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Fantasy The Raven Knights OOC

Pssh. Lives aren't that important. All you need is 100 coins and you get another one.

Anyhow, if you look on the Character Applications page, I thought I saw your name. It just hasn't been linked back to you
Derp - I see it now, thanks Humans.

@Skaia, @Onikuma

I wouldn't have minded toning down the power level, but I'm way too fond of world building to enjoy a RP where the lore is static and immutable instead of something for the players to build and expand on (especially when the whole "Elves are as mysterious as magic itself" descriptor seems to be an invitation for that sort of thing), so I'm going to bow out of this one. Cheers!
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Glad to see that people are getting the correct impression of Fjord. :D  He's the down to earth kind of guy; even under the effects of alcohol.
@Darth Gangsta - I have to ask, because I really don't know how many times I can repeat myself on this, but did you actually read any of the lore in the extra information section? As I've said before, if this isn't something you want to do, this roleplay probably isn't for you. No offense, but we have no place for anything outside the knight's order at this time. Perhaps in the future, sure, but as of now we need to get this story off the ground and this is what it's going to take to do that.

@Fear Fates - I really hope I didn't cause any offense about the grammar comment, because like I said, that's not my intention. We just need to maintain a certain theme and sense of immersion here and grammar is half of that contribution, ya know? I appreciate you tackling the challenge of fixing your bio and really look forward to what comes next! You've got spirit to keep trying and I love that!

@ARSENIC - I appreciate your application, but for the sake of getting the story off the ground, we just don't have room for excess lore. It's only going to get convoluted and cause problems. Perhaps in the future, sure, maybe. We do plan on expanding the world later on and our members will play a large role in that (Eradona is but one continent after all), but for now, I respect that you opt to bow out and wish you luck in your future endeavors.

@Hatt730 @HumansArentReal - u wot m8s?

@BlightGiver - I really dig Fjord being the honorary comic relief and ass-kicking Dwarf of our little story. He's gonna do great things. Great, intoxicated things.
@Hatt730 If this were an Oingo Boingo song, it'd be a Dead Meme's Party. Who could ask for more? Every meme is coming, leave your respect at the door. :P

You called...
Different strokes for different folks, I suppose.

Anywho, as a PSA to all you fine writers out there, I'm going to be updating the Extra Information forum in a tiny bit with a list of key characters to be aware of, as well as a brief description of them. Keep your eyes peeled for that.

Also, expect the plot thread to be progressing shortly, so try to get some posts in if you're intending to speak at the gathering.

Thanks, all!
The Key Characters tab is up! Here's the link, please read over it when you get the time! Also, if you're interested in playing one of the available characters, message Skaia or myself and we'll go over the requirements with you.
To all those who have been accepted into the Raven Knights, I want to express my deepest appreciation to you and your wonderful characters. With @Onikumataking command of your questions, responses and applications in my weirdly placed absence, I know this has been quite a shaky start. But, I do assure you that we are up and running, and are still reading and open to new  character applications. I never thought that we would've had such an awesome turnout for our concept to this story. So, thank you all for being outstandingly amazing.

@Darth Gangsta - I have to ask, because I really don't know how many times I can repeat myself on this, but did you actually read any of the lore in the extra information section? As I've said before, if this isn't something you want to do, this roleplay probably isn't for you. No offense, but we have no place for anything outside the knight's order at this time. Perhaps in the future, sure, but as of now we need to get this story off the ground and this is what it's going to take to do that.

@Fear Fates - I really hope I didn't cause any offense about the grammar comment, because like I said, that's not my intention. We just need to maintain a certain theme and sense of immersion here and grammar is half of that contribution, ya know? I appreciate you tackling the challenge of fixing your bio and really look forward to what comes next! You've got spirit to keep trying and I love that!

@ARSENIC - I appreciate your application, but for the sake of getting the story off the ground, we just don't have room for excess lore. It's only going to get convoluted and cause problems. Perhaps in the future, sure, maybe. We do plan on expanding the world later on and our members will play a large role in that (Eradona is but one continent after all), but for now, I respect that you opt to bow out and wish you luck in your future endeavors.

@Hatt730 @HumansArentReal - u wot m8s?

@BlightGiver - I really dig Fjord being the honorary comic relief and ass-kicking Dwarf of our little story. He's gonna do great things. Great, intoxicated things.

I was being sarcastic, I did read the lore and I don't see how I was going against the lore. 
I'm trying to find a pic for my character. Does anyone know any good image banks or search terms? I want a middle-aged male, hunter or knight image, a little rugged around the edges...

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