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Fantasy The Silent Whisper (Need Help Here) (MxF only)


Dreams Come True
Hey, so I have a character and know a little of what I want their background to be, but I’m not sure on the rest of the plot and I feel like I need help here from someone wanting to RP with me on here coming up with the plot. So that’s why I’m here.

My character idea is that my character is a silent assassin, who works amongst the shadows. He has the ability to become one with the shadows and use shadowy powers and abilities. He uses this power to carry out his duties that he gets from people who want to hire him. However, he also is a master of changing his disguise, as he goes from his shadow appearance during his work, but when he is living amongst the crowd, he looks completely different from his shadowy appearance. He can do this thanks to the shadows, and the less you know the better, he would think.

So my idea here is that he has been hired to take your character down, for some reason, but he quickly learns there is something different about your character, and he is interested to find out why. (My character is usually never caught, but for some reason your character actually catches him and that’s one of the reasons he finds your’s to be I feel like the person who hired him to kill your character would be another shadowy presence that would act like the enemy of the story, and my character would have to choose whether he wants to go through the enemy’s order or if he wants to keep you alive and safe. My question comes in on what my partner wants for their character, like what is their occupation and why would someone want to have them taken out. Also I bet my idea could use someone else’s ideas to bring in more to this setup.

*Rules* -

This is MxF only, and I’ll be playing the Male role

Must be 18+ to be accepted

Keep things PG-13 or less

Try to be nice and friendly at all times (for if I can’t work with you nicely, then I wouldn’t want to at all) even when going through emotions

I would like to have our characters become romantic to each other during this, just start out not at all and work our way up to it

Please let me know if you lose interest or are needing time before making your next post. If you need a break or more time, just let me know, and I will happily wait, just please don’t ghost me at all. Thank you.

Please no one liners. Give me at least a paragraph of five lines or more at the very least. If I can’t work with the post you gave me, then this probably wouldn’t work out very well.

Please keep to the RPNation’s official rules

Also, please be okay with me using emojis while talking to you OOC. I have my reasons for why I use them and why they help me. Please be okay with their usage.

And most importantly:

Have fun. I want this to be a fun experience at the very least. 🙂

(Also, this can take place in any time period you want. If you want a kingdom like setting, then I’m up for it. If you want a more modern day thing with magical elements, I’m down for that too, etc. 😄)

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