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Fantasy The Queens Guard

Queen Margaret lifted her head to see Reina enter, and answered her question after lowering her fork "Today, you will be acting as part of my protection as normal. Four of my Guard are being dispatched to take care of some things that only they could properly accomplish."

She took a sip of some soup before reaching for some bread "Reich and Buras will be going to collect some ingredients in the eastern marshes for me due to Bull Wrath breeding season, while Skylar and Medico will be going adventuring in a mysterious tomb."

She then acknowledged Skylar as she dipped the bread in the soup "If you wish to take up Reich on his offer then by all means, I would not get in the way of a search for benefits."

After several bites into the bread, Buras spoke up before leaving to ready his steed. Margaret lowered the bread and glanced around the room mechanically "Now if all is clear, by all means I consider this morning meeting to be over with. Any final questions of your objectives are welcome, but you may leave if you have gotten your fill."

(@Beowulf )(@too much idea )(@Decay )(@Athenian )(@Dethrix )(@Enolx )(@SirDerpingtonIV )
"Very well, your highness." Skylar said, as the Guards are dismissed to work on their task. She glanced at Reina, 'The Mad Bitch' who came in late. She looked messy, especially that hideous bed hair. And then at Sumiko, a very nice girl blessed with amazing archery ability. And then Exodus, a young fellow with a unique combat style.

Skylar is a worrywart, but knowing the three of them are going to guard the queen put an ease to her mind.

"C'mon, Doc. We still need to visit Reich acquaintance." Skylar approached Medico.
"OK then" medico claps his hands and starts rubbing them, he and starts walking towards the door but stops halfway across the room stops. "Oh No" medico thinks to himself medico is having a sane burst. for the last year or so medico has a self proclaimed "sane burst" this is when for about 1-5 minutes the "crazy" doctor seems to regain his sanity. in these moments doc thinks about the universe and how cracked his own sanity is. "Why am I like this?" He thinks, he looks back and examines everybody, "These are the closet I ever had to a family" he contemplates "and they all think am frickin insane, should I say something?" he turns to look at the door again trying not to be seen. "family..." doc lifts his hand to his mask and pulls out a short thin dagger with a handle of human bone out of the tip of his mask. there is a word carved into the handle:uncle

doc is transported back to the time he was a boy of 13. he can remember it clearly. he was the average height and build of a thirteen year old but he wasn't wearing a mask. he had black greasy hair going down to his neck, his eyes was beady and black, his thick round glasses lay on his abnormally long crooked nose. the weather was foggy and Gray the yellow street lamps were as covered in a sheet of fog. he was walking back home from schools. medico was related to a lord and lady and was very middle class he could afford anything he wanted, books , food even sweets but he never got any, he lived with his aunt Gretchen and his uncle Trevor and they absolutely hated him but he didn't know why. Corvus always was the butt of every ones joke and was bullied viciously by a 17 year old big brute of a boy called Victor and his gang for being "too smart" and a "werido" this was life for him. as he was walking home and was stopped by Victor and his friends "Oy stop der you freak" Victor shouted "oh... hi vic-vic-victor" medico had a stutter as-well which made him a prime target for bullies "shut ya mouth" Victor snapped and threw a punch at medico. the puck shattered his glasses he fell too the floor and the group started kicking and punching the boy. His uncle walked out of the fog the man was fat and had a friar haircut he stopped walking and looked at the boys and their victim. he stood there and watched. he watched and watched as the shit was beaten out of the boy with a big cheek to cheek smile. medico looked up at his uncle, and simply snapped you could almost hear the gears crack .that's the point where everything changed. his rage, oh his rage was blinding he got up,everybody kicking and punching as he got to his feet as he rose like a phoenix out of his ashes. everybody stopped and looked at him. a moment later he was face to face with Victor, he slammed victor to the floor his face an inch from Victors blood droplets falling on Victors face. Victor was in awe he started panicking nothing ever happened like this to him before, medico spoke in a voice he never spoke in before "Do you know how many bones are in your body." The brute was trying to get away "LISTEN TO ME!" victor stopped wiggling the group and his uncle only stared "there are 206 bones in your body and I'm going to break E-V-E-R-Y one of them" he started strangling victor nothing could stop him. his grip became tighter every second. and out of the corner of his eye he saw his uncle, running towards him. "You- your running, YOUR RUNNING TO HELP HIM!?" He though angrily . He was about to explode the rage couldn't be tamed he could hear him coming closer and closer. something feel on the floor out of victors pocket. a pen knife. medico knew what he had to do, he let go of victor picked the knife up swung round the same time his uncle was going to reaching out for him and medico stuck the knife in his flabby throat. he stabbed him

Medico came back to earth. he looked around, looking at the door than turning around to the table where everyone sat. he looked down at his dagger he was holding. "family..." he whispered as he put the dagger back in his beak and walked out the door. turning back into his insane normal self.




@too much idea



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"Doc?" Skylar called out, that received no reply. Medico silently stood and looked at the door, perhaps contemplate his existence in this Universe. Skylar shrugged and left him to talk about the expert that might help their mission, she believe that soon Medico will back to normal.

"Reich." Skylar raised her hand, a sign for both asking question and to get his attention. She never see him talk so she always thought that he is deaf, or mute, or both. Skylar stood closer and ask, "Could you tell me where we can find your friend? I hope we will pass his place on our way to the tomb."
Reina Kavot

Reina simply nodded, her brown eye finding the Queen, who had been the first to answer her question. "Aye then," she said simply, taking another bite from her breakfast, hiding the smile of relief. A day without Medico was a damned good one for her. She looked around, spotting Exodus and Sumiko, realizing the two of them would both be on Guard Duty with the queen for the day. She simply nodded, quite fine with that. As long as it wasn't Medico, it was good with her. However, she knew that the two of them were skilled fighters, but none of them seemed quite like the kind to get up in the enemy's face, and fight them in melee. When the queen had dismissed them, Reina continued to sit, as she was on guard duty with the other two who had remained. "Going anywhere today?" she asked, looking up into the unsmiling face of the Queen, before hearing Medico mutter to himself, being usually insane as always. She simply sighed, saying nothing about it, as she looked down at her empty plate, thinking to herself.
The rain relentlessly cascaded as lightning colored the sky in bursts. Thunder bellowed with a constant, almost rhythmic, drumming causing all other sound to be reduced to a whisper in its wake. "Please I'll give you anything," the man pleaded as he backed away, crawling on the floor. As he looked around for a way of escape all he saw was the corpses of those who had once been called to protect him. Their bodies were broken as was most everything else around him. As he looked at the bodies his memories of recent events flooded back to him. He could hear the sounds in his head as he slowly backed away. Even with the thunder the sound was so loud. Now that it was in his head it was deafening.

Bones snapping. Screaming. Bones snapping. Screaming. Wall breaking. Bones snapping. Screaming. Floor crunching. Metal crunching. Bones snapping. Screaming. Metal clanging. Bones snapping. Screaming.

The sounds kept playing in his head and as the man started screaming he was not sure what was him and what was in his head. He started to cry as he backed away. He looked into the eyes of his assailant. They were so cold, so cold. Those were the eyes of the dead. " What did I do wrong," the man asked " Why god would you send this upon me. I have done wrong, but nothing deserving of this. Please god help me! Someone help..." His words stopped when he collided with a wall. "Please, please please," the man begged " I have a wife and family, I will do anything, give you anything." He watched as the man crouched and looked him dead in the eyes. They were so empty. Then his assailant spoke, his volume normal, coming through clearly even in the tempest. " Your pleading is worthless," the assailant stated. The man then watched as the killer got up and walked to his right. He was saved, but he did wonder why he had left him. That did not matter to the man, for now he need to get his family and get out while he could. "I just need to go to my chamber and..." The man was cut off be the scream of a woman. Then he heard it again.

Bones snapping. Screaming.

The man slowly turn to his right and the direction of the sound. He had not realized where he had crawled to. In horror his eyes locked upon his emerald green chamber door. He rushed up, like a man possessed, threw open the heavy slightly crack door. He dropped to his knees and watched the rapid events that took place. He saw his entire family who were hiding in his chamber broken apart. The killer moved as if dancing to music, snapping necks, shattering rib cages, leaving bodies bent in unnatural positions, or embedded into the stone walls. As the man watched he heard the music that his assailant was dancing to, It was a tune he had memorized.

Bones snapping. Screaming. Bones snapping. Screaming. Wall breaking. Bones snapping. Screaming. Floor crunching. Metal crunching. Bones snapping. Screaming. Metal clanging. Bones snapping. Screaming.

Through his tears all the man could see was his freshly dyed chamber, the pieces of the people he once loved, and the devil in the middle of it all. He watched as the devil turned and kicked down the stone wall behind him. "What do you want?," the man screamed " You have taken everything from me! I have nothing left to give you." The devil just looked at the man and stepped to the side of the wall he kicked down. The man looked at the devil and then a the hole.

He knew what the devil wanted. He knew the devil would get it. He saw what the devil could do. He heard what the devil could do. He could not defy the devil. The man walked to the broken wall and looked down at the massive drop to the stone below. At least it would be over, at least he would be with his family, at least the sound would stop. "God please make it stop," the man said as he walked over the edge.

Rain..... Thunder.....thud......Rain......

Exodus sat and watched as Buras, Doc, Sumiko, and Reina made their way in and food was given out. Although they were a strange bunch Exodus enjoyed their company. Many of them battled with their own issues so they were not a bunch who pried into others. This let them work well together if they needed to. As Exodus thought about how the group worked well together his memories flashed back to Aurum. Although they fought he could not bring himself to hate the man, in fact he envied him. Unlike himself Aurum chose what master he wanted to serve. Aurum along with everyone else had that choice. If there was a reason for hate, it would be that he did not get that choice. Now they were enemies, and as Exodus ate his food he found himself wondering if Aurum was happy with his choice.

When Exodus snapped himself out of his thought he had found that everyone had been assigned their tasks and were getting ready to take their leave. He watched as Doc talked to himself before leaving. While most of the other guards looked at him with repulsion, all Exodus gave was respect. He saw Doc as a man with a cruel master. In Doc's case, his master was himself. He dealt with an issue that Exodus had not had, a master who is always with you, never leaving, never tiring. This is why Doc had not only his pity, but his respect. To still be able to function while dealing with that was a true showing of strength and that deserved recognition. To Exodus that man was his equal and he had few equals.

Exodus stood up from the table after eating, picking up his plates and any others that were close as he did. " Good I love guard duty," Exodus said smiling " If you need me my master I will be down in the courtyard getting in some training. I will be ready to leave if and whenever you are." He then gave everyone a bow before taking the plates to the kitchen to be washed and making his way to the courtyard.
It had taken every last ounce of will that Aurum had not to scold his empress like the petulant child that she was. Of course she knew that sending him back to Alexandria would be taken as an insult. It was what she intended. Aurum hadn't even stayed for the rest of the meeting. The sooner that he was out of Antiga, the better.

Outside of the castle, his honor guard dozed in the sunshine. Honor was all that the position afforded, for there was no one in Celaise who could kill Aurum. Lieutenant Haren Cabot, who lead the company, was snoring the loudest until he received a mighty thwack from his commander. Having finally noticed his presence, they all snapped to attention. He gave them all a hard stare that made them squirm under his disapproval. Not that it would matter. They would be right back to what they were doing the moment he left.
Spoiled brats, every one of them.

And that was what Celaise had become, at least the in its upper echelon. The nobility spent far more time squabbling among themselves than working towards a better future. The empress didn't help matters. She was 16, and she had the wild bravado of youth in spades. Or perhaps it was Aurum who had changed. He didn't really see how that could be possible. He had always been a soldier of Celaise, first and foremost. Perhaps all that the nobles need was someone to give them a few whacks with a big stick. If there was anyone who could do that, it was him.

"Haren, run down to the dock as find us passage to Lau. Orest, fetch me a scribe."

The two boys sprung into their tasks. His guard was made up of good boys, if lazy. They would go far under him. Orest was the first back, scribe wheezing along behind him. Aurum settled himself on a bench and began to dictate his letter.

"To her majesty, Margaret, Queen of Alexandria. In light of recent events, namely that of your ascension, The Crown has seen that the best possible future for both of our countries would be one of peace and prosperity. In line with that thinking, I have sent First General Aurum Bhalest to you as Celaise's temporary ambassador until a better one might be chosen. Her Grace Meredith, Empress of Holy Celaise."

Having jotted the last bits down, the scribe gave a nervous bow and ran to the rookery. With luck, and a quick bird, the message could arrive by nightfall. Antiga itself wasn't far from Alexandria's capital, as the crow flies. His journey, however, might take a few days. It would give them plenty of time to prepare.

Haren came back soon enough. It seemed that the Prominent would carry them to Lau. Aurum stood. There would be no use in delaying the journey any longer.
Margaret finished off some more pieces of soup-soaked bread before turning to respond to Reina "I won't be leaving the city today, though I do have to leave some time after the public hearing to converse with an acquaintance."

She dipped a spoon In the soup and let it hover over the bowl for a while "Besides that, I will be confined to the castle for today."

She downed the spoonful of soup, then went in for two more before watching Exodus leave, speaking after he explained where he would be "I will send word after today's public hearing."

She then finished the soup and stood from her chair, dabbing at her mouth with a napkin before grabbing her scepter and saying "I must be ready for the Public Hearing, ig any f your wish to find me, you know where to look."

She nodded to her guards before beginning the walk to her chambers.

(@Beowulf )(@too much idea )(@Decay )(@Athenian )(@Dethrix )(@Enolx )(@SirDerpingtonIV ) (@Nexmaroc ) (@Star )
Reina Kavot

Reina simply nodded, listening as the Queen fully explained her plan for the day. "Sounds easy enough," she said simply with a nod, rising to her feet with a grunt, her one eye moving about the room. After examining those who remained, her eye settled back on the Queen, as she simply nodded in the Queen's direction, taking her leave as she departed. She had finished her food a few minutes before she had left, only remaining as to hear the Queen's plans for the day. She walked out of the Hall, her footsteps thudding against the marble flooring, fainly seeing her reflection in the shining stone, ignoring it, tightening her fists as she walked down to the castle's courtyard, where Men At Arms and Aspiring Knights normally could be found, training. She approached with a nod, grabbing a wooden blade from the rack, her one eye gazing about, looking for someone to challenge her. Eventually, someone volunteered, and she chuckled, as the arrogant looking teenager approached. She held her blade in a ready position, watching his stance. The young man smiled, "Reina," he said simply, nodding in greeting. "I, would have the honor of being Sir Jakyl Marbrooks," he said with a bow, before she lunged forward, savagely swinging her knee up into his stomach as he bowed, knocking the boy backwards and onto his ass. Reina looked down at him with a grin. "The enemy won't give you time to introduce yourself, you little arrogant shit," she remarked. She stepped back, taking her position as the boy stood once more, wincing in pain, before walking away, pride clearly hurt. She laughed aloud, looking about for anyone else who would be interested in fighting her.

"It's okay if you find it difficult to talk to me." Skylar sighed, and then glanced to a seemingly normal Medico. "You can tell Doc about the location, Reich. I'll make my way to the stable now and prepare horse for him and me. Now if you excuse me..."

Skylar bowed, and then walked out of the dining room. She stopped when she pass by the courtyard, observing how Reina challanged by one of the young knight training. It was a quick fight, as Reina slyly attacked the naive young knight. It was a good lesson, but harsh and brutal.

"Reina." Skylar called out, as she approached the crowd. She took off her shield and unbuckle her sword, then grab a wooden sword that look bigger and heavier than a normal one. "I could use a little warm up... Do you mind?"
Reina Kavot

Reina looked over with a grin as Skylar approached, her one eye examining the girl as she took off her sword and shield, grabbing a rather large, wooden sword that would most likely be used as a two-handed weapon, if her guess meant jack shit. "I don't mind at all," she said, stepping back, holding her sword in one hand, moving into a ready position, waiting for Skylar to make the first move. She was actually quite curious to see what the towering warrior had planned. She had always seemed like a defensive sort of fighter, relying on her shield to act as a literal wall between her and her foe. Perhaps she wouldn't be used to having nothing between you and the enemy besides your own blade. Changing tactics, Reina charged forward, slashing her blade horizontally toward Skylar's ribcage.

She grinned savagely, "You sure you up for a fight, Skylar?" she taunted, feeling excited by the blood pumping through her veins, and heart hammering in her chest. There was nothing Reina loved more than a good fight, and she felt that Skylar might just be one of the only good opponents in this ruddy castle. Besides her other members of the Queen's Guard, of course. Well, except Medico. He'd be easy to take down.

She could see a few of the trainees and servants beginning to gather around them, watching the two Queen's Guard spar.
It always feel good to take off her heavy shield and sword. She tighten her grip on her wooden sword. It's perfectly fit and feels right, heavy but still not as heavy as her usual sword.

She have anticipated Reina's sudden change of tactic. She's hotheaded, after all. She would try to surprise her by pulling stupid stunt like this. Skylar calmly took a step back and swung her sword to deflect Reina's attack. She swung it with such ease and hard, hopefully hard enough to throw Reina out of balance.

"You should be asking yourself, Reina." Skylar replied her taunting, there is no excitement in her face. She's serious about this fight, even if it just a stupid spar. She noticed the crowd around them, that didn't surprise her because it is very rare to see the Queen's Guard sparring in public.
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Buras had finally managed to wrestle the saddle away from the servents. They meant well, but they should have known by now that Sven was no horse to sit still while trying to be saddled. But he managed. Getting ready to pull the strap tight, he knees Sven to get him to breath out. A loose strap meant a harder ride for him. Sven looked back, a nasty look on his face. But he was a trained war horse, and was used to the strap being a bit tight. So, all that was left was to put the halter(?) in and he should be done. Grabbing it, he approaches Sven. As his fingers got close, Sven tried nipping at them. And in retaliation, he wrapped an arm around the horses head. That wouldn't have worked if they were anywhere else but in that stall. But they were in the stall, so it worked and soon enough, the bit was inbetween its mouth and everything was ready.

"There we go." he said, releasing the horses head and dodging out of the way of any further resistance. "Yar foolnen tharden." he said in his native tongue (Made it up on the spot. There is no real translation. Google will not know it). This roughly translates into "Stupid damn horse." when taken into context of what he has just done. "Now, up ya get." he said, guiding the horse out of it's stall and out the stables. The stables did not lead straight out to the courtyard, but Buras decided to wait there for Reich. So, soon enough, he was on top of his horse, peering over the heads of all the others, and watching the spar between the two Queen's Guards
Reina Kavot

Out of the corner of her eye, Reina could see Buras watching their little spar from atop his... warhorse. She had heard tales of its ferocity, biting the hands of anyone who tried to go near it that wasn't Buras himself. She'd heard rumors that he wrestled the horse into submission every time it got angered. She couldn't help but chuckle to herself, bringing her thoughts back to the spar. Skylar swung her own blade, the wooden weapons colliding, the the other girl swinging with force that Reina hadn't expected, knocking the girl out of balance, but she lunged out with her foot, attempting to swing Skylar's legs out from under her. "Maybe," she chuckled, a grin spreading across her face. She didn't mind the crowd gathering around them. She didn't mind having people watch her fight. Hell, if they watched close enough, maybe they'd be able to learn something from her. But, she knew that Skylar was an experienced fighter, and probably had more skill than she did. So, the only thing Reina could really do to win this spar would be to pull completely unexpected moves, to exploit every advantage she could, and to find some sort of weakness in "The Wall"
When Skylar noticed how Reina get knocked out of balance, she tried to swing her sword. But somehow she managed to lunge at her, swinging her leg and trying to knock her down. Skylar jumped to evade just right on time, and stumbled to the front. She use her stumbling as a momentum, turning her body and slashing her sword at Reyna while regaining her stance.

When she stumble, she saw a familiar face watching them from afar. The person looked like Buras, but Skylar doesn't really have a good look at the person. If it really is him, the rest of the Guards probably are watching them as well from behind the crowd. Hell, maybe even the Queen her self.

Skylar smiled at the thought. She have casted away her seriousness, and now determined to give their audience an entertaining fight.
A sudden gasp of the crowd brought Medico's attention away from trying to communicate with Reich to the Intense spar outside. he peaked around the corner of the door to see what's happening."Ohhhhh a fight" he mumbles to himself, "I wonder who the two Neanderthal's are whacking each other with sticks" he says to no one in particular. Even though Medico doesn't like fighting he can't give up on a chance to see a bit a gore. in the end docs curiosity got the best of it and he waddled over to the crowd, he pushed through the crowd to the very front, the sight that he saw was Skylar and Reina going at it. Doc got existed at once he was seeing "the wall" and the "mad bitch" Fighting, medico jumped up and down with glee his hands to his chest. He wanted to see blood, and lots of it but at the back of his mind the prospect of one of them getting hurt was nagging him. but he continued jumping and watching the spar.

@too much idea

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Reina Kavot

Skylar's efficient use of her own momentum surprised Reina, who had raised her sword just in time to cause Skylar's blade to glance off her own as Reina stumbled backwards a few steps, an eyebrow raised. "Impressive!" she said with a grin, quite truly impressed with what Skylar had pulled off, although her own parry was barely there. Reina paused a few moments, noting Medico's approach, which she promptly ignored, as to not accidentally go and piss herself off. She could see the man jumping up an down excitedly, before turning back to examine Skylar, noticing her smiling. "Something funny?" she asked, lunging forward, thrusting her blade toward Skylar's chest. Perhaps, if she wasn't able to beat Skylar, maybe a draw could be pulled off instead. At the very least, it should be an entertaining fight to their crowd of spectators, and an entertaining fight to actually be in.
"And you are unexpectedly good as well." Skylar returned the compliment. She posed her sword in front of her face, as Reina momentarily paused. From the look in her eye, Skylar guessed that it's Medico.

"No." Skylar calmly replied, as she swung her sword to parry Reina's attack. She continued with one thrust her self, directed at Reina's left armpit.
Jakyl's stomach groaned in pain where the bitch had hit him. That would have been bad enough, but his fellow knights were laughing at him now. Oh they hid it well, but he knew. Come the night, when they were all in their cups and the bawdy songs were playing, they would all joke about how the mighty Jakyl Marbrooks had been knocked on his ass by the queen's "Mad Bitch". He gently began to rub his stomach. Just one of you try telling me one of those jokes and I'll plant you, I swear it.

He was better than them and he knew it. It showed every day at practice. His shield was a little bit faster to raise, his sword a little more accurate. He had more talent than all of them in one finger. He knew it.

He had just fallen in line again when the crowd began to murmur in amazement. Oh great, now she must be showing off. he thought as he turned.

Behind him a rare event was occurring. Two of the Queen's Guard were going to duel! "The Wall" had tossed aside her shield in favor of a great-sword and was squaring off against the Mad Bitch. Jakyl smirked. This was going to be over quickly, and then everyone would see that his duel had been a fluke. But then the first blow struck.

Jakyl was speechless. He had heard the sargents' stories of how skilled the Queen's Guard were before, but those stories didn't do them justice. They danced with each other effortlessly -that's really all he could call it, no other words seeming to fit- and smiled. Neither side gave an inch as their weapons flashed with speed and precision that seemed impossible.

It was all he could do to hang his head in shame. I thought I could beat that? He had barely begun his knighthood. Such arrogance. He deserved to be laughed at.

Someone bumped into his shoulder. A fellow knight, Damon Corbray, cheering with wild abandon. He didn't seem to have noticed Jakyl at all. Or so he thought until Damon turned to him.

"Have you ever seen anythin' like it?" Jakyl shook his head. Damon turned back to the fight, a wide grin plastered on his face. "One day, that's going to be me they're cheerin' for."

Jakyl couldn't believe his confidence. Could Damon not see what was in front of him? The boy could match Jakyl in a fight, much less these titans. What hope did he have of joining their ranks? Bravado. Or something else?

"What about you Jakyl? Oh what am I sayin'. Of course you'll be Queen's Guard! Hell, you'll probably get there before half of us get so much as Lieutenant!" Corbray laughed.

Jakyl didn't have a response to that. How could he? All he could do was nod, and wonder.
Dana ran as fast as she could, making haste to the queen's quarters. She had watched the two of the Queen's Guards begin fighting, and immediately ran to report it to her divine ruler. Queen Margaret would want to know when her Guard were fighting, right? Of course, it was one of many of Dana's excuses to try and get more time in the presence of the Queen, but even so, it was still legitimate.

She was one of the Servants of the Castle, a maid. She spent most of her days cleaning up after the Queen and her Guard, not that Margaret was anything like the messy individuals that served under her. She was just too classy for it, and every delicate movement would often create a sense of unbridled awe within Dana. The Queen was probably the most important thing in her life, having turned he decrepit homeland into a powerhouse. Ever since she'd gotten work there, Dana had just grown more and more in awe of Margaret's abilities. Even through her daughter's death, the assembling of the Guard, and the subsequent purge of the Landlords, Dana was one of the few maids to stay by the Queen's side for almost all of the drama that surrounded the woman. Nowadays, her fellows often joked about her reverence of Margaret, even going so far as to call her a worshipper.

She wasn't even offended at the notion...

She paused at Queen Margaret's door, catching her breath before trying to straighten up as much as possible. She always got so nervous whenever she spoke with the Queen, so breathing exercises are practically a must before even daring to utter words in the presence of someone such as her.

Entering the room, Dana spotted the Queen sitting in a seat before a mirror with several attendants, who were helping her with her hair and clothing for the Public Hearings in a bit. Dana swallowed nervously, nearly locking up as she watched Margaret's head turn just a bit at the sound of the door closing shut. She stayed like that as Margaret spotted the maid shivering in her soles, then looked her over for a moment.

"What is it, Dana?" Margaret asked, turning back to her mirror after identifying it as a familiar maid "I take it there's something you wish to tell me?"

Dana cleared her throat again as she felt her knees weaken, many found the Queen's lack of humor or happiness to drain emotion from her words. But Dana knew, she just knew how much strength she put in every syllable.

"T-The Guard!" Dana stammered, still not fully capable of speaking to her idol "Two Fighting! I-In the..uhm.. Castle training yard."

Queen Margaret sighed at the news, it was common for her Guard to fight one another from time to time, but she had honestly expected for at least an hour of preparations before a sparring. And of all the people to tell her first, it just had to be Dana. With how much Margaret knew of her, odds were she just stood outside for some time before having the nerve to come in. And the stuttering, Margaret was almost sure that the nervous manner in which the maid spoke to her was going to be present for a long time, when she started hearing it from the maid some time ago she had assumed that Dana had an impediment.

Margaret checked her hair as the attendants paused, it looked quite good as always. She had been hoping t\o get in some more grooming time, but seeing as how she was heading out after the hearings she supposed she could forego to view the sparring.

"That'll be enough Nero," Margaret said to one of the attendants, before the rest stepped aside to let the queen walk over to Dana. The maid froze up again at the proximity, but Margaret just nodded her head in thanks before passing by wordlessly. Margaret exited the room and began making her way to the training yard, not even acknowledging the patter of footsteps behind her as Dana followed behind her like a lost puppy.

Margaret simply stared at the spectacle, a crowd surrounding what obviously appeared to be Skylar and Reina engaged in swordplay. Her face unchanging even as Dana circled around her and bowed again.

"I-is there anything else I c-can get for you?" Dana asked as Margaret kept her eyes on the battle.

"Bring me a chair." Margaret stated, Dana immediately got up and ran off to find a glorious chair for her idol to rest on.

Once her Obsessive maid had left, Margaret just stood watching the two fight it out, occasionally blinking.
Reina Kavot

As Skylar swung her blade down, parrying Reina's attack. As Skylar pulled her arms back, thrusting the blade once more, Reina turned herself, dodging it, before swinging her blade downwards at Skylar's outstretched arm. As they fought, Reina could see the crowd growing, and continued her grinning. "Unexpected?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "How'd you think I got in the Queen's Guard then, Skylar? By being pretty?" she asked, noting that the Queen herself had arrived outside aswell. Although she didn't have the time to check, she would be willing to bet that the Queen was frowning, as always.
"No, but for being mad!" Skylar doesn't have time to pull back her arm to avoid being hit. So she swing her arm away and take another step behind. That was close.

Skylar could hear the sound of people holding their breathe and whispering, probably the Queen. She and Reina could impress her, all right.

Skykar grinned again as she dashed froward, lowering her body in the process. From her position, it would ooked like she try to slash Reina's waist or bash her with her thick shoulder guard.

Skylar loosen her grip to the sword and tilting it down a bit. As she come closer, Skylar make a use of her height advantage. She swung her wooden sword, slashing it diagonally from below. If she fail to hit her, Skylar will jump forward and hit her with her shoulder guard. That'll knock her good.
Reina Kavot

Reina frowned at that. "Well, I suppose you're right on that," she muttered, brown eye narrowing. Reina stepped back as Skylar did, before the girl began to charge forward, blade in hand, as if to tackle her, or slash towards her waist. Reina chuckled. "Just what I'd do," she muttered, standing there waiting. As Skylar drew close, Reina jumped to the right, parrying the girl's cut, before swinging out with her foot in an attempt to knock Skylar over. She too could hear the hush that had fallen over the crowd, and had figured that it truly was the Queen, and that she was watching their little spar. "You're a good fighter, Skylar," Reina said plainly, still none too happy with the comment from earlier. She didn't know if it was an insult or not, but either way it was drawing her mind back to her unsavory past.
"And you are too... But do you seriously think that I can be tripped down with such a weak kick?" Skylar said, as Reina's swung her foot in attempt to knock her down. If she could be knocked on her foot that easy, she wouldn't be guarding the Queen.

Skylar dashed in again, thrusting her sword forward for several quick jab. For a moment, Skylar wished that she have a shield.
Reina Kavot

Reina chuckled, stepping back, wincing in pain slightly. "Hoped so," she said simply, holding her blade infront of her, as Skylar dashed in, thrusting her blade forward in a few, sudden, quick jabs. Reina tried her best to knock each jab at her aside with her own blade, Skylar moving too quickly for her to get in and counter after she had deflected a jab. However, on the last one, Reina stepped to the right, slashing her blade down vertically, hoping that The Wall was too heavy and cumbersome to dodge it. The fight seemed to be a bit harder than she had anticipated, and at this particular moment, she was rather heavily wishing to herself that she still had her Mace. That way, she wouldn't have to worry about Skylar's blasted armor. Her mace would simply smash and crumple it beneath its heavy head.

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