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The Revolt of the Emperor

Hazama kept his posture and had finished eating, politics mingled and talked amongst each other, he remained silent and had occasional small talk withe the men. The dinner was almost over so he only waited for the kings dismissal
The king finished his meal and cleared his throat to get the men's attention. He stood up to make his announcement. "Thank you all for coming to this dinner. After this meal I have decided that prince Ichiro is a suitable husband for my daughter. Under my wing, I believe that when the time comes, Ichiro can rule this kingdom with my daughter by his side. Tomorrow, I want Ichiro and Hanako to get used to being around each other. They will began getting ready for the wedding ceremony that will be this winter. That is all. You may now return back to your quarters." He said. The politicians clapped and nodded in agreement.
Hazama did the same as all the politicians did, bowed to the emperor and headed to their rooms. Hazama was escorted by his own guards and then waited for everyone else to fall asleep. He had pretended to have fallen asleep as well until his guards gave the signal and he stood up, already armed with the aromatic substance and rag, as well as his blade.

Hazama exited the room and kept his blade under his sleeve. He had a small crossbow under it too, borrowed from his men, in case they saw him from far. As he walked up to the princess's door he smiled at the guards as they seemed rather confused as to why Hazama was there.

"I am sorry prince but the princess is sleeping, and no one ca-"

Hazama swiftly pulled out his blade and sliced his throat, before the other guard could react he shot him with his loaded cross bow in the head, before they plummeted to the ground he grabbed their bodies by the collar and gently let them fall. A pity, they MIGHT have been innocent.

He opened the door silently, he needed to get her while she was asleep, if she woke up he would have to act fast. The blood from the guards was getting into the room.
She was looking out the window at the kingdom. "People have their own freedom, but being a princess has its costs. I have to do what is best for the kingdom. Someone has to take the burden." she said while sighing. She then heard a noise but it went quiet were quick. The guards probably dropped something. She just shrugged her shoulders and continued to look out the window. That was when her door opened.

Hanako stood up and looked at the prince standing in her doorway. "Prince Ichiro, you nearly scared me to death. Wait, while is there blood... What's that in your hands. Guards!" she walked to the backwards in the wall. The prince has lost his mind and was about to kill her. "Prince Ichiro, you don't want to do this. Just leave and I won't tell them that you did this." she said to him.
Hazama reacted as fast as he could and quickly grabbed her, before he put the rag to her mouth and nose he said.

"I'm not here to kill you."

As he knocked her out he looked down the balcony, he whistled and his "guard" was outside, he shot a cross bow with a rope attached at hazama, as it stuck to the balcony wall, hazama took it and tied it to one of the beams. He kept hold of the princess and began to slowly make his way down, It was hard at first to hold on but he got his footing and made his way down. He heard a shriek from the castle and knew that someone found the guards. He took a large slide down, burning his hand and he held the scream of pain in.

He nodded at his comrade and the Captain brought the caravan around. Hazama got in with the princess, tied her and said


The horses shot towards the exit gates, they were home free.
Hanako's head was pounding when she finally opened her eyes. "Ow...my...head.." she whispered. She tried to touch her head but her hands where tied. She looked around and noticed that she was in a carrier. "Where am I? Untie me at once! Where are my guards? Guards." she started to yell but it made her head pound even more.
Hazama woke up as the caravan was riding back to town, his hand now bandaged. The princess had finally woken up and was not very happy with this he sighed and looked at her.

"I am sorry princess, but you're not in your castle. My name is Hazama Hidekazu, I'm sorry to inform you that I am not prince Ichiro. But I did mean the things I said about you." He kept a straight face

"Don't hate me, this was a job, blame him. He was the one who came up with it, oh and your father." He pointed at the captain.

"Awww hazaaammaaa why do you blame me? But were going to use you to get back at your father, I left a little letter for your father with our demands for the people, you'll be out of your castle for a while until it's all in effect and the people are happy. But do not worry! You'll be In capable hands!" He nudges and points at hazama
"Terrible times have finally happened. The people are going through with their revolt. And I am apart of it. Father is going to be angry. These people don't know what they are getting into." she thought. She opened her mouth to say something and then looked at Hazama. "You are a liar and a criminal. You had the choice to not be apart of this. You are much to blame as your captain is. I am not going to scream, cry, or even try to fight you. Father's Imperial Task Force will find me soon enough and kill you all. It is only a matter of time." she said in calm voice. Father would be proud of her for handling this like a true queen.

She put her tied hands on her lap and looked out the window. The scenery was beautiful. Hanako had never even set foot out of the castle before, so she wanted to look at it as much as she can. "Smart plan though. I will give them that, but I want to see how long they are going to keep this little game going. Now all I have to do is wait to be saved." she thought.
Hazama listened to her and shrugged, he simply replied and said.


But after a few minutes he said.

"If that's the case me and your father are not much different. Considering what he does to the common people."

He paused and let her absorb that info. He then said.

"I thought you'd be more excited. This is your first time out."
She was still looking out the window, when he said "I thought you'd be more excited. This is your first time out". She just started to laugh at the comments he made at her. "Seriously? I was kidnapped from my home, and now you want me to be overfilled with joy, because I am outside the castle walls? You want me to be at your knees thanking for kidnapping me? I did want to come outside, but I have duties as a princess and to my country. I rather be doing that, than running around. But I guess right now, I have none. As for my father being a criminal, you are right. A liar, that to. But he is my father and the emperor, and I have no control of that, no matter how bad I know it is." she said. Hanako looked at him with a normal expression and continued to look out the window.
Hazama shrugged and said.

"I was being sarcastic. I should work on that I guess."

He tuned out her barrage of excuses for her father and look out the window.

"pfft, "he's my father and the emperor!" Doesn't make it any better princess, it's sad how willing you are to stay blind of his actions. Ugh now she's pissing me off, gag her." Said the captain

One of the soldiers gagged her and they continued on their merry way. (been real busy you can time skip if you want idk)
Hanako's eyes widen when his captain said this, but she couldn't even say anything back to him. She was gagged. As the caravan kept moving along, she laid her head back and started to doze off. When would the task force come for her or well find her. Soon she had hoped.

When she had a waken they where in a small village, just slowly wandering through. She started to wondered how her friend was doing without her. She missed her dearly. Besides Kiri was her only friend in this lonely cruel world. Hanako sighed.

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