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The ship wreck

"Cassie" she said and did a little bow of her head. She looked around. She thought if there we're both boats if she couldn't get back she wouldn't see the captain ever again. She whimpered and looked down.
Alissa smiles, seeing that the girl was scared and sad. "It's nice to meet you, Cassie." She considered the fact that she was a pirate and her home was probably the ship that had left her behind. "You can stay here if you want, until you can leave," she offers.
Alissa smiles. "You can stay in the guest wing, for as long as you need." Now that she understood Cassie's situation, she sympathized with her. "Are you hungry? Thirsty? Tired?" She knew she couldn't stay with Cassie for any longer than a minute. She needed to go around the town and do her best to be the princess she was. Or, queen, soon... Alissa sighs.
She shook her head. She turned and left going out into town. People saw her and yelled at her for some stuff but she just ignored it. She was scared and sad she wanted to be with captain again.

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