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Fantasy The Shining Light of Tomorrow(Magical Knight RP)

Kai didn't understand what he should do but train. So what he basically did was train preparing for his upcoming battle, he wanted to make sure that he was ready for this. Kai didn't want to train to hard or he might get tired, so he was doing a very basic workout.

Jorian walked away into the forest if they were going to be fighting he needed to really be prepared. This school held people with unbelievable powers and Jorian was probably the weakest here. He found a spot were the grass was low and the trees seem to encircle the small spot he sat criss-crossed and placed his staff on his lap. He positioned his hands on both of his knees and closed his eyes.

He thought about his father and mother how they hated him so much for being so weak. How they shunned him. He thought about the breeze and how the wind flowed on a nice day. He thought about the wind flying viciously on a stormy day. He thought about when Estella took him into the sky and how the wind felt beneath him. As he thought of all this his ring began to glow a tiny bit with each thought and the wind around him picked up slowly and slowly . his hair blew upwards and the leaves and flowers swayed.

He thought about how it would feel to control the wind , he thought about sitting in the sky on a patch of with with his father once again looking at the clouds . He thought about cutting his enemies down with his abilities. The winds was faster now blowing around him wildly his hair was in a frenzy the leaves and anything else in the vecenity was blowing like crazy, and his ring glowed but it wasn't shining yet it looked as if something was in there trying to escape. But almost as immediately as it started it all ended, the winds stopped and the ring was no longer glimmering. Jorian opened his eyes and stared into the sky.

'I was so close this time , I could feel it' he thought to himself as he slowly looked down at his ring and twisted it on his finger

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Later on, Gil and Arthur stood in the forest on the first level of his floating castle. Gil said "Arthur you can learn up to 3 more of the family traits. I am going to teach you those three, but for now I am going to teach you how to use Esoteric Light right now. This is hard training and I am going to try and squeeze it into one night. We'll only take a break for dinner so get ready. Also this is something you have the free will to use in tomorrow's fight. You'll have all day tomorrow to rest since the fight is in the afternoon."

Arthur replied "I understand big brother, I shall learn what you have seen fit to teach me. I'll probably enjoy the sleep I get tomorrow too." Arthur smiled at the thought of learning another of powers that are passed down from generation to generation in The Brightblade family.

With that the fierce trainong begun.
Shadora said:
@Archangel Galdrael @Ninja God @Kai123
Astor spoke " we will be sparring with the new team today as a work out for tomorrow and will have one more member joining us her name is Ren and she should be here shortly and if after the sparring you decide you want a different leader we will elect one" he said excited for the first time

@Archangel Galdrael @Ninja God @Aqua @Kai123

Ren's shade Dragon Dark took her straight to Astor by allowing her to Travers the shadow realm unharmed she stepped out of a trees shadow right as Astor said her name his huge Hawk Fulkerson sitting on his shoulder as usual shade wrapped himself around her tighter guarding her from the others all accept Astor and a blond girl "I'm Ren I'm here for training and will be on your team and I already know your names and abilities" she said calm and slightly cold her
At this point, Shiyam didn't care who showed up and joined the team. She just wanted someone to at least talk to her and not sound like one of the others. Galahad was one while Jorian was another. Speaking of Jorian, she jumped down from her tree and followed his energy trail. Seeing him meditating before he looked his ring with sorrow had her walking to him.

"Do you need assistance in something?"

She asked. @Ninja God
@Ninja God @RoyalPhoenix32

Esstella dropped in front of Jorian almost knocking Shiyam off her feet "Sorry Shiyam" she said before turning his attention to Jorian "close your eyes and clear your mind" she said knowing exactly how to unlock his abilities

Cheetha sat meditating next to Ren there energy melding together and spreading all around them
Jorian turned to Shiyam. He shook his head and smiled. Grabbing his staff he was about to stand when Esstella fell out of the tree and said something. He was hesitant at first but she was a Wind manipulator as well so he figured she knew what she was doing as well as he trusted her. He placed his staff back and went to his earlier position. He pushed all the thoughts out of his mind. He nodded with his eyes stills close telling Esstella to continue.



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@Ninja God

"Now think of a tree and imagine that tree swaying in the wind just the tree and no back ground" she said sitting down in front of him in the same position meditating the same as him
This was hard at first he imagined a tree in a forest surrounded but things but bit by bit the background vanished and the tree stood alone with a white background and it began to sway almost rythmically . and Jorian began to concentrate on the swaying and the swaying only.


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@Ninja God

Esstella smiled as the wind picked up around Jorian a little "good now imagine the wind blowing to the right and just the right" she said holding her own wind back
As soon as Esstella spoke those words the leaves on the tree in Jorians mind began to point to the right as they were being pushed by the soft incoming winds. Jorian was even more focused now and a determine looked grew on his face.


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(Sorry I haven't really posted today. Been a bit busy. I'm assuming the students are just hanging out and what not?)

After the team dispersed, Auri let out another sigh. Of all the things she could've forgotten, why'd it have to be her bags of all things? She had done a lot of scatter brained things in the past, but this just took the cake. It wouldn't really surprise her if her Master was having a hernia of some kind because of it. Stupid stupid stupid stupid....Auri kept berating herself.

For how long she stood there, the girl was unsure. Eventually, her stomach decided to growl. Loudly. She blushed, certain that the others could hear. Where was the mess hall she wondered? She didn't want to bother anyone, but if she didn't eat something soon she'd collapse.
Shiyam looked surprised and angry at the intrusion of Estella but locked her anger away. It would no use to her if she got angry now. She just left, leaving Estella to help Jorian. She walked some miles away from her team, Mara knew where she was and would come when she felt like it. With a deep growl, Shiyam punched a tree to leave a dent in it and also releasing her anger. All around her and a few miles around, nature reacted to her anger; writhing like it was in pain but it lashed out as well. All she wanted to do was help but people always get in the way! What was it that made her so stoic to everyone?! She wanted to be friendly but she rather listen instead of talk, that way, people can release their anger but when she got angry, plants reacted to her anger and people got hurt because of it!

@Ninja God

Mara felt Shiyam's deep anger and frowned. Shiyam must've had a good violent reaction to a memory or something and walked away before her anger took hold of her and caused her to release it in the manner she was doing now. Poor child, she never had a lot of friends because of her powers.
@Ninja God

(Sorry had to go somewhere so so sorry)

Esstella felt the wind go to the right so she grabbed Jorian hands and focused the wind joined there minds as one "perfect now I will push the wind left I want you to focus everything you are one making it go right the wind is you and you are the wind you must become one being" she said focusing and the wind whipped to the left now it was up to Jorian to make it go right


(So so so sorry had to go somewhere and didn't have Internet)

Cheetha followed Shiyam into the woods he knew her familiar was watching he could feel it watching him when she finally stopped she hit a tree and the earth reveled sending a shock wave of her feelings in all directions he turned to mist but wasn't able to avoid all damage a gash on his chest was proof of that he packed the wound with dirt allowing it to heal before entering her area "that was very impressive it is not so often the earth Bends her will so freely for one person" he said
( hey Ganna take a break today I'm trying to help zeroknight he's clinically depressed so we may not post till tonight but yeah I'm trying to help him sorry yall and sorry just like thehappypikachu I been on exams :/ so tonight hopefully if he's better sorry yall)
(Hence why Shiyam is so cautious of using her element.)


Shiyam began to take deep breaths to calm down. It just didn't help that she wanted to help and was pushed aside by Estella since Estella 'knew' what was wrong. It just wasn't fair...a teardrop fell from her face, nature reacted to it as well but not by lashing out but by looking sad.

Cheetha walked closer forgetting he was in his Cheetah form he walked closer and tried to talk to her but it came out as more of a growling snarling sound that rang out threw the woods
(Hey guys, sorry about that it's been a day, give me a recap if you don't mind. I'm on my cell and don't remember where I left off.)

(We are training for you and the rest of Gil team to have a tournament with my team then you will join my team while Kai joins Gil team we will train again and have another battle to decide what will happen with Sebastian and his sister and if they will be traded to Astor for Kai
zeroknight said:
(Well am I needed is the question. If the twins are not needed currently, I'm going back to spending my time with Lunaire.)
(I don't think so not right at the moment anyway :) but I will message you when your needed so don't worry about it I got you covered)
Camilla's cheeks were tainted a bright pink, her eyes widen at Telia's comment,"W-w-what?!" She stuttered not sure what to say in response. Sebastian being interested in her? It was a complete shock to her to hear about this. It couldn't be true, Sebastian may be always there with her but that didn't mean he liked her, could it? Confusion befallen on her as her thoughts were in a mess,"I-..." Just when she was about to respond, they were both sent a message from Gil as she looked towards Telia,"You got it too, right?" Getting up, she held out her hand towards Telia for her to take,"Let's go. We'll... d-discuss about this matter another time." She stated not wanting to admit to Telia yet on her feelings towards this -- still baffled -- and leaving their spot, they went off towards the meet-up in the dining room for a nice dinner... or so Camilla hoped for it to be.


(You don't have to respond to this since I also respond in the 2nd IC for their arrival but you can if you want! ^^)

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