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Fantasy The Revolution (reboot)

[QUOTE="Alaster Von Grim]Kamina pulled away from yami and whispered her intentions to kalista before he left to go find Chi
(Now I gtg)

(Suzu you ignored me a bit)
The sewer filled with poisonous snakes they surrounded a man walking towards kalista and finch

"I'm looking for a a blue haired Titan"

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Slashing through more of the monsters and creature on the mountain road, Arca is now running across a wooden bridge. She stop on the bridge, and looks off it's side. She saw plenty forest, and a waterfall. Letting out a sigh, she continues running, and saw a building in the distance. "That must be the Thieves' Den." She thought, as she stands in front of the door. Arca withdraws her sword, and opens the door to the Den.
Kalista look ar him as she take a deep breath "the sewer is always safe... me and my sisters use to escape there when we were grounded" she said as she look down. When they get there. There were so many snakes that made here shock a bit. Why was there so many snakes and what happen? Then someone appear a man yes he was asking for the titan. Kalista sign so much for going down here "what do u want from the titan?" She ask him

@NickTonCutter @Alaster Von Grim

Chi look at Emilia "yes but maybe she was just resting" she said with a smile. Someone then hug her behind that made her jump a bit as she turn around "bassy!" She said as she look at him "im... a lil bit okey now" she said as she look at him "what happen bassy?"
Astaroth Suzumiya] Chi look at Emilia "yes but maybe she was just resting" she said with a smile. Someone then hug her behind that made her jump a bit as she turn around "bassy!" She said as she look at him "im... a lil bit okey now" she said as she look at him "what happen bassy?" [/QUOTE] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/25673-alaster-von-grim/ said:
@Alaster Von Grim[/URL] @Zeldafangirl
Now inside the Thieves' Den, Arca looks at her surroundings. When she did, a rather strong looking man was next to the door, giving her a shady look in his eyes. Though... those look like the eyes of an honest man strangely enough. Behind the man was a big wooden box that had black metal bars on top of it. On it's left side were couple of barrels near the stone wall. The room itself was well-lit with candles being supported by iron holders. In the middle of this room, was a man sitting next to a table on a chair. "That must be the boss. Surely he'll listen to the mayor's request."

She walks towards the table in the middle, and the man look up at Arca. The man has a orange scarf on his neck and he was wearing rather light garbs. He's not very muscular, but he does have some at least. The leader has brown hair, and a brown mustache that looks like an upside W. "You're either brave or stupid, kid. Why have you come here? And don't tell me you've came here to hunt us all down by yourself..." Letting out a sigh, Arca explains to the boss of the thieves that the Zepik Village is missing their Sliver Bell, and would like to have it back. "Huh? We didn't take the Sliver Bell. We know how important that bell is to the people of Zepik. Stealing that would break the villagers' hearts, and that's something we would never do." Arca could feel the honesty in this man's words, and his eyes confirmed that he is an honest man, just like the man near the door. Arca gave the leader a polite bow, and proceeds to head out the door of the Thieves' Den. "Great... they don't have the bell. That's just wonderful." She takes out Zantek, and continues along the mountain road. "I'll tell the mayor once I get back from the shrine!"
Astaroth Suzumiya]Kalista look ar him as she take a deep breath "the sewer is always safe... me and my sisters use to escape there when we were grounded" she said as she look down. When they get there. There were so many snakes that made here shock a bit. Why was there so many snakes and what happen? Then someone appear a man yes he was asking for the titan. Kalista sign so much for going down here "what do u want from the titan?" She ask him [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/36840-nicktoncutter/ said:
@NickTonCutter[/URL] @Alaster Von Grim

Chi look at Emilia "yes but maybe she was just resting" she said with a smile. Someone then hug her behind that made her jump a bit as she turn around "bassy!" She said as she look at him "im... a lil bit okey now" she said as she look at him "what happen bassy?"
"I'm going to kill him and these are my pets"

The man said as he raised his hand and the snakes slithered towards kalista and finch poised to strike

"Nothing I can't handle Chi"

Kamina said as he kissed Chi's head then backed away
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Kalista look at him as she lift her hand and a large shadow appear and kill the snake that was about to slither towards them "and why do u think u are welcome to be here?" She said rather annoyed now "listen your less on my problems so start walking away since i have bigger problems out there and your not even a help." She then look at finch "so much for going down here ... now it will be hard for us to make her flee away"


Chi look at him and smile as she take a deep breath when he was about to leave again " leaving again bassy?" She ask him as she just stayed in her position

@Alaster Von Grim
The man disregarded kalista and the snakes avoided her shadows and coiled around kalista and finch then started to constrict

"That Titan caused far to much damage to stay alive"

Kamina smiled at Chi

"No I just don't want to get sick"

He said as he blew her a kiss
Kalista look at him "listen there are many people living inside the empire some maids who do their work up in the underground and Guards who have a family but fight fow the right as am i fight for their freedome and safety now listen if u creat a fight here in the empire and some got hurt and die i will kill u" she said as a shadow started chocking him and lifting him up in the air "also take there snakes away i shall not allow them entering my Castle "

@Alaster Von Grim @NickTonCutter

Chi smile and nodded "alright but im a lil bit better now bassy!" She said as she started walking "so what happen to the Queen now bassy?"

@Alaster Von Grim
The man devolved into a pile of snakes and slithered off

"You can't stop me from killing that Titan"

Kamina shrugged

"I think she's plotting to kill kalista so I'll deal with that when the time comes"
"No one will fight in my Empire do u get that!!" She said with a growl "fucking mortal" she said as she look at finch and notice a one mouse running "a mouse jackpot"she said.

@NickTonCutter @Alaster Von Grim

Chi look at him "welp...thats new... the only thing that the Queen wanted to kill was her twin sister... looks like time changes after all"she said with a sign

Yami appear infron of them "yes i wanted to... when i notice what was hidden upon her red hoddie that our parents have gave her before her birth" she said with a smile "she and my twin needs to die" she said with a laugh

@Alaster Von Grim @Zeldafangirl
Emilia just looked at yami as she grip her sword as she got it out" YOU....." she yelled as she was angry her eye was still healing from what she did to her" YOU KILLED MY FAMILY YOU WILL PAY" she say as she grip on her sword trying to protect her friend for her" go chi" she say waiting for a fight with the queen
Emilia looked at him as she sighed" but... grrrr fine i'll stop" she say as she just put her sword back in her strap she just wanted to kill the queen she just looked at the boy she didn't know" i'll listen to you i don't want to displease you or the princess the queen will die evenualy though" she told him as she sighed
Emilia was slapped as she just looked at her" why did you kill them why i'm not weak" she say" i trained everyday to become strong" she say as the slap was hard she just rubbed her cheek from the slap she was scared that she will be her servant she was scared her fear was her" shut up shut up you can't do this anymore my parents are dead because of you i hate you" she told her @Astaroth Suzumiya
Kamina spun around and slapped yami with back of his hand

"Keep your mouth shut you....."

Kamina was cut off by the snake biting his leg
Onyx smile at her "just dont give up Kiro were here for you" he said with a smile as he look at her she was surely beautiful he just dont know if she will like a guy like him. maybe not.


Yami smile "oh what do i care?" she ask as she stop when she got slap. she growl "thats it i have enough of" she then stop when she heard a scream from Chi "snake!" exclaim chi as she ran to the snake and step on it yami look at it "what in the name?!" she said as she look around.

@Alaster Von Grim @Zeldafangirl
Emilia was frozen as she was really scared as she just was remembering of her parents dying in front of her she just closed her eyes as shake her head' why does she want me for' she thought as she open her eyes again as she look back at yama" what do you want with me" she say looking at her scared of her
" thanks, Your pretty handsome. " Kiro said smiling as she ruffled up onyx's hair. She sure did like him. But would he like a demon like her? He sure was smexy ( i had 2 im sorry). @Astaroth Suzumiya
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