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Lucile looked at him warily, why did he have such a down mood, she mumbled something under her breath before looking at him once more, she felt bad, where was his parents? Was he an orphan like her? Or did he just simply run away? Could he be lost? Immediately after the last thought she chucked it away, no way. This boy didn't seem lost, just both sad and stressed out, she tapped her fingers on her arm quietly, how could she make him open up without actually having him get wary of her, "You're... Henry, right? I told you I'm Lucile, I'm a scavenger, what are you? A scavenger too? Or an orphan?" she asked, she made sure each word didn't get tangled up into each other, it was awkward what could she talk to him about? She waited for a moment for him to reply before sitting down close to him but with a distance of 2 feet, or somewhere around there, she looked at where Henry was looking and there was absolutely nothing there, she frowned what was he thinking about so seriously?
He shrugged. He wished he was. Was that wrong? His dad was a murderer so he supposed it could be forgiven. He wasn't sure who's forgiveness he wanted though... His dad's?
Lucile closed her mouth, her jaw tightened slightly and her mouth became a straight grim line. Henry barely spoke because apparently he wanted people to think he was a "boy" which would be hard sure in appearance he looks exactly like a boy her age, but he never spoke which irritated her slightly, she already knew that he was a boy what more could he do to hide that? Keep acting mute? She groaned slightly, "Stars... Can't you talk? I mean- I'm trying really hard to start a conversation right now!" she blurted out, she clamped her mouth with her hand quickly, she looked around did she speak too loudly? She didn't mean to, she looked below the roof where the streets were, the roads were fine bustling in the night. Wasn't today like the king's birthday or he was making some news... Lucile almost never checked the new but he did hear that a royal she didn't remember if it was a prince or a princess was found dead, sadly his or her birth mother was dead too, she looked at Henry again his face began looking familiar not earlier this day but something other than that...
"Wait!" she got up, she remembered this person was of royalty! The supposedly dead royal, the princess! Only she would have ginger hair like fire, with slight freckles upon her face, which wad at the moment not that long, she ran at her full speed, "Your the-" she paused, why was she alive? She had positively remembered that the princess was pronounced dead, but they never found the body, they only assumed she was dead, "Princess...?" she asked, she tried to grab the wrist of Henry, or whatever the name the princess had, but failed once, twice, finally she caught it, she made it that Henry (or princess) faced herself, she panted, her bag weighed a ton, but it was much more easy since she was used to it, she looked right into Henry's deep green eyes, "You're the princess...?" she whispered, her tone sounded surprised, shocked, and as well as angry.
Lucile's face turned to a scowl, "You wished you weren't a royal? Well I wish exactly the opposite! I wish... I were you! Did you fake your death to just get away from your father?!" she retorted, she clenched her fists, her gloved wrinkled slightly, she had the sudden urge to want to slap Henry which would be a great crime, but if she died she wouldn't have defend for herself, dying was nothing to her, she had nothing to lose anymore, "I hate it when royalty, complain I wished I wasn't like this! We all are in a lottery of life, princess! And you apparently just got lucky with riches but didn't have good luck with family or whatever!" she snapped, she huffed, what did she know about the princess, nothing and Henry knew nothing about her either, all they could do was pass each other like strangers and say goodbye to each other as if they never met, that would be the best choice, the princess did this on herself.
"would you want to live in the house of a sycotic murderer?" Henry demanded, "he killed my mother and her servants!"
Lucile's eyes widened for a second but was replaced with anger again. "I wouldn't want to, but would you live with a bunch of money collectors trying to find you or getting invited to the orphanage?" she demanded, what was the point in fighting? Lucile already knew that the king was slightly crazed from the beginning, his rule was wrong, his way of laws were broken, the ways he manipulated people was evil, she was just the daughter of a former baron but now just a scavenger, "Would you like to be a scavenger in place?" she continued, she could feel hot sweat around her eyes, she blinked it wasn't sweat, it was tears she blinked them away, trying to make sure that it only looked for a moment that she was broken not now. She crouched down she curled to a ball, she was tired of this, she was a princess for crying out loud! Whatever she said could be defied. She felt the urge to want to cry and want to hear the soft hushes of her mother voice, her warm fingers that always were gentle and loving, Henry must of loved her or his... Mother as well. She placed her face onto her hands, tired.
She looked up at him, "I don't understand how you feel princess... But if you truly want justice. Take the throne, you are a royal. Not a commoner, now. You won't understand how I feel and I don't blame you, but mark my words princess. You will never be a normal commoner, since the crown will always chase after you." she stated, Lucile got up using the back of her hand to wipe her eyes, she felt them water, how stupid was she? Henry had the power, if she got older she could take the throne away from her own father, and be Queen herself, and find somehow to punish her father, but Lucile didn't have a single power to find who killed her father. She felt her skin have goosebumps it was getting cold and she was hungry she felt her stomach growl, she blushed she was in front of someone which made her slightly more embarrassed, she scratched her head, "No use talking with an empty stomach, do you want something to eat?" Lucile asked looking at Henry.
Henry just sighed and looked down. It was clear Henry disagreed with her but wasn't about to talk about it.

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