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Fantasy The Queens Guard

The bow of the Prominent: Present Day

Waves crashed against the ship, making its creaky hulk lightly sway to and fro. Sailors bellowed and cursed at each other as they unfurled and tied away sails. Aurum's honor guard groaned as they helped in whatever way they could, be it scrubbing the deck or manning the oars, or even ladling out gruel at dinnertime. Sure the work could be considered below their station, but it would be good for them. Every one of them will command one day, Aurum thought, let them work for it.

The small thunk of wood on wood returned Aurum's attention to the chess board. The captain, whom Aurum had had to practically force to take a moment to relax, smiled toothlessly across the table at him as he swiped a badly painted black rook from the battlefield. "Not so bad fer a beginner, eh, First General?" Aurum smiled back at him. Despite the man's glee, the rook had just told him how he would win.

Knights in front, pawn in back, bishop across the board, both queens taken. 45 moves.

Still, the captain was an honest, good-natured fellow. Might as well let him believe that he was smarter than he was.

The afternoon sun beat strongly on their backs as they exchanged pieces. Antiga had long since faded in the distance, and with each mile Aurum relaxed. He had missed this. The sea and salt. The honest folk. The feeling of adventure. Would that he could have taken the helm and steered them to some far off land undiscovered by man. Duty bade him otherwise.

"Captain! First General!" two voices shouted at once.

Lieutenant Haren and some sailor, most likely the first mate, ran shoulder to shoulder up the stairs to the upper deck. At first they spoke over each other, their words mingling unintelligibly. A hard stare from the captain silenced them both. Aurum nodded to the sailor, much to his lieutenant's disappointment.

"Captain! Ship sighted off the starboard bow. T'ain't flyin' no flag."

"Pirates." the captain grumbled. He turned to Aurum. "There's been an infestation of 'em. Ain't no way we can out run 'em. Not with our load."

"Don't worry about that." Aurum said, standing. "My men can take care of them."

Unable to wait any longer, Lieutenant Haren jumped in. "Their not pirates! Ship is too small." "Of course their bleedin' pirates you half wit! Any sailor who knows his salt can spot a pirate!" "And any soldier worth a damn knows a warship you blockhead!"

"Enough!" Aurum's shout silenced the whole ship it seemed. He could be very intimidating at his full height, and he was more than a little annoyed at the two boy's bickering. Pirates or no, a ship with no flag was a dangerous thing on the open sea, and Aurum didn't like the thought of an unknown ship in Celaise. At best it was a trading vessel with a lazy crew. At worst...

"Captain. Ram the ship."

"E-excuse me?"


The crew scrambled to follow his orders, even as his own men scrambled to prepare for battle. Aurum simply walked towards the bow. Underfoot, the Prominent groaned as its girth swung towards the ship in question. At first glance, it looked like a normal Gracian trading galley. Poison and peaches often come in the same crates. Even loaded with meats and produce as she was, the Prominent proved to be a fast ship. The distance between the two ships closed in a matter of minutes, and soon Aurum could see the other crew scrambling to move their ship out of the way. It would matter if they succeeded or not.

The moment they were close enough, Aurum broke into a dead sprint and leapt onto the other deck. The smell of dung hit him like a hot wave as he landed, and only years of discipline kept him standing. Around him, shirtless sailors and armored mercenaries drew their weapons. Not well enough maintained to be soldiers, and too new to have seen hard use.


Aurum's right hand shot out to his side. For a moment nothing happened. A small light began to burn in Aurum's palm. It twisted and jerked like fire, burning brighter by the second before finally erupting out in a long, slender shaft of brilliant white fire. Aurum gripped his lance tightly in both hands, and rushed forward.

The first man hadn't even had time to react before Aurum rent him in twain, both pieces burning at their ends. The second raised his sword in defense, but the cold steel melted before he to was slain. "Surrender or die." he shouted. They rushed him all at once. Fools.

Aurum began to flow through the forms, years of practice making his movements effortless. He spun in place, his lance darting in and out of the fray, felling men wherever it landed. It spun around his body in wide arcs and shallow thrusts. Blades whooshed by his head and torso just barely out of reach. Even without Celaise's blessing, this would have been a slaughter. Soon enough, it was over. Twenty men lay burning around him. The others threw down their weapons in fear.

Behind him came the the thud of grappling hooks and boarding planks. Both his men and the sailors of the Prominent came rushing over, weapons drawn and snarling, ready for a fight that was already done. Aurum began to bark orders above the noise.

"Orest! Tie up these men and take them as prisoners. Don't harm them unless they fight. Haren, take three men below and find out what the hell they were smuggling. Captain, I believe you were about to take my queen." The captain just gaped at him.

Twenty minutes and one checkmate later, lieutenant Haren marched up to him with a look of utter bewilderment. "Sir. Its.... wyverns. They were smuggling wyverns."

Interesting. "How many soldier?" "26"

Aurum didn't let his shock show on his face. Wyverns were very, very expensive and very, very rare. If properly trained they could be flown vast distances in very little time. Aurum didn't get his hopes up. Riding wyverns of any worth came with special saddles from breeders at a premium cost. These were black market wyverns most likely captured in the wild. He'd heard one story about a man who tried to ride one bareback. One very brutal story. Hundreds of times.

"I'm assuming they didn't have any tack."

"They did."

This time the shock did show on his face. Black market riding wyverns. Just when you think you've seen everything.

"Those beasts could save us a weeks worth of travel. Get them saddled Lieutenant."

Haren saluted and ran off with his orders. Wyverns. They could be in Alexandria's borders by nightfall. What an incredible stroke of luck. Praise be Celaise! Not much daylight left though. Wyverns didn't do well in darkness. They would have to make camp during the night.

"Captain. Do you know of any villages within a few hours flight from here?"

The Captain tugged on his fluffy white beard for a moment. "Not really a flyin' man sir. No, my feet were made for salt. Most maps I've seen say a village called Sunspan is pretty close to Antiga though. Might be close to here."

Aurum nodded. Sunspan was a small hovel on Alexandria's southern border, if he remembered correctly. It would be a perfect place to land.

Wyverns. By the goddess there is no way I get that lucky twice. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that whole village is going to be on fire.
Buras hacked away at the Bull Wrath. Each swing of his massive, two handed ax tore flesh and another gaping wound was made on the beast. Now, if were alive it would matter. However, it was very much dead. Buras was just currently stuck in one of his battle rages. Current;y, he was working on hacking off one of the legs. A horn was broken off and thrown across the battlefield. And the head was heavily scarred, having both eyes cleaved in half with a single swing.

After a few more minutes, Buras finally calmed down enough to lower his weapon. Looking around, he sees the carnage he has wrought upon the creature. Setting the haft of his ax down, he leans on it and ponders what he has done. One quick glance, and he gave a satisfied nod. He had done good. Now, all he had to do was get some of those plants. Might as well fill a couple pouches on his saddle with the stuff, so they didn't have to come back soon.

"Sven! Den tre!" he shouted, and soon enough the sloshing, splashing noise of a horse in a swamp could be heard. Patting the horse, he guides it over to the source of the singing plant. It had red leaves, and stem. But it had a beautiful yellow bloom on it's top, easily sticking out of the from the marshy landscape.
Castle Grounds

Exodus gave Reina a smile as she stomped off to go to the baths. "She is really angry," Exodus said to himself when he was sure Reina was out of hearing range " I hope the bath will help out with that." Exodus then started to make his way to search for Sumiko, but he remembered that he had already sent Amber to look for her. " I need to get ready for guard duty anyway so I should just leave it to Amber," Exodus thought as he made his way to the baths.

When he made it to the opening he was greeted by a blast of steam and an older woman who ran the bath house. She was a striking figure and although she had about ten years on Exodus she looked around his age. " Hey Hahlua, everything going ok here?," Exodus asked. Hahlua gave I'm a nod." Some of the boys got a little rowdy a few days ago while playing in the baths, but other then that everything is fine love," Hahlua responded " Did you come to check on your baths?" Exodus shook his head no. "I will come check everything after work," Exodus said " I actually invited a few of the guards to the baths, so I planed to join them. Speaking of which have you seen Reina, She is about this tall and as intimidating as seven bears. She was probably stomping through while cursing." Hahlua laughed and pointed to the third bathing room. "She is hard to miss," Hahlua mentioned " And she also scared off everyone else who though of going into that bath." Hahlua then ran a finger down Exodus's bare chest. " We haven't had a bath together in a while," Hahlua said staring down Exodus with lust filled eyes " How about you leave that funless wonder and join me in your personal bath." Exodus grabbed her hand which was drawing circles on his chest and gave her a smile. " She may be a little rough, but she is still a friend," Exodus said " I gave her my word and I will keep to it. We can meet up tomorrow if you like. I've wanted to hear about your new guy anyway. Everyone in town says he is a trouble maker." Hahlua motioned as if she was going to respond to the last comment, but stopped and just nodded in agreement. " Alright then," Hahlua said " I will see you tomorrow, enjoy the bath. Also what do you want me to do with the extra money from the baths." Exodus started to walk off when Hahlua said she would see him tomorrow, but stopped to respond when she asked him a question. " Well since everyone must have already gotten their pay, save a little in case we need supplies," Exodus said " Give the rest to the shelters and anyone who needs it." Hahlua cocked her head and rolled her eyes before saying " You own this place, you should at least give yourself something for that. Plus your always cleaning and fixing things around here. Take a little at least, everyone would understand." Exodus turned and walked off to the bath as he said " I have never needed money and I still don't. Give it to people who do. I will see you tomorrow Hahlua."

Exodus made his way into the bath and found Reina inside. He then took off his clothes and cleaned himself while off to the side before getting in. Exodus smiled as he saw Renia. She seemed much more relaxed. " No one can hate a good bath," Exodus told Renia as he relaxed and sank deeper in the bath " I will let you decide. Do you want to talk or just sit in silence? I would recommend talking. The baths are a great place to talk and vent out your frustrations or just catch up. Trust me I have spent a lot of time hearing and talking about issues." Exodus then just sat back and waited for Renia. " Also, I sent some one for Sumiko," Exodus added " If she is coming she should be here soon."

Inside the Sunspan tomb

A shadow came up to him and reported. "O so one of them can fight," Maxis said " I will have to add him to my collection." Maxis paused as he got more information. "O his defense is starting to crumble," Maxis said rolling his eyes " Sad, those are just low level dead. I expected more." He paused for another moment. " O so you have not joined the battle yet," Maxis said " And no one has gone to Sunspan yet....You were waiting to see if you were needed...Alright I understand." Maxis' eyes flashed red as he grabbed the shadow by the neck and lifted him off the ground. "I though I had made myself clear earlier," Maxis said as another shadow approached " O so he is running, that is sad." Maxis the clenched his fist and the shadow burst apart with a shriek. This shadows then pooled towards his chest and then disappeared under his clothes. "I was quite sure that I had given you orders," Maxis quietly said as he glared at the other shadows around him. The shadows the cascaded through the tomb.

When the undead saw their comrade fall they turned their attention to the cause and went after the warrior. With the undead's attention diverted some of the soldiers that remained managed to kill a few more undead after watching Skylar. When she gave the word the soldiers started their retreat. As they did shadows flooded through the tomb entrance. As the soldiers looked to see what happened they were all cut down by the swift, disciplined, and precise attacks of the shadows. Unlike the undead from before these shadows moved with military precision and were all armed and dressed like combat veterans or generals. After the initial slaughter they turned their attention to the only remaining warrior, but they didn't act. In fact they took a knee.

Maxis walked out of the tomb to see the bodies and a lone warrior running to mount his horse. The undead and the shadows both held their position. " You must be the one I heard so much about," Maxis yelled " It is good to see that someone here might be worth something." Maxis looked back to the surroundings. " O one second," Maxis said as he held out is hand palm up and then raised it slightly. A black and purple substance came from the bodies and then gathered itself near Maxis before disappearing under his shirt. Soon after the bodies rose as undead. "Sad," Maxis said as he looked at the newly formed undead " These guys must have been low tier warriors, I didn't get a single hollow from them." Maxis then returned his attention to the warrior who neared their horse. "Hollows go and destroy Sunspan," Maxis said " Kill anyone strong and round up the ones who don't resist for me later. Undead you go after the warrior with the horse." The two groups the split at his command. " I am going to kill you now," Maxis yelled to the warrior as he walked his eyes flashing red " I would run if I was you. Although I really hope you wont. Let the hunt begin."

@SirDerpingtonIV @too much idea @Athenian

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May those poor men rest in peace. Skylar prayed, as she mount her horse. She started to regret her decision not to stand and fight, but it will be useless if she died and rose as one of them. Skylar take a good look at their leader, then at his shadow soldiers, before turning away and started to rush back to Sunspar. Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit.

Skylar hoped that she managed to arrive in Sunspar, warning them and evacuating the townspeople before the so called Hollows get them first. But the Undead is hot in her tails.

Skylar devised a plan, where she will try to take on these Hollow alone. They are faster and more dangerous, let the soldiers handle the Undead while evacuating people and slowly retreating.

Skylar prayed to the Northern Star for a help, and hoped that Queen Margaret have received the message and that reinforcement is in their way.
Enolx said:
Castle Grounds
Exodus gave Reina a smile as she stomped off to go to the baths. "She is really angry," Exodus said to himself when he was sure Reina was out of hearing range " I hope the bath will help out with that." Exodus then started to make his way to search for Sumiko, but he remembered that he had already sent Amber to look for her. " I need to get ready for guard duty anyway so I should just leave it to Amber," Exodus thought as he made his way to the baths.

When he made it to the opening he was greeted by a blast of steam and an older woman who ran the bath house. She was a striking figure and although she had about ten years on Exodus she looked around his age. " Hey Hahlua, everything going ok here?," Exodus asked. Hahlua gave I'm a nod." Some of the boys got a little rowdy a few days ago while playing in the baths, but other then that everything is fine love," Hahlua responded " Did you come to check on your baths?" Exodus shook his head no. "I will come check everything after work," Exodus said " I actually invited a few of the guards to the baths, so I planed to join them. Speaking of which have you seen Reina, She is about this tall and as intimidating as seven bears. She was probably stomping through while cursing." Hahlua laughed and pointed to the third bathing room. "She is hard to miss," Hahlua mentioned " And she also scared off everyone else who though of going into that bath." Hahlua then ran a finger down Exodus's bare chest. " We haven't had a bath together in a while," Hahlua said staring down Exodus with lust filled eyes " How about you leave that funless wonder and join me in your personal bath." Exodus grabbed her hand which was drawing circles on his chest and gave her a smile. " She may be a little rough, but she is still a friend," Exodus said " I gave her my word and I will keep to it. We can meet up tomorrow if you like. I've wanted to hear about your new guy anyway. Everyone in town says he is a trouble maker." Hahlua motioned as if she was going to respond to the last comment, but stopped and just nodded in agreement. " Alright then," Hahlua said " I will see you tomorrow, enjoy the bath. Also what do you want me to do with the extra money from the baths." Exodus started to walk off when Hahlua said she would see him tomorrow, but stopped to respond when she asked him a question. " Well since everyone must have already gotten their pay, save a little in case we need supplies," Exodus said " Give the rest to the shelters and anyone who needs it." Hahlua cocked her head and rolled her eyes before saying " You own this place, you should at least give yourself something for that. Plus your always cleaning and fixing things around here. Take a little at least, everyone would understand." Exodus turned and walked off to the bath as he said " I have never needed money and I still don't. Give it to people who do. I will see you tomorrow Hahlua."

Exodus made his way into the bath and found Reina inside. He then took off his clothes and cleaned himself while off to the side before getting in. Exodus smiled as he saw Renia. She seemed much more relaxed. " No one can hate a good bath," Exodus told Renia as he relaxed and sank deeper in the bath " I will let you decide. Do you want to talk or just sit in silence? I would recommend talking. The baths are a great place to talk and vent out your frustrations or just catch up. Trust me I have spent a lot of time hearing and talking about issues." Exodus then just sat back and waited for Renia. " Also, I sent some one for Sumiko," Exodus added " If she is coming she should be here soon."

Inside the Sunspan tomb

A shadow came up to him and reported. "O so one of them can fight," Maxis said " I will have to add him to my collection." Maxis paused as he got more information. "O his defense is starting to crumble," Maxis said rolling his eyes " Sad, those are just low level dead. I expected more." He paused for another moment. " O so you have not joined the battle yet," Maxis said " And no one has gone to Sunspan yet....You were waiting to see if you were needed...Alright I understand." Maxis' eyes flashed red as he grabbed the shadow by the neck and lifted him off the ground. "I though I had made myself clear earlier," Maxis said as another shadow approached " O so he is running, that is sad." Maxis the clenched his fist and the shadow burst apart with a shriek. This shadows then pooled towards his chest and then disappeared under his clothes. "I was quite sure that I had given you orders," Maxis quietly said as he glared at the other shadows around him. The shadows the cascaded through the tomb.

When the undead saw their comrade fall they turned their attention to the cause and went after the warrior. With the undead's attention diverted some of the soldiers that remained managed to kill a few more undead after watching Skylar. When she gave the word the soldiers started their retreat. As they did shadows flooded through the tomb entrance. As the soldiers looked to see what happened they were all cut down by the swift, disciplined, and precise attacks of the shadows. Unlike the undead from before these shadows moved with military precision and were all armed and dressed like combat veterans or generals. After the initial slaughter they turned their attention to the only remaining warrior, but they didn't act. In fact they took a knee.

Maxis walked out of the tomb to see the bodies and a lone warrior running to mount his horse. The undead and the shadows both held their position. " You must be the one I heard so much about," Maxis yelled " It is good to see that someone here might be worth something." Maxis looked back to the surroundings. " O one second," Maxis said as he held out is hand palm up and then raised it slightly. A black and purple substance came from the bodies and then gathered itself near Maxis before disappearing under his shirt. Soon after the bodies rose as undead. "Sad," Maxis said as he looked at the newly formed undead " These guys must have been low tier warriors, I didn't get a single hollow from them." Maxis then returned his attention to the warrior who neared their horse. "Hollows go and destroy Sunspan," Maxis said " Kill anyone strong and round up the ones who don't resist for me later. Undead you go after the warrior with the horse." The two groups the split at his command. " I am going to kill you now," Maxis yelled to the warrior as he walked his eyes flashing red " I would run if I was you. Although I really hope you wont. Let the hunt begin."

@SirDerpingtonIV @too much idea @Athenian

()"about this tall and as intimidating as seven bears." Pretty good description))

Reina Kavot

Reina looked up as Exodus entered. He cleaned himself off and stepped into the hot, steamy water, sinking into the bath, sitting back as he began to talk. "With enough determination you can hate everything," she chuckled, the corner of her lips angling upward in a sort of crooked half smile, due to the scar that ran down from her forehead to her eye and lips. She simply shrugged, letting herself relax in the water, attempting to leave her anger behind her. She didn't want to ruin the one chance she had to bathe in.... Well.... It had been a while, to say the least. "I'm fine with talking," she said simply, shrugging her broad shoulders once more. "What exactly do you want to talk about?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "But I'm not talking about what happened with Medico. I don't want to get pissed off again," she sighed, looking down to the water for a few seconds, before she nodded at his words. "Alright then," she said simply, looking back up at him.

((The person playing Sumiko seems to have disappeared.))
Margaret blinked as the man before her continued speaking frantically, his words were jumbled with panic and she had quite some trouble understanding what he was trying to portray. She could however, make out enough to narrow her eyes at his implications, she plucked the letter from his hands and looked it over.

As she read, her eyes stayed narrowed in what could only be described as annoyance. After reading it a third to verify that she hadn't read incorrectly, she handed the letter back to Tim.

"The baths," Queen Margaret stated "Exodus invited several of My Guards there for a dip. Go there, inform of this situation, and allow them to decide who shall aid the Wall in this trial. if you spot any of my other Guards then do not hesitate to inform. Them as well."

After that, she turned away and continued making her way to the Public Hearing, albeit with a much more soured expression.

(@Beowulf )(@too much idea )(@Decay )(@Athenian )(@Dethrix )(@Enolx )(@SirDerpingtonIV ) (@Nexmaroc )
Buras returned to the capital, a pouch full of those singing herbs, now happily humming away. It was actually rather therapeutic to gather them and listen to them. And fighting the things that decided to crawl out of the miasma. That was perhaps the most calming part of the whole thing, a good rage reliever.

But almost as soon as he stepped past the gates, a messenger ran up to him. He babbled some nonsense, and something about the Wall about to fall, before running off, complaining about having to go to the bath house. The bath house sounded like a good idea, and he had a hunch on which one to go to.

Reaching to door of the bath house owned by Exodus, he braces himself for that woman that ran it, and entered.
Star grumbled in annoyance. When was she to have food in this palace. Her servants seemed to have up and left. No matter she would find her own. Glancing around she whistled for her dire wolf. Her favorite as a matter of fact. The black wolf stumbled into the throne room and seemed to slip on the floor. She giggled as the wolf companion nipped him in the side to keep him standing. "Sh, all is alright Berk." She said to the older wolf giving the nip. "Koda is just young is all. He'll learn how to not be clumsy." Seeing how dire wolves grew so fast most pups were very clumsy and often slept.

"Time to go into town. I need more information on Margaret's where a outs as well as a few more servants." She spoke to herself as well as the wolves. As soon as Berk and Koda heard town they both stood taller and growled. They didn't like the town. To crowded plus she could only bring one. The town was only big enough for one. She accidentally brought two one time and everyone ran screaming. Star laughed for awhile after that but knew she could pass off one as just being a large dog.

She called Koda to walk next to her as he was the smallest and could easily be a dog. Watching Koda stumble a bit on the polished stone she felt back albeit she still giggled. In no way was Koda not deadly though. Even as he was clumsy he was still fast than any human she ever met and was stronger than a fleet of bears.

Walking to the doors she glided down her palace steps to where her horse was already waiting. She mounted up and began her journey to a small village. She looked at the sky and frowned at how late it was. She knew how smugglers took to these roads at night and chuckled. "Let them come. Koda needs practice." She whispered to herself. Arriving at the village she saw few people still in their shops and walked into the closest one. It was a small diner. She always gleamed information here. Due to the fact that everyone stops at the bed and breakfast to spend the night.

Entering the saloon after she dismounted she saw the owner of the diner and smiled. He was a nice old man, had a quaint little wife as well. In all of this unruly town she wished to kill them the least. She ordered a water and sat down and waited. The town was close to the water so many merchants came in here before leaving in the morning. She gleamed the most information that way. Plus drunk merchants were so easily disposed of.
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Fortunately, the soldiers in the watchtower quickly noticed that there was something wrong when Skylar was the only one who returned and repeatedly shouted to "Prepare for battle!"

One of the soldiers rang the bell to alert the townspeople, while another quickly shouted something to the soldiers downstairs. As soon as Skylar entered the gate, they closed and locked it.

The townspeople were in the streets confused about what was going on while the soldiers looked tense. Skylar dismounted and yelled out "Evacuate the city, quick. Take my horse, use it to pull a cart." Skylar then handed over the rein of her horse to the closest soldier.

"The enemy!" The soldier in the watchtower alerted, and before he could continue a black mass stabbed him through his chest. The townspeople screamed and quickly ran north, toward the safe Northern gate, as the soldier's lifeless body fell to the ground.

As Skylar expected, the shadows arrived first.

"I'll try to hold them as long as I can." Skylar declared, unsheathing her sword. "They are more dangerous. and soon the undead will arrive. Be on your guard, keep your distance, and destroy their head to kill them. Use arrows, try to kill as many as you could before they break the gate."

"HEY! SHADOWS!" Skylar shouted, banging her sword on her shield while running toward the now empty town square. "YOU WANT ME? WELL, COME AND GET ME!"
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In the Bathhouse

Exodus laughed at Reina's joke. He was happy that she had a light hearted side. He enjoyed seeing her smile as well. As he gazed at her he thought back to all the other smiles that he had seen since coming to the capital and about the woman that had helped him find his own smile. Before he even realize, a smile had touched his face. He had really come to enjoy this place and he even liked his new master. She was tough at times, but never unreasonable, and best of all she was not as cruel and greedy as his other masters. As soon as they realized what he could do they used him in the worst ways to advance themselves in the world, forcing him to do unspeakable things. The thought of his own past made him angry, to the point of visibly gritting his teeth, then empty and sad. When he realized what he was doing he stopped and quickly got control of himself. Exodus chuckled when she asked him what he wanted to talk about. " Well I'm not going to lie, I kinda wanted to know why you were mad," Exodus stated " It seemed like a good story. Since that is off the table tell me about anything. I don't really know anything about you and we've been fighting together for more than a year. Just talk about whatever you want, say whatever, ask whatever. I am here to listen and add to the conversation if needed." Exodus then laid back in the water and let himself float. "Talk whenever you ready," Exodus said " No rush we have all the time in the world, metaphorically."

Sunspan, Alexandria

After receiving their orders the Hollows sprinted off towards Sunspan. The Hollows jumped into the air and as they did shadow horses erupted from the ground under them. They rode off to Sunspan with an in human speed and grace keeping a tight formation. When they arrived their horses vanished into a could of shadows leaving the hollows skidding to a stop as they landed on the ground. They looked at the outer wall and then at each other quickly creating a plan of action. Sunspan was a prosperous mining town so it did have some fortifications, but it was not a military stronghold. The hollows knew this and decided a quick relentless attack would be the best way to complete their orders. They nodded at each other and began their mission.

Two of the Hollows ran at the wall, one ten steps in front of the other. The first hit the wall ran up it two steps and then embedded his spear into the wall. Right as he braced himself on the wall and his spear the other hollow was jumping up the wall below him arm outstretched. The first hollow caught him and then threw him up the rest of the distance of the wall. After the second hollow made it up the wall the others followed suit and jumping and vaulting up the wall. The first hollow that made it to the top of the wall quickly dashed to the nearest watchtower. He quickly and silently dispatched a few of the men stationed on the wall, but was seen by the watchtower guard who was on high alert. The guard only got out the words " The enemy!" before the hollow stabbed him through his chest and sent him over the side. The hollow looked back to his allies and they gave each other a nod of understanding. They then flooded into the town like a dark fog killing all that tried to resist.

The shadows turned their attention to a voice that was yelling.They recognized the warrior as the one from before, and realized the warrior was trying to bait them. Knowing that she was the target of the lesser dead they decided to leave her alone and continue their own mission. The hollows then turned to one of their comrades and listened to him for a moment. They all agreed to his idea and then four of the hollows broke from the group. Two went after the warrior to keep him distracted, the others went to complete their main mission, and the last free two made their way to the nearest gate. When the two hollows made it to the gate they killed of the guards and people who were distracted with the lesser dead on the other side and worked together to open the gate, allowing the lesser dead to flood into the city. As soon as they heard the gate open the two hollows that were distracting with the warrior left him and went back to their original mission, leaving him to those charged with killing him.

Outside the Tomb Sunspan, Alexandria

"And off they go," Maxis said cheerfully " Now it is time for me to join them." Maxis looked around. "Really, Maxis complained " Not one horse. Well that's no problem, I'm sure a horse has died here at some point." Maxis felt his surroundings for a horse to raise. " Fuck," Maxis yelled as he kicked rock " Not one fucking horse." He then started to slam his heel into a near by tree as he yelled " Really all I get is rabbits and birds. What the hell am I suppose to do with rabbits and birds. God, you fucked me again. Stay out of my way." Maxis' eyes flashed red and a small undead bird arose from the ground. Although it was dead it still looked as delicate and adorable as it did when it was alive. Maxis smashed it under his boot. " It's fine," Maxis cursed " I wanted to walk anyway." Maxis then began his walk to Sunspan killing the random things he accidentally brought back to life in his anger as he walked.
Skylar did a mistake and now more people have died. She shouldn't have ordered the soldiers to retreat, she shouldn't left them to fight on their own. But she did, and now they're dead.

The shadows fooled her, and poured into the city to slaughter those who are still inside. Skylar could only pray that the townspeople have managed to run away.

The undead, what left of the original one and the soldiers that accompany her in the tomb, have opened the gate and join the slaughter.

"Northern star, grant me your strenght." Skylar prayed under her breath. She walked toward the gate, quietly and in a very calm manner. Almost half of the undead approach her, if Skylar recalled correctly they are the ones ordered to bring her down.

As if these rotten corpse can do it.

One of them lunge at Skylar, thrusting his rutsy sword at her. Skylar lifted her huge shield, and dashed forward. There is a loud metal clangking sound when the sword meet her shield, followed by the sound of something cracking as she hit the corpse hard in the face.

Skylar broke some of it's bone, including it's neck. But of course it's still alive. So Skylar crush it's head with the weight of her shield, and continue moving forward, unafraid of any of these undead.
Sunspan, Alexandria: Night

Night had slipped in around them quickly once they were across the border. With each wing beat Aurum rose and fell in a rhythm reminiscent of a smith's hammer, and almost as comfortably. His wyvern, a large white male, led the pack. Neither he nor his men had had the time to put away their armor before he'd ordered them into the air. Even if they'd had, saddle bags for these bastards were scarce. Hopefully they could restock in Sunspan.

Below him luscious green hills rolled like great waves. In the distance he could see the Whispering Woods, famous in the tales of the smallfolk. He'd gone with Lady Margaret once to see if any of those legends were true. With the exception of Sten's mighty Warfrog, all were just tales. But what a frog that had been. Aurum swore he still had the bruises.

He drank deep of the air. Unlike Celaise, whose air tasted like salt, Alexandria's air was sweet. He chuckled.

His wyvern jerked roughly to the left, almost throwing him out of the saddle. He wrestled the beast into a slow glide. "Fucking lizard." he cursed under his breathe. Something had the damn thing spooked. And not just his, if the curses being shouted behind him were any indication. Up ahead, a village was on fire.

Aurum dug his heels into the beast's side as hard as he could. The lizard had regained its composure faster than the others, shooting forward three times faster than a galloping horse. His men weren't far behind him, but they were too far behind to hear any orders he could have given. They'll have to grow up sometime. Let it be now. Aurum tapped his wyvern with the reigns. Its wings snapped closed and it shot for the ground.

Now he could see the shadows. They slithered along the ground, slaughtering the townsfolk as they went. Behind them, dead soldiers and villagers swarmed a lone warrior. The warrior held her ground well, too well to have been any normal soldier. Skylar! No, the villagers would have to come first. The Wall would just have to hold a little longer.

Wyvern landed thunderously between the shadows and their fodder, and roared. Aurum didn't wait for the shadows to react. He raised his hand, light seeping out of his palm and eyes. A giant wall of holy light twenty feet high sprang up behind him. His hands tightened around his lance.

"You will not pass. Not while I breathe."
Skylar lost count of the number of undead she have put to rest. Aside from the soldiers, there's also men with no armor or weapon. Worse, there's woman and children. Skylar cursed everytime she destroyed their head. Children are weak, push them hard and they'll tumble down and break their neck. Their bone are not as strong as an adult, it doesn't take much effort to crush it.

Skylar hated it. She failed to protect the townspeople. She doesn't deserve to be called the Wall, not when the shadows could easily climb her over and kill those who seek protection behind her.

Skylar continue to slash the undeads who tried to take her down, slowly making her way back into the city.

She stopped when she noticed something flying in the sky above the city, too big and too fast to be a bird. It surprised her to see a wyvern, flying out the clouds with it's rider. The Kingdom doesn't have any wyvern rider, so who come to her rescue? A third party?

The wyvern fly north, in the direction of townspeople running away. Then, a giant wall of light appeared to block the shadows and protect the townspeople. That technique reminded her of someone.

"Aurum?" Skylar whispered under her breath.
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Lennex was casually strolling through this city known as Sunspan. He had never been here before and was looking around for someone who might be interested in his particular talents. As he was scouting, he saw the townspeople start to scream and panic. It was then that the sound of the city's alarm bell had reached his ears and the panic had become obvious. Normally, Lennex would not care as to what is going on but this commotion was scaring away potential customers. He figured this might be an opportunity to show off his skills to the public and pique the interest of a potential contractor. Lennex walks through the fleeing civilians while lazily unsheathing his claymore and letting it rest upon his armored right shoulder. Not that it was heavy for him, just out of laziness.

It was then that Lennex noticed a fully armored knight deadlocked with multiple undead that had clearly breached through the city gates somehow. Lennex doesn't immediately move to help her because he noticed that this knight in question was no stranger to combat. She was not only fighting back but clearly beating them down.

As he was moving in to help, a massive flying wyvern passed overhead. This had caught Lennex off guard and now his combat instincts were coming into play. Something seriously dangerous was going on here. Much more than some lesser dead getting through the gates. This was some kind of coordinated attack. Lennex grips his blade with both hands then rushes forward and viciously brings down his claymore in an arc towards the skull of a lesser dead that was flanking the armored knight. Without missing a step he twirls, using the momentum of his previous attack to hack two more approaching lesser dead across the center with a horizontal spinning slash.

Lennex finds it strange that such a skilled warrior would let herself get so casually flanked when she clearly has experience in combat. It was then that he followed her gaze and saw a brilliant glowing light in the distance. It appeared to be some kind of white magic holding back some kind of being made of shadowy mist. As if to answer his previous thought of something dangerous is happening here.
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Skylar saw one of the dead that tries to flank her, and before she could do something a man charged out of nowhere and swung his claymore, killing it. The man continues, killing two undead who stand to close.

"Identify your self." Skylar asked. He is not a soldier of the Kingdom. He looked a lot more like mercenary, or maybe a part of the third party led by the wyvern rider. "Now."
Lennex let's out a long sigh though it sounds hallowed and disembodied when it was actually just exasperation. Without breaking his stance, he answers "Lennex. I'm a mercenary. I was here looking for a job." Lennex glances back at the general area where the wyvern rider is locked in combat. "I got a lot more than I expected." He was content to leave it at that but realized he might come off as rude that way. Not that Lennex cared but he certainly did not want to get on the knight's bad side. "Yourself she-knight?"
"Something like that." Skylar replied. She took one last look at the wyvern rider, and where he is at, before focusing back at the undead around them. "My name is Skylar. We are probably the one left in Sunspar now. The soldiers have sent request for help to Capital, and the Guards are probably in their way with reinforcement. We need to hold on."
Lennex chuckles lightly and though it cannot be seen in the darkness of his helmet , a smile appeared on his lips. "It's going to take a lot more than a few lesser dead to take me down. "

One of the undead charges at Lennex with a rusted sword in half. Lennex raises his claymore and swiftly strikes downwards on top of the undead's skull. The Claymore's reach is much longer than that of the lesser undead and I to
Lennex chuckles lightly and though it can't be seen under his armored helmet, a smile was on his lips.

Lennex takes a back step as a undead goes to attack him with a rusty short sword. The natural longer and heavier claymore is able to cleave same the charging undead straight down the middle verticaly."its going to take a lot more than a few lesser dead to kill ms
The shadows charged at Aurum like a pack of rabid wolves. Claw like tendrils tore open his wyvern's throat before smacking him out of the saddle, his armor absorbing the blow. He landed with his feet spread wide, lance tilted slightly towards the ground in front of him. The light it cast would have been blinding had he not had his helmet. The shadows gave it a wide berth.

In the distance, Skylar had been joined by some other warrior Aurum had never seen. His stance was too loose to be one of the rank and file, and his claymore swung wide and harsh. Was he a new member of the Guard? Unlikely. A common mercenary who'd hadn't run with the rest then. The two were surrounded.

Behind him came the roar of twenty wyverns and the thud of clumsy landings. Soon after, the screams of terrified villagers. Masking that, Haren's shouted orders. He was going to use the wyverns and the safety of Aurum's wall to evacuate. Good. Aurum wouldn't have to hold back.

Aurum couldn't recall the name the Hrothlanders had for the trance he slipped into. Buras had told him once, but that damnable language made no sense to him. The world seemed to slow to a crawl around him as he breathed in. For the briefest of moments he could see the whole battlefield as if he was sill flying above it.

Aurum had proven his skill with a lance more than once, but tactics was where his true talent lay. In seconds he could plan a whole fight move for move, down to which way the dust would blow off of his boots. Of course, he had learned the hard way not to underestimate his opponents. He recalled a certain dragon in Kvarnen Taig that had beaten that one home. Assuming the shadows, or whomever was controlling them, were a tenth as intelligent as that beast, he would only have a few seconds to plan.

My wyvern is dead. Twenty left. At least fourteen shadows, maybe more. Undead, several in Alexandrian uniform. Necromancer. Powerful one. Mercenary unknown, assume average skill level. Skylar most likely saw extended combat, probably injured. Having no trouble with undead, unknown match up against shadows. More than half total population of village dead and rising. Shadows imply dark magic. Natural weakness to the holy. Wyvern take off speed average twenty-two seconds. Most viable option: total obliteration of the village.

Re-position fourteen feet north by northwest. Duck under the swipe. Throw lance to cover retreat. Shout warning.

Breathe out.

Aurum leapt forward, swinging his lance in a wide arc to gain some ground. He struck what shadows he could causing them to screech and burn. he danced through the throng, and dropped to his knees just in time to dodge a swipe intended for his face. He spun his lance into an overhand grip and threw it towards his wall as hard as he could. Just in time to startle a shadow that had ran for the wyverns. The moment they were in the air he gave a mighty shout. "Move!"

His hand shot towards the sky, light pouring from every part of his body. He hoped beyond hope that the two had heard him as he released the pent up magic within him. A massive pillar of light exploded around him, covering the whole village in holy light. He could feel the shadows screams as they and most of the buildings were incinerated.

Pain blossomed like a hurricane throughout his body and he collapsed, gasping for air. A fit of coughs assaulted him, blood spilling out of his lungs. He felt as if he hadn't slept in days. He jerked off his helmet frantically and looked at his reflection. The gray in his hair had increased but, thankfully, that was the only difference. Another fit of coughs and he was forced to sit back against a pile of rubble. He was going to have one hell of a headache.
Buras walked into the bath, a towel wrapped around him for decency. With a flustered look on his face, he tells Exodus, "Keep that woman away from me. She is trying to kill me, I can just sense it." before walking over and splashing down into the bath. "She is seeing someone, isn't she? Then why does she go after me like a mountain leopard after a loan goat?" Giving a frustrated "Hurrumph", he begins to use the bath for what it was made to do. All the while, he mumbled in his language about the oddities of women and how their minds were like, and I quote, "Trying to navigate a maze made out of thorny bushes. You were often pricked and once in a while even she got caught up in it."

"Oh, and a messenger stopped me as soon as I got back. Couldn't understand a word he said. Jabbered something about the dead coming back to fight before running off again. Wouldn't be surprised if there was another one walking through those doors even as I speak." he said, stopping his mumbling for a few seconds.
Lennex strikes down two more undead in rapid succession by bringing his claymore up above his head and swinging it in a horizontal arc , cleanly decapitating them. His stance is loose and relaxed. Striking down these lesser dead is proving to easy. Human opponents were much more entertaining. Even if they were civilians, at least they had facial expressions.

It was then that he felt it. Power . Raw and unmeasured. Under his armor , his hair was standing on end as if electrified. His instincts had never led him astray. This town was about to be hit with something powerful. In that instant, he heard a booming voice resonating with powerful magic, "MOVE!!" It said. A warning. And heed the warning Lennex did. Lennex broke away from the undead and sprinted towards looking for some kind of cover. Light came down like a divine cleansing. He heard the screeches of agony coming from the undead and some other creatures he couldn't quite place. Everything around him was being burned to cinders but Lennex was able to find a building that wasn't being completely destroyed by the torrent of holy magic. With a pained yell, he dives into the building for safety. Steam is coming off his armor from the intensity of the magical cleansing. Lennex yells out desperately to the one called Skylar, " OVER HERE!!!!" He hoped she heard him over the screeches of the burning creatures.
Enolx said:
In the Bathhouse
Exodus laughed at Reina's joke. He was happy that she had a light hearted side. He enjoyed seeing her smile as well. As he gazed at her he thought back to all the other smiles that he had seen since coming to the capital and about the woman that had helped him find his own smile. Before he even realize, a smile had touched his face. He had really come to enjoy this place and he even liked his new master. She was tough at times, but never unreasonable, and best of all she was not as cruel and greedy as his other masters. As soon as they realized what he could do they used him in the worst ways to advance themselves in the world, forcing him to do unspeakable things. The thought of his own past made him angry, to the point of visibly gritting his teeth, then empty and sad. When he realized what he was doing he stopped and quickly got control of himself. Exodus chuckled when she asked him what he wanted to talk about. " Well I'm not going to lie, I kinda wanted to know why you were mad," Exodus stated " It seemed like a good story. Since that is off the table tell me about anything. I don't really know anything about you and we've been fighting together for more than a year. Just talk about whatever you want, say whatever, ask whatever. I am here to listen and add to the conversation if needed." Exodus then laid back in the water and let himself float. "Talk whenever you ready," Exodus said " No rush we have all the time in the world, metaphorically."

Sunspan, Alexandria

After receiving their orders the Hollows sprinted off towards Sunspan. The Hollows jumped into the air and as they did shadow horses erupted from the ground under them. They rode off to Sunspan with an in human speed and grace keeping a tight formation. When they arrived their horses vanished into a could of shadows leaving the hollows skidding to a stop as they landed on the ground. They looked at the outer wall and then at each other quickly creating a plan of action. Sunspan was a prosperous mining town so it did have some fortifications, but it was not a military stronghold. The hollows knew this and decided a quick relentless attack would be the best way to complete their orders. They nodded at each other and began their mission.

Two of the Hollows ran at the wall, one ten steps in front of the other. The first hit the wall ran up it two steps and then embedded his spear into the wall. Right as he braced himself on the wall and his spear the other hollow was jumping up the wall below him arm outstretched. The first hollow caught him and then threw him up the rest of the distance of the wall. After the second hollow made it up the wall the others followed suit and jumping and vaulting up the wall. The first hollow that made it to the top of the wall quickly dashed to the nearest watchtower. He quickly and silently dispatched a few of the men stationed on the wall, but was seen by the watchtower guard who was on high alert. The guard only got out the words " The enemy!" before the hollow stabbed him through his chest and sent him over the side. The hollow looked back to his allies and they gave each other a nod of understanding. They then flooded into the town like a dark fog killing all that tried to resist.

The shadows turned their attention to a voice that was yelling.They recognized the warrior as the one from before, and realized the warrior was trying to bait them. Knowing that she was the target of the lesser dead they decided to leave her alone and continue their own mission. The hollows then turned to one of their comrades and listened to him for a moment. They all agreed to his idea and then four of the hollows broke from the group. Two went after the warrior to keep him distracted, the others went to complete their main mission, and the last free two made their way to the nearest gate. When the two hollows made it to the gate they killed of the guards and people who were distracted with the lesser dead on the other side and worked together to open the gate, allowing the lesser dead to flood into the city. As soon as they heard the gate open the two hollows that were distracting with the warrior left him and went back to their original mission, leaving him to those charged with killing him.

Outside the Tomb Sunspan, Alexandria

"And off they go," Maxis said cheerfully " Now it is time for me to join them." Maxis looked around. "Really, Maxis complained " Not one horse. Well that's no problem, I'm sure a horse has died here at some point." Maxis felt his surroundings for a horse to raise. " Fuck," Maxis yelled as he kicked rock " Not one fucking horse." He then started to slam his heel into a near by tree as he yelled " Really all I get is rabbits and birds. What the hell am I suppose to do with rabbits and birds. God, you fucked me again. Stay out of my way." Maxis' eyes flashed red and a small undead bird arose from the ground. Although it was dead it still looked as delicate and adorable as it did when it was alive. Maxis smashed it under his boot. " It's fine," Maxis cursed " I wanted to walk anyway." Maxis then began his walk to Sunspan killing the random things he accidentally brought back to life in his anger as he walked.
Reina Kavot

Reina sighed, her lopsided grin turning into an equally lopsided frown. "I'm a warrior and that's all I have ever been," she said simply and plainly. "You don't need to know anything else about me, Exodus," she said, none-too-friendly. She never planned on telling anyone on the Queen's Guard about her past, and it certainly wasn't going to be fucking Exodus. She knew none of her assosciates, but she knew the least about Reich and Exodus. She knew little about Aurum, but he wasn't there anymore. But just thinking about him made her pissed. At the time of his betrayal, she was still rather new to the Queen's Guard, but that didn't mean his betrayal didn't hurt her. She.. saw him in a better light than she saw her other associates. Infact, her admiration almost bordered romantic feelings for Aurum at one point, although they were only beginning to form a few days before his betrayal. He was nearly a decade older than she was, but none the less, he was serious, but not unkind to her, and plus, he didn't seem to act like a complete piece of shit like other members of the Queen's guard. But once he turned his cloak, she saw him only has a traitorous bastard who's bones she would break under her mace, were she ever to see his face again. "How about a different topic?" she asked, visibly scowling, fists clenched.

She looked up as Buras entered, an eyebrow raised. "Sounds like you're having the time of your fucking life Buras," she said, the scowl still present on her face. "And the messenger was probably having fun telling lies to people or some shit," she said with a shrug. "Wouldn't be the first time we've ran to help the boy who cried wolf," she muttered, remembering a few rather unsavory scenarios where messengers would give them false reports, such as a raiding party attacking a seaside village, only for them to arrive, and the village be completely fine.
"Don't get me started, little girl." Buras growled, splashing slightly with frustration at the day so far, most of that bein Hahlua. "First I had to find those plants. Harder to find then you'd think. You can hear them, certainly. My ears are ringing because of their acursed song. And then there were the Bull Wraths. Considering their size, I'd have thought I would have heard them coming, or even felt them. But no, as it turns out they can hide in water the size of a puddle." With that out of the way, he began gettin to the source of his fristrations. "And then there is Hahlua. She is trying to get me killed. Wants me to kill her lover, that's why she's going after me. Wants to see how far she can push me. I feel like I'm a horse that's slowly being broken. If she were free, that would be a different story completly. But she is always with one man or another. I even heard she was with a coue women at some point or another. And still, she flirts with me, knowing full well what she's getting herself into."

That out of the way, he moves on. "And whether the reports are true or not, the queen does not know. So odds are we will be sent out to see what in the nine hells is going on. And if it isn't anything to worry about, I'll find the man or woman in charge if the pigeons and knock them out before leaving. And that's if I can't find the person that wrote the messege in the first place."
Beowulf said:
"Don't get me started, little girl." Buras growled, splashing slightly with frustration at the day so far, most of that bein Hahlua. "First I had to find those plants. Harder to find then you'd think. You can hear them, certainly. My ears are ringing because of their acursed song. And then there were the Bull Wraths. Considering their size, I'd have thought I would have heard them coming, or even felt them. But no, as it turns out they can hide in water the size of a puddle." With that out of the way, he began gettin to the source of his fristrations. "And then there is Hahlua. She is trying to get me killed. Wants me to kill her lover, that's why she's going after me. Wants to see how far she can push me. I feel like I'm a horse that's slowly being broken. If she were free, that would be a different story completly. But she is always with one man or another. I even heard she was with a coue women at some point or another. And still, she flirts with me, knowing full well what she's getting herself into."
That out of the way, he moves on. "And whether the reports are true or not, the queen does not know. So odds are we will be sent out to see what in the nine hells is going on. And if it isn't anything to worry about, I'll find the man or woman in charge if the pigeons and knock them out before leaving. And that's if I can't find the person that wrote the messege in the first place."
Reina Kavot

"Who the fuck are you calling little girl?" She asked, looking rather pissed, her one brown eye glaring at him. She clenched her fists, a scowl on her maimed face. The two had fought in the past, and quite often, due to their headstrong personalities. Sometimes, the fights grew physical, and they both had won and lost their fair share. She listened to him recount his dreadful experience as her lips formed a twisted sneer, a hand on her hip. "Oh poor poor Buras.," she said with mock concern, "The mighty Hrothlander of the Queen's Guard brought low by a few singing plants, two wild animals, and a lusty woman," she taunted. "What a mighty warrior you are," she added, shaking her head in disapproval. "And what do you mean find the person who wrote the message? How are you going to find someone in this big castle when you can't find a bull wraith the size of a fucking house?" She asked.
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