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Fantasy The Queens Guard


Time to murder the English language.
The kingdom of Alexandria was once a weak land ruled by wealthy corrupt landlords. People suffered and with the country at the end of its ropes hope had never even been thought of as an option. As crime, violence, and slavery ran rampant one woman came foreword to oppose it. Armed only with strong convictions and an unbreakable will, she fought against the evil that plagued her land.

Her will, passion, and knowledge drew the attention of the landlords who saw their power threatened. Even with the threats on her life she did not waver. When the threats became actual attempts on her life it seemed like it would be the end of the countries one ray of light. Just when the woman was about to break, alone in her fight, one by one warriors came. The warriors came from all walks of life drawn to the woman for one reason or another but, they all had one thing in common they were some of the strongest warriors in the land.

With the countries strongest warriors at her side and a goal for the future, she pressed on. Landlord after landlord fell to her, and soon she had freed the country from its oppressive system. The people knowing who they owed their new lives to declared the woman queen. The woman took the position with pride, knowing that from here she could make real change and protect the land she cared for. She also knew that she did not get here alone and because of that the warriors that stood by her before became her personal guard.

As the kingdom of Alexandria started becoming stable, greedy people and neighboring countries constantly attacked trying to take control of the newly revived country and it fertile lands and prime location for trade. Whenever the country was in danger the Queen's elite guard always managed to protect it. Their skills and abilities made the warriors and the Queen they served the symbol of the country.

Now Alexandria has established itself and when people hear the name Alexandria they think of the great queen who leads and her master guard who defends it.
Alexandrian Grand Castle

Early Morning...

As the sun continued its rise into the sky, more and more of the Alexandrian populace rose to go about their day. Years ago, this land was reminiscent to a decaying wasteland of squalor, but anyone of today's age would feel the comfort and growth of this country simply by viewing its inhabitants. And as the country arose, its ruler did as well.

Margaret A. Frasier, otherwise known as Queen Margaret, finished clasping together the last pieces of her garment. As she stared at herself in the mirror, she merely gave a small hum of approval before grabbing her scepter. It was still early in the day, so she wouldn't have to worry about the daily hearings from the civilians for another several hours. She wanted to make today's breakfast last, so she made haste to the dining hall.

Entering the lavish room, Margaret spoke to several servants about today's dishes for a moment before taking a seat at the head of the long dining table that took up the center of the room.

She sat there with her scepter laid against her chair and her hands folded in her lap, and as her ever-present frown lessened in intensity at the smell of her breakfast being made, the rest of the Castle began getting up as well.
"Mam?" A maid knocked on the heavy door of her room before slightly pushing it open. "The Queen is already up."

"Thank you. I'll make my way to the dining room now." Skylar closed the book that she is currently reading. As usual, she woke up at sunrise so she could be ready to guard the Queen as soon as she left her room.

Skylar grabbed her shield and strapped it on her left hand while walking toward the dining room. The servants and guards quickly make way for her, as no one wanted to bump into The Wall.

Skylar walked into the dining room, her Queen elegantly sat on her chair. Skylar smiled and bowed.

"Good morning, your highness." Skylar greeted.
The Empire of Alexandria was full of both Early Birds and worms. Reich liked to Consider Himself the Earliest. He had timed and evaluated the Awakening of the General Population of Alexandria down to the last Millisecond. Then He had trained himself to rise at this time, to be the Earliest Bird so he could catch all the worms. And of course slowly watch the City Awaken from one of the Castle Watch Towers. He whistled a soft tune, which flowed through the Watch Tower Window and out into the treetops of a nearby Grove. In response several birds awoke to his calling, and chirped back in greeting. One day he would tame one of them and have a messenger of sorts. One day.

As his eyes looked to the Horizon, through his helm he saw little rays of light peaking from the joint of both the sky and the earth. Though no one could see, a smile did grace his lips at that moment. Then he gave a low awe filled whistle and promptly turned away opening the wooden hatch on the Watch Tower floor that opened up the entrance to the downwards winding Stair Case. And down he went, spiraling down the staircase until he Had Exited the watchtower and was now walking through the Halls of Alexandrian castle. The Queen would be waking now and if he knew anything of her routine it was that she liked to have a nice breakfast after awaking and dressing. As he continued to walk through the Royal Corridors, he noticed the Servants rushing about as usual. Nothing Abnormal yet but if he knew any better this day would get very strange, very Fast.

Eventually he had entered the Dining room and then hid himself in the shadowy corner near the head of the table, spooking any servants who came near. His Armor was made Especially for Surveillance and Recon, meaning that it had been polished and plated in such a manner that it would reflect Darkness instead of light. Making him almost unnoticeable in the shadows. Not a moment to soon had he eased himself into his corner and begun to wait, that the Queen herself and later Skylar entered the room. He gave a crisp whistle in acknowledgment of the Queens presence, but it was also for her to know he was in the room. Then he simply nodded at Skylar, if she was half the warrior she was said to be then she'd notice him in the shadows. Darkness Reflecting armor or none.
When Exodus woke up he was greeted by iron bars. " Cell check," A man yelled " Walk to the bars and put you arms through as usual." Exodus sat up in his bunk and stretched himself awake. "Hey you, new guy, walk to the bars," A deep voice said form across the room " I'm not getting beat for a guy I don't know." Exodus got up and moved towards the bars. " Yea yea I got it," Exodus said " Don't want to make waves when I don't have too." He placed his hands through the bars and waited for the guard to come. As he and his cell mate waited they started talking to each other. "So what are you in here for?" Exodus' cell mate asked. Exodus let out a yawn before answering. "I started in a tavern and got into a drink contest," Exodus responded " I think I lost because I was apparently picked up for trespassing. I was found sleeping on a church altar " The man turned and looked at Exodus. "You are full of surprises," the cellmate said.

When the guard made it to Exodus' cell he stopped. "Exodus sir, " The guard said with a salute " What are you doing in here?" Exodus smiled and responded " Nothing much just serving my time like everyone else here. I think I learned my lesson so do you mind letting me go, I need to return back to my master, it should be meal time." The guard quickly unlocked the cage and let him out. "Hey why does he get to leave," another man yelled. The guard let out a laugh " We were never really holding him here. He could have broken out whenever he wanted, this guy is one of the queens guard." Exodus' cell mate turned to him. " I never would have guessed by looking at you," The cell mate stated. Exodus smiled as he walked out of the cell and said "Don't worry most people don't."

As Exodus left towards the castle he stopped by a fruit cart. He smiled at the woman who owned it and bought and apple for himself, a little boy, and girl who were behind him. If you had not met him you would not think he was anything special. He was well build, but he is still very lean. Very little sets him apart from normal commoners, only a chain that goes from his ear around his neck, and the fact that he never wears anything but his greaves, bracers, and loose pants. Compared to the other guards, normal is the only word that describes his appearance. This was nice for him because it let him go through the city without always being a well known member of the guard. You learn a lot about the people when you blend in and Exodus liked that. So rather than being known as a member of the queens guard he is mainly known as a traveling musician and dancer. As he walked down the busy streets he received smiles and waves from people who knew him and he returned them as he made his way back home.

When he made it to the castle he was greeted by different servants and told that the queen was in the dining hall. Exodus gave them a thank you and made his way to the hall. When he made it he found his master, Skylar, and Reich who was hiding in a corner. "Hey, how is it going?," Exodus asked as he took a seat at the table " And why don't you come out of the shadows and have a seat, if we were going to get attacked I'm sure we can handle it." Exodus sniffed the air and smelled breakfast. They were making eggs, Exodus liked eggs. "Well time to wait for the others," Exodus stated " So what is the plan for today my master?"
Buras was in the Dinning hall. He had been there all night. Sleeping. It was a mission of his to beat that Whistling Warrior. Beat him to breakfast for once. And to guard the queen, of course. He was standing on his feet, two handed ax, handle resting on the floor, and hands over the top with his chin on them. And the kicker was, he was fast asleep. Everyone knew he was there, an eight foot man snoring is very hard to miss. He was bare chested, like usual, and his beard was everywhere, as was the norm. His hair was combed, however, and his pants were clean, given that he slept in them.

But as the smell of eggs wafted into the room, he began to stir. First, he began to chew, as if the food was already in his mouth. Then, he started to mutter words in his native tongue. Things about a good breakfast and, if anyone understood, "Thank you mother for making me this meal." And finally, his eyes began to flutter open. He was nearly fully awake before his head slipped off his hands and he was jerked awake. Standing up straight, he looks around for the thing that had awoken him, only to see the queen was already there, as well as three of the other guards.

Unabashed at having slept in the dinning room, or the fact that his snoring could have woken the dead, he walks over to the nearest bench, and eases himself into it, conscience of all the creaks and moans it gave. This wouldn't be the first time furniture broke under his immense frame. But, luckily enough, it held. Once he was certain it wasn't going to break any time soon, he looks at the gathered members. "Mornin'." he stated simply, his accent heavy.
Margaret turned from the table to watch as the another one of her guards arrived, a young blonde who proceeded to walk over and bow. The Queen tilted her head to the side for a moment before nodding subtly, she had decided against commenting on Reich's hidden form after the small whistle he had greeted her with.

"Good morning Skylar," Margaret said in a low tone as she returned to staring at the table as she waited "I presume you've gotten deeper into your reading. Sometime soon you should tell me what your most recent read has been about."

Soon after she finished speaking, the telltale sound of footsteps made her glance to the side as she watched Exodus enter the room as well, casually sliding into a chair and giving his greetings. Afterwards, the white haired man offered a question of what exactly they were to do today. The Queen opened her mouth to speak when the sounds of muttering filled the room, Margaret slowly closed her mouth and turned to regard the slumbering giant standing off to the side. She waited patiently for him to wake himself up, then once he had seated himself he greeted the rest of them as if it were nothing.

If Margaret were a lesser woman maybe she'd have offered some form of surprise or confusion over these actions, but simply replied "Greetings to you as well Buras, we were just about to discuss today's to do list."

"While I still have to hear the words of the people in a few hours," she said as she returned to looking at the table and addressed them all "there are much more difficult tasks I need completed."

"For one, someone must go search the recently discovered tomb found in the farmlands to the south." She paused as the servants entered and began offering plates of food to the current occupants "Besides that there are some ingredients located in the eastern marshes I must gather, and though I would do it myself it is still mating season for Bull Wraths in the area. It would take up too much time if I simply went myself."

As she spoke she looked down at her plate and took a small whiff of it before cutting a small portion of egg from her plate and placing it on a smaller plate which she held up "Who wishes to taste test this for me?"

(@Enolx )(@Beowulf )(@too much idea )(@Dethrix )
"Don't mind if I do." Buras said, getting up from the chair, which gave more groans and creaks. Walking over, he takes the small plate in his hand, which easily fit in his palm. Looking around for an eating utensil, he quickly gives up, tilts his head back, and slides the food into his mouth. Chewing, he gives a satisfied nod. "Eggs are good. Some salt would be nice, but nothing out of the ordinary." he said, dragging a chair closer so he could "test" the rest of the food if the queen asked.

After the ordeal of settling into the chair, he eagerly points to one of the piles of food as he grabbed a plate. "Bacon. And the biscuits. Don't forget the eggs. Oh, and is that honey I see? That too. And the ham." he stated, grabbing what was near by and piling his plate with food, stacking things on top of each other of he had to. Bacon on the eggs, with the ham to the side and the biscuits on that. And when the honey reached him, he cut his biscuits in half and smeared the honey on that. At that time, he was ready to eat. But first, business.

"I can handle those Bull Wraths." he said before cramming a biscuit in his mouth. "And get them ingredients while I'm at it." he said around his food.
At that moment the dinning hall doors swung open again reviling the doctor his footsteps produce an echo in the hall . "Oh look it my favourite band of misfits here to like the queens boots" he said in a monotone voice. "say that again bobby" he murmured swinging himself walking. a servant passes him with a large scar across his eye, doc stops him with a limp arm and starts touching his face with his other. "fascinating..." he says in a whisper then he promptly straightens up and shout's "Bull Wrath!". he starts giggling hysterically, and repeats the word Bull wrath over and over, jumping up and down "Oh that scar, Oh my, you now that its mating season don't you!" he shouts at the servant " You MUST come down to my chamber, at once! oh wait..... she wants us all in here" he points at the queen "but I go along with-" he stops in mid sentence and looks at the rooms décor a sudden gloom comes over medico. he starts walking again towards the main table and places himself at the right far end.

he then pulls another seat out for bobby. "you know bobby, I don't like this place, where are all the Body's and the festering wounds" he says to bobby while pulling out a half rotted mouse out of his bag. medico starts jabbing and stitching the mouse while the queen speaks. "don't worry my colleague's" he moans "I have already eaten" at that moment a gush of blood squirts out of the mouse and onto buras's plate.
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Reich had of course noticed the sleeping Behemoth of a man, how could one not with his snores? Yet he knew why the man had chosen to sleep here. It was only natural for some forms of Rivalry to form. And why not? As long as no harm to the Queen was done, then he was fine with it. However he did crack a smile when the Brute suddenly was brought awake by the smell of food. He wouldn't necessarily say him and Buras were friends, but they had had many laughs together. Even if his were silent. Never the less he also admired the man and his Story. It was on the peculiar side, but he wasn't one to talk about pasts. They all had something strange about them. Something that made them stand out. Something that had occurred to turn them into the powerful Warriors that they were...

Then he nodded at Exodus, but did not move just yet. To be Frank, Reich liked hiding in the shadows. Not because he thought it was cool, but rather because it comforted him. It was like an old friend that had protected him from the day he had first fought. An Ally. Something he could trust and not worry about it betraying him. Only after those thoughts did he hear the Queen begin to speak of the tasks she needed done. Intrigued as always by these missions he left the embrace of the dark corner and slid into an unoccupied seat, on the opposite side of Buras but on the right side of the Queen. He whistled lowly in Awe when she mentioned Bull Wraths. They were quite Meddlesome Beats during Mating season. Especially during mating season. Anything that wasn't a Female met they're wicked tusks or Barbed Horns. He smiled softly as he remembered his Run in as a child with such a Creature. They were such powerful beings that he couldn't help but me mesmerized by them. However it had not been mesmerized by him. He had been force to slay the beast, though he hadn't let it go to waste. He took all the edible parts including the horns and Tusks as Trophies.

Finally as he received his plate full of food, he turned to the Big Man once more to watch as he tested the food. A few weeks back he had tested and suffered from Snake Venom that had been injected into the food. He had pulled through and was now "Healthier than an Ox", but the experienced had reminded everyone of the dangers and threats they faced. Even in the dining hall. Though he played it off, the moment he had tasted the poison he had nearly wanted to scream. Instead he had clutched his throat and slashed the food away with his sword to warn the others. The criminal who had done the poisoning had never been caught or properly put to Trial, yet many simply think a snake had gotten into the food. That was Bullshit and they all knew it. He whistled approvingly at Buras taking the chance of being poisoned or killed and secretly sen a prayer to the gods asking for his protection. Such was a tradition he had started during such times.

He the held his breath as he watched Buras take a haughty bite of the eggs. After a few moments the man seemed fine and even began to give topping suggestions. He smiled under his helm and thanked the gods before withholding a laugh as the man began to order various foods. Then when he heard the Brute choose to go on the Quest alone for the herbs, he let out a loud disagreeing Whistle. Just to get everyones attention, then using the Hand Signals they had come up with to communicate on the battlefront and just in general for him, he began to silently talk to them.

"I do not think it would be wise for you to go Alone. Bull Wraths are no laughing matter. I wish to Accompany Buras." He gestured out with his hands, before pausing to look to Doc and nod. Another person with a rather peculiar past... However, this man straight out disturbed him unlike Buras. He obviously had a Mental problem due to his Bloodlust and Horrible Experimentations. Not to mention the mans second personality that he treated as if he/she were real. No, if anyone Doc was the monster or most insane of the group at least. Though in a pinch or battle he made himself extremely useful. During interrogations he was the star of the show, and Gruesome Torture seemed to be his messed up game. Many times he had secretly wondered how this Man was allowed, but he assumed that he had his place. Even as blood squirted from a dead mouse onto Buras plate. Causing an eerie tension to arise.
((If it's half rotted, and Medico has been stabbing it, how is there any blood left in the thing?))

Buras looked at the small amount of blood that landed on the Biscut in his hand, shrugged his shoulders, and crammed that into his mouth as well. "Well," he said, then swallowed the biscut. "Looks like docs gonna be with me. And I see Reich is with me as well. Maybe we'll get to wrestle with a Bull Wrath, then we'll see if they're so bad."

And he would have left right then and there if it wasn't for two things. First of all, he still had some problems with where everything was, this whole land baffled him. Everything was there. Deserts to mountains to marshes and back again. The second reason was that there was still food to be eaten. And it was simply an insult to the cook to not eat everything.
"Good morning Skylar," Margaret said in a low tone as she returned to staring at the table as she waited "I presume you've gotten deeper into your reading. Sometime soon you should tell me what your most recent read has been about."

Skylar only nod as an answer. And as the rest of the Guards come into the dining room, as usual, Skylar just stood there and watch all the interaction that happens in front of her. The other Guards always intrigued her, from their past and their attidute. She couldn't find her self to truly trust some of them, especially the Doc. But as long as they are loyal to the Queen...

"I am curious about the tomb. But i wish to stay and accompany the Queen." Skylar scratched the back of her hair. "I will do anything as ordered."

Sumiko often woke very early, around pre-dawn. It wa a habit left over from her island days, as animals usually were most active in the weak light of early morning, and thus easier to hunt. Of course, getting up that early wasn't quite needed anymore, if at all, but it had been one habit she had been unable to shake, no matter how much she tried. And so, she usually headed down to the archery range when the birds had just begun to chirp, trademark bow slung over her shoulder, padded glove in one hand and a small can of oil, grease or something flammable -sometimes a most enticing scent of white wine would waft past- in the other. Because of her habit, the servants almost always had a small section prepared for her, although it must be difficult to prepare every day. Sumiko would often tip the shooting range servants quite liberally as thanks, and became a favourite because of the small "presents" she would give out.

The range was where Sumiko was at right now; methodically thudding arrows in target after target, the occasional straw target going up in flames as dry grass crackled and crumbled. The dawn light was especially nice today; she often took breaks to watch the sun slowly rise up and paint the sky a light pink, then orange. By the time she had used up her allotment of practice arrows -also the time when the targets were starting to resemble bedraggled porcupines- it was already near breakfast time, a daily meeting time with the queen and the rest of the guard.

And she was still in excercise clothes and smelled faintly of oil and sweat.

Cursing under her breath, Sumiko carefully stashed the practice bow away, leaving the small oil canister. Rushing back to her room, she quickly washed, replacing the smell of sweat with a faint scent of roses and lavender, binding her chest and stepping into a crisp suit, a white blouse tucked into black dress pants all covered with a fine gold-embroidered black long coat that whispered the quality of the material. Fixing her hair as much as she could -it was usually always in an eternal state of wild shagginess- she rushed down to the dining hall, co mposing herself and pushing open the door.

Ignoring everyone else for a moment, Sumiko first stood next to her chair and bowed to the queen, a smooth dip at the waist as she put her hand over her heart. "Your highness." She murmured, gaze respectfully pointed towards the ground. She had heard tales of terrible queens and emperors, kings and monarchs, who paid very close attention to the respect given to their position; it was not uncommon for some noble to be beheaded or tortured simply because they looked the ruling power directly in the eyes or didn't back out of the room. While she felt that such a thing was not a danger to her in the presence of Queen Margaret, she was not willing to take the chance; she had already read up quite thoroughly on court mannerisms in the royal library after having been admonished by a maid the first day she had stepped forth into the palace. Slowly rising and sitting down, she began doling portions of food onto her plate, being careful not to spoon too much. That was another problem; food was rare and scarce when she was little, and you often had to eat what you could, when you could. One of her first dinners in the palace resulted in her practically shoveling food into her mouth and throwing up only a little while afterwards because her stomach couldn't handle the rich fare. So now, she usually took a little less than what she needed, and ate according to the books; quite literally, as she was copying the etiquette section in a book she found in the library. Of course, she still sometimes had to fight the urge to gulp down food or take much more than was necessary.

As she chewed, Sumiko smiled kindly at everyone, not exactly willing to talk until spoken to but very much wanting to greet everyone with as much compassion that she could muster. Her gaze landed upon Reich -sharp enough after years of honing- and she smiled before tipping her head towards a seat, a silent invitation to sit. She then set a hand on Buras' very muscular arm, easily the size of her plate. "Buras, perhaps slow it down a little with the meal? I really wouldn't want you to choke; a massive man coughing and pounding the table is really not something we need this early in the morning." She quickly slid a water jug over to him, as well as a cloth napkin, her gaze having seen the unappetizing squirt (honestly any blood squirting was enough to give her chills) from Medico. She tastefully smiled at him as well, hiding her distaste; he was a valuable Guard, but she did not want to become anything more than acquaintances with him. He honestly creeped her out too much for that. She winced slightly when Buras stuffed the blood-touched food into his mouth, but really, who was she to judge? She had gutted plenty of animals in her lifetime. It was just something about the fact that Medico had been fondling with it... She really hoped Buras wouldn't get sick with the plague, or something.

"If you wouldn't mind, your highness; I'd be happy to scout out the tomb. Has there been any disturbance -supernatural or otherwise- around it? That way, I know what I might need to prepare for. I'm also fine with going alone or with another party." She dipped her head after that, silently eating her food and gazing at everyone with a hooded, unreadable gaze. Se was mainly trying to keep order; with the general... Ah, "rowdiness" of the Queen's Guard, as well as the assortment of different people with different backgrounds and personalities... Well, it usually led to squabbles here and there, something she was trying her hardest to prevent today.

@GrieveWriter @Beowulf


@Decay @Dethrix
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" You talk as though bull Wrath's are monsters" doc looks up from his mouse "Bull Wrath's aren't monsters their creatures" doc says examining all the people there, Doc always took long pause between each sentence. it's like something is holding him back it might be him thinking. or it might be something else "the real monsters don't sleep under your bed, they sleep inside your head"even though they cant see it doc is smiling.

"Yes bobby I will" medico says in a raspy voice "no,no that would be to obvious..." whispers doc. "AHA!" doc straightens up and jumps out of his chair is now pacing up and down the room. "tomb... tomb WAIT A TOMB!, there are BODY'S in a tomb" doc squeals. he is jumping up and down now clasping his hands. he runs over to the queen (more like a fast waddle) and puts a heavy hand on Skylar's shoulder. "my queen , my highness, my royalty will there be a high deceased population in the previous said tomb" Sequels the doctor. medico was always egotistical he never takes notice of other the people around him this is not out of selfishness though it was more of a blissful ignorance "NO BOBBY I WONT!" he shouts all of a sudden making the servants jump "why! why!" doc stars convulsing and squirming intensely he is having some sort of attack about thirty seconds later he stops suddenly.

he gets up of the floor and walks over to the chair he sat in earlier.he sits down and hangs his head low "I am sorry my queen. It seams i am in a poor and pitiful state" doc's voice seemed as though it has changed its almost like he is talking normally "ghosts are real... monsters are too, they live inside us and sometime's. they win" doc says nothing for the rest of the time in the hall
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Skylar flinched when the Doctor put his hand on her shoulder, which also make her reflectly put her hand on the handle of her sword as if ready to unsheate it and quickly slash down a threat.

She watches as the Doctor squeals and seemingly talking to the air until he suddenly stopped and calmed down.

"So..." Skylar cleared her throat. "You are going to the tomb, Doc?"
"Yes I will be going to the tomb" he says looking up at Skylar "I wonder what sort of state the body's are in and if they are mummified or not" he says in a quiet wistful voice. "as well as that I might be of use if any of us get injured" his lifeless mask pointing towards skylar "we don't want you coming back dead... well i would like to examine some of your body if you do die like-" starts mumbling about everybody's scars and body's " I don't know but. I still don't want everybody to die." he pause's like someone is talking "yes bobby it might be surprising but i don't want them to die" doc says firmly "Oh by the way how is your brother doing as the new lord of the House?"
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"No, i don't want my body to be cut open." Skylar politely refuse with a small smile. Even if the Doc is weird and eccentric, he do care about them.

"Oh by the way how is your brother doing as the new lord of the House?"

Skylar tensed and smile disappeared from her face as she heard the question. She glanced at the Doc, and give him a sharp stare.

"He's doing fine. And so is my House nor the region they controlled." Skylar answered. She's always uncomfortable with answering questions about her past. Especially in front of the Queen. Not after what happened.

"Please don't ask anymore question." Skylar added in a stern tone. She smirked, hoping that everyone would catch the message. "We should stay focused on the task today, don't you think so too Doc?"
Placing a hand gently over Sumiko's, Buras swallows what food is left in his mouth and says "I don't look forward to choking this early in the day either. Don't worry dear, I'll chew my food." And with that, he pats her hand and goes back to eating. After, might I add, taking a gulp of water. He liked these people, most of them anyway. There was that traitor, the one he wanted to rip limb from limb and hang the scattered body parts from his own banner. But he was an enemy now, so that didn't really count. He had wrestled Reich, at least he thought it was Reich, to the ground on their first meeting. Now look at them, they got along now. They've been through thick and thin, only occasionally threatening to beat the other's head in.

Once he had eaten his fill, he gets up, nods in the direction of the queen, and says "By your leave." He was itching to see one of these Bull Wraths. If Reich thought them powerful, then they would truly be a worthy enemy. And he had to get Sven ready to ride, the horse was strong, but Buras did not like riding bare back. And he wouldn't be surprised if there were three servants down there trying to get his saddle on. All the while, Sven would be side stepping and nipping any hands that got close to his mouth. He was a chewer, Sven.
Margaret continued with her eating as the Guard conversed with each other over both the food and today's tasks, once she finished one large portion of food she continued speaking "Due to the brute strength of the Bull Wraths, I feel as though Buras and Reich would have the greatest of ease out there. The ingredients aren't hard to find, just defeating in the Bull Wraths would be the only challenge in your way. Working together it should be no problem for the two of you."

Another utensil of food was chewed slightly and swallowed before she continued, "As for the tomb, if it was simply that I would have Medico take journey on his own for a simple look through of it. However..." She paused for another round of food "A group of the resident farmers were daring enough to try searching it on their own. The only thing which came out after they entered was a single member who had been split off from the other. According to him this cave is cursed by the spirits of those buried there, who possess the various bodies and attack intruders. These 'Remnants' are apparently guarding the deeper sections of the cave, and the survivor even confirmed several deaths during questioning."

Another pause for a fork of food, "I want the possessed corpses put back down by any means necessary, but due to their corpse-like appearance they should only be a minor problem to a true warrior. I want them cleared out, any surviving farmers rescued, and whatever they're guarding to be found. If it is unattainable or the farmers are all dead, then just focus on the remnants."

She placed the fork down on her plate and folded her hands in her lap again as she stared at Medico blankly for several seconds "Due to Medico's fascination with the dead he seemed like a prime candidate to study these Remnants, and for a warrior I feel as though Skylar is more than capable of clearing out the tomb with Medico's assistance."

She looked at Skylar for a few seconds before turning back to her food, "The rest of the guard shall accompany me throughout the day unless something else of importance comes up."

She finished speaking and resumed eating with slow, precise chews of food.

(@Beowulf )(@too much idea )(@Decay )(@Athenian )(@Dethrix )(@Enolx )
Reich was silent all through their conversations, giving the occasional nod when another member entered but nothing more. Unlike the others he did not eat. Nor did he ever in front of them. He was served food, but his real meal was usually sent to the old watch tower he usually resided in. Unknown to most it was actually great for getting a whole view of the city. Though it wasn't nearly as tall or armed as the newer towers, his had brilliance to fill its place. That tower had been placed in the exact center of the city. Where the palace should have been, but for some reason wasn't. However some mathematical genius, placed a small watchtower in the exact center of the great Empire and then had gone to set up little other towers and even statues around the city. The special thing about these great statues or unused watchtowers was that they seemed to be in random places, but each one secretly had a mirror or reflective surface attached to it. In fact this Watch Tower had one itself. After deep research on the topic he realized it was an old Security system for the kingdom that had never been put into use. Through these statues, monuments and other small Watchtowers he could view the whole city, just by turning a reflective Mirror like Orb that was mounted on the window.

From the Watch Tower he could see nearly anything, even capable of using just the right angle to be able to view into homes. Recently he had asked the Construction team of the Empire to set up more statues and monuments like the others, saying they were for the Queen. In theory they were, they would help her protect the kingdom more efficiently. However he had also learned that by projecting light against the orb and reflecting it through the mirrors and reflecting surfaces, that he could focus the light into a form of burning energy. Thus why a lone farmer one morning had woken up with a deep smoking hole in his porch. An accident of his experiment. So far the statues and monuments were being built at a steady rate and his viewing range was opening to immense levels, however he needed to talk to the Queen about this soon. And by talk he meant... Talk. Seeing how his oath of silence could be lowered when alone with a Almighty Form of Law, such as the Queen.

He suddenly tuned back into the conversation as he heard the Queen begin to speak, pushing his plate away ever so slightly. She was talking of the Bull Wraths, and apparently Buras had taken him up on the idea of working together on it. It was good to know his opinion was appreciated, because he knew at times they all thought they could handle certain situations alone. Even he was guilty of this fault. So in reaction of her ruling of Buras and Himself working together, he smiled under his helm and nodded over to the Brute in goodwill. Whistling with Approval and understanding.

Then the Queen began talking to the Doc about the Tombs. In honesty he would've gone in too, but the subject of Bull Wraths had appealed to him too much. However possession was something wards would be needed for. Restless spirits were often very destructive and if they were guarding something, that meant they had been buried with it for a reason. That lead to darker suspicions, but he'd have to leave that to Doc and Skylar. They both probably knew around the same amount about Demons, Ghouls and Spirits as he did. Especially the Doc. That man could be a Ghoul under his mask and clothing for all they knew. Or maybe his imaginary friend wasn't so Imaginary after all after the fit he just went through... In any case he would offer his help.

"I know a man who specializes in Demon/Negative Spirit Wards. I have used these especially on our previous ventures to Demonic Territories throughout the Country. I would be more then happy to give you the location of his residence." He gestured the symbols out with his hands after the Queen had finished addressing them. Her last statement had been about the remaining Guards staying behind to protect her. Though the remaining few were skilled, he didn't like leaving the Queen with so few. That meant he and Buras would have to be quick about the retrieval of the Ingredients so they could hurry back and provide support. Whenever a group of them left above three there were always incidents after their leave. That was something that unnerved him deeply, but he had to trust to others as they trusted them to survive.

Soon after his thoughts a Servant came by and took his untouched plate. He had instructed them with a letter a few weeks earlier that if he didn't eat his food right away, it meant he wanted it sent to the tower. Speaking of the Tower, he still needed to address the Queen about that before he left with Buras. If she accepted his plan, he could have an orb installed into her room and then have that orb reflected at an angle where it connected with his Tower. If her orb was Connected to his then she would be connected to all the other Towers and Monuments. However, the meeting/breakfast would have to be over before he talked to her of his Idea though. He relaxed back into his chair, his senses still as alert as ever and waited. It was a simple matter of the others finishing their food and accepting their quests before she dismissed them.
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"As you wish." Skylar nod, while hoping that Medico will not ask her anymore questions related to her past during the journey.

She's uncomfortable for leaving the Queen's side, and so she decided to finish this task as fast as possible. Medico will probably want to cut open the bodies right there and then, though.

"I know a man who specializes in Demon/Negative Spirit Wards. I have used these especially on our previous ventures to Demonic Territories throughout the Country. I would be more then happy to give you the location of his residence." Reich gestured. To be honest, Skylar only knew some basic information like what she read in her books. Like what are their feature, weakness, and such. Medico probably understand more than she is, and more help wouldn't hurt. Skylar lifted her thumb, giving an 'okay' gesture at Reich.
Reina Kavot

It was raining. The dark skies overhead were relentless in their downpour, falling drops sharp as knives, as Reina ran, weaponless and unarmored. She could hear it behind her, growling and snarling, the beast drawing nearer in its hunt, raspy, heavy breathing behind her, chilling her spine as she sprinted for her very life. It was cold and dark around her, and she couldn't see where she was going, not even able to see her hands infront of her, nothing visible but the endless pitch black. She blundered through the underbrush as she ran, making her believe she was in some sort of forest or jungle. She could feel her heart hammering in her chest, like a hand, punching against her chest trying to claw its way out of her so it too could flee. She didn't know what it was behind her, and she couldn't turn her head to look. She could only run, or else it would catch her, and that would be her end. However, she smashed head on into some sort of stone wall that she couldn't see, and fell back onto the ground, landing in a puddle of mud, feeling its dampness on her back. Her entire body seized with pain, and she groaned, rolling over, trying to rise to her feet. Although she couldn't see anything before, she could see the fist seem to come from the void infront of her, knocking her off her feet again. She growled up at it, "Bugger off you fuckin' bastard!" she threatened, before the monster stepped forward, and she realized just what it was. The brunette-haired woman looked insane, laughing, one brown eye focused on her, the woman's face enveloped by a horrible scar, her simple tunic and pants stained with blood, a blood-coated mace in her hands, and Reina had no problem recognizing herself. It was then, that she realized just where she was. She had been here before. A begging scream tore its way from her lips, in a voice not her own, as her.. no.. not her... the other her, swung the mace downwards, the weapon smashing into her rib-cage, and she heard the crack of bone, and screamed in pain, "Please! No!" she screamed, crying, her wet tears adding to the mud puddle below her, as Reina swung the mace again and again, until the pain began to fade, but her begging did not, stuttering and stammering with her very last breaths.

She awoke with a start, shooting up into a sitting position, brown eye wide, looking around her, holding a hand over her hammering heart. Once the fear had subsided, she fell into an ocean of guilt, remembering that night, remembering the girl's screams as she died. "I-I'm the monster," she whispered to herself, feeling a few tears making her way down her face. Feeling them there, realizing how weak she was. None of the other Queen's Guard woke up like this every other morning, drowning in the guilt of their past actions. She was weak. The weak didn't become warriors. The Weak didn't serve in the Queen's Guard. She didn't deserve her position. She never did. All she deserved was a good axe, right through her neck. She slid over the side of the bed, placing her feet on the ground, and shakily rising to her feet. She tightened her fists in anger. All her effort to make her weakness go away, all the hidding, the strength she had tried to display but didn't have, all of it, and it never worked. It did nothing. She was weak again, whenever she closed her eyes, and that made her furious beyond anything else. She moved forward, with a shout, swinging her fist into the wall opposite her, leaving a sort of dent. She stepped back, holding her hand, wincing in pain, looking around her, at all the other dents she had in her walls, a few holes here and there, and for a moment, it seemed like one of those bullshit poems that Reich always wrote, some sort of long-winded comparison about how the walls were like her, and she was destroying herself. She stood back, groaning, as she looked around the room, realizing from the light in the window she had slept in a little late as she was always fucking doing these days. She growled at her stupidity, sliding on her clothing, followed by her armor, and the attaching of her mace to her back. She sighed, "Ruddy bullshit," she muttered, "Gods damn.. "Always gotta be ready," what a load of bullshit," she muttered, as she opened her door, slamming it, as usual behind her, making no effort at all to fix the mess that was her hair. She never did anyways. Wasn't worth it. As she walked, she rubbed her one eye until it couldn't be noticed that she had been crying.

She made her way down to breakfast, noticing the presence of a few other members of the Queen's Guard, and the Queen herself already there, eating. She pulled up a chair at a secluded part of the table, sitting down, setting her elbows on the table, using her fists to keep her head up. She began to eat, not particularly pausing to enjoy any of the food prepared for her. "What's the job today?" she asked idily, looking up and around, seeing if anyone was going to answer her. As she came in she had caught a few idle bits of conversation, something about demon wards. "Great, demons," she muttered to herself, her brown eye looking down at the plate, seeming generally uninterested in the food, her thoughts on other things.

Her eye fell on Skylar, "The Wall" as some called her. The girl was quiet, and despite being the same age, they weren't friends. They didn't particularly know each other at all beyond them being associates. Her fighting style seemed mostly to be "run around and be a human shield for people", which Reina saw little point in. The quiet girl had a sort of arrogant streak in her, sometimes tending to disobey direct orders and instead do what she thought was best. Sometimes she respected that, but she knew the Queen was most likely smarter than the lot of them, and her direction hadn't led them astray yet.

Next, her eye fell on Medico, being a fucking creep as always. The bird-masked man made her spine tingle, and whenever she was around him, she had to heavily restrain the urge to grab his head and smash it into the wall until he finally shut the fuck up about wanting to cut someone's corpse open. The guy seemed to have a voice in his head named "Bobby", that no one else could hear that he held conversations with. The whole damn thing made her sick, and she wished he wasn't on the Queen's Guard so she wouldn't have to deal with his bullshit whenever she saw him.

Thirdly, her eye moved to Sumiko, watching the red-haired archer. The girl was so incredibly fucking passive that Reina wondered how she chose the Queen's Guard as her line of work. She was kind, social, and charitable, to an obnoxious degree. She had rarely been angered, so either she had great self control, or simply was unable to get angry. However, there was certainly no denying the girl's skill with a bow, her arrows nearly always hitting their mark.

Next, she spotted Buras, stuffing his face with food. He was loud and kindly... until you got him angry, and then he was loud and not so kindly. She wasn't particularly close to him either, and they had definitely butted heads a few times before. The man's combat skills were... adaptable. He functioned well with anything in his hands when he needed a weapon, and when he didn't have one, he was equally good with his fists.

Fifthly, she found Reich, being quiet and as generally interesting as a brick wall. She knew little about him, except he liked writing, and heavily enjoyed whistling. Her eyes simply moved onwards, as there honestly wasn't much that interested her about him. He was a skilled fighter, and a quiet guy... if that's what he was under his armor, and that was it.

Next, she saw Exodus, who was sort of an anomaly. He was calm, and a sort of free spirit.. but on the battle field, he was a monster. Perhaps he was hiding something. She knew nothing of his past, as she never cared to learn about any of the other guard's pasts, as she had quite a rough once herself, and would not appreciate someone asking her what her life had been like.

Lastly, her eye found the Queen herself, who, since she lost her adopted daughter, was allergic to happiness and smiled about as often as Medico actually made fucking sense. The woman was stern, calculative, and merciless when she needed to be. She knew what she needed to do, how to do it, and who to send to do it. Beyond that, she simply had Reina's respect for letting Reina work for her, and providing her with shelter and clothing and food.




@too much idea



Taking the queens silence as a sort of approval, Buras bowed, a thing not completely familiar to many Hrothlanders, and turned to go. "Reich, take care of the things that you need done. I'll be saddling Sven and helping the stable men and women with their wounds." At the last part of his short speech, a smile turned the corners of his mouth up. This wouldn't be the first time someone had been injured by Sven. It was a miracle no one has lost any fingers. But they were determined to do their job, bless them. But they would never get it, especially if Sven was moving around like he guessed the daft horse was doing. They would have to constantly be moving around their step stool just to be able to throw a blanket over his back.

So, after pinching another biscuit and cramming that in his mouth, he left for the stables. The servants did not jump out of his way as they first had. No, they were used to him now. So, they simply moved to the side, some offering a bow or curtsy, but mostly just going about their day to day tasks. He made a point in making sure they knew he wasn't some high born noble. There were still tales being whispered around the servant's quarters of a certain, drunken evening involving him, several other drunken men and women, and a goat. Don't ask him about it, he can't remember a damn thing about that night.

Soon enough, he was in the stables, and surprisingly enough no one was trying to saddle Sven. Well, now that he thought about it, it made sense. They didn't know he was going anywhere. Lucky them, and him. Now he could quickly get Sven ready without having to shoo off a stableman every other step. But that was short lived, for as soon as they saw him they went about trying to saddle Sven for him. "Shove off. I can do this me self." he said, which the stablemen simply ignored. This was a usual thing for when he was about to set off, almost a ritual. But he managed to pry the blanket away, and keep strange hands away from Sven's mouth. This was probably going to take longer then he expected.
Antiga Port: Morning

Leaves were beginning to fall from the lemon trees.

Aurum sat on a bench, rigid. The breeze blew through his graying hair and beard, bringing with it the last sounds and smells of summer. The servants bustling about their duties, bringing water and meat to the kitchens. Doves calling for their mates and the flutter of feathers as the found what they sought. Citrus and grapes. Down the way dock hands cursed one another as they unloaded their goods. Fishmongers and bakers, blacksmiths, criers and farmers all bellowed for the attention of the markets. Saltwater.


The island had recovered rather well since he had last seen it. Crops were growing in the fields ,and livestock with them. Portia's fire-scars had long since healed over. The castle was still a ruin, but for now it was livable. And for all that they had lost, the people were moving right along just the same. Not Aurum.

Aurum had been gone for more than a decade. Antiga had been his home then. Now the very ground felt alien under his boots. The people hardly recognized him. Not that he could blame them for that. He hardly recognized himself anymore, and the Bhalests no longer ruled Antiga. It was Portia's now, and Aurum was beginning to tire of waiting for him when the sound of lazy shuffling feet caught his hearing. Aurum stood.

"Ah, First General! So sorry to keep you waiting. Bad back, you know. Can hardly make it down the stairs anymore!"

Rodrigo Portia's flabby jowls rippled as he spoke. A searing hatred rose like bile in Aurum's throat as the fat noble bowed. He returned the gesture but said nothing. He was not here to exchange meaningless platitudes with the man who had killed his family and taken his home. Portia had grown fat and wizened since that day. Aurum towered over him, his head brushing the lowest branches of the lemon tree.

Portia led him to the study, talking the whole way about how pleased he was that Aurum had returned to Celaise. I will mount your head on a spike, old man. How pleased will you be then? Aurum thought. He was not shocked to find Meredith in the study already. His empress had left the capital three days before he had.

"Your grace." He said, bowing. Meredith, attention firmly fixed on a report of some kind, waved for them to sit.

The empress was a young woman. Far too young some had said, but none could doubt her leadership. Her blonde hair was tied back in a long, five strand braid, save for one wild hair that fell in front of her stark blue eyes. Her eyebrows were furrowed and a frown adorned her otherwise beautiful face. Sighing, she put down the scroll and turned her attention to her visitors.

"Aurum. Board a ship and travel to Alexandria. Treat with their queen and tell her that Celaise officially recognizes her majesty's government."

Aurum's breath caught in his throat. It had only been a year since he had betrayed that very queen. For a moment, he was back in that keep, the battle raging around him as he turned his cloak. Exodus had been the only other Queens Guard near him, and their duel had barely left them both with their lives.

"I am not sure that that is the wisest course of action, your grace. Diplomatically, sending me would likely be take as an insult."

Meredith's eyebrows furrowed even more, if that was possible.

"Aurum. Board a ship and travel to Alexandria. Treat with their queen and tell her that Celaise officially recognizes her majesty's government."

"I... At once, your grace."
The queen looked about her lonely castle and frowned greatly. No one was here. Everyone disappeared. She glared out a window towards the east side of the mountains. "Queen Margaret. You have taken from me for the last time." She growled out loud. Disappointment filled her at the thought of no one following her lead, A queen of an empty kingdom. What would her dead family have to say.. Again her black heart clenched in anger at this moment of time.

She couldn't help put feel as though she was stolen from, a wealthy queen before that now had nothing. Star glanced down at her dark burgundy dress as it swished about her feet as she moved. She clapped her hands and a small butler came in. "Thank you." She said with malice as she then sat at her table. As the butler lifted the cap off the place revealing the small throwing daggers she asked him to get out. Looking at the target on the wall she picked up three daggers and quickly released them. All the daggers finding their way into the middle of the target.

"Kujo." The queen called out as a massive beast walked into the throne room. She reached her hand out to pet her animal. Though she was lonely she still had her animals for company. Now she just need people to join her in taking down Queen Maragret.

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