• This section is for roleplays only.
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Fantasy The Raven Knights OOC

I'm enjoying the posts you've all submitted in the RP area. And, just so no one gets completely blindsided, I am planning quite a bit of character development for Fjord. Granted, this character development won't stray from the lore or anything like that. :)
@Skaia I know. It's just that I've had bad experiences in the past in this sort of scenario. I guess some people don't like unexpected character development; probably something about how the character sheet should be all that there is to the character or the like. I can't say for certain.
@SkaiaHow many people are accepted btw? Just trying to figure out how my character would know people or the time period which they all were sort of there. (my brain is like brain farting right now).
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I'm enjoying the posts you've all submitted in the RP area. And, just so no one gets completely blindsided, I am planning quite a bit of character development for Fjord. Granted, this character development won't stray from the lore or anything like that. :)

@BlightGiver I look forward to your next post. Seems like a distinctive and defiant character.
@SkaiaHow many people are accepted btw? Just trying to figure out how my character would know people or the time period which they all were sort of there. (my brain is like brain farting right now).

@Hatt730 Oh Lord, I'm not entirely sure to be honest. I think we have 5-6 so far. However, I'm still reading through applications. 
No, there's no established order, especially since right now is an open debate in the rp. We just ask that people either tag those they're dealing with and maintain some semblance of order by not double posting and such.
No, there's no established order, especially since right now is an open debate in the rp. We just ask that people either tag those they're dealing with and maintain some semblance of order by not double posting and such.

Oh, thank you! :D
Okay, due to some mix up I need any and all people that have yet to be approved to  comment, "Still Waiting." If you please. We are still accepting applications and are doing are best to stay ahead of this. However, we do have lives outside of the Forums that do tend to forget what we have and have not approved. Sorry for the mess up!
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I know. That was why i was avoiding pestering you about it. 

I am still waiting.

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Also, in addition to the above post, I'm advising everyone as of now to ignore @Nyctophiliac's post in the main thread. Their character was never approved for roleplay and the situation is being handled. This is the second time this has occurred and I must say, @Skaia and I are disappointed at how some folks are handling the denial of their applications. This is our roleplay, our brainchild, and if that is something that you can not respect, please move on to greener pastures.

For those of you still here, going through the proper channels and putting out applications in accordance to what we've asked, we thank you. From the bottom of our hearts, you are truly making this an experience we can be excited about, and we want to return that favor to you in kind. I have the entire day off from work, so I will be available to help answer questions and such. Also, plot progression will begin today, so if you have yet to post in the main thread after you've been approved, please do so. We'll do our best to get to every application in question today, so as Skaia said, let us know here if you're still waiting on a verdict.

In addition to all of this, yes, it is true that we all have lives outside the roleplay. I'm a chef, I work a lot of nights and weekends. Skaia works like a dog as well. We cannot get to everyone at every second of the day. That said, due to the demand, we are going to be looking to bring on one, maybe two more moderators to help us in approving applications and maintaining things in the main thread. If you're interested, please PM me today.

Thank you all for your patience,

@Onikuma, @Skaia Thank you so much for resilient with people who don't read the lore or follow the stories guidelines! It honestly makes frustrated to see them, I wish you the best with the applications. 
Congratulations to those that got approved; can't wait to see what you post :D  And to those still making a character that is yet to be approved; I wish you luck.
Thanks. :)  I hope I can be approved once I make the necessary changes, if not, I shall be relentless. It's not like I have life anyway.  

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