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Realistic or Modern The Secrets of Redwood (ACCEPTING PEOPLE AGAIN! COME JOIN!)

Face 1.jpeg
Adriana Ito
Location: Inside Atori Manor
Interacting w/: Kinsley beebim beebim , Theo KingHalliwell KingHalliwell
Mentioned: N/A

Adriana couldn't help it, she laughed out loud. "My boyfriend? No. Theo is just my good friend. We also work together." She giggled again, glancing at Theo and then back to Kinsley. "Guys aren't exactly my type." She clarified.
She sighed, truly feeling the alcohol now. Maybe getting drunk at a party where some powerful vampire had his eyes on her and some werewolves were slinking around wasn't a good idea. She wouldn't be able to defend herself, or stop herself from doing something stupid either. She came to have fun, though, and to meet people and she had done
either thus far.
This is bullshit. She cursed internally. I'm going to have fun. Vampires, werewolves, witches... whatever. I came here for a reason.
She turned and set her drink down on the table, tucking fly-away hairs behind her ears and turning to Kinsley. "Do you to go dance? I think it's time we finally enjoyed ourselves at this party." Adriana glanced out into the room where several people were dancing in the middle of the room to loud, pulsing music. No doubt most of them were college students from the nearby university here for the first party of spring break. She laughed lightly and turned back to Kinsley, raising an eyebrow.

Location: At the manor. Interactions: mian mian KingHalliwell KingHalliwell Mentions: madame moiselle madame moiselle viridity viridity idalie idalie sprouhtt sprouhtt

Kinsley wasn't going to admit it, but a slight sense of relief washed over her as Adriana corrected the relationship between her and the man apparently named Theo. Though, she was curious as to what occupation the both presided in. Different ideas went through her head as she attempted to figure out this strange woman- a gay vampire who is colleagues with a witch and spends her time getting stalked by older vampires. Peculiar, indeed.

The witch watched her closely, considering her next moves. Was it even smart talking to someone like Adriana, especially with William around? He seemed possessive of this woman, even looking at her could make the older vampire angry. Kinsley was tempted to just walk away and leave her to chat with Theo. Stay out of trouble. Head home and go back to work in the moring- maybe it was for the best, and she was about to point that out until Adriana mentioned the prospect of dancing. Kinsley blinked and frowned, realization dawning on her.

"D-dance? Ah, I'm not that much of a dancer-" Kinsley quickly pointed out, her face becoming a darker shade of red. She paused as she looked out past the arguing werewolf and vampire, recently joined by the black haired man from before, watching the group of people having dancing the night away. They all looked about as drunk as Kinsley felt.

Fuck it, Kinsley thought as she grabbed the drink that Adriana set down and drowned it in one swift take, it's only one night, anyway.

The redhead set the glass down, offering a teasing grin as she stepped away from the way and faced her back to the crowd. The alcohol was really bringing up her confidence again.

"I change my mind," she declared, ignoring the sound of someone promptly getting punched in the face behind her, "A dance sounds wonderful about now."​
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⏤ veronica devereaux.
outfit ;; i.
where ;; party.
with ;; judah + vienna.
tags ;; madame moiselle madame moiselle sprouhtt sprouhtt
veronica was surprised as she felt judah's grip wrapped around her tiny throat, her hand dropping the glass on the table as he lifted her up from the floor, her dainty feet dangling and her back against the wall as judah growled. a coy smirk formed on veronica's face, all she do was giggle at the sight of him. veronica's heart couldn't help but flutter as his hand warmed her neck, it reminded her of the good old times, "so now you want to play rough?" veronica's words toyed as her eyes gleamed with chaos as they interlocked with the same blue eyes veronica first fell in love with. she had hardly noticed the crowd around them forming until she heard a sweet voice call out judah's name.

her gaze flickered away from judah as veronica noticed the girl trying to calm her down, clearly looking distressed. veronica's lips formed an evil grin as her breathe became short and light, "jb, i didn't realise you have a thing for girls with dark hair," veronica cooed as she studied the girl in her glory, the girl's heartbeat ringing her ears as veronica tried to focus on her thoughts. she hardly used her gift of clairvoyance since she hated hearing other people's monologues. veronica cracked a smile as she heard the girl's thoughts, and her name. "vienna, is it?" she asked with a raised brow, "veronica devereaux, you're little puppy friend over here is a close friend of mine," veronica cooed, her accent smooth and velvetly as she implied force on judah's relationship with her. "now tell me dear," veronica choked, returning her attention to judah, "is she your rebound?" her voice softly cracked as giggles continued to escape out of her lips.
Location: Atori Manor (On the porch in the backyard and now in the house)
Interacting w/: apolla apolla (Lissa) & madame moiselle madame moiselle (Judah)
Mentioned: viridity viridity (Veronica) & Doomyfish23 Doomyfish23 (Augustus Atori)

View attachment 412901 Vienna smiled at her softly, she looked around to see if anyone was listen in on them. "I don't know who the host is personally, but I have seen him around. He's different," Vienna said. Vienna always knew that Augustus was different from the rest, the man was a glowing sun, with legs. Like the sun, he attracted the attention of everyone, but if you look at him for too long...you'll burn. Vienna tried it once, it wasn't pleasant because he caught her staring at him. Vienna let out a sigh as she tried to get up from the floor without showing anything down there. She really didn't pick the right attire for this party, but who can blame her. When she was done dressing, she had gotten the text. Vienna brought her leg back so that she can slip her heel on. Vienna wasn't worried so much about the green stain from the plants that she crushed since it could be easily removed with water. She looked down at the girl who said her name was Lisa and gave her a hand up to stand. "My name is Vienna, its nice to meet you." Vienna said to her.

Vienna had heard a lot of commotion on the inside, she wondered why. But Vienna didn't want to leave the girl here all by herself, "So, tell me...these happen to you all the time? Why?" Vienna had asked her as she leaned against the big white pillars with her shoulder and her arms crossed. Vienna wanted to know many things about this girl, maybe it was just curiosity building up inside of her, or it was something else that caught her attention. Her grandmother always told her how witches have special powers and often times it can be a burden because it literally takes away all the strength/energy from them, leaving them to collapse or worse. Vienna thought that she was going crazy about thinking this girl was a witch. She was paranoid, ever since her grandmother told her of how the witches wanted to hunt her down and kill her, she has always been cautious of her surroundings. But after that little enchantment that her grandmother put on Vienna, a witch wouldn't be able to sense her even from six miles away, so she was fine right?

Vienna heard commotion from inside, she wondered what was going on. Vienna excused herself from Lissa and made her way past her, Vienna opened the door and went inside. There was a huge crowd, she didn't know what else to do but push through. She wondered where Judah had gone to and whether he had ditched her or no. Vienna squeezed her way through the front, and she almost tripped as she did too, but caught herself. Vienna looked at the scene that unfolded in front of her, she was shocked to see Judah's hands around another girls throat. Vienna head an animal like growl coming from Judah, she was taken back once more. This wasn't Judah, this hadn't come from him? Vienna had never seen this side of Judah, and it was awfully scary, she wondered why he was so angered and who that girl was he was lashing out on. Judah doesn't fight anyone unless given the reason too, so this girl had to have said something to upset him. Vienna slowly approached Judah from the side, "Judah, put her down slowly...please." Vienna said to him calmly, trying to hopefully calm him down with the sound of her voice.

Vienna looked at the girl who Judah had his hand wrapped around her throat, Vienna had never seen this women before. But her aura was definitely not one that Vienna would want to be around. "Let her go Judah, people are staring." She told him sternly. Vienna knew that she shouldn't have even came here in the first place. She didn't know what to do now. Vienna should have listened to her gut telling her to someplace other than here with Judah when she first saw signs of Judah being uncomfortable. Now it was her fault that she got him into this mess because she had forced him to go with her.

Mortimer Briarwood
Location: Atori Manor
Interacting w/: Kloudy Kloudy mian mian KingHalliwell KingHalliwell madame moiselle madame moiselle viridity viridity
Mentioned: n/a
The Vampire eyed his elder with unbridled defiance. "Perhaps it slipped my mind that you're not only a leech on humans but a leech to society. It saddens me to be named one of our kind when you cling to the ideals of a dying class. Bloody embarrassing when you're associated with a colonialist." Mortimer clicked his tongue in a vague tutting noise. When William extended his hand, however, Briarwood stood his ground and gave not even the slightest flinch. "My elders are crumbling relics who would be better off replaced. The past can never have a firm grasp of the future, fate is not under your jurisdiction last I checked the records." Briarwood cracked a smile, in a cold, condescending manner looking down his nose at Code. "Call me dear again and we should find us a private chamber for such saucy flatterings." The hand knocked into his tumbler and sent the crystalline glass shattering across the floor in the twinkle of amber alcohol and chandelier glow. Mortimer's hand tightened into a fist, "Cifesboren s¯æd râd bêga!*" The surprisingly lilting albeit germanic language escaped him in startled anger. William's threat didn't seem to stem anything, for the canines had fully extended in a primal display of malevolent intent.

"Don't make me laugh, William. If you slip again, It won't be my head that rolls." His usually dark redwood irises had flamed up into a shade of scarlet, as luminescent in hue they could've burnt a hole through his adversary if looks could kill. He gave one last venomous glance to the humans who stood about the small gathering before he felt his head begin to throb. Something about the encounter had brought more than aggression to surface. Trying to ground himself to the passing moments, Mortimer felt as if he was lagging behind -- and then the wolf. The girl. The girl? Dark hair -- Eleanor didn't have dark hair. Eleanor. The portraits burned. Eleanor. He breathed the ashes. Eleanor. Dust to dust.

He had walked the length of the room till standing just behind Judah. Half a head taller; he could've wrapped his hands around chin and forehead to snap the pup's skull from his spine. Or tried to. Alas, he instead put a heavy hand on the shoulder of the alpha-wolf. "Excuse me, I seem to understand tonight is a bad one for women and the hidden past. Strange coincidences happen in strange places." Briarwood glanced distastefully between both the younger female and the tattooed fiend. By medical standards, the Vampiric woman would be unharmed unless he decided to tear her limb from limb and by that logic he shouldn't have bothered intervening. Still, he supposed it was something like good manners to restrain physical violence in public places.

Briarwood hooked his fingers over the exposed inner elbow of the infuriated werewolf and sharply twisted in, trapping the radial nerve. "Let go." It wasn't a threatening statement, drawled out in monotone. He was ready for a reaction, for the fact his anger had gone so overboard in so few seconds indicated an alpha wolf who had a personality of far too much 'alpha'.

*Bastard child of a hag! -- Middle English Translation

Judah Brankovich

those who are heartless once cared too much.


Judah never looked for fights.
It was an 'if you don't bother me, I won't bother you' type of thing. But Veronica had bothered him. In fact, this whole party did. Not even ending there---this whole damned town bothered him. It was a sad thing really; how could one not stand the very place they grew up in?
He shouldn't have come back. He should've been away, riding the road away on his Harley Davidson, let the wind take him wherever he needed to be. Redwood was no longer Redwood. He felt an almost disgusted feeling towards this place now---overrun by vicious vampires and wretched witches, nothing like the home he grew up in, the home of werewolves. But then again, whose fault was it really?
Once again, Judah was reminded of his abandonment, the way he had given up his role as alpha, leaving his beatdown, weary father no choice but to carry on the burden, as he did for countless decades without fail.
Except for this time, he did.
The years went by; the Brankovich family grew weaker and weaker---without a steady, healthy, strong alpha to lead them, they grew more into disarray. Without a stable foundation, the house would fall.
And it did.

Judah had always been a lone wolf; that much was obvious. He'd spend hours gazing at the stars at night, imagining how freedom would feel like, to be completely alone, living by one's own rules, to be fully independent, away from family, from pack. How'd it feel to be truly alone.
It was a bout of naive, wishful thinking, because in the end, no one was truly alone. Humans and wolves alike have always been social---it was the very fabric of their survival. Even now, Judah inevitably forged relationships he sought to escape---a friendship eerily close to the one he shared with Julia and one, though far from innocent, that had given exactly what he truly desired---companionship forged by a connection, no matter the lewd environment.

And at this moment, he didn't know whether if his grip was truly painful or not---his anger was still flaring; it seemed he really didn't give a fuck. Veronica was still toying with him despite her situation---almost like she wanted this reaction from him. As if she liked seeing him riled up, showing a side of him that no one really ever saw. That was her specialty, wasn't it? She had done it to him before---got him high on drugs, drunk, easing his guard, using her clever, alluring words to draw the secrets out. It was the audacity he had fallen in love with, the confidence she emitted, her witty humour and similar dark past that he had been attracted to. They were just both lost souls finding their own way, without the pester of family or fate. And maybe, just maybe, that had been special to him once. But now, things were radically different. He saw her in a different light---or darkness, shall we say, one that he held for any vampire he had the displeasure of meeting. You could even say they were just strangers connected by a complicated past.

Well, whatever it was, it was working. He had already been high-strung the moment they entered this godforsaken place---Veronica was just pulling at that string even more. It was like he was letting the little things get to him. The problem was, these weren't just little things. These were little things that mattered to him, more than he would've liked, would've ever imagined.
His vexation took a new turn---intensifying so much that his fangs began to grow. His grip tightened even more, sure to leave a noticeable bruise in the next few days. He was hurting her. He was hurting her---


Her honey-sweet voice called out to him, just as troubled as the rest of the crowd. Judah instantly relaxed his grip, surprised and at shame all at the same time. What did it look like to the crowd? It looked him choking a girl, manhandling her up against the wall---no matter her being a vampire, no matter if she was once something he cared for. All it looked like, was bad. But Judah could hardly give a rat's ass for what the crowd cared to think of this---he only could wonder what it looked like to Vienna. This was a side she had never seen---and as he heard her tell him to put Veronica down, he picked up on her fear. Not only in her voice, but in her scent---she was scared.

Judah glanced at Vienna, seeing her agitated expression, dark eyes fearful and bleak. It almost made him let go completely, until Veronica decided to jump in, albeit choked. He flinched as she mentioned 'close friend' in the description, her tone smooth and milky. He faced her as she turned to him, using that same stupid nickname. A low snarl emanated from his throat as she dared to call Vienna his rebound, interrupted by a heavy hand placed on his shoulder, cutting off the growl.

At first, Judah was confused. Moments later however, he picked up the overwhelming scent of vampire---not Veronica's; this one seemed much older. Centuries of years old---more than Judah, that's for sure. Judah turned. The vampire's stance and appearance spoke of nobility---taller by a few inches, long, lush hair the colour of ink flowed from his head, well-groomed and well-defined in terms of simple style and appearance---the antithesis of Judah and the unruly nature of his looks.

Judah bared his sharpened teeth brought on by the force of fury he had just experienced as the vampire dared to try and intervene in the situation, his speech impeccable.
"This has nothing to do with you," Judah answered back, his voice dripping with hatred and hostility, staring defiantly right back at the wretch. He turned back to Veronica, ignoring the vampire's presence until the scoundrel made his presence unignorable.

A keen twist of the elbow immediately sent sharp pain all throughout Judah's arm. Judah growled and yelped at the same time in sharp bewilderment and pain, letting go of Veronica just as the sir had so monotonously commanded. Judah turned harshly against his aggressor, anger burning in his dark blue eyes. Driven by exactly that, Judah didn't hesitate to lift a fist up and deliver a good, rigid punch, right at the nose...

location: augustus atori's mansion, getting it on with
*drumroll* mortimerrrrrr
interacting w/: vienetta fray ( sprouhtt sprouhtt ), mortimer briarwood ( idalie idalie ), veronica devereaux ( viridity viridity )

mentions: viridity viridity Doomyfish23 Doomyfish23 apolla apolla Kloudy Kloudy KingHalliwell KingHalliwell Ridge Ridge idalie idalie mian mian lavendre lavendre beebim beebim sprouhtt sprouhtt

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Theo Prescott 2.png
Theo Prescott
Location: Atori Manor
Mention: mian mian beebim beebim madame moiselle madame moiselle
Interaction: mian mian beebim beebim

Theo bearly glanced up at Adriana and the red-headed women before his mind was sweeping him back into his spiral of thoughts surrounding the word Vampire. Alcohol, he thought, turning to the bar and downing the rest of his drink before getting another one and downing that. After the third drink that heavy weight of the alcohol settled into his body and he had finally pushed the overwhelming thoughts out of his head and was focused on the party. Part of his mind was watching his best friend let loose with the redhead, and another part was scanning the party, but the majority of his attention was on the arguing of the two in the corner.

With the presence of alcohol in his body, Theo's mind seemed to open up and the strange dark feeling seemed to grow. He shook his head of all thoughts and directed his attention elsewhere. He turned and ordered another drink, before walking towards the pair of girls dancing away. Maybe distracting himself with dancing would help this feeling go away. Although he was sure it wouldn't, that wasn't going to stop him. He was here to have fun and he would be damned if he didn't.
Mortimer Briarwood
Location: Atori Manor
Interacting w/: madame moiselle madame moiselle viridity viridity sprouhtt sprouhtt (Anyone else I missed)
Mentioned: n/a

His neck buckled as the fist hit him square on the nose. The Vampire's skull had snapped in an unnatural upward angle, vertebrae jutting out to push his Adam's apple and throat till it seemed the skin would split. Silence and Briarwood slowly brought his face down; inch by inch as a series of horrific snaps and bone scraping on bone filled the void of noise. At last, those deep, ruby irises met Judah's accompanied by a final tilt which clicked the neck back in place. A singular bead of coagulated, already cold blood trickled from his straight-bridged nose, crawling down the ivory skin like a blasphemous stain on the pope's robes. His elegant finger dabbed at it, slowly beginning to smile. Lips twitching with an unnervingly frozen gaze. "I believe you've just involved me." Mortimer tutted, yet he closed the short distance within moments. "Your first mistake was trusting one of our kind."

The Vampire brought his hand up to the werewolf; grasping the wrist he locked the arm and rather viciously tore upwards causing a distinct 'pop' as it left its socket. Wrenching on the limb to further inflict pain, Briarwood brought his own elbow down into the nape of Judah's neck. On a human it was enough to kill, yet werewolves -- and alphas at that -- were hardy enough it'd leave them with a pounding headache for an hour or two. As a finale, Mortimer kicked the wolf away, digging his boot into the solar plexus.

He stood straighter, smoothing down his jacket whilst fixing the position of his cuffs. Leisurely plucking a handkerchief from his breast pocket to clean any smearing of crimson from his upper lip, only to fixate his stare on the tattooed lycanthrope. "This wasn't a lesson, wolf. Nor a warning. It's a large middle finger and a reminder to be a good neighbour. Picking on girls is hardly the sort of playground politics I want to be sorting out." Mortimer turned to Veronica, offering an open palm to where Judah had dropped the woman. "Not that you're any better, save for looks perhaps."

Werewolves. He didn't claim to love them, but neither did he hate them in entirety. It was only these few aggressive lycans that brought out the worst in him; but violence always did that. To Mortimer, it was better than cocaine. His brutal acts didn’t cease to be because he thought it best for his health, they were given up during a moment of clarity like that of an addict emerging from the cocoon of ecstasy. There was untellable lives which had been lost to him. He was a Ripper, a soldier, a murderer, and a monster. A thing remembered for actions not heart. A thing remembered as far from human as Spring Heel’d Jack.

One for sadness, two for mirth;
Three for marriage, four for birth;
Five for laughing, six for crying:
Seven for sickness, eight for dying;
Nine for silver, ten for gold;
Eleven a secret that will never be told.
Location: Atori Manor
Interacting w/: idalie idalie (Mort) , madame moiselle madame moiselle (Judah) & viridity viridity (Veronica)
Mentioned: N/A

83a1ded3336925fd73d164c7e0a6b020.jpg Vienna quickly gasped at the scene happening in front of her. She was mortified and when Judah turned to look at her, she took a small step back. His eyes weren't as gentle and kind anymore, they seemed to be filled with hatred, anger, and revenge, all in which Vienna knew was towards this women. Judah had never raised a finger on a women before, not even on Vienna. Yeah he would yell at her and they would argue, but nothing ever physical. Vienna knew that this women was trouble, the smuggled look that was on the women face was enough to rest Vienna case that it was her doing. Footsteps began to approach the three and she saw a man, with very long wavy black hair. He seemed to carry himself with so much importance and a little bit of arrogance that it was hard not to miss him. She saw as the man began to hurt Judah, Vienna's heart broke to hear the sound that came out of Judah's mouth. She could feel his pain, it was weird of her to say so, but she really did feel it. She felt all the sadness, torture, heartbreak, and anger that Judah had felt. Vienna didn't know whether it was her powers doing so, but she did feel Judah's emotions for a little, until it went away and she no longer felt it. Vienna watched as Judah had sent a hit towards the mans face. Vienna heard all sorts of cracks and she really thought that the man had broken every bone in his face. The strength that Judah had gave the man when he punched him, was crazy, he could have killed the man.

Vienna watched as the man returned the hit to Judah when he brought his face back up. Vienna saw the women who Judah was once choking, on the floor. Vienna quickly went over to Judah and slowly crouched down, holding the back of her dress so that nobody saw her busy in the back. Vienna used her free hand to help Judah. Vienna was a bit lost, when the man had referred to Judah as a 'wolf.' Could it be? Was he really a wolf? One of them? Vienna thought to herself before snapping out of it. "Are you okay?!" Vienna asked him, and Vienna turned around and looked at the women on the floor. "I know this was your doing, Judah would never hit someone, let alone a women." Vienna said defending her best friend, Vienna had gotten up from the position in which she was in and took a couple of steps towards the man who had gave Judah the hit.

"You said that you just got involved in this mess, so in stead of giving him a lesson why not get the crowds attention away from what just happened." Vienna said to the man, resting all fears aside, she was disgusted by everything and especially the way the man had hit Judah. Vienna knew that Judah shouldn't have touched her, and Vienna would talk to Judah about that, but it didn't mean that the man had to hurt Judah so bad. Vienna knew that there would be talk in the town about what had happened at the party, and Judah's name would be all over it.
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⏤ veronica devereaux.
outfit ;; i.
where ;; party.
with ;; judah, vienna + mortimer
tags ;; madame moiselle madame moiselle sprouhtt sprouhtt idalie idalie
veronica watched in amusement as the crowd surrounded them while vienna plead for judah to stop. veronica felt nothing, she hadn't for years but there was something churning in her stomach, was it jealousy? the runaway royal didn't feel jealous; she hadn't felt the toxic feeling since she lived under her family's roof. did she still have feelings for the dirty beast, the same dirty beast who gave her the best high life could give her; impossible, veronica didn't belong to anyone. before veronica could speak up once more, judah dropped her from the air and turned to punch the man behind him. veronica coughed for a few moments as her hands quickly massaged her neck, there would be a few bruises left but nothing make up couldn't fix.

her gaze flickered from the ground to the sound of judah's fist flying into someone's nose. she had no care for the fight as she heard vienna accuse her for starting it all, a smile jst played at her lips as veronica watched the girl run over to help him. veronica watched with a blank expression as she swiftly made her way towards vienna, crossing her arms as she stood next to the girl. there was a different scent that surrounded her, veronica knew she wasn't human but the sound of her pulse did sound delicious. without hesitation, veronica slipped another cigarette in between her lips, pausing to speak before lighting the small roll alight, "a devereaux never gets their hands in dirty business, it was just supposed to be a friendly reunion with old lovers" veronica spoke before lighting her cigarette, her voice just quiet enough for vienna to hear, "i'm sure judah will be delighted to tell you the story if you stuff his nose with cocaine," she joked with a coy smile, blowing a stream of smoke into the air. the strange feeling that bubbled in her stomach only grew as she watched judah, she had to leave. "enjoy my leftovers, darling," veronica spoke without hesitation before moving towards mortimer with a polite smile, "thank you darling, i'm glad chivalry isn't dead but i had that under control," she purred with a smile, taking another drag from her cigarette. veronica rolled her eyes as she heard vienna whine towards the man, veronica spun around to face vienna, easily towering over her, "listen here, darling, learn to tame your beast before you start throwing accusations, i was merely trying to have a conversation with him," veronica shrugged, shooting a dagger-like stare towards vienna.
Face 1.jpeg
Adriana Ito
Location: Inside Atori Manor
Interacting w/: Kinsley beebim beebim , Theo KingHalliwell KingHalliwell
Mentioned: Vienna sprouhtt sprouhtt , Mortimer idalie idalie , Judah madame moiselle madame moiselle

Adriana grinned at Kinsley, but before she could step towards the dancefloor she heard a loud crack. Her head whipped around towards the source of the noise. She said Mortimer stumble backwards, the werewolf she saw before snarling at him. Her eyes followed the scene, half-shocked and half-horrified as Mortimer returned blows.
This isn't good. This isn't good. She thought. The tension in the whole house was finally at a boiling point. It was no longer a presumed lovers' quarrel, it was now a vampire vs. werewolf fight. Fuck.
People were crowding around them, presumably not realizing what was going on or being to drunk to care. Mortimer and the werewolf could easily kill each other, or worse, kill others around them on accident. "Where the fuck is Augustus?" Adriana cursed out loud, scanning the room for tall man. She saw him nowhere.
She didn't want to jump in because her head could easily get torn off in the scuffle, and besides, it wasn't necessarily her business. If anything, she should just leave before the place blows. A woman next to the scuffling too was trying to stop them. She was a human, well that made sense, and she ran to the werewolf when he hit the ground. She turned and yelled at Mortimer. That is not a good idea.
Adriana turned to Kinsley. "I'm sorry, but I think the dance will have to wait. It looks like things are getting out of hand here."
She looked at Theo. "We might want to be ready to duck out if things get out of hand."
Adriana turned back to the fight. She didn't want to leave, not yet, even though it could mean trouble. A fight out in the open between a vampire and werewolf hadn't happened in a very long time, especially in a vampire's house. This could spell real trouble, and if it did, she needed to be aware of it for her own sake. She already had one target on her back, apparently. If the werewolves tried retaliating for this she needed to know in case they tried killing off lower-rank vampires for revenge or something.
You never really know what can happen in Redwood, after all.
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Mortimer Briarwood
Location: Atori Manor
Interacting w/: madame moiselle madame moiselle viridity viridity sprouhtt sprouhtt (Anyone else I missed)
Mentioned: n/a

His neck buckled as the fist hit him square on the nose. The Vampire's skull had snapped in an unnatural upward angle, vertebrae jutting out to push his Adam's apple and throat till it seemed the skin would split. Silence and Briarwood slowly brought his face down; inch by inch as a series of horrific snaps and bone scraping on bone filled the void of noise. At last, those deep, ruby irises met Judah's accompanied by a final tilt which clicked the neck back in place. A singular bead of coagulated, already cold blood trickled from his straight-bridged nose, crawling down the ivory skin like a blasphemous stain on the pope's robes. His elegant finger dabbed at it, slowly beginning to smile. Lips twitching with an unnervingly frozen gaze. "I believe you've just involved me." Mortimer tutted, yet he closed the short distance within moments. "Your first mistake was trusting one of our kind."

The Vampire brought his hand up to the werewolf; grasping the wrist he locked the arm and rather viciously tore upwards causing a distinct 'pop' as it left its socket. Wrenching on the limb to further inflict pain, Briarwood brought his own elbow down into the nape of Judah's neck. On a human it was enough to kill, yet werewolves -- and alphas at that -- were hardy enough it'd leave them with a pounding headache for an hour or two. As a finale, Mortimer kicked the wolf away, digging his boot into the solar plexus.

He stood straighter, smoothing down his jacket whilst fixing the position of his cuffs. Leisurely plucking a handkerchief from his breast pocket to clean any smearing of crimson from his upper lip, only to fixate his stare on the tattooed lycanthrope. "This wasn't a lesson, wolf. Nor a warning. It's a large middle finger and a reminder to be a good neighbour. Picking on girls is hardly the sort of playground politics I want to be sorting out." Mortimer turned to Veronica, offering an open palm to where Judah had dropped the woman. "Not that you're any better, save for looks perhaps."

Werewolves. He didn't claim to love them, but neither did he hate them in entirety. It was only these few aggressive lycans that brought out the worst in him; but violence always did that. To Mortimer, it was better than cocaine. His brutal acts didn’t cease to be because he thought it best for his health, they were given up during a moment of clarity like that of an addict emerging from the cocoon of ecstasy. There was untellable lives which had been lost to him. He was a Ripper, a soldier, a murderer, and a monster. A thing remembered for actions not heart. A thing remembered as far from human as Spring Heel’d Jack.

One for sadness, two for mirth;
Three for marriage, four for birth;
Five for laughing, six for crying:
Seven for sickness, eight for dying;
Nine for silver, ten for gold;
Eleven a secret that will never be told

Location: Atori Manor
Interacting w/: idalie idalie (Mort) , madame moiselle madame moiselle (Judah) & viridity viridity (Veronica)
Mentioned: N/A

View attachment 413728 Vienna quickly gasped at the scene happening in front of her. She was mortified and when Judah turned to look at her, she took a small step back. His eyes weren't as gentle and kind anymore, they seemed to be filled with hatred, anger, and revenge, all in which Vienna knew was towards this women. Judah had never raised a finger on a women before, not even on Vienna. Yeah he would yell at her and they would argue, but nothing ever physical. Vienna knew that this women was trouble, the smuggled look that was on the women face was enough to rest Vienna case that it was her doing. Footsteps began to approach the three and she saw a man, with very long wavy black hair. He seemed to carry himself with so much importance and a little bit of arrogance that it was hard not to miss him. She saw as the man began to hurt Judah, Vienna's heart broke to hear the sound that came out of Judah's mouth. She could feel his pain, it was weird of her to say so, but she really did feel it. She felt all the sadness, torture, heartbreak, and anger that Judah had felt. Vienna didn't know whether it was her powers doing so, but she did feel Judah's emotions for a little, until it went away and she no longer felt it. Vienna watched as Judah had sent a hit towards the mans face. Vienna heard all sorts of cracks and she really thought that the man had broken every bone in his face. The strength that Judah had gave the man when he punched him, was crazy, he could have killed the man.

Vienna watched as the man returned the hit to Judah when he brought his face back up. Vienna saw the women who Judah was once choking, on the floor. Vienna quickly went over to Judah and slowly crouched down, holding the back of her dress so that nobody saw her busy in the back. Vienna used her free hand to help Judah. Vienna was a bit lost, when the man had referred to Judah as a 'wolf.' Could it be? Was he really a wolf? One of them? Vienna thought to herself before snapping out of it. "Are you okay?!" Vienna asked him, and Vienna turned around and looked at the women on the floor. "I know this was your doing, Judah would never hit someone, let alone a women." Vienna said defending her best friend, Vienna had gotten up from the position in which she was in and took a couple of steps towards the man who had gave Judah the hit.

"You said that you just got involved in this mess, so in stead of giving him a lesson why not get the crowds attention away from what just happened." Vienna said to the man, resting all fears aside, she was disgusted by everything and especially the way the man had hit Judah. Vienna knew that Judah shouldn't have touched her, and Vienna would talk to Judah about that, but it didn't mean that the man had to hurt Judah so bad. Vienna knew that there would be talk in the town about what had happened at the party, and Judah's name would be all over it.


⏤ veronica devereaux.
outfit ;; i.
where ;; party.
with ;; judah, vienna + mortimer
tags ;; madame moiselle madame moiselle sprouhtt sprouhtt idalie idalie
veronica watched in amusement as the crowd surrounded them while vienna plead for judah to stop. veronica felt nothing, she hadn't for years but there was something churning in her stomach, was it jealousy? the runaway royal didn't feel jealous; she hadn't felt the toxic feeling since she lived under her family's roof. did she still have feelings for the dirty beast, the same dirty beast who gave her the best high life could give her; impossible, veronica didn't belong to anyone. before veronica could speak up once more, judah dropped her from the air and turned to punch the man behind him. veronica coughed for a few moments as her hands quickly massaged her neck, there would be a few bruises left but nothing make up couldn't fix.

her gaze flickered from the ground to the sound of judah's fist flying into someone's nose. she had no care for the fight as she heard vienna accuse her for starting it all, a smile jst played at her lips as veronica watched the girl run over to help him. veronica watched with a blank expression as she swiftly made her way towards vienna, crossing her arms as she stood next to the girl. there was a different scent that surrounded her, veronica knew she wasn't human but the sound of her pulse did sound delicious. without hesitation, veronica slipped another cigarette in between her lips, pausing to speak before lighting the small roll alight, "a devereaux never gets their hands in dirty business, it was just supposed to be a friendly reunion with old lovers" veronica spoke before lighting her cigarette, her voice just quiet enough for vienna to hear, "i'm sure judah will be delighted to tell you the story if you stuff his nose with cocaine," she joked with a coy smile, blowing a stream of smoke into the air. the strange feeling that bubbled in her stomach only grew as she watched judah, she had to leave. "enjoy my leftovers, darling," veronica spoke without hesitation before moving towards mortimer with a polite smile, "thank you darling, i'm glad chivalry isn't dead but i had that under control," she purred with a smile, taking another drag from her cigarette. veronica rolled her eyes as she heard vienna whine towards the man, veronica spun around to face vienna, easily towering over her, "listen here, darling, learn to tame your beast before you start throwing accusations, i was merely trying to have a conversation with him," veronica shrugged, shooting a dagger-like stare towards vienna.

Judah Brankovich

if you kick while i'm down, you better pray i don't get back up.


It was a small victory, that punch.
True, it had done quite a lot damage, but to Judah's surprise, the man had his neck back in place in the span of a few, bone-popping moments. Clearly, Judah had underestimated his abilities. In one graceful swoop, the elder vampire had him by the wrist, his deathly grip iron, locking and twisting his arm so hard, Judah could hear the sharp telltale pop, followed by the immediate waves of pain that made him groan. That wasn't all---the bastard struck again, this time with an elbow, right on the nape of his neck, with force enough to kill an average human. It didn't kill him, but it was enough to send the young ex-alpha crumpling to the ground, pestered by a plague of pain. As if the only intention was to be cruel, the vampire sent an abrupt kick, right in the middle of his stomach, sending the mother of miseries exploding through Judah's body.

It was hard to breathe. The pain was harsh, it was bitter, his head pulsing with pain and dizziness. A flurry of movement caught his bleary eye, a haze of red and polka-dot white, kneeling next to him. Vienna's pretty face came over him, her barely audible words asking him if he was okay. He blinked, groaning, turning his head from side to side, catching a glimpse of Vienna calling it off with Mortimer and Veronica, who was standing with a coy smirk on her face, taking a long drag of her cigarette, turning to the son of a bitch who had beat him to the floor, already telling him that this was no lesson---it was just a reminder to keep 'friendly'. Everything was going in slow-motion; the pain had paralyzed him.

It seemed like the fight was done. The wise thing was to stay down, accept the loss, and go lick his wounds as any wolf would. But was Judah done?
No. His pride would not let him.
Judah felt the powerful instinct to transform---in this form, he was good as gone, even with these heightened senses and enhanced strength. His father had sacrificed all of his energy and power against these wretches---fought without fail, as any true alpha would. His father never backed down, never went down without a fight. So, Judah wasn't about to go down without some sort of retaliation, without proof that at the very least, he wasn't going to go down without a fight either.

He felt a new surge of strength, as if the very fact that he was back home, his true home, was giving new resilience, new power, the pain becoming easier to ignore. And with that, Judah took on a new form---hair began to grow incessantly into a thick coat of fur, his nails sharpening into pairs of wolf claws, sharp as knives. His size grew larger and larger, bigger than the average werewolf being alpha and all, muscle and bone expanding exponentially. In the span of a few moments, Judah was no longer human, but a fearsome wolf, jaws clenched, a low growl simmering at the back of his throat. He turned onto the vampiric knave, his fangs bared, a formidable, threatening snarl coming out.
This frightening transformation sent the crowd into a frenzy---men and women alike screamed in horror, and all descended down into chaos as Judah, taking the element of surprise to his advantage, bounded for the vampire, his wolfish instincts taking over almost completely. He landed almost squarely on the vampire, knocking him straight to the dead-cold, floor, his claws digging deep into equally dead-cold flesh, exposing defunct blood. Judah stood right over the villainous vampire, his back claws digging into vampire's leg, his fangs bared, about to do worse before the scoundrel's allies came to the rescue...

location: augustus atori's mansion, being a total beast (sorry if it's too much!)
interacting w/: mortimer briarwood (and by interacting, i mean clawing the hell outta himm; idalie idalie )), viennetta fray ( sprouhtt sprouhtt ), veronice devereaux ( viridity viridity )
mentions: viridity viridity Doomyfish23 Doomyfish23 apolla apolla Kloudy Kloudy KingHalliwell KingHalliwell Ridge Ridge idalie idalie mian mian lavendre lavendre beebim beebim sprouhtt sprouhtt

Location: At the manor. Interactions: mian mian KingHalliwell KingHalliwell Mentions: madame moiselle madame moiselle viridity viridity idalie idalie sprouhtt sprouhtt

Kinsley's relaxed expression quickly turned into a worried one as Adriana turned away from her. The witch blinked, turning around and following Adriana's gaze in order to see what the vampire was looking at.

Kinsley's jaw immediately dropped, her eyes going wide as she quickly sobered up and took a step back from the predicament happening a few feet away. This wasn't some small disagreement- that was a transformed, huge, and dangerous werewolf pinning Briarwood to the ground. The redhead stumbled back a bit as several guest pushed past her in terror, most of them heading to the exit in an attempt to get away from the werewolf as quickly as possible. Her heart quickened as she looked back at Adriana and Theo, nodding her head minutely.

"Understandable, completely understandable," she said quickly, taking a few steps back closer to the exit. Kinsley watched as Adriana stayed in the same spot, observing the fight as if she wanted to join in to prevent it. The redhead never understood the parallelism between vampires and their avid hatred against werewolves, but that didn't mean Kinsley was going to wait around and get caught up in the process.

She might have been a decent witch that could hold her own in a fight, but that didn't mean she was a suicidal one.

Instead, Kinsley decided to take a few steps back closer to the bar and away from the raging werewolf. Once all the guest were gone, then she would decidedly leave this place without much hassle, go home, and pass out on her couch with regret.

Simple as that.​
Luna Fang
Interactions: N/A
Mentions: idalie idalie madame moiselle madame moiselle
Luna Fang scratched her stomach as she overlooked everything that was going on. She really just wanted it to end, her senses being overridden by all the smells and sounds and the heat of this place, as she was more accustomed to the cold climate of North American forests. What she would give just to leave this damned town, but with the dwindling forest, that would be hard. Not to mention she did not want to go alone. The Wolf-woman sighed and scratched her stomach, she hadn't eaten since a couple of hours ago which was now bothering her terribly. This night was going to go on forever...

Suddenly, something caught her attention. She could not see it but she could hear a commotion from elsewhere in the manor. "...Feck." She sighed as she fixed her shirt and started walking towards the source, ignoring everything around her. Most of the people that ended up in her way instantly backed off, either they were smart enough to not aggravate the 6'5ft well-built woman who clearly was not in the mood for any of their shit, or they were just drunk and didn't notice anything. Luna Fang herself had always had a disdain for alcohol and never drank it herself. She just wanted to leave but hey... she had a job to do.

As she went through the doors into a room, the sound of fighting grew louder. The woman sighed and rolled her shoulders before striding over. She figured it was just two idiots fighting over a woman... wait, did humans do that? She had no idea, having not properly spoken to anybody in years. Then again, Luna Fang had not properly spoken in general for at least 60 years or so. As she came closer to the commotion, the woman stopped in her tracks as she saw the two that were fighting. And one of them was... a wolf? A giant wolf?! Throughout the stench of alcohol, sweat, and other odors, Luna Fang caught the scent of, what could only be a Werewolf. And while she could smell the Werewolf, something else caught her attention. the man who was fighting with the Lycan was... a Vampire? She could not hear a heartbeat from the person. What the hell was going on? She did not know how to feel. She had not seen another Werewolf in so long, she almost wondered if she had been the last of her kind since she only knew her father. While her mind was swimming with questions mostly consisting of "what the fuck?" the only giveaway to her surprise and confusion was a subtle lift of her back eyebrows. What was she supposed to do about this? She could not just jump in and break it up, that was unnecessary and would only cause more problems... there had to be another way of dealing with it, but what?! All she could do was watch and try and find a window of time to intercept.

She looked at a couple of people who were laughing, one of which had his phone pointed at the wolf. Her eye twitched a little, the last thing this situation needed was to get out for everyone to see, especially when one of them was a wolf! Without a word, Luna Fang swiftly grabbed the phone from the man's hand, ignoring his drunken "hEy!" in protest and -staring him right in the eye- she closed her fist around the phone, feeling it crumple in her grip. The man and his two women just stared at her in shock. "...Whoops." she dropped the thing on the floor as she glared down at them with her body squared up. Thankfully they seemed to take her hint and move away, among others. Luna simply huffed and kept her eye on the crowd as well as what was going on. She didnt like that the fight was happening but there didnt seem much she could do.
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Mortimer Briarwood
Location: Atori Manor
Interacting w/: madame moiselle madame moiselle viridity viridity sprouhtt sprouhtt Kloudy Kloudy Doomyfish23 Doomyfish23 (Anyone else I missed)
Mentioned: n/a
His cold, beady red eyes rested on Vienna. Harsh, distant, as if something had crawled into his skin to parade it around. "The wolf should keep his anger under check, lest he hurts another woman." Briarwood cocked his head. "What happens if you're the dark-haired girl up there? Viennetta, was it? Humans are fragile things. Hold them too hard they break, care too hard they fade, cut them too deep and they don't get back up." A laugh reverberated about his chest, rolling like thunder on darkened skies. "I am guilty of no crime but restoring order, the boy was causing an unwanted stir. I refrained from cutting his throat. Hm?" The Vampire arched his brow extravagantly till another voice, that of Veronica who approached if only momentarily to speak her double-edged thanks.

"I didn't do it for you." Mortimer abrasively interrupted. "I believe a woman like yourself appears the innocent flower but happens to be the serpent under't. A cold adder lurking in the grass. Shedding skins but not that one." His gaze turned to Judah. "Not that one." He gifted her a sincere, thin-lipped smile. "But as always, it's a pleasure." He touched his forehead and moved the hand outwards in an elegant gesture of farewell -- and it would've been a quiet slipping into the night had it not been for the hound who leapt upon him. A rookie mistake to let his attention be diverted when he had no confirmation of death.

The Vampire locked his arm up in front of his face, allowing it to be a barrier of flesh and bone; thrown back into the hard floors which caused a momentary act of disorientation and a throbbing skull. First thing he noted coming to his senses was pain. Raw wounds and dark, dead blood smearing across clothes, claws tearing into them (which he mournfully thought of as quite the waste of a good suit). "You're quite the ugly bastard, aren't you?" He wheezed, considering the werewolf was more or less expelling any air from his lungs by being an oversized lapdog who by the looks of it, wanted to rip his face off. Briarwood's fingernails, oft neat and trim, grew in length to a neat point as they retaliated. Digging into the fur of the wolf's pelt and leaving gashes in their wake.

Mortimer continued to hold the lycanthrope's head in his palms, squeezing down with immense force; thumbs seeking out the beast's eyes and shoving inward. His lips pulled back in a sharp-toothed grin. When he'd wrestled the wolf further away, he was able to bring up his knee and leg shoving Judah till he could retract his fist and plant it right on the snout. Payback was the main aim. However, it did look quite gruesome, if one were to look at his ruined form, tendons could be spotted beside deep lacerations. All beginning to try to bring itself back together, "Your father must be spinning in his grave," He spat.
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William Rundell Haus Code

“Ohh? Well, it is about time.” William composed himself, placing a poised hand on his own face and drawing a deep breath. He mustn’t get too excited yet, he still had his meeting with Augustus. Speaking of, it was now time for that. Taking a more elder vampire-like posture, William made his way to the soundproofed basement. On the way, he noticed some kind of commotion, and soon saw what looked like Mortimer and a lycanthrope battling. Whilst most would likely panic and go over to diffuse the situation, William merely smiled and shut the door of the basement behind himself silently, “Dear oh dear, Augustus. You should control your guests. And while I appreciate the collection, must we talk in your wine cellar? Such a dusty museum of time...”

William took his time observing his surroundings as he slowly made his way over to the other chair, reading over the labels of various bottles that dated past even his own life. A blast from the past was an understatement, this was an explosion of history. Dates surfaced and bubbled in his subconscious, age old times of medieval, Roman, Victorian eras. The rise and fall of great empires and glorious nations. A smirk of satisfaction moulded on his lips as he took a seat in the chair and crossed legs, knowing he had outlasted it all. As had Augustus, one of the very few William could call an ally. Augustus had lived longer than he, and was more experienced in that sense, and held great power as a result. But not only that, William could often find himself conversing with Augustus about the past in a way they could both reminisce nostalgically with familiarity. It was hard finding vampires old enough to identify with. And it wasn’t like Mortimer qualified, he was just too disagreeable.

“So, Augustus. I’m sure you’re aware of what I’ve come to discuss.” William picked up one of the golden goblets gracefully, sipping slowly. Some things you just didn’t rush. He closed his eyes momentarily, savouring it’s taste. As old as the sands of time itself, but twice as sweeter. Placing the goblet down again, he leaned back into the chair, hands in his lap, and gave Augustus as amused look, “First: the rogues. I believe I’ve managed to locate the majority of them. They’ve been dealt a decisive hand, rest assured. There can only be a few left now, along with whatever they convert.” A quick readjustment of his legs and another sip of fine wine, William couldn’t seem to lose his charmingly ambitious smile. Even his eyes gave off some hint of devilish intelligence, “Second: our... other plans are progressing smoothly. The Council doesn’t appear to suspect us yet, so I’d imagine the coup d’etat should be set up nicely. Even that obnoxious Mortimer is oblivious to what’s about to happen.”

William laughed aloud, placing a hand on his chest. Mortimer would get his comeuppance for meddling in William’s affairs, he’d see to it. At the thought, William’s laughter stopped abruptly as he appeared to remember something, an oddly innocent expression donning his face, “Oh, that reminds me! Lastly: it appears a new werewolf has made an appearance. I wouldn’t normally bother mentioning such a nuisance, but I was sure you’d be interested.”
William’s trademark cunning grin set in as he sat forward, lacing his fingers together. His expression grew dark, his features twisting into evil delight, anticipation bubbling within. He had always been the more expressive of the two, “A new alpha has appeared, without it’s pack it seems. And most interestingly... he’s currently fighting our dear Briarwood upstairs.”

Doomyfish23 Doomyfish23 idalie idalie madame moiselle madame moiselle
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Location: Atori Manor
Interacting w/: idalie idalie (Mortimer) , madame moiselle madame moiselle (Judah) & viridity viridity (Veronica)
Mentioned: N/A

83a1ded3336925fd73d164c7e0a6b020.jpg "So it speaks," Vienna spat at Mortimer. Vienna noticed his eyes being a different shade of color, red. Either her eyes were playing tricks on her, or she was seeing exactly what her mind was telling her. A vampire. Vienna didn't want to believe it, she knew they were true, but she wanted to believe that it was just another one of the many rumors that this town has. Vienna didn't know what to do exactly, whether to scream or look away, but she had to stand her ground. If she had shown him any form of fear or submission, then he would win. He was really getting on her nerves and she couldn't believe this man, accusing Judah of being a werewolf, who does he think he is? Vienna didn't know where in the hell this man came from, but she really did hope that he would leave. Vienna heard another growl emit from Judah who was now getting up from the floor, she ignored it at first and continued to speak to Mortimer, her eyes widened just slightly. "How do you know my name?" She asked him curiously. Thinking back to whether or not she introduced herself to him. Of course she didn't, she didn't even know of this man until a couple of seconds ago. Everyone seemed to know of who she was. Like when Lissa said 'you!' To Vienna, that was something, and also Veronica mysteriously guessed her name. Yes, Vienna was known around town, but Vienna only talked to those who knew her, and she had never talked to any of these people that she has come face-to-face with today.

Vienna heard another snarl from behind and when she turned around to face Judah, she was in shock to see that he had already tried to move after the kind of blow that the man had sent his way. Vienna felt her heart break when she saw Judah covered in blood, no, its not her first time seeing him like so, but every time she did she felt sorry for him. Vienna wanted to approach him, but she stopped before she could get the second step in. Her jaw almost dropped to the ground when she saw Judah growing hair all over at such an alarming rate and transforming into a very large animal, werewolf. Vienna had never seen one so close before, but she also felt something. She felt hurt that Judah had kept this a secret from her for so long. They've known each other for about two years now, they've shared secrets, past histories and yet he failed to mention to Vienna that he was a werewolf. Vienna's grandmother had told her that Judah was not just man but something else. She thought her grandmother was lying since Judah never told her that. Vienna covered her mouth with her right hand as her left hand was rested on her stomach. "Oh my god," she softly muttered to what she was seeing before her. Her best friend, her crush, her everything, turning into a werewolf. Vienna did feel a bit guilty for criticizing Judah for not telling her that he was a werewolf, she herself kept it a secret that she was a half-witch. Vienna didn't know what to do, whether to move towards Judah to get him to calm down or just stay where she was. But Vienna was stuck in her own thoughts, she was frozen. She didn't move nor speak anymore, she couldn't...she was in shock. Everything she didn't want to believe in, is now true. The whole lie that she made herself believe in, was now shattered by reality.
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Time seemed to be standing still yet moving quickly at the same time. Vienna hadn't heeded Lissa's warning, but it didn't surprise her that her words had gotten lost in the wake of everything happening. Though Lissa didn't know Vienna from Adam, nor did she know the guy, Lissa couldn't mistake the look in the dark haired girls eyes as she looked at Judah. There were so many emotions going on in there it made Lissa's stomach clench anxiously. There was no mistaking that this night had taken a sudden turn for the worse; it was just a matter of time, now.

Someone approached then, a man. He clamped a hand on Judah's shoulder, but he seemed... bored with the events. Tension lay heavy in the air, mostly centering around the tattooed man trapping the woman against the wall by her throat. Lissa couldn't help but stare; the sheer power demonstrated by his physical appearance alone was demanding. She didn't want to know what it would feel like to be the woman trapped against the wall. Yet for some reason, she wasn't afraid of him. Maybe because his anger was directed at someone else? Maybe because she just didn't know him, and was stupid? Or maybe perhaps because she felt a strange draw towards Vienna, because they were similar, and it was obvious that Vienna cared for him. That meant there was more to him than brute strength.

He tried telling the newcomer that this didn't concern him, but the taller man obviously didn't like that answer. Next thing Lissa knew, the woman had been released, and Judah turned around, aiming a heavy punch to the other man's nose. The hit was successful, and the obvious sound of bones breaking could be heard. Her lips parted in surprise, though no sound escaped her lips. The man-- obviously not human-- slowly fixed his neck during the silence that followed. Though the scene wasn't like anything Lissa had seen before, she couldn't find it within herself to utter a single sound.

Lissa tore her eyes away from the two men as she noticed a flash of red and white. Vienna had gone to Judah's side, and even Lissa, who didn't know her well, could hear the venom in her voice as she spoke to the other woman, and then to the guy who'd received the punch. The woman, apparently unfazed by having just been held up against the wall, lit a cigarette. Her words were syrupy sweet, though Lissa had no doubt that they were not meant to be sweet.

Things just kept snowballing, and Lissa was unsure of where to look, but clearly a fight had begun. But who could have seen the twist coming? Even Lissa, who had visions of the future and had already seen this exact wolf in her vision not an hour before, stared in surprise as Judah transformed, and then attacked. It was now Lissa wondered just what exactly she'd gotten herself into, coming to this town. And then, despite the fact that she had no one here-- staying. Could she leave now? Perhaps. But would she be able to live with herself?

Already knowing the answer, Lissa's eyes flickered towards Vienna. She noticed the shock in her eyes, mixed with other emotions as well. Without thinking twice, the dark haired girl moved to Vienna's side, reaching out to touch her arm gently, though her own gaze lay on the fight. "This isn't going to end well. Tell me what I can do to help."

Location: party, by the fight

Interacting With: Vienna ( sprouhtt sprouhtt ); Judah ( madame moiselle madame moiselle ); Veronica ( viridity viridity ); Mortimer ( idalie idalie )

Mentions: Vienna ( sprouhtt sprouhtt ); Judah ( madame moiselle madame moiselle ); Veronica ( viridity viridity ); Mortimer ( idalie idalie )

Code by apolla apolla
Theo Prescott 1.png
Theo Prescott
Location: Atori Manor
Mention: madame moiselle madame moiselle mian mian sprouhtt sprouhtt
Interaction: beebim beebim

So many emotions rippled their way through Theo at the sight of the guy turning into a wolf, and Theo had no idea how to process them all. The fear froze him to his spot on the ground, even though Adriana told him to prepare to run. Panic aided in the paralysis, but also caused his mind to operate in overdrive as it attempted to process the confusion and anxiety that seemed to wash the effects of the alcohol away. His eye connected with the redheaded girl who took a few steps closer to the bar, almost asking what he should do, as well as searching for a semblance of reality he could grab on to. Adriana stayed where she was, her body language showing that she was unsure if she should get involved or run.

Theo was pushed slightly in the chaos of the crowd of partygoers, trying to make a panicked rush for the door. The pushing was enough to knock him from his frozen state and over to the redhead, next to the bar. He wasn't going to leave until Adriana was leaving right alongside him. "What is going on?" Theo asked the other girl, as a few others approached the scene. "That guy just turned into a fucking wolf." He almost shouted the heavy dark feeling in his gut disappearing as the fight unfolded on a few feet away.
Face 1.jpeg
Adriana Ito
Location: Inside Atori Manor
Interacting w/: Kinsley beebim beebim , Theo KingHalliwell KingHalliwell
Mentioned: Judah madame moiselle madame moiselle

Adriana starred with wide eyes as she watched the heavily tattooed werewolf turn into, well, a gigantic wolf. People screamed and shoved past her towards any and all exits. She was jostled and shoved by panicked, fleeing partygoers are she stood here, frozen. She had only seen a werewolf in wolf form one other time, but that had been years ago when she lived in Italy for a couple of years. It was never not terrifyingly... gruesome.
She swallowed, throwing herself out of her shock-induced trance. Okay, things have officially gone too far She decided mentally. Time to get out of here.
Adriana turned to Kinsley. "It was nice to meet you, but it's time I left." She said, half frantically, turning to Theo and nodding towards an exit. She figured he drove here, or at least hoped he did, and she was further hoping they could get out of here fast via said car. She began to walk swiftly towards an exit, the last of the partygoers running past her before she turned and walked back to Kinsley. "I work at The Glass Rat bar, stop by sometime." She said, her eyes studying Kinsley's face before looking away back to the werewolf, then down.
Maybe Adriana should have offered her a ride, asked her to come with, gave Kinsley her number or something... but she felt like an idiot. She didn't even know this woman. If anything, she could come by The Glass Rat.
Adriana looked at Theo again and waved for him to follow her before jogging towards an exit.
She couldn't wait to be home, away from the chaos that was Atori Manor and everyone inside. As she left, pushing open a side door and stepping out into the cool night, she couldn't help a small smile that graced her face for the slightest moment.
The night wasn't completely bad.

Location: At the manor. Interactions: mian mian KingHalliwell KingHalliwell Mentions: madame moiselle madame moiselle viridity viridity idalie idalie sprouhtt sprouhtt

Kinsley, her eyes locked on the werewolf and vampire a few feet in front of her, turned to look at Adriana when she began speaking. It took a moment for the witch to realize what she was saying, turning her head quickly towards the vampire and the witch as she

"Okay," Kinsley eventually replied with a tense voice, "I guess I'll see you both another time?"

The witch didn't think her words were heard, as Adriana quickly left with Theo as she dragged him towards the exit. The majority of the guests have already gone, leaving a somewhat open route for people to leave. Kinsley blinked and stepped away from the bar, keeping her eyes glued to the fight as she slowly inched her way towards the exit. Once she got close enough to the door, the redhead turned away and left quietly into the night.

The second she was outside, Kinsley released a long breath and swiftly headed down the steps of the manor. The outside was mostly empty, save for the few who were still anxiously waiting for cabs to arrive. The redhead stumbled towards the small parking spot, glancing back at the manor one last time. It looked eerily quiet considering what was happening inside. A few strides later and Kinsley was back at her car, digging her keys out of her purse as she unlocked the vehicle and climbed inside. She glanced up and looked herself in the mirror and noticed how unkempt she looked. The woman flushed in embarrassment and snapped the mirror closed, starting her car and allowing the heater to warm her up. Though before she left, Kinsley gave a quick scan over the lot. She didn't see Adriana and Theo outside- they were probably long gone when Kinsley left the manor.

The doctor tapped her hands against the steering wheel as she pulled out of the lot, taking her time on her drive home. Ten minutes later and she found herself parked in front of her apartment. Kinsley stumbled out of her car and strode up to her apartment, walking inside and collapsing on her couch with an exhausted groan.

Tomorrow she would wake up, go to work late, and put this all behind her- but before she drifted to sleep, the place Adriana mentioned popped up in her head.

Maybe she would visit The Glass Rat sometime soon.​
Mortimer Briarwood
Location: Atori Manor
Interacting w/: madame moiselle madame moiselle viridity viridity sprouhtt sprouhtt Kloudy Kloudy Doomyfish23 Doomyfish23 (Anyone else I missed)
Mentioned: n/a
His cold, beady red eyes rested on Vienna. Harsh, distant, as if something had crawled into his skin to parade it around. "The wolf should keep his anger under check, lest he hurts another woman." Briarwood cocked his head. "What happens if you're the dark-haired girl up there? Viennetta, was it? Humans are fragile things. Hold them too hard they break, care too hard they fade, cut them too deep and they don't get back up." A laugh reverberated about his chest, rolling like thunder on darkened skies. "I am guilty of no crime but restoring order, the boy was causing an unwanted stir. I refrained from cutting his throat. Hm?" The Vampire arched his brow extravagantly till another voice, that of Veronica who approached if only momentarily to speak her double-edged thanks.

"I didn't do it for you." Mortimer abrasively interrupted. "I believe a woman like yourself appears the innocent flower but happens to be the serpent under't. A cold adder lurking in the grass. Shedding skins but not that one." His gaze turned to Judah. "Not that one." He gifted her a sincere, thin-lipped smile. "But as always, it's a pleasure." He touched his forehead and moved the hand outwards in an elegant gesture of farewell -- and it would've been a quiet slipping into the night had it not been for the hound who leapt upon him. A rookie mistake to let his attention be diverted when he had no confirmation of death.

The Vampire locked his arm up in front of his face, allowing it to be a barrier of flesh and bone; thrown back into the hard floors which caused a momentary act of disorientation and a throbbing skull. First thing he noted coming to his senses was pain. Raw wounds and dark, dead blood smearing across clothes, claws tearing into them (which he mournfully thought of as quite the waste of a good suit). "You're quite the ugly bastard, aren't you?" He wheezed, considering the werewolf was more or less expelling any air from his lungs by being an oversized lapdog who by the looks of it, wanted to rip his face off. Briarwood's fingernails, oft neat and trim, grew in length to a neat point as they retaliated. Digging into the fur of the wolf's pelt and leaving gashes in their wake.

Mortimer continued to hold the lycanthrope's head in his palms, squeezing down with immense force; thumbs seeking out the beast's eyes and shoving inward. His lips pulled back in a sharp-toothed grin. When he'd wrestled the wolf further away, he was able to bring up his knee and leg shoving Judah till he could retract his fist and plant it right on the snout. Payback was the main aim. However, it did look quite gruesome, if one were to look at his ruined form, tendons could be spotted beside deep lacerations. All beginning to try to bring itself back together, "Your father must be spinning in his grave." He spat.
Location: Atori Manor
Interacting w/: idalie idalie (Mortimer) , madame moiselle madame moiselle (Judah) & viridity viridity (Veronica)
Mentioned: N/A

View attachment 414015 "So it speaks," Vienna spat at Mortimer. Vienna noticed his eyes being a different shade of color, red. Either her eyes were playing tricks on her, or she was seeing exactly what her mind was telling her. A vampire. Vienna didn't want to believe it, she knew they were true, but she wanted to believe that it was just another one of the many rumors that this town has. Vienna didn't know what to do exactly, whether to scream or look away, but she had to stand her ground. If she had shown him any form of fear or submission, then he would win. He was really getting on her nerves and she couldn't believe this man, accusing Judah of being a werewolf, who does he think he is? Vienna didn't know where in the hell this man came from, but she really did hope that he would leave. Vienna heard another growl emit from Judah who was now getting up from the floor, she ignored it at first and continued to speak to Mortimer, her eyes widened just slightly. "How do you know my name?" She asked him curiously. Thinking back to whether or not she introduced herself to him. Of course she didn't, she didn't even know of this man until a couple of seconds ago. Everyone seemed to know of who she was. Like when Lissa said 'you!' To Vienna, that was something, and also Veronica mysteriously guessed her name. Yes, Vienna was known around town, but Vienna only talked to those who knew her, and she had never talked to any of these people that she has come face-to-face with today.

Vienna heard another snarl from behind and when she turned around to face Judah, she was in shock to see that he had already tried to move after the kind of blow that the man had sent his way. Vienna felt her heart break when she saw Judah covered in blood, no, its not her first time seeing him like so, but every time she did she felt sorry for him. Vienna wanted to approach him, but she stopped before she could get the second step in. Her jaw almost dropped to the ground when she saw Judah growing hair all over at such an alarming rate and transforming into a very large animal, werewolf. Vienna had never seen one so close before, but she also felt something. She felt hurt that Judah had kept this a secret from her for so long. They've known each other for about two years now, they've shared secrets, past histories and yet he failed to mention to Vienna that he was a werewolf. Vienna's grandmother had told her that Judah was not just man but something else. She thought her grandmother was lying since Judah never told her that. Vienna covered her mouth with her right hand as her left hand was rested on her stomach. "Oh my god," she softly muttered to what she was seeing before her. Her best friend, her crush, her everything, turning into a werewolf. Vienna did feel a bit guilty for criticizing Judah for not telling her that he was a werewolf, she herself kept it a secret that she was a half-witch. Vienna didn't know what to do, whether to move towards Judah to get him to calm down or just stay where she was. But Vienna was stuck in her own thoughts, she was frozen. She didn't move nor speak anymore, she couldn't...she was in shock. Everything she didn't want to believe in, is now true. The whole lie that she made herself believe in, was now shattered by reality.

Judah Brankovich

We stopped looking for monsters under our beds the moment we realized they were inside us.
the joker



The werewolf snarled at the vampire's comment, fangs bared, ready to snap his enormous jaws around the scoundrel. It seemed, however, the vampire had his own retaliation planned---his nails began to increase in size, sharpening, hooking onto Judah, creating long, bloody gashes along his flanks. Searing, hot pain began to register in the werewolf's head, feeling the blood well up at the incisions. The vampire held onto the scruff of the enormous beast's neck, nails piercing through animal flesh, palms squeezing with immense, supernatural force. The tension pounding in his head caused the canine to whimper and growl at the same time, yelping as the bloody ingrate found his eye sockets and pushed in. That wasn't the end of it---a flying fist planted itself squarely on the snout, forcing Judah to rip away from the vampire's grip, backing away, snarling.
He got the full scene as he was backing away from his opponent, noticing the chaos around him---people were filtering out in complete panic by the dozens, terrified by the prospect that a huge, snarling beast was crashing the party. His murky blue eyes, the only characteristic that stayed had true both in human and wold form, found Vienna not too far away, gazing at the whole thing with absolute horror on her face. Another dark-haired girl with large, alluring pale green eyes was next to her, looking as if she was trying to comfort Vienna.

She was afraid of him.
The snarl on his face began to falter, realization flooding through him. He glanced back at the vampire, seeing the gruesome injuries and gashes decorating the man's legs and chest. It was quite a sight---more than a usual human could take. He had exposed himself, in a foolish, explosive way. The people would be afraid of him, the whole town seized in a tight bout of tension and fear. What's worse, was Vienna. She would never look at him the same way ever again. How could he act as her protector when what she was seeing at this very moment proved the very opposite? How could they ever meet eye to eye ever again without her seeing the beast he was, the monster he could turn into, guided by animalistic instincts and drives not bound by human morals?

Panting, Judah stayed back, crouching back down, his eyes roaming the destruction he had initiated. The room was deserted for the most part---glass littered the ground, tables overturned, his own claw marks scarring the floor. The anger that had been bubbling over the top for past hour was withering out---suddenly, he felt as if all the strength that had aided him from the beginning abandoned him. His injuries came back full force, the pain dizzying him. As the fury left him, so did the wolf inside him, going back to its slumber. His form began to melt back to normal, back to the Judah Vienna knew, back to the Judah she loved.

Instead of a hulking, snarling beast, stood Judah, his shirt practically non-existent, bloody gashes seeping out of his sides, his jeans ripped as well, a side effect of the transformation. A gigantic bruise bluer than the ocean decorated his cheek the same way his tattoos did, and his shoulder, still largely dislocated, sat at an awkward angle. He was breathing hard, his eyes seemingly going in and out of focus, as if he were about to lose consciousness any moment now. This had been one of the hardest fights he had ever fought in decades---he had forgotten the true power vampires had, especially this one. And though his abilities included rapid healing, faster than the average human's, one could suspect that even that, wasn't enough to keep him going.

Judah swayed, unable to support himself with two feet. He fell to his knees and then to the floor, largely losing consciousness.

location: augustus atori's mansion, losing consciousness
interacting w/: mortimer briarwood ( idalie idalie )
mentions: viridity viridity Doomyfish23 Doomyfish23 apolla apolla Kloudy Kloudy idalie idalie mian mian beebim beebim sprouhtt sprouhtt

Lissa is not a helper. She's not a fixer, especially when it came to people she didn't know. Sometimes she got flashbacks to the vision of the girl in high school, and the guilt from that has stuck with her. Maybe that's why this scenario was so different from others. For the longest time, she just wanted to live her life and try her best to forget that she could see the future. She did her best to ignore the visions. And for a long time, it worked. She was never the type of girl to have a bunch of friends, or go to parties, or anything like that.

Yet here she was, at a party, trying to help. Trying to fix. Maybe she had potential friendships on the line, maybe not. That thought was definitely not on the forefront of her mind as she watched Judah transform back into a human, her eyes wide. He was injured, badly so, and for some reason the sight struck a chord within Lissa.

Unable to take the time to decipher what exactly that meant, Lissa ran to his side just as he fell to the floor. She was a small, small girl compared to him, but that didn't stop her from trying to break his fall as best she could. It didn't really work, but she was able to be at his level. "I hope you can understand me." She told him, her voice steady despite the slight tremor of fear that crept down her spine. Doing this might actually make her someones enemy, but she was hoping that if that happened she'd make a couple allies, too. "You're gonna have to work with me some."

She cast a backwards glance over her shoulder at Mortimer, her eyes narrowing slightly. Turning her attention back to Judah, she positioned herself beside him, lifting his arm and placing it over her shoulder. Knowing she couldn't carry him alone, she looked to the only other person she knew would help-- Vienna. She strained as she attempted to lift him up, but didn't think she'd be doing it alone for long. "You're gonna have to teach me your ways in the gym after this is done." Lissa muttered to the werewolf under her breath.

They had to leave.

Location: party, by the fight

Interacting With: Vienna ( sprouhtt sprouhtt ); Judah ( madame moiselle madame moiselle ); Mortimer ( idalie idalie )

Mentions: Vienna ( sprouhtt sprouhtt ); Judah ( madame moiselle madame moiselle ); Mortimer ( idalie idalie )

Code by apolla apolla
Location: Atori Manor and now they are back at Vienna's house
Interacting w/: , madame moiselle madame moiselle (Judah) , apolla apolla (Lissa) & Rumble Fish Rumble Fish (Luna)
Mentioned: idalie idalie (Mortimer) & viridity viridity (Veronica)

83a1ded3336925fd73d164c7e0a6b020.jpg Vienna felt as if everything she didn't want to believe in, just slapped her in the face to let her know that it was reality. This was Vienna's reality and she would soon have realized it either now or later. But it seems as if the universe wanted to get back at her. Vienna tried her best to get a hold of herself, but it was way too much for her to take in. She knew that from the beginning when Judah felt uncomfortable, they should have left. Now it was her fault that Judah got into a fight with an old lover of his. By telling how the women who was almost strangled by Judah had walked away unfazed proves to Vienna that she too was a vampire. Vienna couldn't wrap her hand around the fact that creatures inhabit the town she knows and loves, Redwood. This changed everything for Vienna, now she views everyone differently. Vienna looked at Judah with her big brown tearful eyes, and when he stared back, she allowed a gasp to slip out. It was almost as if Vienna was in a trance, she never took her eyes away from Judah. Examining his other body and how it was covered in dark rich fur. But the fur was soon covered with dark red blood. She watched helplessly as the vampire began clawing at Judah. Vienna felt as if someone punched her in the stomach, she grabbed her stomach even tighter and her other hand was still on her mouth, muffling the screams and cries that she emitted. Vienna had never experienced violence before her eyes, at least not as extreme as this.

Vienna jumped a little bit when she felt a pair of cold hands touch her, she looked to her side to see that it was Lissa. Vienna was a bit relieved to see Lissa, but Vienna's emotions got the best of her and all she could do was allow the tears to fall down her soft rosy cheeks. She removed her hand from her mouth, "I I am not s-sure." She stuttered. The real reason why Vienna was crying was because of the state in which she saw Judah in. He didn't deserve it and she wished that he would have stayed down instead of getting back up to fight. This was killing her. Vienna let out a sigh of relief when she saw that Judah transform back into his human form. But before Vienna could run to him, she saw how badly hurt her was. He was in terrible shape, and if those wounds weren't treated then he would be in serious conditions. "Judah!" Vienna said to him as she watched as his knees hit the ground, and before his whole body could touch the ground Vienna ran towards him and got on her knees before his face hit the ground. Vienna looked down to see that Judah was completely passed out, bloody and all black and blue. Vienna didn't worry about her outfit being ruined by the blood that was coming from Judah. She quickly looked over her shoulder and called Lissa. "Please help me get him to my car! It's parked out in the front, you take one side and I'll take the other." Vienna shouted to Lissa in all the chaos. Vienna didn't take one look at Mortimer, she had nothing to say to him, but he would pay for his actions and beg for mercy when Vienna's done with him. She heard footsteps behind her and realized that it was the girl she asked for help. Vienna had the girl open the door for her and she had Lissa slip in through the back of the car and Vienna hoisted Judah up in the jeep with Lissa and the new girl, Luna followed. Vienna closed the door once everyone was in, and she quickly went to the drivers side and got in, closing the door and putting the keys in the ignition, Vienna drove up out of there.

As Vienna raced home, she didn't stop for the red light and just kept on going. That was the least on her mind, all she could think about was Judah and what she was going to do. Yes she was driving the opposite from him, but she couldn't bring him to the hospital, they would take too long to help him. Vienna was going to regret what she was already thinking, and she had no idea whether she wanted to do this in front of the two of her new friends. Vienna got to her house in less than 20 minutes, the girl was going 60 miles per hour on a road that said to only go 35 miles per hour. It was her lucky day the cops weren't around paroling. When Vienna entered the woods and got to her house which was just a couple of yards from the road, she quickly parked and got out of the car with her keys in hand. She made her way to the back and opened the door for the girls, instructing them to take Judah out of the car and carry him inside. Vienna began to walk towards the house and saw the lights were out, she knew her grandmother was still out. It was midnight and the shop closed at eleven o'clock so her grandmother was probably gonna spend the night at the shop. Vienna made her way inside and moved the couch away to allow the girls to rest Judah in the middle of the living room. Vienna went to the kitchen and grabbed a small towel on that hanging on the faucet. She wet the cloth in some water and moved towards the cabinets and looked for some herbs that her grandmother had already prepared. She took a couple of jars in hand and ran back to the living room, putting everything to the side and waiting for the girls to rest Judah on the floor in front of her.
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Interacting with: madame moiselle madame moiselle sprouhtt sprouhtt apolla apolla
Luna Fang was seriously taken aback by what had happened, it almost did not feel real. She saw how people fled but she herself did not want to move. But what she did see was that the werewolf in question was badly injured, she could tell just from looking at him. She furrowed her brow worryingly. She watched as the two tried to help the man out, and (seeing one of her own in such bad shape) she felt obliged to help. And for some reason, she had also agreed to go with them in the car! She had hardly ever been in a car, unless she had been in a cage of some kind so to actually be in one sitting in a seat was a weird experience. She struggled to get in, as she had to tilt her head slightly to accommodate for her height and build. The tightness and the enclosed smells and heat made her feel quite ill so on the way, she had opened the window slightly to put her nose up to it, relieved to get the fresh air into her system. The werewolf sighed as she watched the world go by. More buildings... Great. She had planned to go home but now she was in a car full of strangers with another werewolf she just learned existed. And she had not had anything to eat, her stomach not letting her forget about it as it growled. Of course, she was more focused on the man than her own problems. Not that she showed it on her face. She had a "resting bitch face" as the kids would say. She never understood what that meant. She had the face of a resting female dog?

Luna was jolted out of her own thoughts as the car suddenly pulled to a halt and everyone piled out. She helped in getting Judah out of the car and setting him down on the floor inside the house. Everything in Luna Fang's instincts told her to lick the wounds to stop the bleeding but all she knew was that for humans, that was not considered socially acceptable... for some reason. She sat down in one of the chairs, looking around with her nose twitching as she took everything in. It was a relief to finally be out of that party and have some peace and quiet. But she then looked back to the injured male and moved closer to kneel next to the man as the girl got some things out to try and help him. Luna fixed her cuffs, trying to hide the white hair on her arms before looking at the girl as she inhaled before crinkling her features ever so slightly at the smell of the herbs. They smelled sour. "...What's that?" she grunted before her face quickly fell back into her usual uninterested and stoic gaze while inside, she was practically in a panic but she could not show that in front of them. She could not show weakness. Not now. This, along with the fact she did not know the names of either of these girls made the wolf-woman unsettled.
Location: Vienna's House
Interacting w/: madame moiselle madame moiselle (Judah) , apolla apolla (Lissa) & Rumble Fish Rumble Fish (Luna)
Mentioned: viridity viridity (Veronica) & idalie idalie (Mortimer)

19054168.gif Vienna watched as Luna and Lissa placed Judah on the floor. He was badly hurt and she wanted to take his pain away, all of it. He didn't deserve that kind of beating, Vienna knew that it was his past lovers fault that made him do what he did which resulted into a beating. Vienna quickly got up and ran towards the kitchen and grabbed a knife, she took it back to the living room where everyone was and looked down at Judah. Vienna cut his shirt off with the kitchen knife that she got and opened the cut shirt off to the side. She looked at his wounds and felt chills go down her spine, making her look away for a moment. Vienna quickly took the crushed herbs that her grandmother had already kept stored and dabbed the towel she got and set the towel aside for later when Judah came too. She knew with the kinds of blows he got, he would get a killer headache, so the herbs would help a lot. Vienna looked at Lissa, as well as Luna. "Listen, what happens now is strictly between us. I would appreciate it if you all wouldn't go out telling people what you see please." Vienna told the girls with a calm voice.

tumblr_inline_o9m2cx4GPw1teuxlg_400.gif Vienna then leaned in towards Judah and rested her hand on the right side of his face, caressing it. "I hope when you wake, you will understand that what I am about to do is going to hurt me more then it will hurt you. I just hope that your feelings about me stay the same after this is all over," Vienna told Judah in a soothing yet trembling voice that is filled with regret, fear, but relief. Vienna knew that she had to do this, she had to do this for Judah. She really did hope that Judah wouldn't judge her for this, but she can't expect for him not to be mad at her. Vienna removed her hand from his face and took a deep breath. She brought out both of her hands over Judah's body and leaned her head back just slightly. She closed her eyes and began to focus on what mattered the most...Judah. She visualized the colors in front of her, the smell, and the aura around her and she channeled it all to her hands. She could feel her hands becoming warm and thus the light began to emit from her hand. As this began, she hovered her hands around on Judah, placing her hand on Judah's wounds. She could feel the energy leaving her body and entering Judah's, healing and cleansing his body. Vienna rolled her neck to the front and opened her eyes, seeing that Judah's cuts were closing and skin that was once black and blue turned back to its normal healthy color of his skin.

When Vienna was done, the glow from her hands disappeared and she leaned back. Vienna didn't know what the girls had to say about it, she thinks that they will run away screaming so she kept her head down. Vienna felt slightly dizzy from doing what she did, she hadn't used this power in a long time and it took a toll on her greatly.
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Judah Brankovich

it's hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember...



Judah opened his eyes. Julia stood in front of him, her light brown eyes lit with merriness, her hazelnut brown hair cascading down her slender shoulders. "J...Jul..?" murmured Judah, speechless, his eyes wide. She tilted her head, a curious smirk appearing on her face. "What cat got your tongue?" she joked, shoving him a bit. Judah blinked once more. The scene before him cleared---he was staring out into the night, sitting right on the edge of a grassy cliff hill, overlooking Redwood in all it's quiet, twinkling glory. He was there and...she was here---right in front of him, cross-legged on the ground, gazing up at the sky.
He looked at her, feeling the tears beginning to fill his eyes.
She..she was actually here.
"You're...alive," he whispered, breathless, trying to blink the tears away. Julia turned to him, her expression turning into a sad smile.
"No," she said simply. "But here," she continued, turning away from him, gesturing to the dreamy scene around them. She glanced back, a small smile forming on her lips, shrugging. "I might as well be."

"What about this one?"
Judah opened his eyes. He found himself in a kingsized bed, nothing on save for a pair of boxers, lying between large, white fluffy blankets, back against the equally just as large and fluffy pillows. A sweet, fresh showery scent mixed in with whiskey, smoke, and cocaine hit his nose. He glanced at the source, bewildered. Veronica lay beside him, just as bare as he was, save for a bathrobe, cuddled right next to him, her lush, wet, black hair tickling his shoulder as her head rested on it.
"What about this one, Judah?" she repeated, her voice hoarse from smoking so much, though, to Judah's ears, it sounded much sexier, her note-perfect British accent adding in. She was pointing to a small tattoo on his right middle finger, a small Star of David, a tattoo that seemed almost irrelevant to the countless other ones, bigger, bolder ones he had. It struck as strange that she'd ask this particular one.
Judah glanced at it, his heart starting to pound. This was the first ever tattoo he had ever gotten---right at six years old, the Star of David tattooed to signify his belonging to the Brankovich pack, that belonged to true, werewolf blood, that he was forever apart of the family...
Until he wasn't.
"It's nothing," he answered, maybe a bit too harshly. Veronica shifted, turning to him, her pale brown eyes glancing at him with scrutinous concern. Judah glanced at her, then looked away, refusing to elaborate any further. Her slight frown turned into a mischievous pouty smile, letting her cold hand to his cheek so he could face her.
"Well," she said slowly, shifting more from her lying position, her expression turning more and more devilishly playful. "If those lips won't be for talking..."
Her lips neared his, getting closer and closer, until they were one in the same...

"Are you listening?"
Judah snapped out of whatever he was doing or thinking. He found himself in the living room of Vienna's house. It was dark outside. Vienna's grandmother stared at him, her eyes narrowed. Judah glanced at her, then around, confused. "Uh.." he faltered. "What am I listening to exactly?.."
Vienna's grandmother clicked her tongue in disapproval and disbelief. She put her hands on her hips. "You listen closely," she said, her tone serious and chastising, shaking a finger at him. "Take care of her. Guard her, make sure not a
single hair on her head is harmed, capiche? Dangerous people are going to go after h---" The old woman stopped herself, realizing she was saying too much. Judah blinked, bewildered. Suddenly, his senses picked up someone else in the room. Judah glanced at the kitchen area, seeing a pair of delicate brown eyes peeking out, then disappearing once they saw his gaze.
"I am going out," announced the elderly woman, turning around, grabbing a few bottles and an old, battered brown bag that smelled of herbs and various other concoctions Judah couldn't quite make out. "I'll be gone a few days. You," she said, pointing at him, her gaze stern. "Don't forget what I told you." She turned, hustling out. Judah stared at her bag. The smell of herbs wafted all around him. It began to get stronger, and stronger, until---

Judah opened his eyes.
The smell of herb hit him full force, as well as other things; Vienna's home, the floor, Vienna, as well as unrecognizable ones. Judah's vision cleared, his head beginning to pound. He struggled to sit up, shutting his eyes for a few moments. He opened them once more, realizing he was wearing no shirt. What's more, his wounds seemed to have vanished. Apart from a migraine that was already starting to fade thanks to the effect of herbs, he was scotch-free.
Impossible, was his first thought, glancing at his hands and arms. He knew that the rate his heightened healing wasn't this quick, or even this efficient...
He glanced up.

First came the uncomfortably close face of an unrecognizable girl, who was staring at him with startlingly pale, icy blue eyes, her gigantic, awkward body kneeling right next to him. She stared at him like he was some sort of newly discovered specimen, her expression almost puppy-like. He stared at her too, his now clear senses picking up that she was a werewolf.
It was certainly a surprise---Judah hadn't seen one of his own kind in years. It was startling and comforting and strange all at the same time, but before he could register any sort of 'reaction', something else caught his attention.

A slight orange glow attracted his gaze, coming from Vienna's palms. She was kneeling right beside the large werewoman, her dark eyes worried and she seemed dizzy. Judah glanced at the small afterglow of her hands, then to his now wound-free body. The sharp smell of herbs encircled them, as well as various bottles...Judah furrowed his brow, his brain piecing it all together. It almost seemed like an eternal process---the obvious was there, yet Judah almost refused to believe it. After all this time...
How could she?
That was the only question that ran through his mind. It made no sense, yet at the same time, all the signs had been there. The subtle, silent signs---her grandmother always being on high alert, always muttering about 'dangerous witches', always going to her room once every few months for who knows how long, where he would pick up her muffled murmurs, as if she were renewing some sort of spell.Vienna's grandmother had always been a bit strange, and Judah had always brushed it off that way. But how could he have been so oblivious to it? Was he really that occupied with his own problems that he couldn't perceive the fact that his own best friend was one of them? One of those wretched witches?

Once again, he was exposed to yet another, long-hidden secret, just like it had been with Veronica. Judah glanced at Vienna, his gaze almost hurtful. He remembered Veronica's comments on Vienna, mocking him about how Vienna was another Julia. Fully human, the only person he had ever shared his deepest secrets with. It somehow bothered him. Bothered him greatly at this realization because deep down, he had hoped that exact thing. He realized that this friendship was created because Vienna, to him, seemed so much like Julia.

But Veronica was wrong. He, seemed to be wrong. Vienna wasn't Julia. Julia was long dead, buried six feet underground with those same secrets he had shared with her. Judah felt a slight growl birthing from the depths of his throat, remembering the dream he had just had. He looked at Vienna, hurt and betrayal in his murky blue eyes. He glanced away, his breathing becoming hitched. He had to calm down. He couldn't get mad at her---he had hidden secrets just as much as she did. He hid away Veronica. And Julia. And his family, and his past, almost hid so much of himself that it seemed Vienna never really knew him at all. And what's worse, it seemed it was the same way with her.
Their relationship had been nothing but outside appearances. It held no merit against the connections he had had with Julia, even with Veronica.
It made him angry, almost frustrated. Of course, why wouldn't it?

Judah glanced back at her, his gaze cold. The growl just barely simmered at the back of his throat. His voice was deep, his tone spiteful. Out came the question that had been running through his head the whole time.
"How could you?"

location: vienna's place
interacting w/: viennetta fray, luna fang, lissa bowman
mentions: viridity viridity Doomyfish23 Doomyfish23 apolla apolla Kloudy Kloudy idalie idalie mian mian beebim beebim sprouhtt sprouhtt



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