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Fantasy The Shining Light of Tomorrow(Magical Knight RP)

TheHappyPikachu said:
((Renki Perspective))
Renki now noticing where the voice had come from looked up in shock before putting on an awkward smile "I'm Renki, and believe it or not I was just thrown through a portal by some guy from team B, I was supposed to be joining them today but I guess there was some misunderstanding..."The girl picked up the cat placing it on her shoulder "do ya know how I could get back there?" There was an awkward silence for a moment as everyone tried to work out what was going on... @Newtype
"Well, if Gil tossed you here, he either didn't want you, or thought you'd be better off elsewhere...If you really want to go back, though, I can call up the headmistress. She can probably take you. Probably..."





Gil replied "This is why I told them to send me the message directly. He now belongs to Team A now anyway. But now that I think about maybe we should try joint training with Team A. Everyone follow me!" Gil lead Team B through the portal. He gestured for them to wait as the portal closed. Gil then made his way to stand next to Tsumi and said "So that kid who I believe was a guy a few moments ago now belongs to your team. But that gave me another idea, maybe we should try joint training. The larger skill pool and input from two veteran knights should increase results.

@Kalin Scarlet @TheHappyPikachu @Lunaire @zeroknight @yumiyukifan1 @Plushie

(Renki's perspective)

The girl stood up straight rubbing the back of her head "nah...I guess it's fine for now" she looked at them all laughing awkwardly, do I really look so weak he would throw me into a portal to someone else? "Err...you wouldn't happen to have some hot water with you?" So much for keeping my secret un-discovered, Renki sighs before stepping forward out of the puddle. @Kalin Scarlet

Kai looked at Thanatos as the wind and pebbles stopped as the ground eased a bit. There was silence before the fight started as in an instant Kai dashed at Thanatos. Skilled in combat and training for ages Kai was sure this guy wasn't going to go down easily. He was not fighting to become team leader he was fighting to test his skills. Thanatos reminded Kai a lot like his older brother back in the day when they use to train together. This same action came to play that very day.

Newtype said:
Gil replied "This is why I told them to send me the message directly. He now belongs to Team A now anyway. But now that I think about maybe we should try joint training with Team A. Everyone follow me!" Gil lead Team B through the portal. He gestured for them to wait as the portal closed. Gil then made his way to stand next to Tsumi and said "So that kid who I believe was a guy a few moments ago now belongs to your team. But that gave me another idea, maybe we should try joint training. The larger skill pool and input from two veteran knights should increase results.




Sebastian had followed the group but hung back from them. As usual he had his arms crossed and ember eyes shifting amongst the new people, his ax had been long away placed in Gil's Astral storage so he had a slightly less menacing look, however the height for the young boy was a bit scary and the dark armor didn't make him look exactly approachable either.
"Well, I ain't got hot water but uh, I got a chopstick?" Rex suggested shrugging and eying the new recruit that had just came in. She tapped her fingers against her thighs as she waited for Tsumi to give out instructions for the training. @Kalin Scarlet @TheHappyPikachu
Shadora said:
Astor felt the presence of another late warrior and once again his shadow puppet reached out the puppet grew from the girls shadow appearing behind her and scaring off the man she had been talking to "what team are you supposed to be on" the puppet asked words came from the puppet yet it's mouth never once moved it was a thing that made most uneasy
"Why not?" Lucas barked. "You can't expect me to believe-" He stopped, eyes growing wide as he looked at something behind her. At the same time Auri felt a chill run through her. She tensed up herself. "What is it?" She whispered, not wanting to look behind her.

The man shook his head, babbling something incorhently. "Not him...I...you....AHHH!" Turning, he started sprinting away., before Auri could stop him. The girl gulped, forcing herself to turn around to face whatever was behind her.

She barely held back a scream. Before her floated a puppet of some kind, one that if it werent for the wooden joints supporting it Auri would have believed it was a real person. "What team are you supposed to be on?" Said the puppet in a low tone, its mouth unmoving.

Although uneasy, Auri forced herself to speak. "Team...? What are you talking about?"
Gil followed Tsumi out gesturing for his team to follow. Gil drew number 40 and let one of its red bullets fly of into the school. Gil asked "So where are we going? I was going to suggest my castle but interested in seeing my team in some new scenery." As the group were making their way around Gil noticed a girl wondering the halls and talking to a shadow, must be Astor's doing. Gil called to her "Hey you, are you another late student?"

@Kalin Scarlet @animegirl20 @yumiyukifan1 @zeroknight @Lunaire @TheHappyPikachu @Plushie @Aura Of Twilight

Yoh also was wandering the halls as a late student. He suddenly spotted red bullet floating around it stopped in front of him. Yoh said "Are you supposed to guide me?" The ball bounced up and down before leading him to both Team A and B. Yoh's eyes were met with the sight of many people gathered in a large hall.
@Aura Of Twilight

The little puppet clacked in irritation "I'm assuming you are here to become a knight" it said Astor usually didn't use the little demon bit he had other things to focus on as well so he sent the demon puppet instead of his usual shadow clad copy

Thanatos watched as Kai charged him he took his left hand our of his pocket to flick the ash from his cigarette before he replaced it in his mouth and put his hands back in his pocket. Thanatos didn't move didn't even attempt to dodge the on coming attack
yumiyukifan1 said:
"Well, I ain't got hot water but uh, I got a chopstick?" Rex suggested shrugging and eying the new recruit that had just came in. She tapped her fingers against her thighs as she waited for Tsumi to give out instructions for the training. @Newtype @zeroknight @Lunaire @Plushie @yumiyukifan1
Before she could reply to the creepy puppet, a voice called out to her. Grateful to focus her attention on something else, Auri watched as the silver haired boy made his way towards her. "Is that so?" Auri said, looking sheepish. There were so many things she wanted to say. "I..ah...didn't know. Arrived late you see..."

Suddenly the door leading to the outside opened. In walked in a group of people about her age, led by a blonde haired man who looked to be in his twenties. "Hey you." His deep voice echoed through the halls. "Are you another late student?" He asked.

She blushed, nodding. The man seemed to be a teacher of some kind. "Yes. I just got here."
@Kalin Scarlet

The puppet clacked as it turned "Astor sent me to help the new one find there way they are already late and he instructed me to take her to the Headmistress" the puppet clacked
Newtype said:
Gil followed Tsumi out gesturing for his team to follow. Gil drew number 40 and let one of its red bullets fly of into the school. Gil asked "So where are we going? I was going to suggest my castle but interested in seeing my team in some new scenery." As the group were making their way around Gil noticed a girl wondering the halls and talking to a shadow, must be Astor's doing. Gil called to her "Hey you, are you another late student?"
@Kalin Scarlet @animegirl20 @yumiyukifan1 @zeroknight @Lunaire @TheHappyPikachu @Plushie @Aura Of Twilight

Yoh also was wandering the halls as a late student. He suddenly spotted red bullet floating around it stopped in front of him. Yoh said "Are you supposed to guide me?" The ball bounced up and down before leading him to both Team A and B. Yoh's eyes were met with the sight of many people gathered in a large hall.
"We're heading into the mountains. Last I heard, we had received a relatively strong monster infestation. It'll be a fun way to see what the kids have got, letting them take on something other than each other. Of course, after...well, I've never been one to shy away from friendly competition." Tsumi said with a smile.
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Sebastian turned and slipped behind Renki, once again seeming to size uo whom he was looking at. Deep ember eyes looked at him and he offered a bit of sentiment "Keep it down or you'll disrupt concentration, I might be able to help you with clothes later if you don't mind." Sebastian stretched and his dark armor gleamed in the light of the new day, the twins never seemed to remove their armor at all, even in resting.

Shadora said:
@Kalin Scarlet
The puppet clacked as it turned "Astor sent me to help the new one find there way they are already late and he instructed me to take her to the Headmistress" the puppet clacked
"I know. She sent me here to collect her. But since everyone seems to be gathered, she can make her choice."

Vincient looked at Auri. "Girl. Who are you going with? The puppet, or that group over there?"

@Aura Of Twilight
@Kalin Scarlet

The puppet hearing about the monster outbreak knew it was almost certainly Astor that caused it he had let loose several beast from the shadow realm in order to test his students he wouldn't be happy to hear about this the puppet thought

@Aura Of Twilight

The puppet clacking stopped completely as it looked at the new student waiting for its decision
"I'll...go with the group over there." Auri murmured, looking apologetic. "Sorry for causing trouble." She gave the silver haired boy a slight smile, trying to be friendly. "I'm Auri, by the way." Walking to the bigger group the blonde teen subconsciously wrapped her hand around her shard, squeezing it in her nervousness.

So much for trying to remain relatively unknown. She thought.

@Kalin Scarlet @Shadora
Gil said "No problem but I spy three new recruits. We should wait for their team assignments. Also the word is Astor has received three new recruits already so these recruits are likely being assigned to our teams." Gil said to Auri "Welcome to the joint group of Team A and B. I am Gil the leader of Team B and that's Tsumi leader of Team A." Gil gestured to Tsumi. Yoh decided to follow the big group as well. "I am Yoh." he said introducing himself.

@Aura Of Twilight @Kalin Scarlet
zeroknight said:
Sebastian turned and slipped behind Renki, once again seeming to size uo whom he was looking at. Deep ember eyes looked at him and he offered a bit of sentiment "Keep it down or you'll disrupt concentration, I might be able to help you with clothes later if you don't mind." Sebastian stretched and his dark armor gleamed in the light of the new day, the twins never seemed to remove their armor at all, even in resting.
@Newtype @yumiyukifan1 @Plushie
"Really? A monster infestation! This'll be fun! Too bad Telia's on another team, because she's missing out!" Rex smiled showing her sharp teeth. Her Crimson red eyes shone in the light and she was eager to show her mentor what it takes. She was happy to finally do something. The new recruits came and she nodded at them in greeting. @Newtype @TheHappyPikachu @Aura Of Twilight

Telia saw the new recruits and smiled and waved.
"Hi!!! I'm Telia!!!" She hoped when one of the recruits joined their group, they'll become friends! Because friends are the best!!!
Sebastian gave a hardy, metallic and quite painful, punch to Renki's shoulder. Though he meant no harm, the supernatural strength made that hard to do. Afterwards Sebastian actually wandered closer to the group walking beside Riku now and also giving her the same playful punch "Glad to see you made it... maybe... I think those are the right words to use in this situation." He offered a yawn afterwards.


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