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Fantasy The Shining Light of Tomorrow(Magical Knight RP)

(Now we are back in morning time)

Gil left Brightblade castle to go find Tsumi. He knew Tsumi has only 4 students. He wanted to suggest a merger of the teams. This merger would prove a less stressful arrangement as Gil would have a partner and another frontline soldier for a partner for that. Gil walked into the city square and waited for Tsumi to show up.

@Kalin Scarlet
Tsumi went into town that morning in search of a few personal items. While he was out shopping, he came across Gil. When his fellow knight spotted him, Tsumi gave a quick wave of his hand, and approached him.

Gil waved and gestured for Tsumi to sit down on the bench. Once Tsumi sat down Gil said "Today, I make a proposition that we merge our teams. I know you have about 4 or 3 students. I think we'd do a better job training these kids together man."

@Kalin Scarlet
Aaron was a recent transfer student from a different school. He walked around with one hand in his pocket and the other on a map. "So according to this, my new teacher is someone named Gil." He turned his head a little as if he was thinking. So far, he didn't think he had met his teacher. Oh my god, what if I have met him and ignored him. He panicked for a moment and then calmed himself. Aaron relax. You haven't met him yet.
Gil spotted someone that looked like a wandering student. He saw Tsumi was thinking about it and called to the student. "Hey you, could you be Aaron Chase? If so come on over here. I am supposed to be your teacher Gil." Gil was glad to have someone who won't remember the twins on the team.

Aaron looked up from the map in his hand to face his teacher. "Oh yeah that's me. I'm the new transfer student." He held out his hand to the teacher in front of him. Gil looked like the kind of person who would be a good teacher.
NightCasterZ said:
Kirito arrives at the Academy. He was told to search for the headmaster to check-in so Kirito would explore the hallways for him. @Kalin Scarlet
Vincient walked through the halls, searching for the student the headmistress had spotted in the halls. apparently, he was supposed to be joining a new team, for some reason... "If too many more students show up late, The Mistress is going to start blowing things up..."

Vincient found the boy after turning a few more corners. "Hey there. You lost or something?" he asked, despite knowing the answer already.
Vincient looked at the cat boy with a blank expression. He'd never read anything about cats being stupid, but he guessed he would have to make an exception with this one. "No, Im not the headmistress. I'm a student here, as well as her aide. She was getting tired of all the late arrivals, so she decided I'd meet all the latecomers, myself." Vincient walked over to the boy, glaring at him. "So whats your name?"
"What kind of name is Kirito? Sheesh..." Vincient said, walking past the neko."Come on, let's go." he said, motioning with his hand.
"You're going to join a squad, with a mentor to help you. Most of the students are set up like that. Well, the more advanced students are. But you didn't hear that from me." Vincient said. He wasnt afraid of others knowing he'd said that, so much as the headmistress hear it was him. He shuddered at the thought of what she might do.

"So yeah, I'm taking you to one of them now."
"O-Oh.....Can y-you tell me about the s-squads p-please?" Kirito is very nervous in this new enviroment. He lived in the forest before joining the Academy.
"There isnt much to tell. Its only the second day of their training, after all...The teachers are all current or former knights. Some are reknowned, some arent. The ones I'm taking you to are both pretty well known, for different reasons. Now..." Vincient said as he stepped outside, a pair of glowing wings exploding out of his back. "Do you have a resistance to whiplash?" He said walking over to the boy.
Gil took Aaron's hand and shook it. He drew number 40 and let one of its red bullets float away from the blade and hover around Aaron. "This will guide you to my castle where my other students are. It will take you through the portal gate. Get there my servants will show you to your room and help you settle in."

Gil then looked back at Tsumi "So what do you think? Do you want to merge our teams?"

@Kalin Scarlet
"Huh...well, it's an plan. I guess there's no reason not to do it, Gil. However, my students are not to be involved with your business with Astor. Think you an handle that?" Tsumi asked, unsure of what was going on between the two mentors, but likened it to a pair of chess players. Sacrificing pieces for some far off goal He didnt like i in the slightest. They were teachers, not military officers. These kids needed to be taught. If they wouldn't remember that, Tusmi would.

"Thankfully, your presense will help me keep alot of my students out of this fight. Along with your students who won't be participating in the battle, I am also keeping Riku out of the battle and maybe another." Gil replied. "So where shall we set up, I currently train my students at Brightblade castle but if you know of a better location that would be much appreciated."
NightCasterZ said:
"W-What do you m-mean? W-What's gonna h-h-happen?" Kirito is confused and isn't sure what to think.
Vincient grasped the boy's shoulder. "We're going to fly, obviously." He said, before they disappeared into the air at the speed of light. They reappeared over the town, and slowly descended towards the ground, where Tsumi and Gil were waiting. "Annnd here we are." he said, his feet touching the ground.


"Mentors. We're a school, not an army. Even those who graduate only join a military unit on their own free will. Isn't that right, gentlemen?" Vincient said to Tsumi and Gil.

"Yes, he's right. Whose this, Vincient?" Tsumi said, turning to face the newcomer.

"Oh, he's just another late comer the mistress couldn't stand to speak with." Vincient replied.

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