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Fantasy The Raven Knights OOC

I'm really glad to hear that you guys are enjoying yourselves! As for pulling out them swords, keep your eyes peeled, I'm about to post in the main thread and start phase 2. Get out those sharpening stones!
@OnikumaI demand the right to have Metallica's Enter Sandman as my character's theme song. The fact that we fail to incorporate this feature in the Character Applications has damaged me so! I can now see the many humorous use for this.   
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Aw yeah, things are heating up. Seeing as how so many other posters are willing to go to King Dedrick.....I wonder if an undead can be confused. ;)
Something tells me a lot of our fine folks wanna go fight some baddies. I can't blame 'em either, I kinda wish I could go fight The Revenant of Montiven!

Also, FYI everyone! I'd like you all to give a big round of applause in congratulating @HumansArentReal in becoming our newest moderator! We are personally very thankful for the extra help! This means that questions, concerns and/or approvals can go through Humans and their word is as good as our own. Thank you all for keeping this train a-rolling! Here's to the next chapter!
Ah, me and Human know each other in real life so she's actually my DM but I'm the one with the dice.
It seems like DMs get all the attention. I wouldn't mind to DM but it would have to be by post as well as I would need a creative plot.
Yeah I'd need to be taking sooooo many notes while DMing and I'd always be paranoid that my base story is boring people or that I wouldn't have an answer for whatever they did.
Dude -

Try DMing Hatt :I Pls.

I question myself about all the groups decisions.
Someone stole a sheep, and Hatt slept with a crime boss for money


We stole the sheep because our Orc had tamed it and had it follow her. Trust me, I was ready to ask to kill the sheep but hey, if you have 7 strength and the Orc has 17 strength, I think anyone would back away from that. 

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