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Fantasy The Raven Knights OOC

@Onikuma I'm very sorry. I probably should've asked first. Won't happen again. :)

No worries, my brother in arms. Like I said, it ain't no thing. Besides, the Revenant might have a few fun tricks up his sleeve you guys have yet to see. ;) Buuuuut, they'll have to wait until after I wake up from this nyquil kicking my head in. 
Huh. I got really confused on where everyone is and I inserted my character in a place she shouldn't be...

What happens if your character is not going on the trip or is not fighting the revenant?

Do they stay in the great hall??
Heya, guys. I'll have to get my post in tonight sometime. I gotta leave for work in 30 and I'm still down with that cold, so needless to say, I'm having a great time. Anyways, expect me to get to you guys this evening and in the meantime, enjoy your pre-Thanksgiving festivities.

@Tanfam - I don't know what Skaia has intended for you, I'd go talk to him.
So, I dropped the ball on posting. In the battle of Man vs Nyquil, Nyquil had a pretty resounding victory. My ass was grass. Anywho...


I hope you all stay safe out there and enjoy your day. And if you aren't celebrating, I still wish you all the same.

Much love, guys!
So, I dropped the ball on posting. In the battle of Man vs Nyquil, Nyquil had a pretty resounding victory. My ass was grass. Anywho...


I hope you all stay safe out there and enjoy your day. And if you aren't celebrating, I still wish you all the same.

Much love, guys!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! If you need me I'll be eating the much hated cranberry sauce... which might just be my favorite partif everyone would like to let me know which thanksgiving side best describes their personality that would be amazing. I'm pretty sassy like cranberry sauce. 
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So, I dropped the ball on posting. In the battle of Man vs Nyquil, Nyquil had a pretty resounding victory. My ass was grass. Anywho...


I hope you all stay safe out there and enjoy your day. And if you aren't celebrating, I still wish you all the same.

Much love, guys!

Onikuma, I can't help but to ask why you call thanksgiving "turkey day"

I have a sneaking suspicion but I don't want to reveal it until you gave your reason.

@Lexi Whittaker - Which side best describes my personality... let's see. I'd say potatoes. I start off rough, but with a little work I become mushy goodness.

@Tanfam - Thanksgiving is to Turkey like Christmas is to Santa. Gobble gobble, Tan. Gobble gobble.

Anywho! I'm gonna get to posting right now for those who've been waiting. Thanks for being patient!
Heya, guys! So, I'm gonna be dipping in and out today, and I probably won't have time to post right away, so I wanted to give you guys the heads up as usual. Also, I will be partying again, so any drunken messages should be ignored. :P  

Thank you guys for keeping up the great writing!
Thank you, Skaia. -_- Anywhoooooo, yes, I got them out. I gather from my driver's report of my post-sedation antics that I fist bumped a nurse and said, "Thanks for the good work, homie." I then posted a status to Facebook while giggling madly. I'm proud to report I was tame. And now I'm numb as hell. But yeah, I'm gonna be on the couch for a few days. Let's write. <3
Thank you, Skaia. -_- Anywhoooooo, yes, I got them out. I gather from my driver's report of my post-sedation antics that I fist bumped a nurse and said, "Thanks for the good work, homie." I then posted a status to Facebook while giggling madly. I'm proud to report I was tame. And now I'm numb as hell. But yeah, I'm gonna be on the couch for a few days. Let's write. <3

Oh to see you post-sedation would have made my day. I recently had a patient coming off sedation who flipped me off lol. I probably deserved it... Wishing for a quick recovery (:
Oh to see you post-sedation would have made my day. I recently had a patient coming off sedation who flipped me off lol. I probably deserved it... Wishing for a quick recovery (:

I was so worried about being one of those cases, just obnoxious as can be, so I was thankful to find out I wasn't. Still, you should've flipped them off right back. They probably deserved it more.
Hey, guys. We've been super quiet, so I wanted to check in. I apologize for my absence again, I've been in and out with the painkillers in my system. Either way, I wanna get things up and moving again. So, I'm gonna go back on what I said previously and give control of the Revenant to you guys. As he helped conceive the idea, @Andraus will get to decide the course of battle from here on. As for the group heading to Arranhall, I'll do another time skip today when my head is clearer. Thank you guys for being so patient. <3
I know some of you have messaged us wondering what's the hold up, so I'm doing this post on behalf of Skaia. The holidays are a busy time. We're working like crazy, a lot of folks are doing finals at school and stuff, so things are slowing down for the moment. We're going to try to make some extra time to keep things going, but again, we always appreciate your patience with these things. If you guys want to, and have the time, please continue posting! Kill the revenant, get to some character development, whatever you like. We encourage it. In the meantime, trust that we'll keep jumping in and do what we can to keep the story moving when we get the chance. @HumansArentReal is also a moderator and as such can keep things progressing, so keep that in mind. Anyways, much love guys, happy holidays and thank you again.

Also, @Lexi Whittaker, I know I'm holding you up waiting on my post, and I apologize. <3  I owe you big time for waiting. I'll post tonight, promise!

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