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Multiple Settings The search for an amazing RP


No idea what’s going on, just here for free food
YO WHAT IS UP RP NATION COMMUNITY! I’m Ghost or Moon, maybe I’ll give up my real name soon, since everyone pretty much knows it, everywhere except on rp nation. Anywaaaaaay moon on. Why don’t I tell you a bit about me

I am 14 years old coming up on 15 in June. I thought y’all should know, since I know a lot of people are picky about ages and, what not. I only really have one trigger and that’s if your character is trying to crack someone’s sexuality. I find it absolutely horrific and disgusting to. Besides that gore, mental illnesses, and all the jazz are welcome. I’m not some crazed kid thinking he’s going to revenge on everyone, since he didn’t have friends or something, it’s just that I like stories that get me emotionally invested in the characters and their feelings. I’ve felt connections to characters suffering from them, especially if they’re out casted because it’s something that has happened before because I have ADHD and I’m sure I don’t have to explain what it is here. I’m am aspiring to become, a writer for a living, so I’d prefer bigger responses

1: please do not be toxic because a roleplay isn’t going the way you want it to, you have to discuss that with me before hand, not just all of a sudden try steering things to go your way.
2: ABSOLUTELY NO NSFW. I do not things like that and I’d rather not having to report people for trying to have the type of roleplay with a minor
3: No one liners, like no one wants to pour their heart and soul into a respond and get “tim moved around the water.” Like even if it is short, fill it with detail and, love to show the other that, while it may be short, you actually put effort into it
4: Please do not try to have any kind of relationship beyond friendship assuming whoever I’m roleplaying with is also a minor. Our characters may be close but even when we do ooc chats, we haven’t even known each other for years and really don’t know that much about the other. I am also in a happy relationship
5 please no Mary Sue’s or Whatever the male counterpart was, it’s no fun if your character is just good at everything and, has every single super power in the book with no weakness
8 only do m x f sorry, but if you want to have a completely platonic roleplay with two dudes that’s fine

Persona 3-5: I can play, Joker, Crow, Skull, Fox, Yosuke, Narukami, Naoto, Makoto Yuki, Minako Yuki, Akihiko, Shinjiro, Ken, Labrys, Sho
Boku no hero academia: I can play Deku, Iida, Todoroki, Denki
Naruto: Naruto, Minato, Sasuke, Neji, Gaara, Itachi, Shikamaru, Shikadai, Boruto, Mitsuki
Harry Potter: Oc, Harry, Draco, Ron
Sword art online: OC, Kirito, Klein, Sinon
Jojo’s: Josuke, Jotaro, young Jonathan, Giorno, Fugo, Kakyoin, Dio Brando, DIO

Bullied male x Bully female (I wanted to explore this because usually in role plays it’s more of the guy bullying the girl.)
Prince x princess
Knight x princess
Human male x vampire female
Vampire male x human female
Angel x demon
Enemies to lovers
Survivors in a zombie apocalypse
Childhood friends
Old friends reuniting

need a writing sample well you can find it Here

that’s all, just shoot me a pm if you want to deal with my antics. Ciao and arrivederci
I want to put the quote about women, and even if it’s not bad, I feel like ima get insta-banned
Yo so usually I do romance rps but now instead of a regular boop I’m going to add this one idea. It’s an expansion of the zombie idea but instead of it being two strange it’s two siblings fighting their way across a few of the states to hopefully to get to the ocean and find some sort of boat or plane to escape. Basically one sibling(the elder one) is tryin to do their best to keep their little sibling alive even though they’re putting them through hell, with all the running. There can either be two ways it goes, the youngest goes with the elder one, or they can stay put despite all the danger because they’re tired of everything and don’t care anymore. It’s all up to the characters decisions and whatever the elder one does will influence the youngest. They can meet other survivors if you want to double as well. I’m interested in playing the eldest but will play the younger one, and don’t worry I’m not going to sit here and have the elder brother be wholesome all the time and have the little one go along with them in every single ending. That’s all for now. Ciao

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