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Fantasy The Two Packs OOC

The hybrid form redistributes the muscle so that the brain can use 100% of the body's muscle, so kind of. But the parts of the brain responsible for higher thinking are basically shut down so the brain can handle this.
Thank you! Another thing to note is that silver also suppresses the abilities of a lycan. So if they have a bullet lodged in them, they have the same strength as a normal human, and they can't change their form.
I can't wait for this entire thing to get started, I've only seen like 2 other rps I've been this interested in
CS is up!
I would use the more realistic version of the app I used, but I still don't gots my phone >~<
Once I get the phone, I do my best to remember to update it, though I won't have nearly as many options so It may be radically different
I'ma be getting amino, rpnation, discord, things to make characters with, and all that, including pubg mobile

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