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Futuristic The Rich Live Longer - OOC

Charlie explaining how a car works: "Uhhh, this thingy does that and turns that thing then it all goes whoosh and when your press the pedal that car moves. And, yes, that is the technical terminology."

I sense the beginnings of a beautiful friendship.
How cute. :closed eyes open smile: Ryder will take it very seriously and nod along with a straight face. "I see, I see. Fascinating! Oh, but have you opened it up yet? We should search its intestines."

What a wonderful friendship this will be. They'll bond over old, run-down cars.
How cute. :closed eyes open smile: Ryder will take it very seriously and nod along with a straight face. "I see, I see. Fascinating! Oh, but have you opened it up yet? We should search its intestines."

What a wonderful friendship this will be. They'll bond over old, run-down cars.
"I was a little bit afraid that messing with it make finally make the rust disintegrate but I think we can risk it."

....Maybe more than friendship? ;)
"I was a little bit afraid that messing with it make finally make the rust disintegrate but I think we can risk it."

....Maybe more than friendship? ;)
"Bah, it's alright. If we break it we can just put it back together again with new parts. It'll be better than it was before either way," he says while prying open the hood and immediately being taken aback by its rusted and dirty engine. "Actually, maybe it was a mistake to touch this..."

I'm all for it! :kissopeneyes:
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Just posted my boyo! Lemme know if anything needs to be changed to better fit the story/if I messed a detail up.
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I've been thinking about Marcus and his future interactions with the other characters. I don't plan on making him inherently grumpy or mean, but compared to the ease of interaction both of your characters have (which I really enjoy thinking about, just reading these OOC posts) he's likely going to be putting forth a tough-guy image, though I plan on having him ease up once all of the characters get used to one another. I should talk in this OOC more often :)
I've been thinking about Marcus and his future interactions with the other characters. I don't plan on making him inherently grumpy or mean, but compared to the ease of interaction both of your characters have (which I really enjoy thinking about, just reading these OOC posts) he's likely going to be putting forth a tough-guy image, though I plan on having him ease up once all of the characters get used to one another. I should talk in this OOC more often :)
You always need a good grumpy dad friend! <3 And, you're always welcome to shitpost and plot here. :D
It's a character concept I never played before, so I am really ready to try it. So far, he seems to be the oldest character, though none of them are going to physically age past their young adult years.

But that dad-vibe might be something to strive for, now that you got me thinking about it. Probably enjoys them old board games a ton!
It's a character concept I never played before, so I am really ready to try it. So far, he seems to be the oldest character, though none of them are going to physically age past their young adult years.

But that dad-vibe might be something to strive for, now that you got me thinking about it. Probably enjoys them old board games a ton!
All the board games have since lost their rules. Imagine Marcus just making them up to give himself an edge and like "Yeah, I played this a ton back in my day. It definitely works like this." Charlie just shrugs as she hands over her Monopoly fortune for the umpteenth time.
Kipsy Kipsy Ryder looks great except for a tweak I'd suggest and a note for reference. First, a note: A physical, even digital, camera would probably carry a vintage-y, hipster vibe. Image capturing would be a function of the ocular implant, making a separate camera obsolete. Totally welcome to keep that hipster-y quirk but just wanted to let you know ;)

Also, in terms of Ryder's disorders, I feel avoidant personality disorder, schizoid personality disorder, and OCD is a bit much and an unlikely combination that would allow him to maintain high status, even in an somewhat secretive lifestyle. I'm not sure how knowledgeable you are about mental disorders, whether through experience or study, but I minor in Psychology. Not to say I'm an expert by any means, but from his personality description it reads to me that he might just have social anxiety and be potentially agoraphobic. His tinkering could be his way of coping (like fidgeting) as opposed to stemming for OCD, if that's what you're implying. I'm open to discussion on it, though!
Kipsy Kipsy Ryder looks great except for a tweak I'd suggest and a note for reference. First, a note: A physical, even digital, camera would probably carry a vintage=y, hipster vibe. Image capturing would be a function of the ocular implant, making a separate camera obsolete. Totally welcome to keep that hipster-y quirk but just wanted to let you know ;)

Also, in terms of Ryder's disorders, I feel avoidant personality disorder, schizoid personality disorder, and OCD is a bit much and an unlikely combination that would allow him to maintain high status, even in an somewhat secretive lifestyle. I'm not sure how knowledgeable you are about mental disorders, whether through experience or study, but I minor in Psychology. Not to say I'm an expert by any means, but from his personality description it reads to me that he might just have social anxiety and be potentially agoraphobic. His tinkering could be his way of coping (like fidgeting) as opposed to stemming for OCD, if that's what you're implying. I'm open to discussion on it, though!

Actually, I know someone in real life who suffers from both avoidant personality disorder and schizoid personality disorder, and I myself suffer from OCD and social anxiety, so I figured it would be an interesting combination to try. I admit, though, I'm not a professional by any means, but I plan to do as much research as possible to get accuracy. I have been worried about not being able to portray it all properly and for it to not work well into the story. Although he's not going to be a super extreme case, help getting everything right would be appreciated! I'll try writing him out a few times and see how it feels and then decide whether I'll be keeping it all the way it is now. See, I like to jot down everything I want to aim for down and then see how the characters write themselves. If it's similar to what I've put in the CS, great! If not, I plan to edit as necessary. Characters are ever-changing, just like people, after all. My plans are unfortunately never in stone. :closedeyesfrown:

Edit: I forgot to say that I love that camera idea!
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Actually, I know someone in real life who suffers from both avoidant personality disorder and schizoid personality disorder, and I myself suffer from OCD and social anxiety, so I figured it would be an interesting combination to try. I admit, though, I'm not a professional by any means, but I plan to do as much research as possible to get accuracy. I have been worried about not being able to portray it all properly. Although he's not going to be a super extreme case, help getting everything right would be appreciated! I'll try writing him out a few times and see how it feels and then decide whether I'll be keeping it all the way it is now. See, I like to jot down everything I want to aim for down and then see how the characters write themselves. If it's similar to what I've put in the CS, great! If not, I plan to edit as necessary. Characters are ever-changing, just like people, after all. My plans are unfortunately never in stone. :closedeyesfrown:

Edit: I forgot to say that I love that camera idea!
Totally get it! My characters are the same way. I just worry about characters that have a list of diagnoses attached to them becoming more of a walking stereotype that an interesting character. Not yours, specifically, but just a general concern among accuracy concerns and the use of mental illness as solely character flavor. I'm glad to hear you're knowledgeable about these things and not just picking them off a list!

Also, human psychology is tricky, too. Not everyone fits perfectly into a box and can tick off every symptom to whatever disorder they suffer from. I'm sure you're aware! So long as you're accurate and your character doesn't become his disorder(s), I am absolutely a-okay with it.
Figured I'd do my fair share, added a personality section for Marcus, to explain in more detail what I was semi-getting at here.
Oohh, and it is past 1am so I gotta be off for the night 😅 Super excited to the gang to meet!
Totally get it! My characters are the same way. I just worry about characters that have a list of diagnoses attached to them becoming more of a walking stereotype that an interesting character. Not yours, specifically, but just a general concern among accuracy concerns and the use of mental illness as solely character flavor. I'm glad to hear you're knowledgeable about these things and not just picking them off a list!

Also, human psychology is tricky, too. Not everyone fits perfectly into a box and can tick off every symptom to whatever disorder they suffer from. I'm sure you're aware! So long as you're accurate and your character doesn't become his disorder(s), I am absolutely a-okay with it.
Of course! I'm paranoid about correctness and I get so upset when I do something wrong, so I don't think you'll have to worry about inaccuracies at all lmao. If there are any, always let me know and I'll fix them literally immediately. I'm happy you understand and are willing to give him a try! I totally get being worried about those "walking stereotype" characters, as I have experienced a fair share of them in prior roleplays. I can assure you that I would hate to do something like that. Dynamic characters that don't fit into the boxes that are laid out for them are my cup of tea. If he doesn't seem to be really suiting what I have written out so far in his CS (which is quite possible; my characters never listen to me and don't really turn out the way I expect), then I'll change it to describe him better. Eventually I'll have him figured out, but, for now, it's all experimental, really! I'll see how he comes out and then make changes as needed. :closed eyes open smile:
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  • Added terms to the dictionary:
The In-Between: The place of residency for those awaiting access to the Underground, literally lying in between Division Nine and the actual Underground. Individuals are screened by Underground enforcers for suspicious activity before becoming dechipped and escorted through the old sewer system to Underground civilization. This is the furthest underground one can go while still being on the Net.

Undertalk: Refers to the "language" used by Underground enforcers that makes speech sound scrambled to anyone without the proper permission, used for private communication among enforcers over communication systems or in person.
Image result for earth triangle symbols

  • Decided on a symbol representative of the Underground: An inverted triangle with a horizontal line, meaning "earth"
Alright, friends, confession time: I hate to proofread so if it sucks... I'm sorry? XD

Here She Is

But honestly, I managed to casually throw in the word modicum so it's at least decent

Also, there is a hidden scroll bar so don't think I'm stupid or something and forgot to post the rest. You gotta scroll while on the textbox. Mmk. Thx Bye.
As I'm sure my liking of many posts here over the past few hours has foreboded, I'm still interested in joining this! After my initial questioning I was a little confused by the lack of an obvious set of rules/character sheet requirements, but as things have steadily materialised I'm grown impressed by the world and by the excitement and dedication bubbling up in this thread. Not sure if I'll be able to create 'the raddest character' as you asked for before aha but I'll do my best ;) It'll have to be tomorrow though as it's currently 1am here in the UK!

I have a rough character idea based on a story I started with a similar time-currency theme some years ago (not realising, as is the writer's curse, that I was unwittingly plagiarising a pre-existing film) but he'll need some thoughts and tweaking. I'll return with a few questions most likely ready for you when you Muricans wake up. It may take me a little while though as my health has been bad of late and whilst today has been better I fear relapsing into it being worse again.

In the mean time, what sort of post-rate are you looking for? Just so I know what I'm committing to,
A few more questions whilst I have them on my mind:
  • You've already very helpfully (and excitingly) answered a great question about NPCs/other characters, but I'm wondering if we are also allowed to create and control antagonists? Not the big bads as such but characters who will provide a source of conflict against our protagonists as they try to do their thing. Very similarly, would we be able to create more than one character application whose perspective we can write through?
  • How much do you expect combat to be focal to this RP? Are there dedicated types of cybernetically/technologically advanced forms of weaponry/combat employed by people such as time thieves and the shadier sorts in the underground to get their will?
  • What is the world like outside of this great city with all of its divisions? Or is this all that is left of the world?
  • Here's the gist of what I'm hoping to do with my character: he's a young, skittish archivist within some sub-sector of Intuitech on Division One, having grown up in a high STATUS family. Paranoid by nature, and driven to wits end by having to permanently maintain a social facade to maintain face and STATUS, his curiousity sees him break protocol to access prohibited sectors of the archives in which he learns about the world before Intuitech, studies political theories and begins to lose any idealism towards the current system. He is inevitably discovered and his STATUS tanks as he is upheld as a law breaker; furthermore, this has an effect on the STATUS of his family, who sink a couple of divisions and resultantly disown him, so he flees to the Underground where he arrives at the start of the RP, finding himself incredibly out of place and hence giving quite a lot of scope for conflict. I've got a number of questions regarding the feasibility and practicalities of this idea:
    • What sort of law-enforcement is there around generally? I gather that time-theft and other such things are more common-place on the lower levels, but I can imagine some ambitious undergrounders planning high-stakes heists on the higher divisions to snag a lot of time. How is the threat of the mysterious reassignment enforced, and is there a dedicated job one could have a such an enforced?
    • Would such an archive exist in the first place? If so, are there any limitations on the kind of information they would store there? I'm wondering what purpose such a place would have in the first place, and I'm thinking aside from keeping certain information off-limits to all but the most inside Intuitech operatives, it'd perhaps help with the generation of trends - scouring history, for example, for various high-culture luxuries, traditions and fashion information that may trickle down into STATUS popularity. It could also serve as a sort of propaganda centre, history being subtly tweaked and refashioned to make the current state of being seem superior over any historical model as the archivists, lead to believe they are foraging for traces of a lost past, are actually fed lies by their superiors that they take as gospel and catalogue into public archives. I'm not sure if this kind of thing fits into the corporate idea you have though, so do let me know if it fits at all, and if you'd tweak things here.
    • What would have happened to my character's Time? He'll have fled from being arrested and put in reassignment for his law breaking and obviously his status would be through the floor, but surely he'd still have all of his hundreds of years of time he'd inherited and had from being at the very top? This would obviously make him a massive target among the Underground as he arrives, which I think would be interesting to play out.
So much for going to bed at a reasonable time lol, but on the positive side I haven't felt inspired like this for ages!
A few more questions whilst I have them on my mind:
  • You've already very helpfully (and excitingly) answered a great question about NPCs/other characters, but I'm wondering if we are also allowed to create and control antagonists? Not the big bads as such but characters who will provide a source of conflict against our protagonists as they try to do their thing. Very similarly, would we be able to create more than one character application whose perspective we can write through?
  • How much do you expect combat to be focal to this RP? Are there dedicated types of cybernetically/technologically advanced forms of weaponry/combat employed by people such as time thieves and the shadier sorts in the underground to get their will?
  • What is the world like outside of this great city with all of its divisions? Or is this all that is left of the world?
  • Here's the gist of what I'm hoping to do with my character: he's a young, skittish archivist within some sub-sector of Intuitech on Division One, having grown up in a high STATUS family. Paranoid by nature, and driven to wits end by having to permanently maintain a social facade to maintain face and STATUS, his curiousity sees him break protocol to access prohibited sectors of the archives in which he learns about the world before Intuitech, studies political theories and begins to lose any idealism towards the current system. He is inevitably discovered and his STATUS tanks as he is upheld as a law breaker; furthermore, this has an effect on the STATUS of his family, who sink a couple of divisions and resultantly disown him, so he flees to the Underground where he arrives at the start of the RP, finding himself incredibly out of place and hence giving quite a lot of scope for conflict. I've got a number of questions regarding the feasibility and practicalities of this idea:
    • What sort of law-enforcement is there around generally? I gather that time-theft and other such things are more common-place on the lower levels, but I can imagine some ambitious undergrounders planning high-stakes heists on the higher divisions to snag a lot of time. How is the threat of the mysterious reassignment enforced, and is there a dedicated job one could have a such an enforced?
    • Would such an archive exist in the first place? If so, are there any limitations on the kind of information they would store there? I'm wondering what purpose such a place would have in the first place, and I'm thinking aside from keeping certain information off-limits to all but the most inside Intuitech operatives, it'd perhaps help with the generation of trends - scouring history, for example, for various high-culture luxuries, traditions and fashion information that may trickle down into STATUS popularity. It could also serve as a sort of propaganda centre, history being subtly tweaked and refashioned to make the current state of being seem superior over any historical model as the archivists, lead to believe they are foraging for traces of a lost past, are actually fed lies by their superiors that they take as gospel and catalogue into public archives. I'm not sure if this kind of thing fits into the corporate idea you have though, so do let me know if it fits at all, and if you'd tweak things here.
    • What would have happened to my character's Time? He'll have fled from being arrested and put in reassignment for his law breaking and obviously his status would be through the floor, but surely he'd still have all of his hundreds of years of time he'd inherited and had from being at the very top? This would obviously make him a massive target among the Underground as he arrives, which I think would be interesting to play out.
So much for going to bed at a reasonable time lol, but on the positive side I haven't felt inspired like this for ages!
  • Yes and yes! I would just ask that you get the okay from me before employing any extraneous characters :D
  • I would say that depends on the direction our characters take. I don't foresee it being combat heavy. I imagine a more heist-y approach but that is subject to change. I don't imagine weaponry being that much more advanced that it is not. That's not my area of expertise or interest, though, so feel free to convince me otherwise.
  • Haven't thought about it! Maybe the whole planet is the same? Maybe it is quite literally greener on the other side? Maybe our characters have to change their goals - not to go up but to get out? What are your thoughts? ;)
  • For your questions:
    • I'm not sure if I understand your question entirely. Are you asking if there is dedicated law enforcement to relocate people due to STATUS change? If so, I would say a strong. I don't imagine the image of law enforcement being much different that it is nowadays. Perhaps slightly more present to prevent epic meltdowns and maintain a picture-perfect image of society.
    • I like archive idea, particularly in a sort of misrepresentation of history. Perhaps the public archive is tweaked but the Underground has assembled their own archive from the materials left behind from day's gone by and your character stumbled upon it? Tell me what you'd like to do with the idea. We can hash it out.
    • The only thing that I could see preventing him from having his time is if they cut off his access to his assets. It would be a matter of the timeline. If he got to the Underground and spoke to the right people quickly enough, his Time could be transferred to an Underground account. Essentially, I'm saying you can play it either way and there is plot to support it. I think having a rich boy on the team would certainly prove interesting! It would definitely make Charlie lift a brow when getting him cleared XD
In the mean time, what sort of post-rate are you looking for? Just so I know what I'm committing to,

Previously I said once every 2-3 days. I'm not hard on that. It's just a rough estimate for now. At least once weekly, I think would be more accurate. I dunno. I don't particularly care so long as everyone involved is satisfied.
Thanks for the answers!

Regarding the weaponry thing, given there's not a proper combat focus I don't think you'd want to introduce anything too flashy or innovative as that would shift unnecessary emphasis and time into combat stuff. Given the underground is host to all sorts of relics of the bygone age, I can imagine the shadier sorts fighting it out over the last remaining guns with only a handful of bullets left, or perhaps over damaged Intuitech weaponry that might have filtered down to them. As I understand it, Intuitech's control is maintained mainly by providing flashy technology that controls culture and social progression, so there's no real need for massive weapons development. But maybe those who enforce the law have a standard issue high-tech weapon which would give them an advantage should they ever run into trouble? Something which would enable them to apprehend quickly and without making too much public fuss perhaps like a taser blaster of sorts? Then again it depends on your mystery of where those who go into reassignment end up!

Responding to some other things:

Haven't thought about it! Maybe the whole planet is the same? Maybe it is quite literally greener on the other side? Maybe our characters have to change their goals - not to go up but to get out? What are your thoughts? ;)

I was thinking that my character could have discovered some sort of information about the outside world, or at least the world as it used to be, and longs to escape the city somehow to get into the outer world and find the sea. I guess answering this question raises further questions - are there further cities like this around in the world? What aside from the technological development lead to such a crazy populated city like this in the first place? I don't mind not knowing the answers though as I think one of the strengths of this RP is how solidly realised the setting is - I don't mind us eventually breaking out only for you to throw in a twist which my character isn't at all expecting!

I'm not sure if I understand your question entirely. Are you asking if there is dedicated law enforcement to relocate people due to STATUS change? If so, I would say a strong. I don't imagine the image of law enforcement being much different that it is nowadays. Perhaps slightly more present to prevent epic meltdowns and maintain a picture-perfect image of society.

Well you answered the first part of it aha - sorry, I now see there was a classic 1AM typo in my original question! I think I may have confused myself, but I remember reading somewhere that those who reach underneath 2.5 STATUS are automatically enlisted into the assistance programme, from which they mysterious never return(?). So I was also asking how exactly this happens - do they get some kind of alert that somebody has gone below the threshold, then turn up at their house and take them away? Is it a big public fear-mongering thing or something done in secret?

I like archive idea, particularly in a sort of misrepresentation of history. Perhaps the public archive is tweaked but the Underground has assembled their own archive from the materials left behind from day's gone by and your character stumbled upon it? Tell me what you'd like to do with the idea. We can hash it out.

Glad you like this idea! :D I like the idea of the Underground assembling their own archive, although I also imagine it too wouldn't be particularly accurate due to the scarcity of information and materials down there. In terms of what I'd do with the idea, I think its main purpose is to comprise part of my character's background, his realisation that his job directly involves twisting the knowledge of history leading to his eventual downfall, as well as fleshing out the world a bit I guess. It would then be part of his personal motivations/character arc to discover the truth about history proper, which could be a springboard for other subplot ideas.

The only thing that I could see preventing him from having his time is if they cut off his access to his assets. It would be a matter of the timeline. If he got to the Underground and spoke to the right people quickly enough, his Time could be transferred to an Underground account. Essentially, I'm saying you can play it either way and there is plot to support it. I think having a rich boy on the team would certainly prove interesting! It would definitely make Charlie lift a brow when getting him cleared XD

I was a bit confused by this but I double checked the lore and now I think I get what you mean about cutting off his access. I guess I'll decide on what to do with this as I do the character form!

I'll be working on my character form then and will hopefully have him up for tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing everybody else's posts too!

Oh, and just a word of advice: some of the threads don't have the links to the other threads on the top bar, which makes it unnecessarily inconvenient to navigate between the pages. You may also want to tag the people who said they were interested in here/add links to the various places in the OP of the interest check, just so that people can easily find their way to the right information! :)

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