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The Revolt of the Emperor


Thought-Provoked Wanderer
Co-Partner: @Cressy


The small country of Mongue, lies on a peninsula. It is known for its beautiful cherry blossom trees in the spring and long summers. For hundreds of years this country has flourished and its people have lived in peace with the royal family, the Kazan clan. But after the old emperor died, his only son Koizumi, took over as emperor. The young emperor became obsessed with money, and also became corrupted. He began to put higher taxes on the people. The people began to become angry and started to revolt. As a punishment for their crimes toward the emperor, the eldest son of every family had to be enlisted into Koizumi's deadly army. The revolts stopped after awhile, but people started to meet in secrecy planning the next one. That was 20 years ago. The army is large now and patrols the entire peninsula, making sure no revolts start. Since then, emperor has had only one child, since his wife has died give birth to her. The child name is Hanako, and is next in line for her father's thrown. As time went on the emperor, became less worried of the people, but does he know that while he sleeps, some of the boys and men in the army plan his downfall.


(@Cressy's character will be posted in a different post)

Name: Hanako Kazan

Age: 17

Personality: Humble and kind to others, unlike her father. But also, do not discourage her, because she can be crafty and cunning.



(What her face looks like)

Name: Hazama Hidekazu

Age: 18

Personality: Hazama goes where money is involved, but usually only goes for jobs that involve the greater good. He is a misunderstood soul, viewed as a cold blooded assassin when he only does this because it is all he knows... He has invested his time to overthrowing the emperor more and more by planning with rebels. He is silent, and intelligent.

"Hanako! Hanako! Why are you not awake? You have to meet with your father soon. Get up now!" said Kiri, one of her servants and also a close friend. She yawned and turned, looking at Kiri. Kiri is one to be very punctual and always be on time. "Kiri, be quiet, you are yelling again." she said, calmly. She sat up and stretched, looking out of her window. The light of dawn has not even peeked out yet. "Kiri, you liar! It is not even dawn yet!" she smiled at her. Kiri smirked at her and laughed. "I knew that would get you up. Now get up, because I don't want you to get yelled at by your father again." she said, sighing. Hanako got out of bed, and looked at Kiri with a simple face. She walked over to her and hugged her. "My dear Kiri, my best friend in the whole world, only friend at that, not to worry. See I am my father's daughter, I can be stubborn just like him and him yelling at me, does not faze me at all. I am his only child and he wants me to be ready to marry and also take over the thrown with my husband. All I have to do is become not desirable. He will see my way, but yet, I do not wished to be punished or have you punished for my troubles." she said. She got up, and went into the room where they kept one of the royal baths. Hanako soaked in its warm waters for awhile, thinking. "I wonder if father has finally found a prince that suits his standards for me. It does not matter, because simply father will rule this kingdom for a long time." she thought. She sighed and relaxed for awhile....

"Han, hold still so I can comb through your hair." Kiri, said. Hanako whined because Kiri known to not have gentle hands. "Ow! You might as well, shave me balled." she whined. She was relieved when Kiri was finally done. It took Kiri a whole 2 hours to dress and groom her to see her father. "Kiri, see you soon, off to see the beast himself." she said smiling. When she walked outside, her usual guards were there to walk her to see her father. She had to walk in between them, just in case of an ambush or threat inside the castle. As she walked she noticed the scenery of the castle was being change, to get ready for the summer months. More opened windows and less candles lit. When they finally reached her father's throne room, a guard rang the bell, to let the emperor know that his daughter was there. The large doors opened and she walked inside, walking up the steps. As she walked up the steps, she looked at the paintings of her ancestors. She seen them so many times, but liked to look at them every now and then. Hanako bowed, when she saw her father. "Hanako, my daughter, you may rise." he said. Father had such a loud voice, it could be heard miles away. She rose gentle, sitting on the pillow on the floor. "My daughter, by the full moon, you will have a suitor come to see you. I have received a message from the Kenjii clan from the north. Their eldest son, who is 20 can finally marry you if I see fit. In my personal choice I believe he is a fine suitor, considering he is second in command of their military. You must act just like a princess and be on your best behavior when he arrives. You may be gone, for that is all I have to say to you." he said sternly. Hanako looked up at her father and nodded. "Thank you father for letting me know of your choices. You make wise ones as always and also I promise to behave. Thank you for finding me a suitor." she bowed and began to walked down the stairs once again. It was actually time for her to get wed. By the begging of fall, the prince would be living with them in the place, and the wedding would be in the beginning of winter.

After she got back to her quarters, she noticed Kiri was gone. Probably to do some work with the other servants. "Oh Kiri, your best friend will be wed by the first snow." she said quietly. Hanako walked over to her window and sat near it looking over the walls. "The cherry blossoms are looking beautiful as ever this year." she said as she let her hair fall down her back.
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Hazama awoke in his tent, the sun was bright today and a ray of sunshine had made it into his tent, illuminating his face and causing him to wake up. Outside the sound of rebel soldiers shouting orders at others, the sound of old samurai armor and bows being strung were all he heard. The 2 squads, both with 13 men prepared to take the incoming cargo, the prince of the Kenji clan.

The information was supposed to only be known by the royal family and royal guard. But the rebels had an asset inside the royal guard whom could lists to the king's plans. The second they acquired this information they started their plan. That was not long ago, today was the full moon, so this was their only shot.

Hazama exited his tent, rubbing his eyes, his clothing flapped in the wind gently as he headed to the lake to bathe. The positioning of their camp would be close to the prince's second stop, where they would refilll their water. This was happening in only hours, Hazama would be taking care of the heavy guard and incapacitate the prince, while men would take care of the infantry with sedative arrows and take their armor for them to wear and pretend to be them.

Hazama headed to the captain's tent after bathing and getting dressed. He would be the one imitating the prince because he was the youngest one, and he had long brown hair like the young prince. The emperor has not yet seen the prince, only rough sketches and descriptions according to the rebel sources.

"Ah Hazama, come in! Today is the day we make our move against the emperor. First we get rid of this cargo and then we head to the emperor's palace, I'm sure you're aware of our goal?" Said the captain

"Capture the princess and escape the palace at night."

Hazama responded

The captain nodded and looked at the sky, the full moon would be upon them soon.


And so, for the next hour. They would wait for the convoy. Sedative arrows drawn and katanas at hand
"We are less than a mile from the second stop. Let's keep it moving men." said the lieutenant. He pulled his head back inside the carrier and looked over at the prince. "You are a lucky fellow, my friend. You are getting married to the princess of the Kazan clan. The imperial family. No one has even laid eyes on the princess, only her servants. We hear from the royal guard that she is quite beautiful. Her name being Hanako, meaning flower child." he said, with a smirk. The prince looked over at him and sighed. "Personally, I don't even care. My heart belongs to my Mayumi-chan. Too bad she is only a servant. Oh well, doesn't matter. She will come to live with me as my "personal" servant when I move to the Emperor's palace. Hanako, is only for show and to bear children with for the Kazan clan. Then I will become the emperor after her father dies." he said. The lieutenant only laughed and shook his head. "Ichiro, my friend, you always get your way don't you." he said so faintly.

"We have reached our second stop!" said the Lieutenant, as he got of the carrier standing to get the men in some type of order. Ichiro stood next to him and looked at them all. "Men, we have one more stop and then we will be at the Emperor's palace by dawn. Now, use the bathroom, replenish supplies, and rest for now. You are dismissed." Ichiro said loudly. The men all shouted together "YES, sir!" and went into their positions. Ichiro and the lieutenant went into a large tent that was set up for them. They both sat down and looked over the map. "Such a long days travel and still will not be there until tomorrow's dawn. Such a bore, Eiji." Ichiro said.

"All men are in their position, just encase someone tries to attack us. I highly doubt it since, we are the best military in the north next to the Imperial Royal Guard." Eiji said. Ichiro nodded and looked at his plans.
Hazama and the rebel men remained in their posts as the men set up tents, they stayed I the shadows of the trees before attacking. They waited until the men set up their posts, the heavy armored guards stood by the prince while the infantry remained in their positions. The rebels nodded at each other, the mission would now begin.

First the archers shot out single sedative arrows at soldiers at the outskirts and began to tie them up in secrecy, slowly they would make their way towards the center of their camp.

Hazama went behind the tent with the prince inside, his job would be to wait until the heavy armored guards move from their post so he can kill them quickly, and then move in on the prince and his friend with his sedative arrows.

As his men progressively took out more and more men, one of the men took noticed and yelled out before a sedative arrow hit him. It was time for hazama move in.
Ichiro stood up quickly, looking at Eiji. "We are being ambushed. You know the drill." he said, with a whisper. Eiji nodded and grabbed his sword, while throwing Ichiro's his. Ichiro moved to one side of the tent and Eiji moved to the other side. Ichiro moved closer to the opening of the tent and opened the flap slowly. He noticed the his guards where gone. "Idiots. You don't leave your post unless I order you to." he said, as he walked outside. Ichiro eyes widen as he saw that his men were losing and dying. "Eiji, get a message bird out to the Imperial palace, that we are under attack and send troops to our aide!" he yelled. Ichiro withdrew his blade and looked around for one of rebels to come at him.
Hazama remained behind them as they exited the tent, he decided to take out the prince and his right hand man, he pulled out his bow when he said to send out a messenger bow and shot them both with sedative arrows from behind. He could not let the plan fail, this was the most important stage. Hazama dragged them both back into the tent and went after the heavy armored guards, whom had seen him and were charging him with halberds. Hazama pulled out is wakizashi and his katana, he prepared for their attack, it seemed like most of the royal men were sedated, the only ones left were these two.
The two heavy armored guards ran to ambush the rebel. "You have harmed the future king of this land! You will no be excuted!" one of them said. They both circled around him at the same time, with their blades pulled. "We will kill with these swords! Now die!" they yelled.
Hazama used his wakizashi to parry the first sword and then sliced the man's neck with his katana, blood spraying on to him, the second man was about to hit hazama but he turned and blocked the second sword with his katana, suddenly, an arrow flew and hit the man in the neck, killing him almost instantly.

Hazama sighed and wiped off the blood off of his face, he thanked the captain for shooting the arrow and they all began stage 2 of their plan, Hazama washed himself again, and undressed the prince, taking his clothes and dressing as him, the captain took Eiji's cloaks and dressed as him.

"Kill them after you have taken their clothing! be quick!" said the captain

Hazama wanted to object, but he was only a mercenary, he was a high value asset yes but he was expendable in the end. He still asked for one thing.

"Why kill the prince and cause a national dispute, leave him and some of his men alive, have them tied. Send one of the birds to their kingdom and give them the message. We will have already taken the princess by the time they find the prince and try to notify the Imperial Palace."

The captain thought of his request and nodded slowly. He didn't have time for an argument with the child, they needed to move. An hour later they were all dressed as soldiers from the northern empire, and Hazama was pretending to be the prince.

((Time skip to when they get there?))

"Han, this time tomorrow, you will be eating dinner with not only your father, but the Prince Ichiro as well. Are you excited?" Kiri smiled at her. Hanako looked at her and sighed. "I really do not care all that much. If it is my husband to be then, he will be my husband to be." she said simply. She got up from the windowsill, and got into her bed and looked Kiri. "Kiri, at least we will always be together. Just like our mothers were always together before my mother died. Let our friendship last until the heavens fall." she said yawning. Kiri smiled even brighter and nodded at Hanako. "Good night Han. Also get some rest, because you have to be up to greet the prince upon his arrival." she said quietly. Hanako rolled her eyes and smiled. "Good night Kiri." she said as she turned over on her side. There was never a day that she could get enough rest for the next day.
Along the way there the soldier sang songs loudly and celebrated their victory as they marched on, restless they were. Some brought drinks with them but were quickly scolded by the captain and told they were on a mission. After the drinks were gone the captain went over the plan with Hazama again.

"... So that's all. Get some rest mercenary. I shall wake you when we arrive." Said the captain

Hazama nodded and fell asleep, he but all he could dream about was the mission, since it was the only thing on his mind. After a few hours the Captain woke him up, telling him they had arrived at the palace, the men handed the papers towards the guards at the front gate. The caravan made it's way to the front of the palace, Hazama got off of his carriage, his men acting and bowing in front of him, he made his way up to the palace. The guards by his side.

"Your name is Eiji by the way." He whispered to the Captain.

He finally reached the front gates and looked upward, this place was huge. Inside was a corrupt emperor and politicians. But he did not know if the daughter truly was corrupt as well... no matter, his mission was to capture her at night. Hazama put on a fake smile and waited.
"Your majesty, the prince of the northern clan is here." said on the guards. The emperor nodded and sat in his is royal chair. "Send him into, see me at once! Quickly, also make sure all the servants are here and do not yet wake my daughter." he said sternly. He waited patiently on his throne. The guard ran to the ring the bell that made all of the servants go to their destination immediately. He then told the Imperial guards to unlocked the large gates. "Get ready, the prince as arrived." the guard yelled.

The Imperial guards at the front gate began to crank the crank that opened the gates. The gates were massive so it to more than just to guys to open the gate. At the top of the gates were marksmen archers, ready to shoot at one's call. The servants already had their best uniforms on and were all lined up at the stairs in the emperor's throne, patiently waiting for the stranger to come. There was quiet whispers, talking about what the prince looked like and all the rumors that they've heard. Kiri was in line as well, wondering about Hanako. "I wonder why the emperor did not want Han awaken yet." she thought. It left a perplexed look on her face. The bells rung 3 times meaning that the gate was opened. Then silence over the servants.
Hazama took a step forward, he was more nervous than he thought, the men behind him acted as his guards walked slowly with him, as Hazama walked he felt more and more nervous. But he forced himself to keep it from showing, as he made it to the first steps in front of the emperor, his men saluted and bowed as rehearsed and Hazama bowed. He looked at the king with a hardy smile and said.

"It is a pleasure to finally meet the great emperor in the flesh. As promised I have arrived." He said calmly

Hazama felt uneasy, the air in the throne room seemed tense... was he on to them?
The emperor look at him and then sighed. "It is about time, you finally came here after such a long travel. Welcome to the Imperial palace. Make yourself at home. I have given you, your own quarters. My servants will guide you to there. Also, tonight we will have a grand dinner in your arrival. That is when you will get to see my daughter as well. She will not be seen until then, so rest in your quarters. " he said loudly. He didn't even move a muscle.
Hazama remained silent for a bit, he did not want to disrespect the king so he simply said.

"Of course, your majesty."

Hazama made his way to the room with the guides that the king provided, the plan would not change, he had a couple of his "guards" follow alongside him.
"Your highness, to your left is the princess's court. Even though she is important, she not heavily as guarded as the emperor. She just a few of the toughest guards on the peninsula. So your future wife is well kept." the servant said. He led them to he guests' mansion. "Well this is as far as I go. There are servants designated to the guests' house." he said as he walked off.

The other servants were lined up outside and one came up to greet the prince and his men. "Hello, sir, we are here to serve you as long as you are here. You and your lieutenant will be meeting with emperor and his daughter tonight, when the sun hits sunset. Which is enough time for you to relax, Anything you want or just need. Just yell or ring the bell." said an older servant.
Hazama nodded and headed into his room, closing the door and leaving his two "guards" outside, the captain entered his room and they whispered the plan.

"The king seems suspicious, might be overprotection. We will move in at night after everyone is asleep, well have the caravan ready and you simply need to knock the princess out and leave the letter with the demands on her bed."

Hazama nodded then gave him a fake smile and started acting as some servants came in.

"Thank you for the information Eiji!"

After they left hazama sat in his bed, under his cloak he had an aromatic substance he would but on a rag and use on the princess and a small blade he keeps well concealed, he can't come heavily armored. This was his one shot.

He prepped for dinner, changing.
Hanako woke up in the later morning, yawning looking around. "Kiri, is not here to wake me up. That is strange and weird." she said as she got up and put her robe on. She went outside her doors and her usual guards were there to greet her as usual. "Princess Hanako, your father does not want you to be out in the open today. You will not leave here until nightfall to meet the Emperor, his politicians, and the prince Ichiro, for the grand dinner. We are here to make sure you do not leave at all. Return back to your quarters. The servant Kiri, will be here later on." the guard said. She looked up at him and nodded. Hanako walked back to her room and looked out her window, the courtyard was busy for tonight's preparations.

"Han, you should wear the gold and white kimono, with traditional makeup." Kiri said, as she was helping Hanako get ready. Hanako was sitting in the bathtub soaking all the warmness of the water. She looked at Kiri and nodded. That would be perfect, and father would be proud to see her wear the family's traditional colors. She took her towel and stood up, wrapping it around her body. She sat in a chair, while Kiri began to comb her hair. "Ow! Kiri! That hurts!" she whined. Kiri only smiled and kept combing her hair.
Hazama stood in his room quietly, planning what exactly he would say at the dinner and remembering his rehearsals, he was nervous but kept his cool. He looked at the aromatic substance and rag he hid in order to knock the princess out at night. He would simply need to get through this. The Captain would shoot down one guard at night while hazam distracts him then hazama will quietly stab the other in the throat.

Hazama sighed, this was probably his most stressful job, he couldn't help but wonder what the princess looked like.
"Han! You so beautiful." said Kiri, as she put the finishing touches on her Hanako's makeup. Hanako sighed and smiled at her. "I feel like I am wearing all the makeup in the world Kiri." she laughed. She did feel heavy though. Considering all the silk and gold that she was wearing just for this one occasion. She had to put on the tradition kimono, which was actually kind of heavy. "And...done! You really look beautiful." Kiri said to her. Kiri handed Hanako, that traditional headdress that covered the princess' face while she walked during the night. To the Kazan clan, princesses' walking at night alone, was bad luck. "See you tomorrow...Kiri." she said as she hugged her.

Her guards met her outside of her room and she walked into the middle of them. As she walked with them, she could only see a glimpse of the full moon. "How beautiful..." she thought to herself. The guards stopped and a servant rang the bell, to let everyone know that the princess was here. Hanako walked up the stairs slowly, with her guards at her side. When she arrived at the top she, waited for her father to allow her to come any closer.
Hazama heard the bell and had walked out of his room. He was wearing more traditional wear now from what the prince had in his wardrobe trunk. Hazama let out a big sigh.

He then saw the princess, she was still at the steps while he was by the table but they were right, she was very pretty. But his mission was to capture her. Not ogle at her.

((I thought I posted but I didn't.)
"Princess Hanako, you may enter.." her father said. The servants came to remove her headdress and she breathed delicately. It was a lot of wait off her shoulders. She walked kind of slow, but she she walked with elegance. Hanako could see the politicians and her father a lot better now. But...the was there prince. She could a little glimpse of he when he looked at her. He was intriguing to look at, but did not want to stare.

She stood about a couple of feet away from the table and bowed to her father. "Thank you, father, for part taking me in your affairs. You are always so kind." she said. She rose after her father nodded to her and sat in her place at the table.

(Its all cool)
Hazama smiled at the princess, she was very beautiful indeed, he sat in his assigned spot and waited for the family to do their cultural prayers (blah manners stuff bleh) and offerings. He spoke to the king and said.

"Your daughter is a presence to be admired, she is quiet beautiful. Again, I am sincerely grateful for your offering of your home." He gave the emperor a head bow and commenced his eating.

The food was extremely rich and fancy, bit too exquisite for his tastes but it was all part of the job. He just needed to get through this and he would be home free with the princess.
She prayed, with her father and the politicians over the food and good luck. She looked up and saw that the prince had smiled at her, she gave him a faint smile back. After praying Hanako, began to eat her food, that was when she heard the prince give her a compliment. She blushed a little, considering he was the first male in a long time to call her beautiful. "Thank you for admiring my daughter. If you didn't know, princess Hanako's name means flower child. A name that her mother gave her before her untimely death. Some days, she reminds me of her mother." he said. Hanako looked at her father smiled. For her father to give compliments, it was truly rare. She continued to eat her food quietly. The rules were that she was not to speak unless spoken to.

The night drifted on slowly, until she heard her father speak to her. "Princess Hanako, it quiet past hours for a young lady to get her sleep, you now may go to rest. The conversation shall only be conversant by men. Tomorrow, you will be doing your regular duties. Learning manners and studying in further to becoming a queen." her father said to her. Hanako looked up and nodded. "Thank you father for letting me be here for so long, and to see my future betrothal. Let good wishes happen to you, the politicians, the lieutenant, and prince Ichiro." she said as she bowed. She turned around and walked back to the steps, the servants put her headdress back on. Hanako walked back down the steps as her guards waited for her. "Thanks father for letting me getting a say in my husband" she thought. As she walked back with her guards, she looked at the full moon, she smiled a little. "The moon is always shining and free...unlike me..." she thought. As a princess she had a duty not only to her country but to her family's name.

When she got back to her court, she went into her room and removed her formal clothing. She went through her normal night things, she slipped on her night kimono, slippers, and robe. Hanako sat by her window and looked at the sky. "How much longer, until winter..." she said quietly.

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