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Fantasy The Tribe OOC

That could work yes.
Though, that doesn't change one thing. All this happened, while I was off and couldn't post. Everyone dispersed and started their own thing while I was away. THAT is the mess. As I said, you didn't even wait for my confirmation, just went on as if things were fine. I may be lenient on a lot of things, but that is my one rule. Wait for everyone involved in a scene to reply, before going off and doing other things. Not everyone is in the same time-zone, nor follow the same schedule. I've had to close down, or leave far to many RPs because I was off when everyone else was on.
Y'know, I don't think its anything to get worked up about. It's a mistake, we can fix it and learn from it. No reason to get up in arms.
Y'know, I don't think its anything to get worked up about. It's a mistake, we can fix it and learn from it. No reason to get up in arms.

Fair enough. I'll go ahead and delete the post, after making the new one.
Just know one thing, I won't do it again.

On a side note, I'm not sure Heyitsjiwon Heyitsjiwon is interested in the RP anymore, as they've done nothing since making their character...
Fair enough. I'll go ahead and delete the post, after making the new one.
Just know one thing, I won't do it again.

On a side note, I'm not sure Heyitsjiwon Heyitsjiwon is interested in the RP anymore, as they've done nothing since making their character...
Sure man, it's chill. I gotta go eat now anywho, but if you need some hunting lessons feel free to ask Bear.
If anything I'm sure we can get on with an NPC chieftan.
Okay, I think I'm going to drop out here. Sorry. I appreciate being permitted to participate, and I'm sorry that my eagerness caused trouble.
Okay, I think I'm going to drop out here. Sorry. I appreciate being permitted to participate, and I'm sorry that my eagerness caused trouble.

It's fine, people get eager at times, and it's understandable. That's no reason to drop out, especially seeing as I forgot to mention my one rule in the beginning. Most of the blame for this happening is on me, because of that. Yes, it would have been safer for you two to wait until I verified everything, but that's still not a reason for you to drop out.
Heads up everyone, the first condition for the Tribe to go through will be going up at Midnight tonight EST. Please check the first post of here, and the RP thread at that time.

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