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Akarvis Apachin
Mentions: NeonFlow NeonFlow NivieApple NivieApple Roxasarass Roxasarass
Akarvis was prepared to hit the wolf that attacked them with their tomahawk raising it in the air but the wolf quickly retreated and the bunny girl had appeared in front. The wave of adrenaline died down just a bit as they began to acknowledge their wound, they looked at the bunny girl and nodded to them muttering out "Thanks." they then watched as the wolves began to leave though they soon started to head the steps of something big that was coming, and they paled a bit wen they saw what it was. They stared at the giant creature debating on weather to shapeshift so that they could run or fight, though they weren't really thrilled either way as they held up their tomahawk while slowly backing away.​
As the two horned wolves went to help the newest Alpha, they nimbly avoid any thrown weapons to stand in front and behind the large orange three eyed horned terrorgore. The horned wolf in front eyes Cedric with a growl, much like the one behind does with Erik. All three wolves tense up however... Cedric might have heard or noticed as they ran past, "they who dare win!!"
A small girlish invisible voice may not have been heard during the crisis. But It was those swift footprints making soft crunches that made the first strike, a small hooded figure brandishing a dagger appeared into view on top of the Terrorgores horn. The beast thrashed back and forth side to side as the hooded child screams but manages to stab not one but two eyes of the mighty beasts newly formed skull!

The left eye bleeds profusely and the kid lost grip of the dagger lodged in the middle. The brave soul was flung into the air back towards Cedric, but the horned wolf immediately went for the throat of the ambusher as the hooded child fell into a ball as a desperate last form of protection.

As the terrorgore falls to the ground roaring with agony, it's jaws reached over to its loyal packmate... And the one eyed orange wolf dick eater ripped the second wolf in half! As it lay on it's side eating it's own kind, a black steam began to rise slowly from its wounded eyes...

Slav Slav Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays NivieApple NivieApple Roxasarass Roxasarass Goonfire Goonfire SomeRandomCanuck SomeRandomCanuck Peckinou Peckinou

All can see or hear this strange thing occurring. Wubrick himself could hear the roars and was unsure if maybe he could start a safe new life inside the thorn bushes. No monsters... this dead wolf could provide food for a day before it spoils... The painful howl was enough reason to keep a steady pace and escape this sharp itchy prison.
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KailaLocation: In The Forest/In The Trees
Mentions: Unknown Child ( NeonFlow NeonFlow )

Kaila kept circling the still growing group, not sure why so many kids were coming forward to help each other. It was survival of the fittest, right? She had perched on one branch, scanning the area when she saw another child, though this one hooded, gunning for the same pack of terror wolves as the ones the others were currently facing. She wasn’t sure who they were, but they had managed to blind one of them...kind of? She watched with awe before it turned to fear and worry. The unknown child was thrown back, weapon lost in the beast, and was now vulnerable to the oncoming attack. Kaila’s tail frizzed up, her stance taking a more pre-pounce look. They were going to be killed! That...that wasn’t good! But... the small cat girl looked around again and didn’t see anyone who could help them right away...
Kaila steeled herself as she drew her own daggers, haunches set as she looked at where she wanted to strike. She bounced a couple of times on the branch, trying to calm her nerves before she pounced on the wolf, attempting to stab through the fur, flesh, and bone that protected the creature's brain. She was shaking on her way down, the air whipping her hair away from her head as it stung upon her face. But she needed to do something...Anything! So this child who was braver than she was survived!

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