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Fantasy The Revolution (reboot)

Finch Order

Finch sigh "I don't know...If it's actually what i think a surprise attack could tense the situation.We can wait for them to leave the room or just talk to see what's happen...But either way it's dangerous!"

@Astaroth Suzumiya
"I know and we need to cast then away... the Queen of hell... shes afraid of rats and if she see one she will go running across the earth back to hell but what about the titan?" She ask him with a wispher "the titan sure is a bit of a tricky and if we dont make this fast everyone in the empire and my subject will be dead as meat and i dont want that to happen. Not even the slightest."

Finch Order

Finch couldn't help and do a little grin before taking a serious face again "Well...Finding a rat will be the problem.Then we have to take the Queen alone when Titan will leave the scene...Otherwise the Titan will get mad i guess."

@Astaroth Suzumiya
"Then we have to seperate them... in the Underground at the sewer there are hundred of big rats" she said as she look at him and smile "how can we seperate the both of them...chi... oh yes chi" she said with a smile. Lets seperate them using chi" she whisperd to him

Astaroth Suzumiya](night bro) yami sign "are you Serious " she shrug. if only he know the prophecy. she have to stop him if he can help she going to do this alone. "fine do what u want i wont stop you" she said with a sign and a shrug [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/25673-alaster-von-grim/ said:
@Alaster Von Grim[/URL]
Kamina pulled yami onto his back and walked off to find kalista

"Other then your sisters being weak we do you hate them did they pick on you or something"
Kamina looked over his shoulder at yami

"I'm dragging for a walk while my chest wound heals, so out of your sisters your the bad girl"
Kalista look at the titan and look at him "not trap the Queen that brutal Finch let just grab one rat and throw it tobher so she will leave and for the titan... we need chi" she said as she look at them "hide we need to go finch" she wisper as she look at them and the titan walking by "this is unexpected lets go"

@NickTonCutter @Alaster Von Grim
Yami place her hands to her chest feeling rather offended. Yet she smile and giggle "oh i am the queen of hell after all" shebsaid with a giggle and walkingnto him and hugging him behind "i also want them to die so ill be the ruller of this world."

@Alaster Von Grim
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"Yes u should... ummm can i come along?" She ask him as she feel useless. "U know i think i need a stick or something to help me get up" she then smile "i think throwing it at the Queens face is a great idea" she said with a laugh.


Chi stand up and look by the door "everything lokk so clear umm... we can go now" she said as she feel so much better but snezzig up a lil "cmon we need to rwach the princess"

@Alaster Von Grim @Zeldafangirl
Finch Order

Finch chuckle...That wasn't is usual reaction. "Yes,wait..." Finch forge a stick with his hands,and take one of his dagger,sculpting a cane "In my country,we use that to help people when they are hurt badly in the legs.That should help you to walk !" Finch hand her the cane smiling.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Emilia just smiled as she had her hands in her pocket she was so nervous about this she just walk to the princess room as she looked at chi not sure what to say
Chi smile as they walk to the throne room "oh font be so scated were going to talk to the princess together "she said eith a smile but when they reach the throne room nibody was there "strange..."


"Yes u will .. .. .. umm... sorry for the slow walk" she said with a sign as she look at the stairs "okey the hard part" she mumble as she hold the dandle of the stairs as she go down

Emilia just took her hand as she just with her downstairs" we have to find her maybe she going somewhere" she say as she looked at her" I'm just scared she slap me for leaving" she say

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