit lord,

*hugs you through my laptop* I hope everything is okay soon... I was so excited to rp with you, but it's okay. Take care of yourself, sweetheart. xoxo
I feel like everyone's going through what I was going through about a month ago; except I didn't react to bad to it.

I was having panic attacks every night lol but I learned how to control them c: I always thought I was dying and I go out of lifting weights and waking up early.

I never wanted to do anything anymore but eventually I started cussing myself out in the mirror because I knew I'd never be able to join the military acting the way I was xD

I feel a lot better nowadays though. c:

I pray you guys get better, shit can be a lot worse. Don't try to ignore how you're feeling, you gotta recognize it and get over it...not like the "Dude get over it" kind of way but the climb over a hill kind of way.

@mikko @Zero Gravity

I sound like a bad therapist. O.o
@Suzumaki Arakai

No, that's great advice.

I'll get over myself in the morning. I'll be in a better mood, I'll feel happier. I'm just gonna try to take a long rest. I won't be posting until the morning though. I love all you guys, see you in the morning.

I'd like to roleplay with you in the morning if you want to, as I'm free tomorrow and would probably like someone to talk to.

I just need a good sleep, and I'll be better. :-)
We all go through some kind of depression at least once in our lives, some experience it worse than others but the main thing to focus on is that no matter how bad it feels at this moment, it always gets better. All this sadness makes you a better person in the end, it helps you become stronger and when the same thing happens to you again, you just laugh it off, you learn how to have thicker skin and how to cut off all you emotions when you start over thinking again. Some of us experience depression more than one time and some of us even have it for a couple years at a time, it ALWAYS gets BETTER. It's kind of like math, if you keep dealing with the same problem over and over again it gets easier and easier until it's second nature.

@mikko Hope you feel better soon.I was really looking forward to Mikan and Koichi interacting, but it doesn't matter. I'd love to give you any help but i really have to sleep now. I'll miss you badly! T^T
Zero Gravity] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18336-nickonthereg/ said:
It's not really about how good I am, it's kind of just me in general. I just, I don't really know anymore??


I just really want one of those famous Rachel hugs. Like where you cuddle me. I miss those. ;-;


Thanks. :-)

@Leaf Fi

Thank you little leaf. You guys are totally gonna make me cry, you're all so super nice.

@Suzumaki Arakai

I mean, I'm still probably going to roleplay, because I'm stuck at my house and have nothing else to do, and I have to watch my brother. We can still do that, this little star is just in a bit of a funk.
I just want you to be happy <3 From my own experiences, I know what you feel like at the moment and it's horrid and awful and everything gets too much and you just want nothing more than to curl up and do nothing. Don't fall into that temptation. Just don't. Your pretty little face doesn't deserve to hold a frown! Same with you @mikko ! I don't wanna give out my back story here, 'cause it ain't the place, but I know how you feel. Honest. So get some rest, chill out, and just give yourself some well deserved rest <3
Katsumi said:
We all go through some kind of depression at least once in our lives, some experience it worse than others but the main thing to focus on is that no moatter how bad it feels at this moment, it always gets better. All this sadness makes you a better person in the end, it helps you become stronger and when the same thing happens to you again, you just laugh it off, you learn how to have thicker skin and how to cut off all you emotions when you start over thinking again. Some of us experience depression more than one time and some of us even have it for a couple years at a time, it ALWAYS gets BETTER. It's kind of like math, if you keep dealing with the same problem over and over again it gets easier and easier until it's second nature.
Everybody's so good at comforting and I'm over here like...

*Smacks mikko's booty in attempt to make her laugh*
Wataru said:
@mikko Hope you feel better soon.I was really looking forward to Mikan and Koichi interacting, but it doesn't matter. I'd love to give you any help but i really have to sleep now. I'll miss you badly! T^T
I forgive you, goodnight *jumps on you ad hugs you* SWEET DREAMS!
Good night everyone, Zero is going to set up their slumber chamber, and go to sleep.

Yet again, love you all. Thanks for the great advice for me and mikko, but I feel as if mikko needs it a lot more than I do.

Love you guys, truly! :-) \(//∇//)\
[QUOTE="Zero Gravity]Good night everyone, Zero is going to set up their slumber chamber, and go to sleep.
Yet again, love you all. Thanks for the great advice for me and mikko, but I feel as if mikko needs it a lot more than I do.

Love you guys, truly! :-) \(//∇//)\

Good night! Sweetest dreams for the sweetest face! <3 *huggles and kisses forehead* Love you too~ xx
Suzumaki Arakai]* [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17998-corgi/ said:
@Corgi[/URL] creates RP*
*Everyone sinks into depression*

-cries in corner-

@Corgi is it bad I read the principals speech just as him going "You know what... FUCK THIS. ALL YOUR SHIT IS UNDER YOUR CHAIRS, I'M OUTTIE!" *backflips out door*


Corgi said:
-cries in corner-

*comforts the poor corgi*

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