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The Reign of Gods


New Member
The World in 2051



2015. Annus Horribilis. Five days after Greece announced its exit from the European Union-an event referred to as Grexit-the Eurozone’s economy collapsed as a run on the banks destroyed the last bit of stability Europe had. Stocks fell. Trillions were lost. In less than a month, unemployment skyrocketed across the continent.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Russia formally invaded Ukraine. Despite condemnation from the UN and the threat of war with the USA, Russia marched on.

With the economic fallout hitting the US, the President was forced to issue a series of executive orders to stabilise the economy. The plan backfired, as groups across the nation accused the government of expanding its power too far, citing the summer as an example of pure government overreach. Rather than save the nation, as the move could have otherwise, it brought about its end. Terrorist attacks in New York City, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C divided the nation further. In September, Russia invaded the Baltics. As the United States planned on retaliating, Russia detonated a nuclear weapon over Washington, D.C. Millions were killed instantly. Millions more died in the next few days. The United States collapsed into anarchy, with local authorities attempting to maintain control. Civil War devastated the former superpower. For two years, the nation teared itself apart in a war for resources.

Russia declared itself the Eurasian Federation shortly thereafter. With China choosing to look inward, using its vast productive powers in attempt to stay out of the global chaos, and Europe facing a similar crisis to America, no one could stand up as Russia gobbled up the former Soviet Union.

In 2017, as darkness continued to engulf the world, a saviour emerged. No one knew where he came from; he had no name, history, or anything. He took command of what remained of the United States’ military and began a reconquest. By 2019, America was unified again. The people, in their gratitude, declared him King. He refused, instead taking the title of Emperor. He was henceforth known as Emperor Napoleon Americae: Napoleon of America. By 2025, the Imperial Republic of America had recovered from the events ten years prior, as Europe continued to suffer. By 2030, Maxio had fallen to Napoleon. By 2035, Central America fell. War waged with Canada from 2032 to 2041, resulting it the unification of North America. Invasions into South America resulted in a closely allied Imperial puppet.

Inspired by the actions of Napoleon, an Hungarian nationalist, Viktor Bako, overthrew the Hungarian government and named himself Vezeto: Leader. He deeply resented the Russian domination of Eastern Europe, and with support from Napoleon, slowly took Transylvania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina. What resulted was a war with the Eurasian Federation. The Russian led Federation expected an easy victory, but were caught off guard by the Hungarian fierceness and its American weaponry. In 2045, the two sides called an Armistice, brokered by Napoleon. Technically a draw, the Hungarians saw it as a great victory, and spread its influence into Poland, Romania, and the Balkans

Western Europe had now recovered. The United Republics of Europe was founded in 2042 as a counterbalance to Hungary and the EF. Comprised of the Nordic States, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Italy, Germany, Austria, and Iberia, it opposes the existential threats of Hungary, the EF, and the Imperial Republic.

In contrast, the United Kingdom, which miraculously weathered the storm and led now by King William V sought an alliance with the new American state, locking the two in an alliance.

Japan, too, fearing the power of China, sought an alliance with the American superpower. The Japanese sought its own Empire, and the Americans were happy to oblige as the Korean Peninsula fell to the combined armies of Japan and America. In return, much of the Pacific, except New Zealand and Australia, are virtual puppets to America.

In 2050, the Emperor, whose health was never good, died. Instead of leaving the throne to his 19 year old son Achilles, as many thought he would as Achilles was his father’s equal, the Emperor gave the throne to his 15 year old son Alexandre. The announcement shocked the world. The boy would be assisted in rule by his Council of Ministers, lead by his mother, Catherine, and Richard Drake the current Grand Vizier. Now, a year later, eyes are still on the young Emperor.
Leticia, Colombia. 7 June, 2051

The sun rose over the city. People were just beginning to wake up to begin their day. It was a hot and humid day. Near the river, fishermen were getting ready to go out. A dog's bark broke the silence of the quietly stirring city. For once in a what many citizens had felt like had been years, the city seemed to be at peace.

Suddenly, that peace was shattered. Gun fire erupted just outside the city. There was shouting in Spanish and in English. Some were screaming "For Rojas!" others were just screaming. And then, as soon as the fighting had started, it stopped.

The ground was littered with bodies. Mostly rebels, one or two soldiers. It was a terrible sight. But that didn't deter Prince Achilles. He casually stepped over the bodies as he talked with one of the commanding officers of the group.

"There were about 20 rebels sir. There are now 0. We lost 2 men so far. Private Mark Johnson and Private George Sanderson." The Officer reported to his Prince.

The Prince frowned. He would have to write the letters to the families himself. He hated having to do that. He was just happy he never had to actually confront the families.

"Have the rebels loaded onto the trucks. Send for body bags for our men." He paused. "What about Rojas?"

"We haven't seen him sir. He may have slipped away before we got here."

The Prince nodded. Another missed opportunity. How many more opportunities would he have? Rojas had avoided them for years now. For years they thought they would get closer, and for years he kept getting farther away. But Achilles knew that eventually, his patience would reward him.

As he began the walk back to camp, an aide ran up to him with a letter.

"Your majesty, a letter from the Grand Vizier."

The Prince raised and eyebrow and took it. Thankfully the aide had kept it sealed. He opened the envelope and read over the Grand Vizier's message. After he was done reading, he let out a sigh.

"General Smith, prepare my belongings. You are to take command of this group. It would appear as if I'm going home."
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Metropolis Orbis, 8 June 2051

The Emperor was bored. The most powerful 16 year old in the world was the young Alexandre Americae, second son of the greatest military leader in the last 200 years. Alexandre ruled most of the New World, yet he was sitting in class.

"...it was the Battle of Montreal that finally ended the Canadian Resistance. In days, their forces surrendered and your father was master of North America."

Minister of War Tanner, the young Emperor's tutor, was growing impatient. His student was dozing off again. He slammed his hand on the desk.

"Your Majesty, you must pay attention. To know your history is to know your future."

"Wasn't that one of Father's mottoes?" the boy said airly. The former General sighed.

"Yes, and he was 100% correct. It was the lack of knowledge in history that doomed the United States." But he could tell his ward wasn't listening. He finally relented.

"You're dismissed, Your Majesty. That's all for today." As the Emperor left, a courier arrived, bowing before the Minister.

"Your Excellency, word from His Highness Prince Achilles."

"Oh?" He grabbed the paper and broke the seal.

"It appears His Highness shall be returning home."
Metropolis Orbis, 8 June, 2051

Grand Vizier Richard Drake wipped the sweat off his brow. The southwest sun beat down upon him as he read over the reports from the day. He loved the former Emperor dearly, but he never could understand why he placed his capital in the American southwest. He should have placed the capital in Denver, or somewhere cold. Drake could deal with the cold.

He was wiping the sweat from his beard when his secretary approached him.

"Your excellency. The Prince has received your invitation."

The Grand Vizier looked up and smiled. "Thank you Jennifer." He looked back at his reports one last time, then put them down. He stood and buttoned the top of his shirt. He fixed his tie and returned inside. He passed through his office, looking briefly at the portrait of Emperor Napoleon. He left the office and walked down the hall. He had to find his new Emperor. Alexandre would be worried about the return of his brother to the capital. He had to make sure the Emperor understood.
Metropolis Orbis, 8 June, 2051

As William Tanner left his office, thinking about the return of Achilles, he ran into Mustafa Clarke. He smiled at his old friend.

"Mustafa old man, I had heard you were in Hungary. How are things there?" The Minister of Foreign Affairs bowed.

"They are well. Bako is word rattling again, pissing the Ruskies off. No, I don't think they'll be at war any time soon; the Reds are still licking their wounds. But enough of that. How are things here?" Tanner sighed.

"We're still hunting for this Rojas. Achilles is a fine commander, but Parliament and Her Majesty is hesitant to give any more support. I tell you Mustafa, I wish the Old Man were still here."

"Same, but what can we do?" Before Tanner could respond, the Grand Vizier turned the corner. Both Ministers bowed.

"Your Eminence, it's an honour," Tanner said with a smile. He always liked Drake. "what business do you have with us commoners," he said jokingly.
Metropolis Orbis. 8 June, 2051

Drake bowed to the two men. He struggled a bit to stand back up. Age had made his back weak and he struggled at times to do the simplest of tasks now.

"Minister Tanner, it is always a pleasure to see you. The honour is always mine." He turned to Clarke. "As with you Minister Clarke."

He checked his watch.

"I was on my way to see his Majesty the Emperor. I need to talk to him on why I decided to invite his brother to his birthday gala. Sadly, I'm not sure that the Emperor and his brother have a good relationship. I need him to understand that it is for the best of all of us if we keep Achilles inside the loop."
Imperial Palace, Metropolis Orbis, 8 June, 2051

Both Princes nodded gravely. They understood the tenuous position the brothers had. Tanner pointed down the hall.

"His Majesty just finished his history lesson. The Battle of Montreal, if you can believe it. Now those were times. Anyway, he should be with Her Majesty the Empress Dowager in her drawing room.."

Clarke stepped forward.

"Dick, I understand to the rest of the world we need to keep the façade that everything is perfect, but are you sure it's for the best the Viceroy returns? Bernstein will be mighty upset if something foes awry."
Imperial Palace, Metropolis Orbis, 8 June, 2051

"It may not be a great idea, but it is indeed necessary. Achilles has amazingly been quiet about the whole deal. I think he understands now that what Napoleon did was for the best. He always was his father's son. He understands what is best for the Empire. And besides, when he comes here and sees how well the Empire has been doing since his father's death it might rid him of any...idea's he might have."

He paused and looked around.

"And also, it will only be a few days. After the gala, we can ship him back off to Mexico."
Imperial Palace, Metropolis Orbis, 8 June, 2051

The Ministers nodded.

"Well, you probably know what is for the best; that's why you were His Majesty's favourite," Clarke said with a wink. "In any event, once you've explained everything to His Majesty, there is something I have to discuss with you, before I present it to the Council. I'm sure you'll understand what I mean."

With a bow, Clarke made his leave of both Princes. Tanner similarly bowed.

"I also should be going. Military matters: you understand."
Imperial Palace, Metropolis Orbis, 8 June, 2051

Drake bowed once more to Tanner and then walked away. It was always good to see a good friend like Tanner.

He continued on his way to the Empress Dowager's room. He nodded to the guard's outside the room, then knocked on the door.

A voice from the other side answered. "Come in."

The Grand Vizier entered. Inside he found the Empress Dowager Catherine sitting beside her son. She smiled at him.

"Richard. It is always good to see you."

"And it is good to see you as well, your majesty."

She turned to her son. "Alexandre was just telling me that you sent an invitation to Achilles for the Emperor's birthday." Her smile faded. "I'm not sure I understand why."

"That's why I was coming here." He turned to Alexandre. "Your majesty, I know you and your brother don't have the greatest of relationships right now, but you must understand why he is coming here. Achilles is one of the most important men in the Empire. He is in charge of one of our largest dominions and is one of our most important military commanders. Though Achilles has strained his relationship with the Empire, he is still a necessary component to our Empire. Having him at your birthday will make sure he remains loyal to your rule. And it will dispel any nasty rumors that the international community might have about him."
Imperial Palace, Metropolis Orbis, 8 June, 2051

The young Emperor listened to the Grand Vizier's words. He understood what he meant.

"You mean, you want him here so our enemies will think we are stronger than we are, and so they won't know he's a homosexual."

The Emperor knew he was right, but that wasn't really important. He didn't care whether Achilles was there or not: but he didn't like the talk he heard of some Lords and Senators suggesting the Viceroy of Mexico would make a better Emperor.
Imperial Palace, Metropolis Orbis, 8 June, 2051

Both Drake and Catherine remained silent for a moment. The two exchanged glances. Finally, Catherine spoke up.

"The rumors about your brother's sexuality are not what he was referring to."

"No. The international community just needs to see that he is still as much a member of this family as he always has been. If he were to be absent, it might make the family seem weak. Those rumors about your brother are just that. Rumors. His wife, the Princess Emilia, shall also join him. But as I said, it is important we show the world that this is a strong, united family."
Imperial Palace, Metropolis Orbis, 8 June, 2051

"All right, if it's for the best of the Nation." Alexandre turned his gaze back to his mother.

"Mother, if we're so worried about what the rest of the world thinks about Achilles, than why don't we keep him here than allow him to fight against the South Americans?'
Imperial Palace, Metropolis Orbis, 8 June, 2051

The Empress looked at her son blankly. Drake knew that she didn't have an answer for that. Or at least, she didn't have a practical answer for that. He knew that there was a simple explanation, but not one that she could bring herself to say in front of her son. So she just smiled and began to speak calmly.

"Oh my sweet son. There are just some things that have to be. Your brother is most useful for us fighting the rebels in South America and keeping the peace in our southern dominions. The world only needs to see Achilles when it is necessary. And right now, is one of those times."
Imperial Palace, Metropolis Orbis, 8 June, 2051

The boy nodded

"All right, Mother, if you say so." He turned back to Drake.

"Your Eminence," the words did sound a bit strange coming out of the boy, but Alexandre did attempt to maintain the formalities put in place by his Father, "if that is all, we can bid you farewell"
Imperial Palace, Metropolis Orbis, 8 June, 2051

The Grand Vizier bowed and saw himself out. As he walked down the hall, he reflected on what had just happened. It had gone better than expected at least. Her majesty had taken the news surprisingly well. He wished Alexandre had been more understanding though. He would have to prepare the young Emperor more in the upcoming days to deal with his brother at the gala.

Soon, he came upon Minister Mustafa Clarke's office. Remembering that Clarke wanted to talk to him, he knocked on the door.
Imperial Palace, Metropolis Orbis, 8 June, 2051

Clarke smiled he opened the door.

"Ah Dick, good, please, sit down." The Minister of Foreign Affairs closed the door and poured some drinks.

"I hope His Majesty and my sister were well? Regardless, onto more important matters," The Minister took a sip as he sat back down.

"These...rumours surrounding Prince Achilles are disheartening, but I've been in negotiations with the leaders of our allies, and I think I know a way to quell any talk of treason whilst also strengthening our hand. His Imperial Majesty needs to secure the legitimate line of succession: he needs to get married. Not right away, of course, but if he were to become betrothed it would rally support at home and abroad."
Imperial Palace, Metropolis Orbis, 8 June, 2051

The Grand Vizier smiled.

"A royal wedding is always good for the public. I remember when Napoleon married Catherine. It was such a grand thing." He thought back to that day. Those days had been full of hope. The new Empire was being legitimized and soon enough, an heir would be born to the new couple. The dynasty was mad legitimate and it seemed as if nothing could bring down the Empire. How things had changed since the death of his Majesty.

"Did you have any idea's on who his Majesty could marry?" There were numerous lords and nobles now in the Americas. Allies of the first Emperor who had helped strengthen his rule had been made lords and ladies. And then there were the other royal families around the world to choose from. Though a match with an American lord would probably be better for them all he thought. It'd be too dangerous to get mixed up with foreigners.
Imperial Palace, Metropolis Orbis, 8 June, 2051

"I could easily produce a list of eligible maidens for His Imperial Majesty to marry, and although a match with an American is preferable, a union with an already established Royal Family would greatly strengthen our own Royal Family's legitimacy as well. Indeed, it would also provide a stronger link to one of our allies, such as Great Britain or Japan."
Imperial Palace, Metropolis Orbis, 8 June, 2051

He thought about it for a moment.

"The British King will not go for it. No matter how much they claim to be our friends, he'd rather see his daughter married to some one else from Britain. Now, the Japanese Emperor on the other hand might be more receptive to a marriage pact. It would strengthen our ties greatly."

He pause for a moment.

"Though, I do believe an Imperial would be preferable. We don't want to make any of our nobles mad that they were overlooked."
Imperial Palace, Metropolis Orbis, 8 June, 2051

The Prince nodded.

"We'll bring it up at the next Council meeting. I'll prepare a list of Imperial Maidens as well, for their discussion." He paused for a moment.

"Although, I don't think this is a matter we should bring up with anyone else, until then. I don't know how my Sister will react, or Prince Achilles, for that matter. We'll keep it between us until after the Gala."
Imperial Palace, Metropolis Orbis, 8 June, 2051

"A smart idea. We'll Clarke, it's always good talking with you. Until next time."

He gave a small bow, and then showed himself out of the room. As he walked back to his office, he thought about all that had happened today. Prince Achilles was going to return home, and now he was conspiring to get the Emperor married. Things were going to get exciting around here.
Imperial Palace, Metropolis Orbis, 8 June, 2051

Not long after the Grand Vizier left, another figured appeared in Clarke's office. Adam Smith, the Empire's Minister of the Interior and Intelligence, seemingly materialised before Mustafa Clarke. Clarke was always on friendly terms with the enigmatic Minister: they worked closely together, most of the time.

"Smith, what brings you to my abode?" He asked.

"I see Dick just left," he said in his smoky voice-an effect of too much whisky.

"Well, yes, we were-"

"Discussing marriage plans, yes, I know, but that's not why I'm here. When the Gala is over, I have some news for you." Before the Minister of Foreign Affairs could respond, Smith already saw himself out. Clarke sighed as he returned to his work.
London, UK. 10 June, 2051

A police siren sounded somewhere outside, breaking the silence in the city. It was a beautiful day. The sun was hanging over the city among a clear blue sky. When he had been outside, the Prime Minister had heard birds chirping, children playing, and the sounds of people going about their daily business. Jack Kelly thought about taking his wife out to lunch as well. It had been quite some time since he and Lauren had gone out. He knew she'd love it, to remind her of the days before he had been made Prime Minister. He smiled to himself as he looked out the window. He looked at his reflection in the mirror. For a man in his late forties, he thought he still looked pretty good. His hair was still brown, with just a touch of gray, and he had only a few wrinkles around his eyes. His glasses helped cover them though. He parted his hair a bit to the left, he knew his wife liked that.

As he was looking outside, there came a knock at the door.


His secretary entered the room.

"Sir, it's Grand Vizier Drake."

The Prime Minister sighed. "Alright, I'll take it. Thank you."

He moved to his desk and sat down. He hesitated for a second, then picked up the phone. "Drake."

"Jack. Good to hear you again. How's your wife? Been a while since we've seen each other. Listen, I'm sure you're aware that the Emperor's birthday is coming up soon. I just wanted to remind you that you are invited to our gala in his honor."

Actually, Kelly had forgotten about the Emperor's birthday. It was probably about time he made note of that. "Thank you your excellency for the reminder. You may tell his Majesty that I will attend...Remind me though what day it is."

"It's the 21st of June. The beginning of summer."

"Right. Thank you. I shall do all I can to make it."

"Wonderful news. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must call some other people. I look forward to talking to you then."

When the Grand Vizier hung up, Kelly let out another sigh. He didn't care about the Emperor. And he didn't want to travel to America to inflate his ego further. But oh well, it was just for a night. After that, he could go back to not caring in the slightest about his Majesty. And for now, he had a date to get to.
Imperial Palace, Metropolis Orbis, 10 June, 2051

Minister of War Tanner was getting antsy. In a few hours, the Viceroy of Mexico's plane would be landing, for his first visit to the capital since his Father's funeral. For whatever reason, Smith decided to let the military handle the security preparations. A large honour guard would wait at the airstrip, of course, with special ops forces situated around the city just in case. He and the rest of the Council would of course meet the Prince at the airstrip, along with the Empress Dowager.

"We'll just get the formalities out of the way, and have Achilles holed up in his official Capital Palace," the Minister said to no one in particular. He was, after all, alone in his room.

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