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Realistic or Modern .:The Typicality of Anime Schools:.

Should We Have Dorms?

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Zero Gravity] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16525-leaf-fi/ said:
@Leaf Fi[/URL]
That's okay, Maki will give him company! xD

Poor, clumsy, Maki who runs straight into his back.

POOR GIRL *nudge nudge, wink wink*
[QUOTE="Leaf Fi]Tomio: *stumbles backwards before regaining his footing* *chuckles and pats her head before returning the hug* Just don't pat that guy's booty and I'll forgive you.

Ione: *Pulls back and raises an eyebrow* What? Oh.. I wanna hear this story!
Corgi said:
Ione: *Pulls back and raises an eyebrow* What? Oh.. I wanna hear this story!
Tomio: *Eyes widens and he frantically shakes his head* Noooooo! It'll give me nightmares again! *whines*
[QUOTE="Leaf Fi]Tomio: *Eyes widens and he frantically shakes his head* Noooooo! It'll give me nightmares again! *whines*

Ione: Awww.... Poor child *Hugs again* Sh.. It's alright now!
It's english now, and at school the English we learn is too basic. So I'll do my best to reply. I won't be able to make a pretty post though :/

This uses roleplay uses anime logic, so pink and blue hair -cough cough- is normal, it's a natural hair color xD
Such a normal conversation

I walked into my living room to find my sister and her friends kneeling before my dog and saying that she has a bigger butt than any of them... (OuO) I don't know her anymore
[QUOTE="Leaf Fi]Such a normal conversation
I walked into my living room to find my sister and her friends kneeling before my dog and saying that she has a bigger butt than any of them... (OuO) I don't know her anymore

oh my o-o



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