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Fantasy The Revolution (reboot)

Yami gasp "what the?!" she look at the sword. Kalista jump up in the scene as she leap into Yami and slice her down. Yami scream out in pain "nnooooo!!!" she scream as she look at them then fall into the ground "she was...weak in the moment ... we take advantage" Kalista said with a mumble

Emilia looked at them as she grip on her sword" I'm not telling you no one can make me except my masters" she say as she looked angry  she just looked at her master who was on the floor' you will be okay master' she say placing her hands on her as she got up as she was angry her eyes turned into red" you will pay for hurting my master" she say @NickTonCutter @Astaroth Suzumiya*
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Yami waa down as kalista look at her then back to finch "no let us leave them both... shes pregnant and it is such a sin of something happen to the both of them " she told him as she look at her again then look around "we better must search for them "she told him

Yami look at her as she cast a spell and theit back into the empire "emillia heal me" she order her

@NickTonCutter @Zeldafangirl @Alaster Von Grim
Aw man) 

emilia just looked at her" anything for my master are yiu okay master" she say as she help her stand up" I'm sorry I tried to protect you" she say looking at her as she move hair hoping not to get slapped by her @Astaroth Suzumiya*

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