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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern The Sweetlake Case - a Quiet Town Turned Murderous (Characters)


"Is Satan a Beagle Puppy?!"
Interest Check

Character Sheet:

Sexual Orientation:
Appearance: (picture and/or detailed description)
Fears: (optional)
Insecurities: (feeling fat or being short, etc) (optional)
Background: (optional)
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Name: Ryan Thompson
Role: Child 1 of Thompson Family
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He, him
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Personality: Ryan is always friendly and outgoing. He is constantly trying to make friends with anyone he meets. He is very misunderstood at times because of his passion for the supernatural and the unknown. He is often trying to get others to believe these things with him, which makes people not want to be around him. He is always talking of phenomenon like this and he can be quite annoying, as he is very chatty.
Fears: Heights, horses
Insecurities: Feels like nobody likes him, feels like he's always a nuisance
Likes: Paranormal events, paranormal creatures, exploring, studying the unknown, black coffee
Dislikes: People, in general, the dark, heights, horses, sweets
Relationships: Oldest brother of Jenny Thompson
Alter "Axel" Bane
Edgy kid (who's definitely not the murderer because reasons) (lol that's just my favorite slasher movie stereotype xD)
17 years

Axel is depressed and edgier than a square piece of paper. People sometimes get intimidated by how awesomely edgy he is. His dad's in jail and his mom isn't really around so he's basically feral. He does what he when he wants and doesn't look back cuz he's cool. He acts cool and tough cuz he is, he's awesome. Deep down inside, he's really scared of dying more than anything. He's insecure about having no friends and how he looks and basically everything about him but he still tries to keep up an edgy persona. His family (including himself) has a history with mental health issues and his dad isn't the first family member of his to be in jail. Because of this, everyone points to him as the killer, although he knows, and we know, he's definitely not the killer because....uuh....he's a good guy? (in case you couldn't tell, I'm really going for a stereotype xD)
Fears: Dying, knives, fire, other kids.
Insecurities: How he looks, his voice (which is...high), his slight non-straight-ness (which he's not really out about), his friends (or lack thereof), his family.
Likes: Being cool, ripped jeans, dyed hair, piercings, Hot Topic, EEEDGE.
Dislikes: PREPPIEZ, Harry Potter (ew), things that are popular (*cough* except Taylor Swift *cough*).
Relationships: TBD (once there are more peeps)
Theme Song:
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing by Set It Off
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Name: Adinna Jones

Role: 1/5 of the group of teens who think they can solve the mystery better than the professional detective

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Personality: Adinna is by nature a very bubbly and outgoing person; she personally likes to refer to herself as blunt, loud and proud. Due to her parents not having a tight hold on her it's easy for her to be wreckless and naive but she hasn't faced enough adversity in her life to really think of these aspects of herself as flaws. Speaking of her flaws, we could talk about the fact that despite normally being a very easy person to get along with by the same coin she's very quick to anger if someone directly opposes her and thus will go out of her way to be as spiteful and bitter as she can to this person until she personally feels satisfied, which doesn't tend to happen as she is also very resentful, often remembering small fights or disagreements that will drastically change how she treats a person no matter how much time has passed. Adinna is a very difficult person to deal with, she's a hurricane of emotions but at the center of it all is a quiet afternoon where she sits along her friends with a can of soda on her back porch talking about how much they long for summer to come.

Fears: Heights, thunder, and closed spaces

Insecurities: Throughout her life, Adinna has seen many insecurities come and go. Whether that be her freckles, her figure or her hair. All of these haven't managed to prove much of a problem for her as she was able to slowly accept herself. However one of her most recent insecurities would be her future. She's afraid of her friends and family taking a strong stance against her wishes to become a musician. Not that there's anything inherently wrong with being a musician but she knows everyone would think she'd be starving and living under a bridge.

Likes: Road trips, her very diverse music playlists, all things sugar and sweet

Dislikes: Needles, spiders, people who don't stand up for their beliefs

Background: Adinna was born and raised in Sweetlake. She knows most of the roads and shortcuts like the back of her hand and has a small bit of pride in that fact. The middle child in a family of five, Adinna and her two sisters were always ones to get into trouble together. This was fairly easy given that their parents were never very strict with them and liked to let them make their own mistakes. This was probably the wrong way to raise someone like Adinna, who ended up being someone who's normally in over their head but either way she appreciates her life up to this point.

Relationships: TBA
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923e28f13fc96e5e18d9478e0c545aa8.jpgName: Gwenn Fairchild
Role: Nerd
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexual Orientation: Demi-Sexual/Romantic
Appearance: Gwenn is a short woman, standing at only five feet. Despite that, she is hard to ignore. Gwenn has an hourglass figure, you know; slender-ish shoulders, wider hips and thicker thighs tan most people. Also, she has a 32 G cup bust, and despite being known as the "Nerd", she doesn't dress like it. Her style range is pretty wide, but most of her clothes are tight fitting; though shopping is a little hard because of her body. Pants are hard because of her legs and butt, and her chest makes getting correctly fitting shirts a little hard as well. And the glasses she wears aren't necessary, but more just to accessorize. Anyway, Gwenn has dark greenish-grey eyes, a signature color in her family, and shortly cropped, slightly curly hair that's still long enough to be swept back in her signature hair style. 16230049_985999808197606_1731407471429287936_n.jpg
Personality: Gwenn is a bit hard to explain, because I guess like everyone, her personality isn't straight forward. First off, people mostly know her as the Nerd. She's a straight student who has an unhealthy obsession with way to many fandoms and conspiracy theories, and she avoids sports like she avoids moths. She's also an avid gamer, and if she's not studying, she playing something and it can range from video games to board games with her very small group of friends. But unlike your typical Nerd, she's not really someone you should feel comfortable messing with. She is quiet, and often tries to avoid confrontation if she can, but when she can't, she's not one to stand down. Gwenn is rather apathetic, and blunt, with a very healthy amount of a sarcastic tounge and deviating mean streak.
Fears: Drowning, Clowns, Dying Alone, and Moths
Insecurities: She hates the fact that she's only 5', and that she's not gonna grow any more than that. She's also completely aware that the few people she's managed to grab a date with were only after her cor her body, and while she's more than confident with herself, this little fact always bugs her.
Likes: Games, Reading, Writing, Conspiracy Theories, All things Supernatural, Rainy Weather, Spicy Foods
Dislikes: Hot Weather, Jerks, Bugs, Contry Music, The Rumors about her
Background: There's a lot of mystery surrounding Gwenn Fairchild, and the whole town knows it. For one, not many people move to a small, middle of nowhere town like Sweetlake unless you're running from something. And something big. Freshman year of highschool, she moved into a small house near the edge of town with her mother and little brother. Nobody knew that there was gonna be some new people moving in, so it was surprise to say the least. So who were they? Where did they come from? Why did they chose this little town? Nobody knew. Gwenn started school not long after, and was very much a wallflower. However, even though she was only 14, she had already been hit hard by the puberty stick, and her curves were already, well, there. There were rumors she had breast implants, or that they moved because she had been arrested for something, but those of course weren't true. In reality, they moved because of her father, but that's a whole other story that I don't need to get into right now. Anyway, by the time freshman year had ended, she had revived her Nerd reputation, and finally had settled into Sweetlake.
Relationships: TBD
Theme Song: Sorry by Halsey, Alive by Sia, Little Lion Man by Mumford and Sons

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Elaina Hotchner
**Some nicknames;; Lainey, El, Watson. The last name came from her brother, since she was obsessed with Sherlock Holmes as a child.**

Detectives Helper




Sexual Orientation:
Bisexual, however Elaina has not had experience with either gender.


Elaina is a shorty, standing at five feet four inches. Shorter than the average teenager, at least, in her school that is. She is a bit overweight, being about one hundred and seventy pounds. Based on that, she does have a curvy body. She likes to call herself Chunky or Poofy. Her thighs are wide and so are her hips. and she has a wider chest as well. Her breast size is about a 36D cup. She has very pale skin, easily bruised and burned in the sunlight. She doesn't really wear make-up or paint her nails, so she calls herself plain. She has a round head and full pink lips, with small ears and high cheekbones. Her nose is small and she has noticeable freckles scattering her face. Her eyes are round and a dark brown color, and she leaves her eyebrows alone. Her hair is shaved on the left side of her head, while on the right side her hair is very curly and falls to her chin, it is a dark brown color. She has a pierced eyebrow and small dotted earrings, and the only other jewelry she wears is a ring she was given by her father. Or rather, she stole it from him before he left.
Elaina has a common clothing pattern. It's usually black, sweatpants or jeans, and sweatshirts. Her regular shirts almost always consist of cat themes.
Hair;; 1522422196798.png

Body;; 1522422406072.png

Elaina is more of a silent observer. She isn't one to partake in social activities unless she feels comfortable or she feels the need to. She's always had her own way of doing things. No one could tell her what to do, how to do it, or how to think of it. If she liked something, no one could change her mind. The only people she'll let loose around and take orders from are her brothers. Not really orders, but she does follow them, and listen to whatever they say. She is the younger triplet, after all. From an outside perspective, she seems quiet and kind, perhaps a simple sweet girl who enjoys the supernatural. Kind, yes. Sweet, yes. She tends to be only a little creepy when first meeting her.

But nobody is that simple. Elaina is somewhat of a phycologist. Or, rather, she likes to get into peoples heads, and numb down what they're like. Just from staring into one's eyes, Elaina can pinpoint all that they think. She can see their emotions just by the twitches on their face, or if their lying by the nervous ticks. She doesn't go into too much detail often, however. There have only been a few incidents where she really digs deep, aiming to either freak the person out, or give them the same kind of mental anxiety that they may put others through. While she has good intentions, Elaina can overdue it once in a while.
Elaina is rather intelligent, being quite observant. She picks up on the smaller things, looking at the bigger picture often as well. She's no genius, however she is above average. She is also rather nitpicky with the way things has to be with herself. She isn't a perfectionist, however she doesn't allow herself to wear certain clothes, or eat certain foods because she's sure that people will judge her from afar. She doesn't care, really, but she'd rather not have her brothers punching anyone because they laughed at Elaina. She'll dress how society would want a proper girl to dress, walk how society would want a lady to walk.

Elaina doesn't want to be the person she used to be. She would show weakness, she'd cry and run away. She even became a shut-in for a long period of time because she couldn't face the outside world any longer, and only opened her doors to her brothers. She was scared, and to weak to handle it. She had finally changed after a few years, and to outsiders she was a different person. Happy, sweet, extroverted and strong. She never changed, however. She was putting on a façade, and still is, because she's afraid of being seen as weak.

Saliva touching her skin

Elaina's always been insecure about her body. She's always been a little thicker then most girls, and when she was young she was often bullied and put down because of it. She still is, but not as much. Due to high anxiety and low self esteem, Elaina is insecure about mostly everything. The way she talks, eats, how she walks or her personality. She's always scared to talk about herself or her problems to anyone but her mother as well.

Helping others
Mostly cats

Being center of attention
Spoiled kids
Spicy food
Hospitals in general

Elaina was born in Sweetlake to the couple Phillip and Maria Hotchner. She was the youngest of three, triplets. Ethan and Eric were the two others. They were inseparable as children. No resident in Sweetlake would see them apart. They'd play and eat and read together, they'd explore with each other and would refuse to get separate rooms, because they feared separation. Elaina was the more responsible triplet. She matured quicker and read a lot, she hid behind her brothers and cleaned up their messes. Because she was bigger than other children, she was often teased and picked on, which led to her brothers getting into a lot of trouble when they'd overreact and start fights. Eric was the biggest troublemaker, he was always looking for a reason to punch another kid.
Anyways, Elaina grew up fast. She was smart for her age, smarter than the average kid. She read huge books and learned quicker than other kids. She's believed to have an eidetic memory because of how much she knows and how she can remember all that she reads. She originally wanted to be an author, however she grew a passion for helping people, solving mysteries and being useful. So, she began towards the road of being a detective. Because she is so young, however, she has to stick with being an assistant, or a helper, to one of the other, more experienced detectives.

TBD when other characters come

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Seoul Yuna Li
16 years

Yuna is a feisty girl with a mean streak. Literally. She's known for streaking naked across Seoul once. She's an avid YouTuber and highly obsessed with herself and how she looks. She may be vain, which she accepts, but she is a loyal friend to all. She's outgoing and rather hyper. At any moment she could strike a feisty pose and take a selfie. That's just how she rolls. She's obsessed with American culture and has learned all the American lingo, like 'lit' and 'fresh' and 'legit' and 'groovy.' Coming to America has been her dream for a long time, but she wanted to go to New York or L. A., not some stupid little town where someone was murdered! Ugh!
Theme Song: Ignorance by Paramore

Fears: Spiders, her parents being hurt (she's under the impression that her parents are helpless old people who don't stand a chance against anyone or anything).
Insecurities: Her figure (she's skinny and a little tall for a girl, about 5'7", she also doesn't have very big breasts)
Likes: Dying her hair, fashion, herself, her YouTube channel, selfies
Dislikes: People who are "mopey," Emos, BTS (but don't tell anyone).
Background: Yuna is Korean and grew up there. She was always obsessed with America and insisted on learning English and American lingo. She's always been a very good student and learned American history for extra credit. She begged her parents to let her go to America and, as mystery-lovers and believers in the paranormal, her parents jumped at the chance to go to Sweetlake, a little town where a murder had happened. She thinks her parents are CRAZY for wanting to go to some stupid little town where someone was killed, but she was excited to go to America nonetheless, even if she wasn't going to a big city.
NPCs: Mom (Korean, 45 y/o, paranormal-activity-lover and ghost hunter, tourist), Dad (Korean, 45 y/o, paranormal-activity-lover and ghost hunter, tourist).
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((Last character and, this time, I finally got off my lazy butt and did some BBCode for it xD))

Athen Newman
"We are all made up of goodness and not so goodness."

Name: Athen Newman
Role: Reporter
Age: 23 years
Gender: Demiboy
Pronouns: He/him or they/them
Sexuality/Romantic Orientation: Graysexual Panromantic


Personality: Athen loves reporting the odd and unusual. Despite how young he is, he's a very good reporter and writer. He loves mysteries and fancies himself a detective, despite not being very good at it. He's a Scooby Doo (and comics in general) lover. He's peculiar in his speech patterns and has a slight English accent. He has a tendency to randomly search people or take pictures of them, without permission, and is often perceived as annoying or creepy, not that he isn't.
Likes: Bright colors, sweaters, jewelry, Scooby Doo, comics, mysteries, writing, reporting.
Dislikes: Crying babies, country music, Scrappy Doo (he's just so annoying).
Fears: Heights, dying (wow, go figure).
Error 404 file not found you're computer will now explode.

BBCode by GoldenSlime GoldenSlime
Name: Joshua* Lane
*Though most just call him Josh so

Role: Local drug dealer

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexual Orientation: Demisexual


Personality: Josh is a rather silent but observing person. Due to this he can read people very easily through their body language but it's on the contrary to this he's not the best at maintaining conversations with others so these can often lead to awkward exchanges. Despite him being known for his dealings he isn't normally one for violence and tends to avoid it as much as possible and often tires to turn the situation into a friendly one but of course that's not always possible. He likes to think he has a good relation to most people in Sweetlake but he's sure to have gotten on someone's bad side.

Fears: Getting caught and thrown in jail, hurricanes and drowning.

Insecurities: At times, Josh isn't sure whether the people who hang around him do so because they actually like him or because they're looking for free drugs.

Likes: Sketching, afternoon naps, music and cats

Dislikes: Being unable to concentrate, public speaking and stubborn people.

Background: Josh was born into a rough family life with neither of his parents being willing or ready to care for a child. With his mother being neglectful and his father entirely absent it was decided that the best person to care for him would be his uncle who Josh currently lives with. Josh was never one to hang around people who, by most standards could be considered "bad influences" but he simply got into selling drugs for the necessity of it. He, of course, tries to hide it from his uncle and most anyone who aren't usual or potential clients. Aside from this, Josh's tried to not let this be the whole focus of his life and often takes long periods of breaks from selling, partly to stay under any police radar, partly to have more time for himself. It's in these times you can normally see an average teenager hanging around town with his friends.

Relationships: TBA
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Name: Jane Wright.
Role: Jock.
Age: 15.
Gender: Female.
Pronouns: She/Her.
Sexual Orientation: Questioning but is very insistent about being heterosexual.

Personality: While at first glance she can seem hot-tempered Jane can actually be very polite, often interested in attending extra curricular activities when her schedule allows for it. She's been seen attending these events and normally plays it off as a sort of joke but frankly she just enjoys absorbing the information. Most of it tends not to stick very long, but with a simple google search she can have all the information she'd want. Granted, she is pretty quick to jump into action sometimes, missing crucial parts of information that often lead her to being on the wrong side of things.
Fears: Having her scholarship revoked, rodents, freezing to death.
Insecurities: Not being very well-versed in academics and her hair which never seems to grow out despite persistent attempts.
Likes: Coffee, occasionally volleyball and listening to podcasts.
Dislikes: Winter, being unproductive and sweet foods.
Background: Jane was born into a family rooted in fame for being athletically outstanding. As such she had something of an obligation to continue on with this tradition and become captain of the sport of her choosing. This, however proved to be difficult as Jane wasn't particularly interested in any sport. She ended up choosing volleyball which she came around to liking and was pretty good at. In reality, however, she wanted to become more involved with something leaning on academic. Her father, while seemingly supportive simply brushed it off and continued to encourage her to focus on her team. Volleyball was paying for half her tuition, after all. This was upsetting to Jane but she decided it was probably best, as she had already adopted the persona of a jock at school. It was basically integral to her life. Cereal goes with milk as Jane Wright goes with sports. And until now that's the way it's been.
Relationships: N/A
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Name: Mila Thompson
Role: Thompson Child 2
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexual Orientation: Trying to figure it out
Appearance: Mila stands at five feet, six inches. She has a neat, hourglass figure, with 40 C cup bust. Otherwise, Mila has a rather average build. She has a few scars from childhood adventures and surgeries, but none are very noticeable. Her clothing style is very practical and comfortable, mostly skinny jeans or leggings and comfy shirts.
Personality: Mila is a very lind and caring young girl with big dreams, but she has a deep set shyness she just can't seem to get over. A wallflower through and through, Mila is a girl who wants to be in the background, never one who really wanted much attention. When you'd talk to her, you'd get a soft spoken girl who greets you with a smile, and kind words because she knows that no matter what, some people just need something kind. But, with the recent death of her younger sister, Mila is quieter than normal, avoiding most of the things she use to love doing, mainly because she'd do them with Jenny.
Fears: Losing any more of her Family, Going Deaf again
Insecurities: Mila was born deaf, and up until she was 12, she could only communicate with sign language until she revived a cochlear implant, and began to learn how to speak. She's very self conscious about her speach, and her slightly odd accent because of her hearing.
Likes: Music, Family, Sweets, Animals, Reading, Playing the Piano
Dislikes: Bullies, Bugs, Eggplant, Doctor Visits
Background: WIP
Relationships: Jenny's Older Sister, The Thompson Family (Loves them all of course)
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Character #2!

Nathaniel Thompson
**Some nicknames;; Nate, Natty.**

Third Thompson child.

**And a half, he likes to add**



Sexual Orientation:
**He's had crushes on girls, but he's also liked boys in certain ways, he's very confused at the moment.**

Nate is average at his age, being about five feet two inches. He's about one hundred and twelve on the weight scale, being light and easy to hold. He is a very lanky and small boy, he can easily bend and twist his body, and he can curl up into small places very carelessly. His skin has a slight tan to it, but other than that he's on the lighter side. He has a few freckles on his face and body, and a birthmark on his right arm, one that is rather long. He often hides it with his sleeves. He has a chubby, almost baby-ish face and high cheekbones, with thin lips and dimples. He has an average nose and big, round brown eyes that he's rather fond of. His ears are small and he has this huge tuff of curly brown hair, sort of like an afro.
Nate's usual attire is t-shirts with flannels and comfortable pants, such as sweats or jeans.

Nate is a boy of few words. Because of his speech impediment, he's refrained himself from talking almost altogether, unless with family or trusted friends. He's landed himself in a few pickles here and there because of this, such as not speaking when a teacher tells him to, or if he doesn't answer to bullies they'd grow angry. Other than his silence, Nate is a pretty good kid. He does his best in school, keeps out of trouble and is kind to everyone.
Nate tends to be on the nerdier side of the spectrum. He loves comics and superheroes, movies and technology. He likes to draw and show off his art.
However, he is extremely dependent on others. He relies heavily on his older siblings, however not with his personal problems. Nate does get picked on a lot at school, since he skipped a grade he's considered the bad kind of nerd, the one everyone targets. He has his small group, however even they cant hide him from the older kids who like to mess with defenseless children.
Nate is extremely loyal and will always stick by his friends or family's side. He doesn't want anyone to hate him, so he tries to go alone with everything, to make them happy.

Being completely alone (He's always tagging along with someone, or trying to stay in a populated place.)

Nate's very insecure about his speech. He has a speech impediment that causes him to stutter and talk slower than normal. When he was younger he thought it was because his mind worked faster then his mouth, but as he grew it got worse and he has to talk slower to stutter less. He's also always wondering if he's being a bother. Since he's afraid of being by himself, he's always following his siblings or trying to stick close to family or friends, and he doesn't know if they're annoyed with him or not.

The internet
Public places

Being alone
People who pick on his siblings
Being called weak
Being a bother

TBD when all characters are filled

**Obviously, he'll have good feelings about his family.**
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Name: Jian Lâu.

Role: Nerd.

Age: 16.

Gender: Male.

Pronouns: He/Him.

Sexual Orientation: Asexual homoromantic.


Personality: To put it simply Jian isn't the most social person around, for this very reason he doesn't quite know how to deal with people who he's not close with and resorts to a distant sometimes rude attitude. He's almost always on some sort of electronic device so it's hard to get him to come back down to reality. If he spends enough time with a certain person he ends up warming up to them, that is if he hasn't driven them away yet. But of course once you get close to him you get to meet a whole other person. Jian can be goofy and even a bit of a prankster if you manage to get through to him.

Fears: The sea, dogs, getting sleep paralysis.

Insecurities: Coming off as boring and his voice which can sometimes be high, bordering on feminine.

Likes: Old horror movies with awful special effects, black coffee, summer rain, music.

Dislikes: Abrupt loud sounds, any sort of bugs and unnecessarily loud people.

Background: Jian's family immigrated to America when he was quite young, six years old, to be exact. While growing up Jian had a pretty good life at home, his parents always seemed to work out any issues they had fine, the problem in the family however came from him, who was never too big on the idea of spending too much time with people, including his parents. Sadly his parents did not see his need for his own personal space and soon began to think something was wrong with him, so from that point on he decided to spend most of his time in school, wether it was in some sort of club or extra assignments, as long as he could get away from home it was fine by him. Because of this he began to take a liking towards computers and ended up becoming a techie.

Relationships: TBA
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((I swear this is my last character xD))

Alicia Thompson
Thompson Family Mother
40 years old

Alicia is a believer in beauty, or, at least, that's what she calls herself. She believes that beauty is of the utmost importance in life and, without it, what are you? She loves her children very much and is a good mother, more or less. She's always taught her children that winning is everything except for beauty. She loves makeup and dyes her hair. She often longs for the days of her youth, high school to be specific. If only she could go back there and do things over, then maybe her youngest daughter wouldn't be dead. Maybe she could've changed the outcome.
Fears: Many things but she's not telling you.
Insecurities: Her looks, her age.
Likes: Beauty, winning, money, her children, makeup.
Dislikes: Losers.
Ryan Thompson (son)
Mila Thompson (daughter)
Nathaniel Thompson (son)

Jenny Thompson (daughter, deceased)
Unnamed Husband xD​
Name: Alexa Dahmer.
Age: 16
Role: Nerd.
Gender: Genderfluid.
Pronouns: They/Them/Her/She
Likes: Horror movies, haunted places, and her boy, Jeffery Lionel Dahmer.
Dislikes: Flowers, pink, coffee and wind.
Personality: Alexa is exceedingly shy, and quiet, she has friends, just not many and she tends to freeze up in any large social event. However, she has a very obsessive personality, her obsessions lasting around two or more years, she flits from normal things, to absolutely 'crazy' things. Her current muse is the infamous serial killer, Jeffrey Dahmer. And, no. Her name isn't actually Dahmer, she just likes to say it is.
Appearance: YT.jpg
Sexuality: Bisexual. (Though is closeted)
Insecurities: Her body, her sexual orientation, her height.
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Alright, y'all, gonna mention that I'd prefer if the roles weren't so...er...specific. For instance,
Role: The strong, silent type, also, not as important - local drug dealer
Drug Dealer would work fine for the role! ^^ "Strong, silent type" is sorta more of a personality type.

Role: That one girl who's obsessed with sports
You could change that to "Jock" or "Sports-lover."

Role: Your local techie
You could change that to "Nerd" or "Geek" and specify tech in his personality. ^^

Role: That one gal who is obsessed with Jeffery Dahmer.
Again, this is just, like, waaaay too specific. Maybe "Nerd" or "Edgy kid" (like my character Axel) would work.

Thanks, y'all! ^^


Name: Robin Belmont
Role: The Goth
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Robin is someone that likes to go 'crazy' every once in a while and just does something impulsive and playful. He might be very direct and offend people at times but he doesn't do it on purpose. His secret weapon is sarcasm which he uses if someone is annoying or boring him. Most of the time you can see him listening to music very loudly and writing lyrics of his own. He Loves crime and horror so he feels like life is finally fun as the town has its own mistery all of a sudden. He often talks about what could come up next and various horror scenarios which besides a few other quirks makes people just a little bit freaked out by him despite the fact that he is actually a good person deep down. He likes to talk about stuff he likes and could go on and on about it while with things he dislikes Robin can be rather quiet. He is protective of his friends and often stands up for them if they need it which doesn't mean he doesn't use tough love most of the time since some people just need a tough word more then a nice one.

Playing his guitar, crime and horror, writing lyrics, having a good time, fast food, energy drinks, beer (secretly of course since he isn't 21 yet), cats, black nail polish, listening to music...

Being called Bel because of his family name, being bored, having his music taken away, being in the sun for long, hot drinks, spicy foods,...

Robin is the older of two brothers. His parents were sickeningly nice, When he found himself draw to goth, rock and metal his parents supported him, when he came out as gay his parents supported him, when he got drunk for the first time they helped him and despite a small scolding he didn't get any punishment. The fact that he could never bring his parents to be angry at him made him try even harder. One day he was about to go just one step closer to crossing the line when he found a paper in the attic. He was adopted. After a lot of drama and him running away only to come back because he wanted answers, he demanded that his parents explained what had been the reason for the adoption, with that he found out a rather dark story which led him to be fascinated by crime and horror.
Relationships: TBA if accepted
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Name: Robin Belmont
Role: Crime-obsessed goth
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Robin is someone that likes to go 'crazy' every once in a while and just does something impulsive and playful. He might be very direct and offend people at times but he doesn't do it on purpose. His secret weapon is sarcasm which he uses if someone is annoying or boring him. Most of the time you can see him listening to music very loudly and writing lyrics of his own. He Loves crime and horror so he feels like life is finally fun as the town has its own mistery all of a sudden. He often talks about what could come up next and various horror scenarios which besides a few other quirks makes people just a little bit freaked out by him despite the fact that he is actually a good person deep down. He likes to talk about stuff he likes and could go on and on about it while with things he dislikes Robin can be rather quiet. He is protective of his friends and often stands up for them if they need it which doesn't mean he doesn't use tough love most of the time since some people just need a tough word more then a nice one.

Playing his guitar, crime and horror, writing lyrics, having a good time, fast food, energy drinks, beer (secretly of course since he isn't 21 yet), cats, black nail polish, listening to music...

Being called Bel because of his family name, being bored, having his music taken away, being in the sun for long, hot drinks, spicy foods,...

Robin is the older of two brothers. His parents were sickeningly nice, When he found himself draw to goth, rock and metal his parents supported him, when he came out as gay his parents supported him, when he got drunk for the first time they helped him and despite a small scolding he didn't get any punishment. The fact that he could never bring his parents to be angry at him made him try even harder. One day he was about to go just one step closer to crossing the line when he found a paper in the attic. He was adopted. After a lot of drama and him running away only to come back because he wanted answers, he demanded that his parents explained what had been the reason for the adoption, with that he found out a rather dark story which led him to be fascinated by crime and horror.
Relationships: TBA if accepted
Maybe change Crime-obsessed Goth to simply Goth or Emo or Local Edgelord. xD Crime-obsessed is more of an interest or personality trait, not really a role. ^^ Otherwise, your chara's looking good!
Alright, y'all, gonna mention that I'd prefer if the roles weren't so...er...specific. For instance,

Drug Dealer would work fine for the role! ^^ "Strong, silent type" is sorta more of a personality type.

You could change that to "Nerd" or "Geek" and specify tech in his personality. ^^

Thanks, y'all! ^^
Just changed it! If there's anything else that needs fixing please do tell me.

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