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✯ Raccoon Catcher ✯
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[div class=fyuriwrapper][div class=001][/div][div class=0012][/div][div class=002][div class=003][div class=004][div class=faceclaim][div class=face]Sml W Frame.png[/div][/div][div class=charaname]Charlie[/div][div class=text] [div class=tags]None[/div] [div class=tags][/div]
The In-Between

Anyone that bore the symbol of the Underground was either a harbinger of joy or one of misery.

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“Who’s next?” Charlie inquired as she patrolled the In-Between with two armed guards at her side.

This was how she spent the majority of her days - interviewing, de-chipping, and escorting individuals to the Underground one by one. It was tedious and oftentimes heartbreaking, but it was the way things had to be done. There had to be a process. Otherwise, resources were wasted. Nothing could be spared for temporary stays and ill wills.

Admittedly, it wasn’t a perfect process. Some people were stuck in the In-Between for months. Others skipped through in a matter of hours. This, of course, led to the occasional conflict. But, what those people failed to understand is that the Underground has needs, too. The good of the whole was the priority.

Still, Charlie hated to see people scraping by like this, just barely surviving on the leftovers of days gone by and hoping for a chance that things might be better on the other side. They were better. Marginally. Once someone was granted access to the real Underground, they had an opportunity to create some semblance of a life for themselves. A pleasant return to societal structure. People often missed that.

Here, the Undergrounders were only their symbol. All sense of individuality and any identifying markers were covered up. For security’s sake. It was easier to sneak your way up into the Divisions when you couldn’t be identified as the poster child for impending rebellion. Considering the In-Between was open access, the Underground’s scrutiny was all the more important. Perhaps anonymity was divisive and somewhat unsettling. It was often used in the upper Divisions’ “them vs. us” propaganda as a tool to dehumanize the Underground. Again, like many things, this was a necessary evil.

“Sector F, plot twelve,” One of her colleagues responded, eyes skimming over a list visible only to him.

“How’s the intake today?” Charlie questioned, nervously tugging her hooded cowl further downward over her face. The In-Between was raucous between chatting adults, crying infants, naïve children running, shrieking, laughing. Still, their eyes stared into her soul and their ears hung onto her every word. Anyone that bore the symbol of the Underground was either a harbinger of joy or one of misery.

“Moderately high,” He answered shortly once again, eyes skimming statistics demographics.


As her colleague started to respond, a man interrupted their patrol, practically tripping over his own feet as he ran to them. Or perhaps he was tripping over his shoes as the soles appeared to completely separate from the bottom of the shoe with each step he took before reconnecting as they were sandwiched between his feet and the earth.

“M-Ma’am,” He panted, his chest heaving. “You gotta… gotta let me in. My wife—She—and the kids—”

“Have you filled out the form?” Charlie interjected, somewhat exasperated, lifting a hand to silence the man.

“Babies—and… She… alone,” He objected through heavy breaths.

“You have to fill out the form. It’s just a basic questionnaire,” Charlie answered, regurgitating lines she repeated thousands of time in a day. She paused to virtually send the man the appropriate form. “After it’s completed, we can schedule you for de-chipping. Then we go into the screening process. In the meantime, you’re welcome to stay here. Uhh… Looks like… Sector C… Plot four. I suggest you take us up on that offer. The waitlist is admittedly long.”

Charlie’s sympathy was evident in her tone. Still, the gentleman didn’t take kindly to being told he’d have to wait.

Having now recollected himself, the man stood tall with chest puffed out, “You can’t be serious!”

“I’m sorry but you are subject to the same process as everyone here,” Charlie gestured to the expanse of people around them before her arms nestled into a crossed position over her chest

“I have a family in there!” He was raising his tone, drawing more attention now.

“So do a lot of people!” Charlie snapped back at him before composing herself with a sharp breath. She returned to a softer, sympathetic tone but her intensity remained.

“We can offer shelter, food, a modicum of time but there are no guarantees beyond that for anyone. You can take what we provide here or you can take your chances up there.”

The man was still evidently dissatisfied with Charlie’s response, but hearing the ultimatum seemed to quell his frustrations for the time being. In response to his now appropriate compliance, Charlie looked to her second colleague and nodded off in the direction of the man’s proposed residency.

“Would you show this gentleman to his tent, please and thank you?”

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"What's that?"

"Checkmate. It means your king is in a position they can't escape from."

"Why can't he escape? He's the king."

"Right, but the queen supersedes his authority. Since your queen isn't in the picture, there's nothing that's stopping mine from reaching him."

"What happens after checkmate?"

"Well, that's the end of the game, Nathan." And on that, there was a light grin as Marcus pulled his interface up, watching his Clock. "What was our wager? fifteen minutes?"

Silently, the short, stout Nathaniel doshed out his limited time, extending Marcus Dean's life by a minimal amount. "Remind me why I play this shit with you?"

"Why, to learn something, of course." On that, Marcus rose from the deck of cards, idly aware of the dishonesty he had dealt the man. Still, fifteen minutes wasn't hard to come by. It wouldn't be the hardest loss for Nathan, but it was a nice gift for Marcus. Without a proper goodbye, he stepped into the streets of the Underground, immersing himself into the decrepit, criminal, yet free populace. These were the people Marcus desired for much of his early life. Now that he was here, he realized that their society, while free, was still crippled by the implementation of the Network. That was the one thing he could not escape. And, he bitterly reminded himself, would kill him. Glancing at his ocular display's Clock, Marcus realized that he was coasting on less than a handful of days' worth of Time.

Still, he had never known the feeling of absolute security. He was a Smog child. Simply being given a place to stay and food to eat was enough for him. But he needed Time. They all did. Hell, his few days on the Clock made him a touch more affluent than some of the more downtrodden. And was certainly a sign of distinction in the Smog. Is this what his thoughts were reduced to? What his Time could get him and how to get more of it? It dominated every aspect of his life for as long as he could remember. What he would give to have a month of Time. He could scarce fathom how the upper Districts felt, or, God forbid, the centennials.

Entering his tent, Marcus pulled the thick novel from his jacket. He hadn't even read the title on the spine. It was going to waste simply sitting in Nathan's tent, so he helped himself to it earlier. Now, gripping the hardcover in both hands, he thumbed the book open, the title written in heavy, dark ink. The Right Hand of Evil. Marcus expected a grander or more educational topic, finding that he was not quite interested in thrillers so much as he was in learning of the Old World and the history of Man. Still, he supposed it could not be quite so bad. Perhaps he could learn something from it, though he expected it to be written with entertainment in mind. There was hidden envy within him for the authors of old. Men and women who lived in a society without the Network, that freedom in life allowing them to write as they did. To see the world and meet others. Cultures, societies, ideas. They took these aspects and bundled them into a proper summary on paper in the hopes that it outlived them. And outlive them it had.

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