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Realistic or Modern The Secrets of Redwood (ACCEPTING PEOPLE AGAIN! COME JOIN!)


Location: The lake/Back at the manor. Interactions: Doomyfish23 Doomyfish23 ( Augustus ) Mentions: mian mian Kloudy Kloudy

Kinsley nubmly accepted the towel and wrapped in around her shoulders, sighing softly as she warmed herself up. She wasn't even able to enjoy the ride- they were back near the shore in moments, and the next thing she knew she had a hand offered out for her. Blinking, she accepted his hand and stepped out onto the shore.

"Thanks," she muttered as she shifted her towel. The witch looked up, about to make a comment about his promise of wine-

-only to see he was already gone.

"Alrighty then," she groaned, twisting her hair and wringing the water out. "Guess I'll just get drunk and call in sick."

Kinsley frowned and stood on the shores of the lake for a few minutes. She quietly watched the large mansion as she evened her breathing, the lights illuminating the dark grass. She snapped out of her trance and began to stumble towards the forest. There, she found her clothes and threw her towel down. She unzipped and peeled out of the wetsuit, not caring if anyone happened to walk in on her changing. She sighed as she tossed the wetsuit to the side and slowly dressed back in her own outfit.

Her frustration only grew as Kinsley walked back to the mansion, leaving the wetsuit behind. Smelling like wet dog and with her blouse soaked through, the witch opended the back door and headed inside. She noticed that many of the guests seemed distracted by something going on, but Kinsley ignored it and headed over to the bar. She flopped in a stool, ignoring an awarkward stare from a teenager next to her, and promptly took a bottle of wine from the counter. Kinsley leaned back and took a large swig, slamming the bottle down and releasing a groan.

Mulling over her sour mood, Kinsley happened to glance up and notice the girl from before. The witch blinked and sat up from her stool, pushing the bottle to the side as she watched her chat up with an imposing and familiar man- William, if she remembered. Someone who her father had been familiar with in the business stance. She felt a slight pang of jelously watching the two interact, but the ginger brushed it off as a result of her mood. Kinsley instead eyed the new guest, watching him with caution as she grabbed the bottle of wine once more.

Taking another sip, Kinsley suspected nothing good was coming out of this.

Especially since they were both vampires.​
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Location: Atori Manor (On the porch in the backyard)
Interacting w/: apolla apolla (Lissa)
Mentioned: & Doomyfish23 Doomyfish23 (Augustus Atori)

83a1ded3336925fd73d164c7e0a6b020.jpg Vienna continued to hover the scent underneath the girls nose for about a minute or two, hoping that she would come too. Vienna was shocked that people didn't notice her on the deck, maybe they were too mesmerized by the booze, music, and the beauty of the house to even notice her and the girl. Vienna heard sniffing from below, she looked down and saw that the girl who was once unconscious is now coming too. Her nose twitched a little and then wiggled, before she began to open her eyes. When she had fully had her eyes open, Vienna set the crushed plant aside and a smile appeared on her face so that when she made eye contact with the girl, she wouldn't be frightened. Vienna saw how quickly she got up from her lap, Vienna let out a slight gasp. 'You,' was the word that came out of the girls mouth as Vienna tilted her head. "Well...Is that the thanks I get for helping you out?" Vienna said calmly.

Vienna noticed how quickly the girl was too changing her response, "...you thought I was who?" Vienna asked wanting to know if the girl was lying or not. Because clearly, she had never seen her in her whole entire life. Before Vienna could say something, she felt a chill go down her spin and from the corner of her eye she thought something had passed by. Vienna was a little spooked, she didn't know what it was that came at that speed. Maybe it was just her imagination. She let out a soft sigh as she tried to pull the skirt of her dress a little bit lower so that all of her thigh wouldn't be exposed. "I am not really sure what happened to you, but when I found you, you were on the ground unconscious. So I made an herbal remedy to help you come too, I hope the smell won't be a bother to you too much." Vienna said in such a calm yet soothing voice.
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⏤ veronica devereaux.
outfit ;; i.
where ;; party.
with ;; judah.
tags ;; madame moiselle madame moiselle
"nice death of dose too, i see."

veronica released a soft chuckle at judah's commet, picking at her long nails as he spoke, "i make death look alive, you of all people should know." she tried to remember the last time she saw him; maybe it was in the sixies? it would make sense since she was high on cocaine most of the time. during that time veronica spent her time as an exotic dancer, a 'mistress of the night' as people in the industry called her. her now hazel eyes studied judah's body language; his tattooed covered shoulders looked tense and his jaw seemed clenched. veronica tilted her head slightly, allowing her raven black hair to cascade down, with a coy look on her face. she lifted her finger and placed her knife like nail underneath his chin, "what's wrong jb?" veronica mocked in a condescending tone, "scared i'll bite?" she purred, an evil smile forming on her lips that clearly showed off her fangs.

veronica flicked judah's chin as she poured herself another whiskey, slipping out her flask like she did before, muttering under her breath "i'm too sober for this," quietly to herself. the vampire lifted the glass up to her lips as she downed the burning liquid one go, giving judah an aloof look. she looked down at the two glasses judah was holding, noticing the unusual choice of wine. veronica raised an eyebrow before glancing back at judah, "interesting choice of wine, jb," she purred, "has it been too long or did you find a new julia to play with?" veronica smirked with a slight giggle as she spoke.
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William Rundell Haus Code

It was then that the blood hit him. He had quickly nicked her hand with his fang when he’d gone to kiss it, and William had finally worked out why her smell seemed so familiar. The realisation caused the old vampire to lick his lips, almost seductively.

The blood tasted like William himself.

Eyebrow cocked in actual surprise, William took a moment to breath in dramatically, placing a hand on his chest with the other in the air as if he were putting on a theatrical performance, “Oh, I have grown ever so bored over the past years of my life. Is it a crime to involve oneself in something new and exciting?” His arms came down as his hands clasped together, a mischievously knowing smile accentuating his coy expression, “I believe we are one in the same, Miss Adriana, in many ways than a lust for change brought on by a whole new world.”

He had worded it intentionally evasively, perhaps he was simply talking about the party, perhaps not. It was at this point that William’s enhanced hearing picked out a male voice shouting his conversational partner’s name through the crowd. William shifted his eyes sharply to the side, his devilish expression never changing as ideas churned in his head. It was unsurprisingly fun to be able to do whatever you wanted because you held immeasurable power, and William’s fantasies of the night ahead that could be seemed too appealing to pass up, “Is he a friend of yours? Quite a handsome fellow, perhaps you should invite him here.” Although he had phrased it as a suggestion, his tone made it clear that this was anything but by the second sentence, losing its near-flirtatious flair. William’s eyes held steady on the man nearby for a moment, before flicking to Adriana again to see what she would do. Again the glass came up to touch his lips, pouring wine in to wash away the tantalising taste of her blood. It was true to William that the nobles, including himself, were perfect in nearly every way. Such a thing had to be the truth if such a delicious drink coursed through his veins too.

mian mian KingHalliwell KingHalliwell
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Mortimer Briarwood
Location: Atori Manor
Interacting w/: beebim beebim
Mentioned: madame moiselle madame moiselle viridity viridity Kloudy Kloudy mian mian
Briarwood had drifted alone for the most part since his arrival. The young woman he'd given a lift to had gone her separate ways, which meant he was left socialising with people he vaguely knew and immediately disliked for their ways of approaching him. Discussing the weather three times in three different contexts didn't make it any more entertaining. Like any good immortal with an alcohol problem they denied, Mortimer made a beeline for the bar; collapsing onto a stool and demanding whiskey. He wouldn't be able to even find a meal it seemed, let alone conversation that stemmed further from the latest meteorological report.

Swivelling about on his stool, the dark-haired man observed the tension that disrupted the room. Two occurrences really. All involving Vampires -- one being with a werewolf which could get nasty, the other featuring William. If anything, first impressions made Mortimer think he was a rather smarmy git at the council meetings. He didn't let up on the appearance of it either. Glancing over at the redhead he'd sat beside whom also had her eyes on the situation, Briarwood took a long draught of his beverage. Soothing his throat in liquid fire, as it warmed his insides with a dull burn. Almost as good as feeding.

"Something tells me she's in trouble if William is all over her," Mortimer remarked, speaking to no one in particular but glancing at Kinsley. "Like the plague." The Vampire added in a half mumble whilst bringing the tumbler of spirits to his lips again. Finishing it off, he turned away to get a refill. Bitter? Slightly. The older the immortal, the further up their own arses they got. Hopefully, he would've ended it by then for himself -- or so he said each time and continued to age by the year unhindered. It wasn't that he hated them, Briarwood had a general hate for most things that breathed so it wouldn't be fair to categorise them in the same manner. It was more a form of disapproval, especially when they bypassed simple community laws without going through due process by snapping their fingers.

His sensitive hearing didn't help the already loud atmosphere either. Four hundred years and you'd think he'd get used to it.

Location: At the manor. Interactions: idalie idalie Mentions: mian mian Kloudy Kloudy KingHalliwell KingHalliwell

Kinsley, at that point, had the majority of her focus situated on the two vampires. The woman obviously looked uncomfortable in her current spot, and Kinsley clutched her wine bottle tightly as William made a dramatic scene in front of all the guest surrounding them. Anger fuelled from alcohol and growing annoyance, the witch slammed her wine bottle and made her attempt to stand up. Hopefully she could save the poor woman from an eventual downfall with one of the most powerful vampires in this town.

Kinsley didn't even lift her bottom off of the stool before someone's voice cut into her thoughts-

"Something tells me she's in trouble if William is all over her,"

The ginger stopped and slowly sat back down, eyeing the man who unexpectedly cut her off from a possibly stupid mistake. Dark hair and sharp attire, the man didn't even appear to be talking to Kinsley directly. The witch grabbed her wine once more, grabbing a glass this time in order to appear more civil as she poured the remainder of the alcohol into the cup. At the same time she attempted to calm herself down, contemplating on whether she could even stand against someone like William. Of course she couldn't- it was dumb to even consider backtalking a man like him. Though the comment the familiar stanger made next to her made her even more nervous for the dark haired woman stuck there at the center, Kinsley took a deep breath and looked down at her wine glass. She waited for a moment to see if the stranger's comments were meant for another, but when silence met her ears, Kinsley glanced up and raised her eyebrows. The man did certainly look familiar, though she could not place a name. The only thing she could assume at that moment was him to be yet another vampire stalking at this party.

"Like the plauge," she agreed with a bitter laugh, leaning back to drown another glug of wine. The witch sighed as she lowered her glass, turning her gaze back to the woman. For a moment, their eyes met, and Kinsley flushed slighty from before clearing her throat and looking back down at her drink.

"When your species mulls in the dark for thousands of years you tend to start drama in order to fill your boredom." She murmured absentmindessly as she swished the red liquid in her cup.

Kinsley paused and turned to the man, cocking an eyebrow. She usually wasn't this rash, but the wine seemed to have a stronger alcohol content then she expected. Instead, the witch gestured towards the two vampires and the new visitor who bravely decided to join in.

"Let's hope tonight doesn't end up being a murder spree. Hospital is already packed as it is."
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Adriana Ito
Location: Inside Atori Manor
Interacting w/: William Kloudy Kloudy
Mentioned: Theo KingHalliwell KingHalliwell , Kinsley beebim beebim , Mortimer idalie idalie

One thing that always annoyed Adriana about older vampires is how they love being mysterious and convoluted. Maybe that was just how they talked in the 1400's or 1600's or whenever they were turned from some rich dandy to a murderous bloodthirsty monster.
"Theo isn't one to converse with many vampires." She said, not convincingly serious. "You know how witches can be."
She was suddenly more confused and annoyed than scared and on-edge. 'Kay, what's this guy getting at? I mean, I stay in my place, I keep a low-profile, what does he want with me? She needed to find out.
"What exactly do you mean,
we are one in the same?" She inquired.
Maybe he's trying to induct her into some vampire cult, or maybe he just wants to kill her. He wouldn't be trying to converse, though, and that didn't explain his reaction to the taste of her blood. This was all... very out of the ordinary.
She looked around the room, wondering if anyone else might be seeing what's going on. It didn't take long for her eyes to connect with the ginger-haired woman from before. She was looking at Adriana, no doubt realizing William's undivided attention on Adriana was not only strange but dangerous. Next to the woman was someone Adriana recognized. Mortimer Briarwood. Another older vampire. She had met him once before when she first got to Redwood.
If he was also interested in William and Adriana's conversation, Adriana was really in some deep water.
Theo Prescott 1.png
Theo Prescott
Location: Atori Manor
Interaction: Adriana ( mian mian ) William ( Kloudy Kloudy )
Mention: Kinsley ( beebim beebim ), Mortimer ( idalie idalie )

Theo didn't know what was going, the music and the commotions of the people around him, blocking any resemblance of the conversation from reaching his ears. But what he did notice was the attention that was being attracted by this. A ginger-haired woman stood off to the side, a wine glass filled with dark red wine sat clutched in one hand, similar to the man talking to Adriana. She was watching and making comments back towards another. But through the crowd of people, Theo had a hard time seeing who the other was speaking to. Before he was turning back to the conversation while scanning the crowd to see if any other people were paying attention.

With a small burst of confidence, Theo straightened his back and started towards Adriana and the rather well-dressed man. "Adriana!" he called, "I have been looking for you everywhere. God can you believe this party, crazy." He lied, knowing full well that he had made eye contact with the man in front of her. He only hoped to derail whatever this man had planned, but Theo knew he had made a mistake, could feel it in the air. Something was off, but he wasn't sure what. But until whatever is going to happen happens, he had Adriana's back. "Who's your friend, I don't think that we have had the pleasure of meeting. I'm Theo, Theo Prescott." He followed up turning to the man and sticking his hand out.
The girl who had been helping Lissa was very calm, and to be honest, that wasn't helping. Lissa didn't have an outlet for her visions, no way to control them or the side effects that came along with them. She had no way of knowing if there even was a way to control them. It was rare that she came across someone so quickly that she'd seen in one of them, and she'd definitely been taken off guard. Though on the inside, Lissa was freaking, she managed to keep a cool and collected outside appearance-- somewhat.

"I'm sorry." She said after a moment, realizing that her first comment had come across as rude, even though she hadn't meant it that way. "I do appreciate-- thank you." Biting the inside of her cheek, she glanced around, a little surprised at the desertedness of the porch. "It, uh, happens sometimes." She shrugged, trying to shrug off the fact that she'd been found on the ground, unconscious. Whether the woman in front of her was a witch or not, she didn't need to know that Lissa was, too. "The smell is fine-- it's not a bad one, actually. Not really."

Goosebumps rose on her exposed flesh as something possibly passed by them, too quickly to know for sure. Lissa tensed, looking around them, but not seeing anything. Coming here may have been a mistake, sure, but she was already here. She couldn't walk away from this girl now, Lissa would never forgive herself. "I'm Lissa." She told her, letting her eyes fall back onto the calm girl. "Do you... do you know the person throwing the party?"

Location: porch

Interacting With: Vienna ( sprouhtt sprouhtt )

Mentions: Vienna ( sprouhtt sprouhtt )

Code by apolla apolla
Mortimer Briarwood
Location: Atori Manor
Interacting w/: beebim beebim Kloudy Kloudy mian mian KingHalliwell KingHalliwell
Mentioned: n/a
He let out a small laugh, half hummed till it quietened with another sip of his drink. "You have a knack for observation it seems, dear Doctor. We do seem to be quite the melodramatic kind. Woe befall any man who wasn't born a wolf." Mortimer grinned, with an unnerving display of those unnatural canines. He returned his gaze towards William and momentarily met Adriana's before an interruption came in the form of another young man. He let his head fall to one side, "You two must be together?" Briarwood motioned, suspecting as much from the frequent rosy blushes and reassuring glimpses they gave one another. "Or will be by the end of tonight." He winked, brushing down a lapel whilst sitting up straighter. "William isn't the sort to murder in front of people. Or that is what I have garnered from being around as long as I have. He'd most likely wait till she got home, or separated from the crowd. Vampires prey on lone individuals, it's a rare truth in a world of myth." Meanwhile giving the rundown of various ways in which to lure someone off to kill them, Mortimer then grabbed another glass. He wasn't skimping apparently.

"The only thing bad about modern society is forensic teams and human rights." Came the utterance as he then made a motion with glass in hand, in the direction of both elder Vampire and younger. "If you do go over there, I suggest not meeting his eyes. Unless you'd like to end up losing a little bit of free will." He drew a palm over his bearded chin, raking his fingers and neatening it. "But I'm feeling generous today." With a grunt of exertion, he reached his feet and tapped Kinsley on her shoulder. "Better come make a good impression." There was a twinkle in his redwood eyes, till theatrically waltzing up between Adriana, the witch, and William.

"Lovely evening to harass young women isn't it? By Jove, it's taking me back to the good old times with Bram Stoker. Fascinating man, albeit awful when it came to building a strong female character. I believe he fathered a modern damsel in distress." Mortimer retained a wide beaming show of teeth; continuing a purposefully annoying ramble, which was evident with the whiskey in his hand and an element of sarcasm clinging to his tone. "That reminds me, Mr. Code, you have been keeping up with your council tax payments, haven't you? Often I find it's the elderly who let it slip their minds. If you'd prefer, I could add you to our list of 'at-risk' residents in the area. Mind you, it comes with pensioner leaflets but I heard they have an excellent assisted living program in the over sixties apartments that were built last year. Half an hour drive and overlooking a nice lake."
William Rundell Haus Code

While he was slightly annoyed that she had brushed off his obvious command, an unwise move when talking to a much older vampire than oneself, William merely offered Adriana another of those smugly knowing looks in response to her question before turning to the newcomer. To his mild surprise, it was the human he had wanted to come over from just a moment ago. Well, Adriana had said the man was a witch, setting an imperceptible stiffness about William’s posture. Witches always had William on guard; not that he hated them, but simply because he was wary of their power. Unlike werewolves and vampires, it was easy to tell how powerful they were - usually by age. Witches could spend their entire lives being weak or be born with incredible power. Any one of them could be capabale or killing you, there was no telling. If this man was a witch, William would be keeping an eye on him, as well as Adriana. She was also of great interest to him, he’d have to talk with her privately again at a later date. Either way, this was definitely something he would discuss with Augustus.

As the witch approached and began wittering on, William glanced around. He could sense eyes on him from somewhere in the crowd, it didn’t take long for his gaze to settle on two people sitting at a bar. One, a Male, got up and disappeared into the crowd. It would be annoying if they both interfered, so William decided to bank in some insurance. The other, a woman, was still staring at him. Making eye contact with her, the purple magic briefly swirled in his eyes once more, looping patterns in on themselves. The effect was different this time, anything too powerful would take too long and cause him to be discovered. A couple of seconds. The woman staring back at him would feel an immense pressure around her, stabs of fear jolting her body as an overpowering sense of malicious intent emanated from William. It would be as if an evil spirit was attacking her mind, possibly even triggering her fight or flight instinct. Of course it was purely psychological, only with the intent to instill fear into her. Hopefully it would deter her from approaching.

After about a second or two, William snapped back into the moment, blinking several times to remove the magical residue in his eyes, and turned his head back to the witch, who had just introduced himself as Theo, “By all means, Mr Prescott, the pleasure is mine. My name is William. I was just talking to Adriana here about the nature of exciting changes. I believe Mr Atori’s manor party is quite the change of pace for us all, full of new and mysterious pleasures to enjoy.” William’s disarmingly charming smile had returned, his sophisticated way of speaking coupled with his elegant body language only served to construct an almost divine connotation about him. Something about William seemed attractive, as if he were simply perfect or superior in some way. Of course, this was another form of vampire coercion, one that even Adriana might not be aware of. It used to be more practised when fancy clothing and large rich parties like these were common place, but it was a rare occurrence in the modern era. What with different styles and fashion themes changing with popular demand, William’s natural physical charm became a unique fashion statement rather than a manipulation device. It was a good thing Augustus was one of the few older beings at the party, or someone would notice his trickery.

But speak of the devil and he shall appear. William had only finished his sentence when his conversation was more interrupted. By now a ball of frustration was beginning to collect in his brow, causing his eyebrow to twitch up ever so slightly. The man was Mortimer Briarwood, a still relatively young vampire in comparison to William, but old enough that he could be brave enough as to stand up to him in a public place. Even if under the influence, William would not tolerate insubordination. And he was not well known for his merciful acts in the vampire underworld, likely because of their rare nature. But Mortimer would learn of this soon enough.

“Mr Briarwood, so good of you to join us. Surely you must know that I do not fall under such bureaucracy. My estate has been here since long before the town’s conception and my family have owned it since. It is not a part of this towns residential planning, I would have thought you would be aware of such a fact.” William brought his glass to his lips for a final time, finishing the remaining wine, before placing it on a nearby table. His smile did not falter as he took a step towards Mortimer, reaching a hand towards the man, “But how could you say such callous words to me, dear Mortimer? Do I really appear that old to you? You know, there’s a saying about these kind of things. Respect your elders, I believe.”

His hand went to brush the other vampires shoulder, apparently removing some dust. The air went tense as William’s expression went deadly serious as his eyes bored into Mortimer, deadpan. No magic was activated, but William’s brushing continued for a mere second before slipping and knocking the glass of whiskey from the man’s hand, “My apologies, Briarwood. It appears this elderly man’s hand has slipped.”

He brought his hand down to his side. Looking down, Mortimer would notice the hand had several veins sticking out and all the nails had grown slightly longer and seemed slightly sharper than before. It was at an angle that Theo and Adriana couldn’t see it, but they were likely focused on the two’s faces anyway. It was no secret that William could neatly cleave Mortimer in two if he so wished. William’s hand was perfectly still, unnaturally so, and his voice had a quiet fury about it, “Let’s hope it doesn’t slip again, for your sake.”

With that unpleasant business settled, William turned around and smiled at the other two, the tension suddenly clearing as if it hadn’t been there. He placed a hand on Theo’s shoulder and slipped a card into his upper breast pocket, making no attempt to hide his actions, “Have a wonderful night Theo, be sure to contact me if you ever need advice or help with anything. I think you’ll find that I am rather well connected.” William’s smile then turned to Adriana and that mischievous twinkle once again returned, “As with you, Adriana. I feel as though we shall see each other again very soon. Very soon indeed.” Stepping aside to leave, William stopped briefly as he passed Mortimer, “Mr Briarwood.”, before graciously walking away.

Done with his little probing experiment, William made his way up the grand stairs to another section of the manor. It was unfortunate that he had been interrupted so frequently, but it didn’t matter. He’d learned enough, it seemed that Adriana girl was not quite aware as to who she really was. The tantalising thought only served to pique William’s curiousity in an almost lewd way, causing him to stagger and lean against the wall, breathless. The possibilities, the enigma, the indescribably burning sensation of pure emotion he was feeling right now! He had to have her to himself, he needed to know more. Brief memories surfaced and submerged in his subconscious as he struggled to remember. She was familiar, something about a decade ago. William had made a mistake, he recalled. What was the mistake? What had he unintentionally done? It surely couldn’t be what he suspected, he had some self control of his urges after all. The thought caused him to frown now as a gloved hand was brought to his chin in concentration. He would have to mention this to Augustus later, the man was not a noble like William but his older age did offer an element of experience and wisdom that William valued. He didn’t expect Atori to know what had happened, but any advice would be helpful at this point.

Doomyfish23 Doomyfish23 KingHalliwell KingHalliwell idalie idalie mian mian beebim beebim
Face 1.jpeg
Adriana Ito
Location: Inside Atori Manor
Interacting w/: Theo KingHalliwell KingHalliwell ,
Mentioned: William Kloudy Kloudy

Okay... tonight is insane, Adriana thought. She stood stunned by the entire interaction, none of her questions having been answered. All she knew is she was in trouble but tonight, for some reason, she was spared. She knew it wouldn't stay that way, though. William had his eye on her, for whatever reason, and she could tell he was a man who got what he wanted. Staring blankly ahead to where William had just stood, Adriana absentmindedly rubbed the crook of her neck lighty. her fingers tracing a spot right under her sweater collar, right where a massive, deep scar ripped at her neck and shoulder. A reminder of a night in 1935.
She dropped her hand and shook the thoughts away, turning to Theo.
"Well, look who finally showed up." She said, changing the subject in her mind and in the group. It felt like a heavy blanket of tension had just been lifted from the surrounding atmosphere. "Just in time, too. I'm pretty sure you just saved my ass." She glanced behind her, making sure William was really gone. She had a very bad feeling about him but that's not what scared her. What really terrified her is how he felt... familiar.
"Anyway, I'm going to go get a drink. I need another one after that." She sighed and turned from Theo, walking into the crowd and making her way to the location of the alcohol. She had practically memorized it by now.

Once Adriana approached she poured herself some strong liquor and took a gulp, wiping her lips with the back of her wrist afterwards.
So, so many questions filled her head. Buzzing against the walls of her brain like an angry hornet trapped in a glass jar. She had a feeling they'd be answered soon, but that they wouldn't be answers she wanted to hear. She leaned against a nearby wall and dropped her head into her free hand, her hand holding her glass hanging loosely at her side. Adriana rubbed her temples, trying to slow her brain. She was making accusations she had no proof of. Connecting dots that surely couldn't be connected.
I'm being paranoid and stupid. She thought, and decided to settled on that.
Adriana always just shut her brain down in hard situations, refusing to think hard on things that were hard to feel. Not that she was really confronted by situations like that often, though. That's why she stayed a recluse. That's why she's only befriended Theo in 80, 90 years.
She was tired of hard situations. Her entire existence now was a hard situation. The entire introduction to her existence was a hard situation.
Adriana took another drink and dropped the hand that covered her face.

Was coming here a mistake..? She thought. She wasn't sure if she meant the party or Redwood itself
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Location: At the manor. Interactions: idalie idalie Kloudy Kloudy mian mian Mentions: KingHalliwell KingHalliwell

Kinsley scoffed at the stranger's straightforwardness, shaking her head as she took another sip of wine. This man was certainly a smooth talker, but he didn't seem shy in making assumptions.

"I don't even know her," Kinsley pointed out, playing with the rim of her cup. At the mention of William's hunting tatics, the redhead couldn't help but shudder slightly. She had many paitents who came in wish gushing wounds screaming about being ambushed in the night. The stranger wasn't wrong- vampires were deadly creatures when they hunted alone.

Continuing to listen to the stranger's ramble, Kinsley didn't even realize that the man knew her occupation until now. She wasn't entirely surprised- older vampires knew everything and everyone in this town. Still, it did make her feel somewhat uncomfortable. His warnings we're only met with a furrow of her eyebrows, and as he stood up and offered an invitation to go greet the trio, Kinsley hesitated and shuffled in her seat.

Hazel eyes followed the stranger as he disappeared into the crowd, trailing him until she lost him and her gaze once more landed on the three guests.

She looked between the witch and woman for a split second before her eyes landed on William. Almost immediately, dread filled her stomach as she realized he was staring directly at her. She tried to look away, but her eyes grew large as she felt trapped in her seat. Her dread slowly grew into crushing fear, and panic began to envelop her senses as she was slowly consumed by malicious thoughts. Out of instinct, her mind began to go through several incantations in an attempt to break the unwanted assail, but the moment she managed to think of something usefull, her mind became consumed once more by emptiness and vindicative terror. Her hands began shaking, and she unintentionally dropped her wine glass to the ground.

The shatter was enough for her to break from the enchantment, and Kinsley gasped loudly as she stumbled out of her seat and grasped at her chest as she took heaving breaths.

Wh-what the fuck what that? The witch thought in panic, looking up with a horrified expression as she watched William separate walk away from the group. She barely noticed that the stranger from before had joined the two guests.

Kinsley managed to even her breathing and stepped away from the broken glass, eyes frantically looking for the entrance door. She needed to leave right now if she wanted to survive this night- The ginger put a hand against her mouth and turned away from the bar, shutting her eyes and taking slow and deliberate breaths.

Just calm down, Kinsley thought as she opened her eyes once more, it was just a trick of the mind. That fucking vampire-

There, she noticed the woman from before depart from the two and wander over to the alcohol. The poor woman looked distressed and scared, yet suspicion still overulled the redheads logic. Right now, vampires weren't the doctor's faveorite, and Kinsley narrowed her eyes as made her way past the vampire. She paused when she realized the woman's mood, and then dumbly decided lean against the same wall as the vampire placed her head in her hands. Kinsley grabbed a shot of whiskey from a passerby holding out tray and drowned the shot. The warm whiskey warmed her chest and calmed her pounding heart, giving her time to recover herself and have the courage to talk to the stranger next to her.

"If he's interested in you then you're really fucked," Kinsley pointed out to the woman as she watched the crowd flood back in, expression unreadable from shock and drunkenness. She shrugged, knowing that she was being rather rude. "Just saying."
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Location: Atori manor
Interactions: William ( Kloudy Kloudy )
Mentions: The party

Augustus made his way through the crowd exchanging greetings and welcoming people. It was a slow process, but he had the patience. By the time he made it through the crowd he had heard the rumors of the recent altercation. Furrowing his brow he made his way back through the crowd heading to the Kitchen where the entrance to the basement was. Descending the stairs to the basement he produced an old fashioned key and waited for just a moment to prepare. As he opened the door a crossbow bolt fired directly at the center of his chest. The supernaturally sharpened ears of a handful of party guests would've heard the woosh as it flew. Yet augustus simply snatched the bolt neatly out of the air and casually walked to the crossbow disarmed it and pulled the two chairs to a comfortable position near the coffee table. He said in a quiet voice that only a few would hear. "William a word if you will." after stating this he closed the soundproof door and reached for one of his families old bottles from rome, it was 100 years old when he was just a boy, likely one of the oldest bottles in the world. Thinking again he snagged a second one after all he did make a promise to Dr. Wright a bottle. He set the second bottle aside while he sped across the room grabbing two golden goblets as old if not older than the wine itself. This would be a treat for them both, at he and williams age it became excessively harder to find anything that could make them feel young again. He set the table and opened the bottle in a fraction of a second but took his time pouring it into the decanter. Some things you just didn't rush.​
Face 1.jpeg
Adriana Ito
Location: Inside Atori Manor
Interacting w/: Kinsley beebim beebim
Mentioned: N/A

"Yeah." Adriana said numbly, looking at the floor. The alcohol was starting to hit her a little. It took a little bit longer than it used to when she was alive, but eventually it always got to her. Leave it to alcohol to bridge the gap between alive and undead.
"Old, noble vampires are rarely good news." Adriana continued. She stood up straight, moving up from the wall. "Vampire in general are rarely good news, actually." She looked at the red-head, moving past her a bit to pour herself another drink.
"I think you know that, though." She took a sip before continuing, her dark eyes looking at the woman over her glass before she lowered it again. "I saw you hanging out with Augustus earlier by the lake. And then with Mortimer Briarwood." She leaned against the drink table slightly, one hand holding her up while the other held her drink at chest level. Her bun was extremely messy by now, small strands falling out everywhere. Shuffling through crowds constantly didn't help.

Adriana tried to nonchalantly eye the woman. Adriana was very... curious about her. A presumed doctor, who interacts with werewolves... and old vampires. She couldn't be any plain old human. She must be, hm, a witch or something? Adriana thought. Adriana was smart enough to know that if a mortal meddled in immortal affairs they were very rarely without some kind of special ability or some kind of practitioner of magic. It was unsafe to be a human around monsters, after all, especially if you couldn't fend for yourself.
"I'm Adriana." She said suddenly. She wanted to know more about this peculiar woman.

⏤ veronica devereaux.
outfit ;; i.
where ;; party.
with ;; judah.
tags ;; madame moiselle madame moiselle
"nice death of dose too, i see."

veronica released a soft chuckle at judah's commet, picking at her long nails as he spoke, "i make death look alive, you of all people should know." she tried to remember the last time she saw him; maybe it was in the sixies? it would make sense since she was high on cocaine most of the time. during that time veronica spent her time as an exotic dancer, a 'mistress of the night' as people in the industry called her. her now hazel eyes studied judah's body language; his tattooed covered shoulders looked tense and his jaw seemed clenched. veronica tilted her head slightly, allowing her raven black hair to cascade down, with a coy look on her face. she lifted her finger and placed her knife like nail underneath his chin, "what's wrong jb?" veronica mocked in a condescending tone, "scared i'll bite?" she purred, an evil smile forming on her lips that clearly showed off her fangs.

veronica flicked judah's chin as she poured herself another whiskey, slipping out her flask like she did before, muttering under her breath "i'm too sober for this," quietly to herself. the vampire lifted the glass up to her lips as she downed the burning liquid one go, giving judah an aloof look. she looked down at the two glasses judah was holding, noticing the unusual choice of wine. veronica raised an eyebrow before glancing back at judah, "interesting choice of wine, jb," she purred, "has it been too long or did you find a new julia to play with?" veronica smirked with a slight giggle as she spoke.

Judah Brankovich

she was an angel craving chaos ; he was a demon seeking peace.


That tension he had been feeling was undergoing a change. Judah's features hardened, a simmering, low rage beginning to stir as Veronica toyed with him, putting a keen nail under his chin, mocking him. The worst part was, he was letting her. Letting her play with him, letting her take him into another spell. Even after all these years, she still had a little of that same effect on him, the same pull that had lured him to her in the first place. Sure, they were both intoxicated and high at the time, but there was also that undeniable connection. A connection forged in the hectic 60's, the decade of the Civil Rights protests, the Vietnam War, the assassination of JFK---and the first man landing on the moon. It was the decade where Judah had gone completely rogue, not having a care in the world---tattooing his body into the piece of art it was now, drinking, smoking, you name it. He lost himself there, and in Veronica.

His gaze was sharp as knives as he slowly watched her turn around, unable to help but to grab another glass of whiskey. It seemed she still had that unshakable addiction of hers---and then, she noticed the sherry he was holding in his hands, for him and Vienna. Remembering her, Judah was tempted to dart a look around, recalling his promise to himself to protect her, especially with the amount of vampire around. But then, Veronica caught his undivided attention once more, mentioning a name that made a low, wolf-like growl grow in his throat, his teeth beginning to sharpen, the sheer force of emotion already causing him to transform slightly.


It still made his blood curdle at the thought of sleeping with a vampire, at the thought that a vampire knew all of his secrets, the ones he tried so hard to forget, tried so hard to hide. Of course, was it really that surprising? The drugs and drink had made him take his guard down, relax almost completely. Even so, Judah knew her secrets just as well as she knew his.

It was a wonder how one name could break what he had taken years to build---a wall, an impenetrable dam that was holding in the river of emotion and memories and regrets of his past. Where once Julia had been the silver lining in his life, was now his silver bullet.
Before he knew it, that low, simmering anger before had become somewhat of an inferno. Vienna was not another Julia---he had to convince himself of that. He didn't want another Julia---the fear of falling in love, genuine love, was holding him back. The stress of being back, seeing how much Redwood has changed, seeing Veronica, discovering he had actually slept with a vampire, Vienna---it had all culminated to a single point, a boiling point that had been broken by a trigger word:

Out came a snarl, one that sounded unnatural, not quite human. It was a short, vicious one, wolfish and angry, his blue eyes alight with a fury he could not explain. He pushed Veronica up against the wall, harder than he intended to, his hand on her throat, knocking her whiskey out of her hand.
"Don't you dare," he hissed between clenched teeth, staring right into Veronica's hazel brown eyes. His voice grew louder, angrier. "Don't you dare mention her---" A wolf-like growl interrupted his speech, proving just how stressed he was. He still didn't let go of her, his hand still on her throat, the emotion almost making him ignore the frightened gasps that rippled throughout the crowd.
He had attracted the attention he did not want. From the people yes, but there was an attention that seemed particularly important
Vampiric attention.

location: augustus atori's mansion, pissed off like hell
interacting w/: veronica devereaux ( viridity viridity )
mentions: viridity viridity Doomyfish23 Doomyfish23 apolla apolla Kloudy Kloudy KingHalliwell KingHalliwell Ridge Ridge idalie idalie mian mian lavendre lavendre beebim beebim sprouhtt sprouhtt

Location: Atori Manor (On the porch in the backyard and now in the house)
Interacting w/: apolla apolla (Lissa) & madame moiselle madame moiselle (Judah)
Mentioned: viridity viridity (Veronica) & Doomyfish23 Doomyfish23 (Augustus Atori)

83a1ded3336925fd73d164c7e0a6b020.jpg Vienna smiled at her softly, she looked around to see if anyone was listen in on them. "I don't know who the host is personally, but I have seen him around. He's different," Vienna said. Vienna always knew that Augustus was different from the rest, the man was a glowing sun, with legs. Like the sun, he attracted the attention of everyone, but if you look at him for too long...you'll burn. Vienna tried it once, it wasn't pleasant because he caught her staring at him. Vienna let out a sigh as she tried to get up from the floor without showing anything down there. She really didn't pick the right attire for this party, but who can blame her. When she was done dressing, she had gotten the text. Vienna brought her leg back so that she can slip her heel on. Vienna wasn't worried so much about the green stain from the plants that she crushed since it could be easily removed with water. She looked down at the girl who said her name was Lisa and gave her a hand up to stand. "My name is Vienna, its nice to meet you." Vienna said to her.

Vienna had heard a lot of commotion on the inside, she wondered why. But Vienna didn't want to leave the girl here all by herself, "So, tell me...these happen to you all the time? Why?" Vienna had asked her as she leaned against the big white pillars with her shoulder and her arms crossed. Vienna wanted to know many things about this girl, maybe it was just curiosity building up inside of her, or it was something else that caught her attention. Her grandmother always told her how witches have special powers and often times it can be a burden because it literally takes away all the strength/energy from them, leaving them to collapse or worse. Vienna thought that she was going crazy about thinking this girl was a witch. She was paranoid, ever since her grandmother told her of how the witches wanted to hunt her down and kill her, she has always been cautious of her surroundings. But after that little enchantment that her grandmother put on Vienna, a witch wouldn't be able to sense her even from six miles away, so she was fine right?

Vienna heard commotion from inside, she wondered what was going on. Vienna excused herself from Lissa and made her way past her, Vienna opened the door and went inside. There was a huge crowd, she didn't know what else to do but push through. She wondered where Judah had gone to and whether he had ditched her or no. Vienna squeezed her way through the front, and she almost tripped as she did too, but caught herself. Vienna looked at the scene that unfolded in front of her, she was shocked to see Judah's hands around another girls throat. Vienna head an animal like growl coming from Judah, she was taken back once more. This wasn't Judah, this hadn't come from him? Vienna had never seen this side of Judah, and it was awfully scary, she wondered why he was so angered and who that girl was he was lashing out on. Judah doesn't fight anyone unless given the reason too, so this girl had to have said something to upset him. Vienna slowly approached Judah from the side, "Judah, put her down slowly...please." Vienna said to him calmly, trying to hopefully calm him down with the sound of her voice.

Vienna looked at the girl who Judah had his hand wrapped around her throat, Vienna had never seen this women before. But her aura was definitely not one that Vienna would want to be around. "Let her go Judah, people are staring." She told him sternly. Vienna knew that she shouldn't have even came here in the first place. She didn't know what to do now. Vienna should have listened to her gut telling her to someplace other than here with Judah when she first saw signs of Judah being uncomfortable. Now it was her fault that she got him into this mess because she had forced him to go with her.

⏤ veronica devereaux.
outfit ;; i.
where ;; party.
with ;; judah + vienna.
tags ;; madame moiselle madame moiselle sprouhtt sprouhtt
veronica was surprised as she felt judah's grip wrapped around her tiny throat, her hand dropping the glass on the table as he lifted her up from the floor, her dainty feet dangling and her back against the wall as judah growled. a coy smirk formed on veronica's face, all she do was giggle at the sight of him. veronica's heart couldn't help but flutter as his hand warmed her neck, it reminded her of the good old times, "so now you want to play rough?" veronica's words toyed as her eyes gleamed with chaos as they interlocked with the same blue eyes veronica first fell in love with. she had hardly noticed the crowd around them forming until she heard a sweet voice call out judah's name.

her gaze flickered away from judah as veronica noticed the girl trying to calm her down, clearly looking distressed. veronica's lips formed an evil grin as her breathe became short and light, "jb, i didn't realise you have a thing for girls with dark hair," veronica cooed as she studied the girl in her glory, the girl's heartbeat ringing her ears as veronica tried to focus on her thoughts. she hardly used her gift of clairvoyance since she hated hearing other people's monologues. veronica cracked a smile as she heard the girl's thoughts, and her name. "vienna, is it?" she asked with a raised brow, "veronica devereaux, you're little puppy friend over here is a close friend of mine," veronica cooed, her accent smooth and velvetly as she implied force on judah's relationship with her. "now tell me dear," veronica choked, returning her attention to judah, "is she your rebound?" her voice softly cracked as giggles continued to escape out of her lips.

Location: At the manor. Interactions: mian mian Mentions: KingHalliwell KingHalliwell viridity viridity madame moiselle madame moiselle sprouhtt sprouhtt

Kinsley nodded her head with a roll of her eyes. Her cheeks flushed from the copious amounts of alcohol she consumed, the witch leaned into the bar to grab another shot of whiskey. Though, as she watched the woman grab another drink, Kinsley hesitated and leaned back from the bar. She had enough drinks already, from what her foggy head was telling her. Instead she leaned her head against the wall and listened to the stranger speak, tempted to push a lock of messy black hair behind the vampire's ear. The witch absentmindessly wondered how old this woman might be. For all she knew, she could have been living for a thousand years.

"Tell me about it. I don't normally accociate with vampires- well, at least my family doesn't," Kinsley stated with a small sigh, "but I guess today is an exception. Didn't realize your kind were that social and demanding. Did you see what Atori made me do? The fucking host of the party had me swim to the bottom of the lake. What the shit? And then William, what he did..."

Kinsley promptly trailed off and gave a deep shudder. She really needed to stop rambling.

"I uh, yeah. My experience isn't that great. I just hope you're not planning on having me as your late night victim," she joked with a tired smile, taking a moment to order a glass of water. The redhead glanced to the side and noticed the stranger looking at her, dark eyes causing her to pause. The sudden introduction making her smile grow just a little more.


That sounds like a nice name.

"I'm Kinsley," she replied, taking a sip of water. "Kinsley Wright. I work at the hosp- oh."

The witch was suddenly cut off by some comotion going on nearby. Reluctantly turning away from Adriana, Kinsley watched with growing eyes as a werewolf grabbed what appeared to be a woman by the neck. Someone else was frantically trying to pull him away, and it seemed as if things were escalating a bit too quickly.

Kinsley just hoped it wasn't going to end up with another fight.
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Lissa glanced around as Vienna did, her eyes landing back on the beautiful girl a few seconds after she started talking about the host, describing him as different, though she didn't know him personally. Doesn't that describe us all? Lissa wondered, her eyes drifting towards the door to the party. Everyone seemed to be having such a good time, yet here the two of them were, sitting out on the porch because Lissa had had a vision and collapsed. She couldn't deny that it touched her heart that the girl-- who introduced herself as Vienna, after standing and sliding her shoes back onto her feet-- had brought Lissa up here, crushing grass and whatnot to wake her.

Perhaps that was why Lissa felt so torn. Part of her, the part that was used to looking out for herself, wanted to get the fuck out of dodge. But the other part of her, the human part, wanted to know more about her. She was curious and damn it, she didn't think a girl this sweet deserved to die, halfling or witch or whatever she may be. Vienna extended a hand to Lissa to help her stand, and Lissa accepted, a part of her realizing that she was sealing her fate as she did so. Pulling herself to her feet, she offered Vienna a small smile. "Thank you." She said again, her voice soft, and slightly unsure.

"I have a health condition." She had perfected the lie over the years, but still, the words felt strange leaving her lips and she couldn't figure out why. But before Vienna had a chance to question her, the mood inside the party changed. Lissa felt it rather than saw it. Vienna excused herself, slipping inside and disappearing into the crowd. That was Lissa's chance to get out, but even as she took a step towards the stairs, her body turned itself around and she was rushing inside, instead of away. Before she knew it, she'd shoved her way through the crowd, coming out on the edge and gasping as she saw the scene before her.

The strangest-- yet obviously understandable-- sense of déjà vu washed over her as her eyes landed on the man and woman against the wall. Though she couldn't see the man's face, his hulking figure and the growl emanating from his throat were familiar. The fact that Vienna calmly walked over to him and spoke to him confirmed her thoughts, but as her eyes slid over to the woman, Lissa realized that she knew her, too. Minus the cigarette and engagement ring, she'd been in Lissa's vision, too. She was taunting the man who had his own hand wrapped around her throat, laughing and cooing sweet nothings even as his growl deepened.

Lissa knew she was worthless in a fight. Though she could throw a punch, her powers were more restorative, for the aftereffects. But she couldn't just stand there and do nothing. A low bout of murmuring erupted from the crowd as she stepped away from them, though their eyes were quickly drawn back to Judah and Veronica. Ignoring the stares, Lissa moved closer to the three of them, her eyes on Judah and Veronica. "This isn't the place." Her soft voice was almost drowned out by the growls, and she sighed and shifted her gaze to Vienna. "You're in trouble, you have to leave here. Is he your friend? Take him with you, but go far, far away." She didn't like the idea of giving away her vision, but she didn't like the girl being practically the center of attention, when Lissa had no clue who was after her.

Location: porch // party, inside

Interacting With: Vienna ( sprouhtt sprouhtt ); Judah ( madame moiselle madame moiselle ); Veronica ( viridity viridity )

Mentions: Vienna ( sprouhtt sprouhtt ); Judah ( madame moiselle madame moiselle ); Veronica ( viridity viridity )

Code by apolla apolla
Theo Prescott 2.png
Theo Prescott
Location: Atroi Manor
Mention: mian mian beebim beebim madame moiselle madame moiselle viridity viridity
Interaction: N/a

Theo watched as the man disappeared into the crowd, before glancing at the retreating form of Adriana into the crowd and towards the bar where the red-haired woman was standing. He thought about following her but he decided against it and just turned his attention back to his drink. Tonight had been weird, and the growing feeling in the pit of his stomach seemed to grow and grow as he stood there. Whatever was causing this seemed to just be hiding around the peripherals of this party, just enough that when you went to look at it, it was gone again. Theo leaned up against the railing and then it clicked, Bram Stoker? The guy that wrote Dracula? He died in like the early 1900's. But the guy talked like he knew him personally. Theo shook the thought from his head that was ridiculous.

He pushed away from the railing and started towards the bar needing a refill on his drink, stepping up next to Adriana who had her back to him and was continuing to talk to that woman from earlier. The man behind the bar handed him a new drink and Theo gave him a small tip, before turning and stoping catching the tail end of what the woman asked Adriana. "I don't normally associate with vampires..." The woman kept talking but Theo zoned out the word vampire stirring all these thoughts in his head. He was pulled from his thoughts with the sound of a commotion as a man picked up a woman by the next and was emitting a low growl that Theo's ears could barely pick up.
Face 1.jpeg
Adriana Ito
Location: Inside Atori Manor
Interacting w/: Kinsley beebim beebim
Mentioned: Veronica viridity viridity , Judah madame moiselle madame moiselle , Vienna sprouhtt sprouhtt

Adriana scoffed. "Don't worry, I'm not going to feed off of you." She took another drink.
"Not that you don't look tasty..." She added, jokingly shrugging. "But you smell like werewolf."
Adriana turned from leaning on her side to her back, looking out at the room. She caught the sight of the scuffle that had grabbed Kinsley's attention. Some vampire Adriana had met before, this sassy English chick, seemed to be prodding at this heavily tattooed guy. Adriana scrunched her nose. So this is the source of the smell. She thought, eyeing the guy. The whole house smelled like werewolf, there was more than one at the party, but this guy exuded a way stronger, more unique smell than the others. He was an alpha, no doubt. Where was his pack, then? Why weren't they backing him up?
Her eyes finally caught a woman next to the werewolf, a human woman. She was trying to calm him down. Adriana laughed to herself. Big mistake!
She spoke to Kinsley but didn't turn to look at her. "Looks like things are finally boiling over, here. I don't know why Augustus threw this party and invited every type of monster in this town. It's like he
wanted to start drama." She shrugged, continuing. "Maybe he's just bored. I would be if I was alive for 2,000 years or however old he is."
Adriana then turned and looked right at Kinsley. "So, Kinsley, why did you decide to come to this party? If you don't like associating with vampires?"
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Mortimer Briarwood
Location: Atori Manor
Interacting w/: Kloudy Kloudy mian mian KingHalliwell KingHalliwell madame moiselle madame moiselle viridity viridity
Mentioned: n/a
The Vampire eyed his elder with unbridled defiance. "Perhaps it slipped my mind that you're not only a leech on humans but a leech to society. It saddens me to be named one of our kind when you cling to the ideals of a dying class. Bloody embarrassing when you're associated with a colonialist." Mortimer clicked his tongue in a vague tutting noise. When William extended his hand, however, Briarwood stood his ground and gave not even the slightest flinch. "My elders are crumbling relics who would be better off replaced. The past can never have a firm grasp of the future, fate is not under your jurisdiction last I checked the records." Briarwood cracked a smile, in a cold, condescending manner looking down his nose at Code. "Call me dear again and we should find us a private chamber for such saucy flatterings." The hand knocked into his tumbler and sent the crystalline glass shattering across the floor in the twinkle of amber alcohol and chandelier glow. Mortimer's hand tightened into a fist, "Cifesboren s¯æd râd bêga!*" The surprisingly lilting albeit germanic language escaped him in startled anger. William's threat didn't seem to stem anything, for the canines had fully extended in a primal display of malevolent intent.

"Don't make me laugh, William. If you slip again, It won't be my head that rolls." His usually dark redwood irises had flamed up into a shade of scarlet, as luminescent in hue they could've burnt a hole through his adversary if looks could kill. He gave one last venomous glance to the humans who stood about the small gathering before he felt his head begin to throb. Something about the encounter had brought more than aggression to surface. Trying to ground himself to the passing moments, Mortimer felt as if he was lagging behind -- and then the wolf. The girl. The girl? Dark hair -- Eleanor didn't have dark hair. Eleanor. The portraits burned. Eleanor. He breathed the ashes. Eleanor. Dust to dust.

He had walked the length of the room till standing just behind Judah. Half a head taller; he could've wrapped his hands around chin and forehead to snap the pup's skull from his spine. Or tried to. Alas, he instead put a heavy hand on the shoulder of the alpha-wolf. "Excuse me, I seem to understand tonight is a bad one for women and the hidden past. Strange coincidences happen in strange places." Briarwood glanced distastefully between both the younger female and the tattooed fiend. By medical standards, the Vampiric woman would be unharmed unless he decided to tear her limb from limb and by that logic he shouldn't have bothered intervening. Still, he supposed it was something like good manners to restrain physical violence in public places.

Briarwood hooked his fingers over the exposed inner elbow of the infuriated werewolf and sharply twisted in, trapping the radial nerve. "Let go." It wasn't a threatening statement, drawled out in monotone. He was ready for a reaction, for the fact his anger had gone so overboard in so few seconds indicated an alpha wolf who had a personality of far too much 'alpha'.

*Bastard child of a hag! -- Middle English Translation
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Luna Fang
Mentions: Doomyfish23 Doomyfish23 Augustus
Luna Fang huffed as she scanned her eyes around the room she was standing. The stench of alcohol, the screaming music and the howls of the people here was driving her mental. But she had a job. And she was not going to just walk out on a job. What would that say about her honor? Folding her arms, she stoically looked around, looking for any kind of problem that she would have to solve. There was a flow of alcohol, which was free which was a recipe for disaster. She knew from experience, despite what happened during her first ever encounter with humans happening over 100 years ago. It would not have been so bad if alcohol hadn't been involved.

Luna flexed a little as she fixed her shirt. She was in her usual uniform for her job. Black jeans and a white top with her badge on her arm and radio attached to her belt. Truthfully she could not cope much longer with this amount of noise and bad smells, they probably were not aware but they stung her eyes. As she fixed her cuffs, she noticed some of the white hair on her arm was poking out. Growling slightly with annoyance, she fixed it. Her last razor had broken a week ago and she hadn't had time to buy a new one. It was getting out of control.

As she watched around, she noticed Augustus heading into a room away from the others. She frowned a little. She did not see her boss often but he was good enough to give her this job. She frowned slightly before looking around one more time before heading in that direction. At her 6'5 ft height and with her shaggy platinum blonde hair, the woman stood out like a sore thumb as she made her way through the crowd, but as she got to the door, they were already shut. "Hm..." she grunted before deciding it would not hurt to stand here. She could still face the other people. Turning around, she folded her arms, gazing around the room with the same stoic look she always had. Truthfully, she just wanted this to be over soon. She would much rather go home and watch TV than stay here. At least with a TV she didn't have to smell them.​

Location: At the manor. Interactions: mian mian KingHalliwell KingHalliwell Mentions: viridity viridity madame moiselle madame moiselle sprouhtt sprouhtt

Kinsley's attention was focused on the current fight going on, and at the mention of Augustus, she scoffed and turned back to look at Adriana.

"Vampires are always the ones to start drama," she pointed out, setting her cup of water down. "But werewolves aren't shy in starting fights, either. You know how many werewolves come in kicking and screaming at the hospital? I just had a patient today, a younger beta werewolf, who attacked his brother for looking at him funny! Got a chunk of leg torn off as a result. Probably why I smell like werewolf. At least it's keeping hungry vampires away form me," she teased, then promptly leaned down to sniff her shirt. The redhead scrunched her nose and turned away, making a mock look of disgust.

When Adriana asked her about her reason for coming, the witch looked up to shrug and match her gaze.

"Probably for the same reason everyone else is here- free alcohol and mingling, possibly a one night stand if you're lucky. It's just nice to get away from your work once in a while, you know?" The witch said with a slightly slurred voice. Her face stiff flushed from alcohol, Kinsley grabbed her water once more and gulped the rest down. She knew the best cure for drunkenness was eating, but at the moment the fighting and smells put her off from food.

Kinsley glanced over and noticed the man from before situate himself beside Adriana. The witch glanced him over, and could almost immediately tell this guy had some magic in him.

Finally, another witch, Kinsley thought with a exhausted sigh, thought I was the only one who decided to come to this place.

She quietly wondered which family this man belonged to. He was definitely younger then Kinsley herself- maybe he was apart of Smith family, a smaller and quieter witch group that lived on the edge of town. The witch hummed as she made assumptions about this curious man.

Kinsley offered a friendly smile towards the newcomer despite her suspicions, moving her eyes between the two of them.

"Is this your...?" Kinsley began, moving her hand between the two of them in a not so obvious gesture. "Uh, boyfriend?"


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