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Realistic or Modern The Starving Darkness (OOC/Discussion)

If anyone wants to have their characters be regulars of Beths or like/hate her I’d be happy to have that dynamic since she’s local! :)
Not a problem!

Also; if anyone isn't too keen on the post order feel free to say so. I just did it based on the order y'all made your characters. If anyone wants to trade spots, etc just keep me posted.

EDIT: I added a new character/user to the post order as well!
see I don't mind a posting order but the only issue is it doesn't really facilitate/allow for character interaction! for example, if I wanted tiffany to reply to sophie, I must wait until my turn and by then the plot will probably already be moving on! I feel this might be a problem throughout the entire roleplay.

not sure if that makes sense and if people feel the same, but just worried there won't be too much interaction between our characters. so maybe we keep the posting order intact for the progression of the plot, or at least a requirement before we move on, but characters are able to reply to each other and engage in conversation that doesn't really move the plot forward? then again, this could also be done through DMs so the thread doesn't get clogged up with replies. by that I mean player's can message dialogue to each other between their characters and that can be compiled into one/two posts for the main thread, if that makes sense?
I’ll try to get my post up soon I had a tonsillectomy today so I’m in a lot of pain and the medicine they gave me makes it hard to focus. Just wanted to let you guys know I’m still here
No worries about the delays everyone! Life can be rough.

I'll be making my next posts (in scenes so I can react to what everyone has done) once everyone has had their go so we can start moving things along.

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